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A Private War《私人战争》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

1、A Private War私人战争完整中英文对照剧本最后一个问题Last question.五十年后 某个年轻人会从箱子里Fifty years from now, some youngsters gonna pull this disc拿出这盘光碟out of a box.也许会对成为一名战地记者说长道短and maybe make a judgment about becoming a journalist.你想让年轻人了解玛丽 科尔文What would you want that youngster to know about Marie Colvin以及她作为一名战地记者的哪些方面呢

2、and about being a war correspondent?非常难的问题Very difficult question.就像在写自己的讣告Its like writing, uh, your own obituary.我希望当我回头看人生的时候 我能说I suppose to look back at it and say, you know, I cared enough我很在意去这些地方并写出一些to go to these places and write, in some way,能让别人像我当时那样something that would make someone els

3、e在意它的作品care as much about it as I did at the time.有一点就是你无法到达你要去的地方Part of it is youre never gonna get to where youre going如果你承认恐惧的话if you acknowledge fear.我认为恐惧来得晚一些I think fear comes later,在一切都结束的时候when its all over.英国伦敦去霍姆斯的前11年- 你卡住了吗 - 是啊Are you stuck? Yeah.卡在结尾了Struggling with the end.英雄总能抱得美人归

4、The hero always gets the girl.这是本关于海战的书Its a book about naval warfare,但你说的我会记住的but I will keep that in mind.我们真应该复婚We should get married again.上次的效果不太好 对不对It didnt work so well last time, did it?我们可以去航海We can go sailing.我正在看安提瓜岛呢 太美了I was looking at Antigua. Its beautiful.我想再试试要孩子I wanna try for a b

5、aby again.我觉得这不是个好主意I dont think thats a good idea.为什么Why not?我们试过了We tried.你也不再年轻了Youre not 35 anymore.- 佐伊 - 我在Zoe? Yeah.- 西蒙在巴勒斯坦吗 - 不在呢Is Simon in Palestine? No.该死的 每日电讯报的人已经到了Oh, for fucks sake. The Telegraph are already there.我们要拿不到阿♥拉♥法特的独家了Were gonna lose the scoop on Arafat.还有

6、谁能去Who else could go?该死Oh, shit.蓝屏死机了吗Blue screen of death.让我来Let me, um.你只要按住Control Alt Delete键You just control, alt and then delete,等大概三四秒钟and then you just hold it down for, like, three or four seconds.就好了There you go.谢谢 你是新来的吗Thanks. Are you new?是的 我是凯特 理查森Yeah, I am. Im Kate Richardson.上周刚来国际组

7、Just started on the foreign desk last week.- 真好 我是玛丽 科尔文 - 我知道你Oh, great. Marie Colvin. Yeah, I know who you are.我是你的超级粉 一直想找机会向您请教Im your biggest fan. Id love to pick your brain sometime.我的第一条建议Well. My first word of advice就是别做他让你做的 任何事is dont do anything he tries to get you to do.谁啊Who?玛丽 我要你去巴勒斯坦

8、 不是斯里兰卡Hey, Marie. I need you in Palestine, not Sri Lanka.肖恩 那边没有战争报道Sean, there is an unreported war there.是的 因为那里是记者的禁区Yes, because journalists have been banned超过六年了for more than six years.我没法让你去I cant let you go.成千上万的饥荒儿童Thousands of starving children.如果政♥府♥发现你了 他们会杀了你If the governm

9、ent catches you, theyll kill you.我和泰米尔反叛组织的领导人有个会面Look, I have an interview with a Tamil rebel leader.找别人吧Find someone else.斯里兰卡Sri Lanka.斯里兰卡 瓦尼战区政♥府♥拒绝让联♥合♥国♥救援队通过他们的封锁线The government refuses to let UN aid through their siege lines.政♥府♥否认在瓦尼地区的禁令Wel

10、l, the governments denying theres an embargo on the Vanni.政♥府♥在撒谎The government lies.您一直以敢于说真话而著称 科尔文小姐You have a reputation for speaking honestly, Miss Colvin.人们听信于你People listen to you.你一定要让世界知道You must let the world know泰米尔猛虎组织愿意接受政♥治♥协商the Tamil Tigers are willing for

