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本文(《牛津书虫系列绿野仙踪》电子插画版英语教学课外读物(含翻译).doc)为本站会员(O****)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、牛津书虫系列 绿野仙踪电子插画版英语教学课外读物(含翻译)1.The cycloneDorothy lived in a small house in Kansas, with Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and a little black dog called Toto.There were no trees and no hills in Kansas, and it was often very windy. Sometimes the wind came very fast and very suddenly. That was a cyclone, and it c

2、ould blow trees and people and buildings away. There were cellars under all the houses. And when a cyclone came, people went down into their cellars and stayed there.One day Uncle Henry came out and looked up at the sky. Then he ran quickly back into the house.Theres a cyclone coming, he called to A

3、unt Em and Dorothy. We must go down into the cellar!They ran to the door of the cellar, but Toto was afraid, and he ran under the bed. Dorothy ran after him.Quick! shouted Aunt Em from the cellar. Leave the dog and come down into the cellar!Dorothy picked up Toto and ran to the cellar door. But befo

4、re she got there, the cyclone hit the house.And then a very strange thing happened.The house moved, and then it went slowly up, up, up into the sky. Aunt Em and Uncle Henry were down in the cellar under the ground, but the house, Dorothy, and Toto went up to the top of the cyclone. Dorothy looked th

5、rough the open cellar door and saw hills and houses, a long way down. She closed the cellar door quickly.The wind blew the house along for many hours. At first Dorothy was afraid.But we cant do anything about it, she said to Toto. So lets wait and see. And after two or three hours, she and Toto went

6、 to sleep.When Dorothy opened her eyes again, the house was on the ground and everything was quiet. She picked up Toto, opened the door, and went out. They saw tall trees and beautiful flowers, and little houses with blue doors.Dorothy gave a little cry. This isnt Kansas, Toto! And who are these peo

7、ple?There were three very short men in blue hats, coats and trousers, and a little old woman in a beautiful white dress. The woman walked up to Dorothy and said, Thank you, thank you! Now the people are free!Why are you thanking me? Dorothy asked.You killed the Witch of the East, said the woman. She

8、 was a bad witch, and her people, the Munchkins, were very afraid of her. Now she is dead, and we and the Munchkins want to thank you.The little old woman and the three little men all smiled happily at Dorothy, but Dorothy did not understand.But I didnt kill anybody! she said.Your house fell on the

9、Witch, laughed the little woman. Look! You can see her feet!Dorothy looked, and saw two feet, with red shoes, under the house. Suddenly, one of the Munchkins gave a shout. Look! Her feet are disappearing in the hot sun.A second later, there were only the red shoes.Good, said the little woman. She pi

10、cked up the shoes and gave them to Dorothy. Theyre your shoes now. You must wear them, because a witchs shoes can sometimes do wonderful things.Thank you, said Dorothy. But who are you? Are you a Munchkin?No, but Im their friend. Im the Witch of the North, and I came to see the dead Witch of the Eas

11、t. But dont be afraid-Im a good witch.But Aunt Em says there arent any witches.Oh yes, there are! said the Witch. Here in the country of Oz we have four witches. The witches of the North and the South are good witches, but those of the East and the West are bad witches. Now the Witch of the East is

12、dead, so there is only one bad witch. We have a famous wizard, too. We call him the Wizard of Oz, and he lives in the Emerald City. How many witches and wizards do you have in your country?We dont have any, said Dorothy. Suddenly she remembered Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. How can I get back home to Kan

13、sas? she asked.Where is Kansas? asked the good Witch. I dont know a country called Kansas, so I cant tell you the way.Dorothy began to cry. Oh dear! What can I do?Please dont cry! said the Witch. Go and see the Wizard of Oz. Hes a good wizard, and perhaps he can help you. Its a long way, and you mus

14、t walk there. I cant go with you, but I can give you my kiss.She gave Dorothy a little kiss. It looked like a small red flower on Dorothys face.Now nothing can hurt you, she said. Look-there is the road to the Emerald City. It is made of yellow bricks, so you cannot lose your way. Goodbye.Goodbye! s

15、aid the three little Munchkins.In the house Dorothy found some bread and some apples, and she put them all in a bag. Then she put on her blue and white dress. Now I look nice, she said. She looked down at her old shoes. Then she remembered the bad Witchs red shoes, and put them on.She picked up her

