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1、名词性从句配套练习名词性从句配套练习Just have a go. Can you choose the best answer to each sentence?(自我诊断)1. With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased _ he was a man of action. ( 2006 湖南 )A. which B. that C. what D. whether2. We havent settled the question of _it is necessary

2、for him to study abroad. ( 2006江苏 )A. if B. where C. whether D. that3._makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.(2006辽宁 )A. WhatB. WhoC. Whatever D. Whoever 4. See the flags on top of the building? That was_we did this morning. ( 2006全国I )A. when B. which C. where D. what5.

3、 Please remind me_he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. ( 2006全国I )A. where B. when C. how D. what6. - What did your parents think about your decision?- They always let me do _ I think I should. ( 2006全国III )A. when B. thatC. how D. what 7. One advantage of playing the guitar is _ i

4、t can give you a great deal of pleasure.(2006上海 )A. how B. why C. that D. when (keys: BCA DBDC) 找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. Can you tell me how many students are there in your class?2. I dont know where has he gone. 3. The owner of the shop came to see what the matter was.规律一:名词性从句中须使用陈述语序!1. I have always

5、 been honest and straightforward, and it doesnt matter _ Im talking to. A. who is it B. who it is C. it is who D. it is whom2. These shoes look very good. I wonder _. A. how much cost they are B. how much do they cost C. how much they cost D. how much are they cost3. Someone is ringing the doorbell.

6、 Go and see_. A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is(keys: BCD) 找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. If we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.2. It depends on if the weather is suitable for us to do it.3. The question is if he himself will be present at the meeting.4. He asked me if I could go

7、with him or not.规律二: 5种情况只能用whether :(1)位于句子开头; (2)前面有介词;(3)引导表语从句; (4)与or not连用(书); (5)引导同位语从句1.We havent settled the question of _ it is necessary for him to study abroad. A. if B. where C. whether D. that 2. _ (他是否出过国) doesnt make much difference. (he, abroad)3. _ well go camping tomorrow depends

8、 on the weather. A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where That / what1. _ he wants is a book.2. _ _ he wants to go there is obvious.3. The result is _ we won the game.4. This is _ we want to know.5. Is _ he told us true ?6. We should pay attention to _ the teacher is saying.7. I have no doubt _ he will com

9、e.8. I have no idea _ he did that afternoon.Practice:1. By improving reading skills, you can read faster and understand more of _ you read. A. that B. what C. which D. whether2. _parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children. A. That B. Which C. What D. As3. Some researchers believe th

10、at there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether4. -Its thirty years since we last met. - But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rainy night. A. which B. that C. what D. when 找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. I had no idea what he had change

11、d his mind.2. That we cant get seems better than that we have.3. The police were called in to find out that caused the big fire.4. That you have done might do harm to other people.规律三: (1) that : 无意义,不充当成分, and/ or/ but/ 并列连词引导的多个宾语从句中的that, 第一个可省略,第二个及以后的均不可省略。 (2) what :有意义( “所 的,的”),表示特指概念;充当成分(主

12、、宾、表、定);不可省略。 that / (that)1. I dont think _ she is coming.2. It is a pity _ he has made such a mistake.3. The reason is _ he is careless .4. The news _ our team won the match inspired us.5. I dont think it necessary _ you should read English aloud.6. He told me _ his father had died and _ he had to

13、 make a living alone. 找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. Whoever will speak at the meeting has not been decided yet.2. Who breaks the law shall be punished.3. Go and find out whatever the child wants.4. He will give his daughter what she wants.规律四:(1) what 类词(who/ which/ whom/ when/ where/ how): 有疑问意义,表示特指概念, 充当成

14、分。 (2) whatever类词 (whoever/ whichever/ whomever/ whenever/ wherever): 有意义,“凡是 的,无论的,所有的”),无疑问意义,表示泛指概念;充当成分。相当于anyone who, anything that, any one that/ who, any time when, any place where.Practice:1._ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. W

15、hoever2. - Could you do me a favor? - It depends on _ it is. A. which B. whichever C. what D. whatever3. These wild flowers are so special I would do _ I can to save them. A. whatever B. that C. which D. whichever 4. Eat _ cake you like and leave the others for _ comes in late. A. any; who B. every;

16、 whoever C. whichever; whoever D. either; whoever 判断下列句子是否错误,并总结出规律:1. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.2. Whoever you are, you must observe the law.3. No matter what you do, you must do it well.4. No matter who leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.规律五:(1) no matter what 类词(w

17、ho/ which/ whom/ when/ where/ how): 只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句与whatever类词互换。 (2) whatever类词 (whoever/ whichever/ whomever/ whenever/ wherever)(除however外):既可以引导名词性从句,又可引导让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句时,能与no matter what类词互换。 (3) however只能引导让步状语从句。Practice:1. Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales, please?