11、 a political settlement.我们只要求平等权利We only demand equal rights.看 这就又回到了英国殖民统治那套了Look, that all goes back to British colonial rule.我改变不了它I cant fix that.再说了 这不是我来这的原因Anyway, thats not why Im here.那你想写什么Then what will you write about?这里有一半人不能填饱肚子Half of the people living here are starving,另一半人生病得不到救助and

12、 the other half are sick.没错 政♥府♥正在封锁救援线Sure, the government is blockading aid,但哪怕一点点通过封锁线的物资but what little gets through都被你们猛虎军私吞了is stolen by your own Tiger army.这里有人死亡 但没有人知道There are people dying here and nobody knows its happening.在战区 父母晚上去睡觉的时候In war zones, parents go to bed at ni

13、ght并不知他们的孩子 能否见到第二天的旭日not knowing if their children will see the morning.这是一种我无法体会的恐惧That is a measure of fear that I can never feel.但当你正在报道一场战争的时候But when youre covering a war,你必须去一些你可能被杀死的地方you have to go to places where you could be killed,或者其他人正在被杀的地方or where others are being killed.去那边Go there.

14、一步接一步.and put one foot in front of the other不管你有多害怕no matter how afraid you are让苦难成为记录的一部分to make that suffering part of the record.安全吗 穿过去安全吗Is it safe? Is it safe to walk through?只有这条路能出去 只有这一边Only this way out. Only this side.- 这是唯一出去的路吗 - 是这条Is this the only way out? This way.好的Okay.玛丽 小心Marie,

15、be careful.趴下Stay down.我没带武器Im not armed!记者 美国人Journalist! American!把你手拿开 我看不到了Get your hands off me. I cant see.- 把你手拿开 我看不到了 - 冷静 没事的Get your hands off me. I cant see. Calm down. Its okay.我在哪 天哪 我看不见了Where am I? Oh, my God. I cant see.- 你必须休息 科尔文小姐 - 我要我的笔记本You must rest, Miss Colvin. I need my no

16、tebook.安抚Conc.安抚的话对泰米尔西尔万来说并不容易Conciliatory words do not come easy to Thamilselvan,这位泰米尔猛虎组织的二号♥领导人the second in command of the Tamil Tigers.他拄的拐杖The walking stick he carries是他在战争中三次负伤的荣耀is a legacy of the three times he was shot in battle自为了独♥立♥而发起的血战以来since the beginning of th

17、e bloody war for independence.大卫 开门David. Door.我来了Ive got it.他带着温柔和关心的眼神望着我Hes looking at me with such tenderness and concern我都快受不了了 他说and I just cant stand it anymore, and he says,我们可以试着医好眼睛We can try to save the eye.我说 不可能 除非你把这该死的鲸鱼音乐关掉And I said, Not until you turn off that fucking whale music.宝

18、贝 我来Whoa, whoa! Hey, babe, let me.不 别帮我 别他妈帮我No, dont help me. Dont you dare fucking help me.好了 这是最后一瓶 好好倒All right, this is our last bottle. Get it right.桌上的红酒比我家里储藏还多The table has had more wine than I have.加油 加油Go on. Go on.听听这个Oh, heres one.我们泰米尔人为你这位We Tamils are so proud勇敢的外国记者感到自豪 玛丽 科尔文of you

19、r brave foreign correspondent, Marie Colvin.我们对她来访瓦尼地区Aw. We appreciate her visit to the Vanni area并将新闻传递给外界表示感激to bring the news to the outside world,我们祝她早日康复and we wish her, Get well soon.斯汀和楚蒂也向你祝好Wow. Sting and Trudie wish you well, too,他们说很多名人and they said there are lots of famous people都是一只眼失明

20、了who are blind in one eye.像小山米戴维斯Um, Sammy Davis Jr.电台司令里那个家伙The bloke from Radiohead.詹姆斯乔伊斯 摩西达扬James Joyce. Moshe Dayan.摩西达扬Moshe Dayan.他们都戴着眼罩Oh! They all wore eye patches.眼罩 这想法可真棒Eye patch. What an amazing idea.这是我听过最烂的意见That is the worst idea Ive ever heard.亲爱的 我他妈可不是海盗Babe. Im not a fucking p

