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1、SQL数据库安装教程SQL2000数据库安装教程SQL数据库安装教程最终修订时间:2012-03-25 安装SQL Server 2000共需要两步,安装SQL Server 2000数据库组件,安装 SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4SQL Server 2000 安装教程注意:Win2000个人版、Win XP安装SQL2000的个人版戒开发版、Win2000专业版、企业版、Win2003安装SQL2000的企业版、详细的安装过程将企业版安装光盘插入光驱后,出现以下提示框。请选择安装SQL Serverdilige nee to the orga ni zati

2、on. Three serious exercise tight style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublicand joy, con sciously p ractice the three SunsI嚓5Microsk-图1咨!st标胃用碍二严*寧 Atal厂L才二:J3*7 也ffror li no图2选择下一步,然后选择本地计算机进行安装.di

3、lige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tightstyle.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen thestrict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublicand p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n painand joy, con sciously

4、 p ractice the three Suns济宁恒拓科技PcmH陥J0亦.训 驴(计 丈于字-5 祖 eiTG、就 1 111M 疋1盲轰心t S1 triaufl 爺?t 严龍 逍 S 拣裁 产羞西计利戟件-在可nJ零换联蠱屈 矗机二S电?询猜MiSi瀬吨站F d讖鳖世豐啓警驚旎濫繼越史長建巴将关氐上_挣(B?龍 西 I在安装定义窗口 ,选择服务器和客户端工具选项进行安装。我们需要将服务器和客户端同时安装,这样在同一台机器上,我们可以完成相关的所有操作,对 于我们学习SQL Server很有用处。如果你已经在其它机器上安装了 SQL Server,则可以只安style.Educatio

5、 n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns0装客户端工具,用于对其它机器上SQL Server的存取。品翦爭SS3容户抽工具向 1 -

6、- r - -n- - - HI 在实例名窗口 ,选择默讣的实例名称。这时本SQL Server的名称将和Windows 2000服务器的名称相同。例如笔者的 Windows服务器名称是Darkroad,kMn :|1 瞰山 |在安装类型窗口,选择典型安装选项,并指定目的文件夹。程序和 数据。笔文件的默讣安装位置都是 C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server者因为C盘是系统区、D盘是应用区,因此选择了 D盘。注意,如果您的数据库数据有10万条以上的话,请预留至少1G的存储空间,以应付需求庞大的日志空间和索引空 间。style.Educatio n Guide pa

7、rty members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns唱至他專變的冬姜类塾然官樂击1下一歩丑釀量宵堵的选顼-崖说一噸鬼戸贰就祕瓠倍町ass琲的诡晅*建识陈sffi户护用毗

8、fts嶄.时克件蜚动H上的商丰壻*阀?聊上的空何 塾霑交憚舌蓝4翱上皓塾鏈_30205 E19039: 1:365*4 r203121 K L06M21 K 7SfSi2| ttJfl SQL S rT-BT脚go I 上一gxaj下一茜qj ”图10在服务账号窗口 ,请选择对每个服务使用统一账户. 的选项。在服务设置处,选择使用本地系统账户。如果需要使用域用户账户的话,请将 该用户添加至Windows Server的本机管理员组中。衲尊遐).I -吿眾JI下豹旳 I图11dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tig

9、ht style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns济宁恒拓科技在身份验证模式窗口 ,请选择混合模式. 选项,并

10、设置管理员sa账 号的密码。如果您的目的只是为了学习的话,可以将该密码设置为空,以方便登录。如果是真正的应用系统,则千万需要设置和保管好该密码!:,如果需要更高的安全 性,则可以选择Windows身份验证模式,这时就只有 Windows Server的本地用户和域用户才能使用SQL Server 了。传总式*诚知詡想处证和暫环已、斟倚離狂】ltdii踊仏娜是rr空密坯1帯览? AUft I 上一乎0ii下一爭雷图12在选择许可模式窗口 ,根据您购买的类型和数量输入,0表示没有数量限制,。每客户表示同一时间最多允许的连接数,处理器许可证表示该服务器最 多能安装多少个CPU,嘻嘻,别选得太多,越多

11、越贵呀!:,dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tight style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy,