18、A. anyone B. someone C. whoever D. no matter who2. _ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. A. No matter what B. No matter which C. Whatever D. Whichever3. The old tower must be saved, _ the cost. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever 4. He tried his best to s

19、olve the problem, _ difficult it was. A. however B. no matter C. whatever D. although 判断下列句子是否错误,并总结出规律:1. What he spoke yesterday is worth talking about now.2. I have known when he will go abroad for his further study.3. I know that he is playing computer games in his room.4. We will tell you tomor

20、row what they were doing at 8:00 yesterday.规律六:若主句是现在或将来时,从句的时态根据实际, 用所需要的时态(各种时态形式),不受主句时态的限制。 判断下列句子是否错误,并总结出规律:1. He said that he had done his homework before watching TV .2. I was reading a novel when someone rang the doorbell.3. Man knew 900 years ago that the earth goes around the sun.4. We to

21、ld you what they would do at 8:00 tomorrow.规律七:(1) 若主句是过去时,名词性从句的时态根据实际,用过去的某种时态形式,受主句时态的限制。 (2)若主句是过去时, 名词性从句若是真理或客观事实,则从句时态仍用一般现在时态。 判断下列句子是否错误,并总结出规律:1. He wishes that he could fly in the sky just like a free bird.2. It is the first/ second time that he has been to Chain.3. It is (high) time that

22、 we had our class now.4. It is / has been 10 years since he left his home.规律八: (1) 若主句动词是wish,名词性从句的时态必须用过去的某一种时态,不用现在的某种时态形式,也不用一般将来时。(2)若主句为It is (high) time that时,从句 用一般过去时,或用 “should + 动词原形”。(3)若主句为It is / has been 10 years since ,则从句用一般过去时态。(4)若主句为It is the first/ second time that,则从句用现在完成时态。 P

23、ractice:1. As soon as he comes back, Ill tell him when _ and see him. A. you will come B. will you come C. you come D. do you come2. -Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. -Oh! I thought they _ without me. A. went B. are going C. have gone D. had gone3. When you get the pap

24、er back, pay attention to what _ . A. have marked B. have been marked C. had marked D. had been marked 4. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _ in science and technology. A. had discovered B. had been discovered C. has discovered D. has been discovered 找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. We sugges

25、ted that we would go to the cinema.2. My suggestion is that we must do our homework first.3. His suggestion that we went there on foot is acceptable.规律九:注意虚拟语气的使用!(主、宾、表、同)1. -Dont you think it necessary that he _ to Miami but to New York? -I agree, but the problem is _ he has refused to. A. will no

26、t be sent; that B. not be sent; that C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what2. Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _ a medical examination. A. be; should have B. was; have C. should be; had D. was; has 找出下列句子中的错误,并总结出规律:1. I think that worthwhile

27、 that we spent so much money on these books.2. That is hard to decide when and where we will held our sports meeting.3. Everybody considers it impossible which he wants to finish the job in such a short time. 4. It doesnt matter that you will come or not.规律十:主语从句和宾语从句在适当的情况下可以借助 “it” 而后置。1. He didnt

28、 make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held. A. this B. that C. it D. these 2. Our club is open to adults only. _ your children have entered without permission. A. There seems that B. It seems to be C. There seems to be D. It seems that 3. I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear

29、and bright. A. this B. that C. it D. one 分析下列句子中的插入语及分割现象,并总结出规律:1. - What did your parents think about your decision? - They always let me do _ I think I should. A. when B. that C. how D. what 2. Mum is coming. What present _ for your birthday? A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got C.

30、 do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got规律十一: (1)在陈述句中(含分割现象): 暂时忽略插入语,不受其干扰;或还原为正常语序。(2)在疑问句中:正常语序是:“特殊疑问词开头 + 插入语 (do you think/ believe/ guess/ suppose/ say /suggest/ / are you sure) + 陈述语序?”1. Danby left word with my secretary _ he would call again in the afternoon. A. who B. that C. as D. which2. Nobody believe his reason for being absent from class _ he had to met his uncle at the airport. A. why B. that C. where

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