21、irate.你看起来棒极了Youd look great.你看起来更性感了You would look so sexy.- 对我来说 亲爱的 - 的确如此For me, my darling. This is absolutely happening.这是艾米Heres Amy.- 你看起来棒极了 玛丽 - 你看起来真棒You look great, Marie. You look amazing.- 见到你真好 - 我也是So good to see you. You, too. You, too.祝贺你Congratulations.代表报社 对你表示由衷感谢On behalf of th

22、e newspaper, a very large thank you.- 我能请你喝一杯吗 - 算了 我来吧Can I get you another drink? No. Let me.我就让你们俩聊工作吧I will leave you two to talk shop.谢了Thank you.- 别站那 我看不到你 - 抱歉Dont stand there. I cant see you. Oh, sorry.- 这里好点了吗 - 嗯Is that better? Yeah.- 这是你能找到的最好看的了吗 - 是的Was that the best you have? Yeah.- 大

23、家都说它蠢 - 照片吗People are calling it stupid. The picture?不 是你去那No, you going in.我觉得蠢是写一个专栏Well, I think stupid is writing a column关于你昨晚去的晚宴about the dinner party you went to last night.报社会为你做任何事 你知道的 不是吗The paper will do anything you want. You know that, dont you?任何事吗Anything?是的 你曾经是我们国际组的宝藏Yeah, you we

24、re our best asset on the foreign desk.曾经吗Were?我不会放弃我的报导的 肖恩Im not hanging up my flak jacket, Sean.好的 很高兴我们弄清楚了Good. Glad we got that cleared up.女士们 先生们 我们的年度驻外记者Ladies and gentlemen, our Foreign Correspondent of the Year,因赢得星期日泰♥晤♥士♥报♥known for racking up the largest sat

25、phone bill史上最大额卫星电♥话♥账单而出名的in Sunday Times history,我们的当代传奇our very own living legend,玛丽 科尔文Marie Colvin你做过噩梦吗Do you ever have nightmares?- 什么 - 噩梦What? Nightmares.有关你在战场的From when you were in the field.做过啊Yeah.波斯尼亚Bosnia.塞尔维亚士兵拿着砍下的头摆造型Serb soldiers posing with decapitated heads.他们看上去对

26、自己很满意They seemed very pleased with themselves.有时还会做Still have it sometimes.你准备什么时候打给她When were you gonna call her?谁Who?那个女孩The girl.我猜你有她电♥话♥Im guessing you got her number.谢谢 收下吧Thank you. Keep it.是的 好吧 我有她电♥话♥Yeah, yeah, okay, I got her number.我准备明天打给她I was gonna call he

27、r tomorrow.或者后天 或者不打了 我也不知道Or maybe the day after. Or maybe I wasnt. I dont know.这就是你对我的尊重Thats the level of respect you have for me.得了吧 你总是不断离开我Oh, come on, you are constantly leaving me去一些很远的地方for some faraway place.不管什么 我总是在这里等着你Despite that, Ive always been here for you.我从没要求你这么做I never asked yo

28、u to be.你就不应该去斯里兰卡You shouldnt have gone to Sri Lanka.我很久之前就让你停下来I told you to stop all this so long ago,你就像飞蛾扑火一样and you are like a moth to a bloody flame.我是说 看看你I mean, look at you.你曾那么美You were so beautiful.滚吧Well, fuck off.继续 滚吧 写你的小说去Go on. Fuck off, back to your novels.把你手从我身上拿开 手拿开Hey, get yo

29、ur hands off me. Hands off.伊♥拉♥克♥边境 2003去霍姆斯的前9年玛丽小姐Miss Mary.穆拉德Mourad.你钻进了一个装土豆的卡车里You came in the potato truck!我钻进了一个装土豆的卡车里I came in the potato truck.酷啊 眼罩不错Nice. Nice eye patch.谢谢你 穆拉德Oh, thank you, Mourad.你怎么样And how are you?我毫发无伤地坚持到了午饭时间 谢天谢地Ah, I made it to lunchtime in

30、 one piece, so Im thankful.该死 我们要迟到了Shit. You know, were gonna be late.我想在绿区拿点东西I wanna pick something up in the Green Zone在我们去费卢杰之前before we go to Fallujah.行 没问题Okay. Yalla. Yalla.见到你真好 玛丽小姐So good to see you, Miss Mary.见到你很开心Am I glad to see you.但在这While here,你们被看作是联盟临时管理局的客人you are considered guests of the Coalition Provisional Authority.特派记者拒绝遵守Refusal to cooperate with t

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