12、con sciously p ractice the three SunsSQLSeEVM 20M蛊持两种容户端许可舉式同礙牒严歸帥昨嚣吹单饉P;莎嗨客P-每命访闽WE曲車L$ergr2(00前设铤都需 冃单要单独的驾戶端达问许可证诸单击幫肋苍钮&明确理睥斷选许吋握式的含义*许可複式 0 E0 rHnjRv.-毎客尸匡F醴续四IpMmine.Lcm.c n图13然后就是约10分钟左右的安装时间,安装完毕后,出现该界面,并新增了以下的 菜单。如果您是个初学者,就可以先打开联机丛书,做一个简单的学习啦!I 厂;诗 .*j- _0二事击就r将紀扳康总|:丘?芬二3, - _ -丽丽丽 而pFTHdi

13、lige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tightand p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns济宁恒拓科技图14 馥辱入弟華出藪S电服箒管理器J服錄器网鍋实用亍具瘩端珂裁实用工舅S事悴探査黔適 在115中配逡兔t炉L支持图15SQL Server 2000 SP4 安装r-K. 鼻_| 1 Bicro-Eoft SSJL S*a

14、rr ctQ 烫p佔t安M瓠=175娶饕ffl导允诱便JUS 50L ,30凹的量日其洌*第二步:在“软件许可证协议”窗口中,点击“是”,进入下一步。dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tightand p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns率I iSMfTSm可盪.K ftS Kwa锲阑卿迎前凤E無分.:飯BPStfT

15、沁 $ 孤VEE 2WK 凶 51时1翻 FACE*S聽用户许可协说朴亜协iftificwsvrr萃件的轅件T和话ujLisi实塞忑E总mp吒可协说n克tfl谀L/ )亠里吳憂或皎丰冋慕孵蛍玉S贰储翳戢件.L. Ml.件产廷用期醸媒沐&rw-妄机或电字丈裆订歿重午国皤問旳I岬二J f2基吾摄曼豹蓟许01应巒滾申的斷屯晏誌戸書I莊曹?1區1其用, 如果農Sft牡會列Fl掘匸空沖 乩rd* Pidt i *密必三语HHHt臨迎,上一芳旦? 虽曜)I 誉 1r M鑿蛊救U囂惟婪EerwsP施S iSfcfefPtta Ssfc 繼匕鹼后晕击T一歩-希为札卄聲抑上SdL削问耐諮黄腌理 Soviet -

16、豐詡扎射名棘必姦不翅过11卜享哥J轉且甲現手曙戒 黑它奸轲幵头.育長更参用息,讳牟h帮助1 上一歩取丽i第四步:在“连接到服务器”窗口中,根据安装SQL Server 2000时的登录方式设置。style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati ons

17、hip betwee n painGtand joy, con sciously p ractice the three SunsSQL $_1瑙员養彙信星C SQL 问 用I I n _- - - 3 - = 1 I 百上一樹冕)|t-善尬) 钮 I升级Microsoft Search 并应用SQL Server 2000第五步:在接下来的窗口中,勾选“SP4,必需,。”dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tight style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres

18、to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Sunsso Je 加3in&r匸Pl J jiZKl弊蟲瞬晟熾置IS關融蔬聽蠹罷黑蟲韶r沖用袁重建硼筒*全*跚萃老全站甬.诸电4T酋的尬删陌升统Hicrsjoh SB

19、;h开惡用園t員ET 却0踽+ 时阿h席 -(ftrti追ads莪晦TSM =*爭ifi咗阳砂第六步:点击“确定”。dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tight style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty a

20、nd luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns济宁恒拓科技。第七步:点击“下一步”BJ3iliiiWW驚 I 榦0SHXQCi hl CT 4S ft. urt/亡曉r lltLr O.沁S 39L 5cf*fr tt辭挥馭噺賀IBS佟fe.EliB /a_ fcicT ft. urt?e-T iitLro. :Mur廿sofl? I. 1. -BJ. 、J I - _ILIn SS馮僉報遅TfiS旳垒孔B业re匸*t聊肋涉 I 戦亠III 二 4_- : acj

21、.上-哎臂血Ml g構 I第八步:开始安装补丁包。如下图:dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tight style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship

22、betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Sunsj A第九步:在下面的弹出对话框中,点击“确定”之前,请备份您的数据库,然后点击“确定”。安装完毕Q 国花遵體阳carter轴怛心品粥3&肇S対毗魂妄赖己更脈了它汨的內峯在“开始”-“程序” -“ Microsoft SQL Server ”中启劢“服务管理器”dilige nee to the orga ni zati on. Three serious exercise tight style.Educatio n Guide party members and cadres to con sta ntly dee pen the strict and real un dersta nding and correctly han dle the low p ublic and p rivate, and rot, thrifty and luxury, the relati onship betwee n pain and joy, con sciously p ractice the three Suns

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