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本文(高考必看江西省临川一中届高考英语最后阶段冲刺卷01.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考必看江西省临川一中届高考英语最后阶段冲刺卷01江西省临川一中2008届高考英语最后阶段冲刺卷01命题:江西省临川一中高三英语备课组第一卷(共三部分,共115分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Im _Chinese and I do feel _Chinese language is _most beautiful language . A. /, the, a B. a, /, the C. a, the, / D. a, /, a 22There has

2、 to a well-developed system that can give people a warning when a tsunami(海啸)is the way. Ahavein Bbein Chaveon Dbeon23The film “A World without Thieves” a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema . Aappreciated Benjoyed Cwon Dseized 24Id appreciate if you would turn the radio down .

3、 Athat Bit Cthis Dyou 25. I thought Father would be better, but _it is, he is getting worse, which makes me more worried.A. before B. as C. because D. after26I think youve got to the point a change is needed , otherwise youll fail . Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dthere 27. -What about going to attend his birt

4、hday party tomorrow evening? -Thatll depend on my work, but it _ be a suitable time for me. A. must B. should C. might D. will28I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now? Nothing. I to myself. Ahad only talked Bam only talking Chave just talked Dwas just talking29. After Japan m

5、arked the Diaoyu Island as its own land on a new map, some citizens _an anti-Japanese movement. A. called on B. called in C. called off D. called for30. The most destructive natural disaster, tsunami, came unexpectedly _ the tourists could leave the coast. A. after B. while C. when D. before31.Lend

6、me some more money, will you? Sorry, Ive got at hand myself. You know the MP3 player cost me all I had just now. A. nothing B. no C. none D. not32. As is known to all, Yang Liwei has become a space hero is we have expected. A. that; which B. what; that C. what; which D. that; what33. _ here, come an

7、d have a cup of tea.A. Passing B. To pass C. Pass D. Having passed34. The number 9.11 is a special number, _, I think, that will be remembered by the Americans for ever. A. what B. it C. which D. one35. Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water. _. A. Heard it B. Mad

8、e it C. Got it D. Taken it第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Learn and Earn Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. They both worked very hard. After several years, the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie 36 a sale

9、sman. One day Charlie could not 37 it any more. He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not 38 hard working employees, but only raised those who tried to please him. He thought that it was really 39 . The boss knew that Charlie had spared no 40 for the

10、company all these years, but in order to help Charlie to realize the 41 between him and Jackie, the boss asked Charlie to do the 42 . Go and find out if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market. Charlie went, returned and 43 said, Yes. The boss asked, How much per kg? Charlie went back to t

11、he market to ask and returned to 44 , $ 12 per kg. The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the 45 question. Jackie went, returned and said, Boss, only one person selling watermelons. $ 12 per kg, $ 100 for 10 kg. He has a 46 of 340 melons. On the table are 58 melons, and every melon weighs ab

12、out 15 kg, 47 from the South two days ago. They are fresh, red, and of good 48 . Charlie was 49 and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie. He decided not to 50 but to learn from Jackie. My dear friends, you know, a more 51 person is more observant, thinks more and understands in 52 .

13、 For the same matter, he sees several years ahead, 53 you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, so how could you 54 ? Think: how far have you seen ahead in your life? How 55 are you?36. A. made B. became C. remained D. kept37. A. take B. do C. get D. put38. A. enjo

14、y B. meet C. repay D. value39. A. unusual B. unfair C. careless D. selfless40. A. rest B. trouble C. effect D. effort41. A. competition B. relationship C. difference D. distance42. A. following B. finding C. shopping D. searching43. A. still B. again C. even D. only44. A. offer B. answer C. remind D

15、. repeat45. A. difficult B. familiar C. same D. simple46. A. total B. lot C. pile D. number47. A. taken B. come C. bought D. heard48. A. value B. quality C. condition D. shape49. A. struck B. moved C. puzzled D. encouraged50. A. stay B. stop C. work D. leave51. A. important B. intelligent C. success

16、ful D. hardworking52. A. time B. depth C. need D. common53. A. while B. though C. unless D. since54. A. see B. think C. know D. win55. A. hopeful B. thoughtful C. helpful D. meaningful第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is likely to v

17、isit China at an “ appropriate” time this year, a senior Chinese military official said on Monday. Colonel Tu Qiming, director of the American and Oceanian Affairs Bureau of the Foreign Affairs Office at the National Defence Ministry, made the remark during Sino -US defence talks this week. This is

18、the first ever “special defence policy dialogue” between the two defence ministries, according to the Chinese military. FRANCES Agriculture Ministry has confirmed (证实) the first case of mad cow disease detected in a goat last Friday. The goat killed in 2002 tested positive for mad cow disease. It is

19、 the first case in the world of the fatal disease being found in an animal other than a bovine. The human form of mad cow disease causes brain - wasting, personality change, loss of body function, and ends in death. The European Commission has not advised any change in farming and consuming goats, s

20、aid the French Ministry in a statement published last Friday. MOBILE phone sales hit a new record in 2004, with some 684 million units sold around the world, the US research institute Strategy Analytics said on Thursday. The number represents an increase of 32 per cent over 2003, when 571 million un

21、its were sold. Strategy Analytics predicts a more modest rise of 8 per cent for this year, to 735 million. Finnish cellphone provider Nokia stayed out in front in 2004, with sales of 207.6 million units, giving it a market share of 30.4 per cent. Motorola moved to No 2, just ahead of the South Korea

22、n company Samsung. SIX male penguins (雄企鹅) at a German zoo are proving stubbornly resistant to females brought in from Sweden to make them into breeding (繁殖). Of the ten male penguins at the zoo, six have formed into homo*ual couples and have shown no interest in the females, making breeding an impo

23、ssibility. So the zoo imported the four female penguins from Sweden last month, full of hope that the new arrivals could “turn” the males. But so far, the boys are remaining strictly with the boys.56. How many countries are mentioned in the pieces of news? A. Six. B. Five. C. Three. D. Seven.57. Fro

24、m the fourth piece of news we know that A. the scientists havent succeeded in doing their experiment B. the scientists have successfully got six female penguins into breeding C. the Sweden girls made the boys show interest in them D. German boys dont like Sweden boys58. Which of the following are th

25、e suitable headlines for the pieces of news? A. a. US Defence Secretary Visit Likely B. a. US Defence Secretary Visit Likely b. France Confirms Mad Goat Case b. France Confirms Mad Goat Case c. Nokia Stays on Top c. Mobile Phone Sales d. Male Penguins and Female Penguins d. Birds of a Feather C. a. Defence Policy Dialogue D. a. Sino - US Talks b. Mad Goat Disease b. Mad Goat Case c. Mobile Phone Sales c. Motorola s Sales Reduced d. Importing Female Penguins d. Boys and GirlsBPHUKET, Th

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