16、bag of food. Come on, Toto! she called. Were going to find the Wizard of Oz.翻译1.龙卷风多萝西和她的舅舅亨利、舅妈埃姆以及小黑狗托托住在堪萨斯州的一幢小房子里。堪萨斯没有树也没有山,却常常刮风。有时候会突然刮起风速极大的风,这就是龙卷风,它能将树木和人甚至房屋卷走,因而每幢房屋都有地下室。当龙卷风刮起时,人们就钻进地下室躲起来。一天,亨利舅舅走出房子,抬头看了看天空。然后他飞快地跑进屋去。龙卷风就要来了,他冲埃姆舅妈和多萝西喊道,我们得进地下室!他们跑向地下室的门口,可托托受了惊吓,钻到了床底下。于是多萝西追了过去。





21、一些面包和几个苹果,她把它们装进了一个包里。然后她换上了她那条蓝白花色的裙子。现在我可漂亮了。她自言自语道。看了看自己的旧鞋子,她想起坏女巫的那双红鞋,于是就换上了。她拿起装食物的包。走,托托!她喊道,我们去找奥兹魔法师。2The yellow brick roadDorothy and Toto walked along the yellow brick road for a long time. When they were tired, they stopped in a field by the road. Not far away, there was a scarecrow, an

22、d Dorothy and Toto walked across to look at it.Good day, said the Scarecrow.Oh! said Dorothy. You can speak!Of course I can speak, said the Scarecrow. But I cant move, up here on this pole. Id like to get down. Can you help me?Carefully, Dorothy took the Scarecrow off his pole.Thank you very much, s

23、aid the Scarecrow. He moved his arms and legs, and straw went everywhere. Who are you? he asked. And where are you going?Im Dorothy, and Im going to the Emerald City. I want to go home to Kansas, but I dont know the way. Im going to ask the Wizard of Oz for help.Where is the Emerald City? asked the

24、Scarecrow. And who is the Wizard of Oz? I dont know anything, you see, because I have no brains in my head-only straw.Oh dear! said Dorothy. Im very sorry.I would very much like to have some brains, the Scarecrow said. Can I go to the Emerald City with you? Perhaps the Wizard of Oz can give me some

25、brains. What do you think?I dont know, said Dorothy. But yes, please come with me. Hes a famous wizard, so perhaps he can help you. She felt very sorry for the Scarecrow. Dont be afraid of Toto, she said. He never hurts people.Nothing can hurt me, said the Scarecrow. Im not afraid of anything. Well,

26、 thats not true. I am afraid of fire, of course.Dorothy walked along the road with her new friend. Soon she began to feel hungry, so she sat down and she and Toto ate some bread and apples. Would you like some, Scarecrow? said Dorothy.No, thank you, said the Scarecrow. I dont need to eat or drink. Y

27、ou cant eat when youre made of straw. Now, tell me about your home.So Dorothy told him about Kansas, and Uncle Henry and Aunt Em, and the cyclone.But why do you want to leave this beautiful country? asked the Scarecrow. Kansas, you say, has no trees, no green hills, no gardens. I dont understand.Tha

28、ts because you have no brains, said Dorothy. Kansas is my home. We say, East, west-homes best, and its true. I want to go home.They walked along the road for some hours, and then it got dark. Dorothy was tired, and soon the Scarecrow saw a little house behind some trees. There was nobody there, so t

29、hey went in. Dorothy and Toto slept, but the Scarecrow just stood all night with his eyes open.Scarecrows dont sleep, he said.*In the morning Dorothy looked for water.Why do you want water? asked the Scarecrow.Toto and I are thirsty. And I need to wash.Im sorry for you, said the Scarecrow. You need

30、a lot of things! But you have brains, and you can think, and thats wonderful.They found some water, and Dorothy washed. Then she and Toto ate some bread. Suddenly, they heard a shout from the trees near the house, and they all ran out of the house to look.They saw a man by a big tree, with an axe in

31、 his hand. He was made of tin. He stood very still and shouted Help! again and again.What can I do for you? asked Dorothy.I cant move, said the Tin Man. Please oil me. Theres an oil-can in my house.At once Dorothy ran back to the house and found the oil-can. Then she came back and, with the Scarecrows help, she carefully oiled the Tin Man. Slowly, he began to move, first his head, and then his arms and legs.Thank you, he said. I feel better no

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