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1、商学院高职升本英语试题全集专升本辅导2007英语综合技能考试题型Grammar (20%) Multiple choice.Vocabulary (20%) Multiple choice. Derivatives (20%)Fill in the blanks.Translation (30%) It has been divided into two parts: 1) Translate into Chinese; 2) Translate into English. Prepositions and adverbs (20%)Fill in the blanks (phrases, c

2、ollocations, etc. ) Error correction (20) Single sentences with one error in each. Reading Comprehension (40%)Multiple choice. (CET Band 4) Writing (30%) Write a composition of about 300 words in accordance with the requirements. 12月29日 语法辅导100题1. Professor Johnson is said _ some significant advance

3、 in his research in the past year. A. having made B. making C. to have made D. to make2. The business is risky. But _ we succeed we would be rich. A. should B. would C. might D. must3. Reading is to the mind _ food is to the body. A. what B. that C. whose D. which4. He went away whistling, the dusty

4、 old book _ beneath his arm. A. tucking B. to be tucked C. tucked D. having tucked5. I like watching TV _ to the cinema. A. more than going B. than going C. rather than to go D. more than to go6. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _ obtaining water is not the least. A. for whi

5、ch B. as C. which D. of which7. The tape recorder _ out of order, the students did not know what to do. A. was B. being C. has been D. was being8. At three oclock this morning, I seemed _ someone scream in the street. A. hearing B. having heard C. to have heard D. to hear9. That is the robber _ arre

6、st a reward was offered. A. for whom B. for whose C. about whom D. about whose10. _ their luggage, the group of tourists hurried to the airport. A. Packed B. After packed C. Packing D. Having packed11. Not until a monkey is several years old _ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother. A. it

7、does begin B. when it begins C. does it begin D. before it begins12. The salary of a skilled worker is much higher _. A. than that of a teacher B. than a teacher C. in comparison with a teacher D. when compared to a teacher13. Though her father never approved of _ to drama school, she became a well-

8、known actress. A. going B. her to go C. her going D. her go14. _ their help, we would not have succeeded. A. Hadnt been for B. Had it not been for C. It hadnt been for D. Had not it been for15. I dont like _ bills but when I do get them I like _ them promptly. A. to get; paying B. getting; to pay C.

9、 to get; to pay D. getting; paying16. She asked that she _ allowed to see her son in police custody. A. would be B. could be C. be D. was17. David Singer, my friends father, _ raised and educated in New York, lived and lectured in Africa most of his life. A. who B. if C. while D. though18. _ your ti

10、mely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work. A. Unless B. But for C. Except for D. Not for19. We can assign the task to _ is capable and trustworthy. A. whoever B. who C. whom D. whomever20. _ regular training in nursing, she could not cope with the work at first. A. Not received

11、B. Since receiving C. Having received D. Not having received21. So badly _ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months. A. did he injure B. injured he C. was he injured D. he was injured22. The countrys chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _ the most important

12、 of these. A. have been B. are C. being D. are being23. Only take such clothes _ really necessary. A. as were B. as they are C. as they were D. as are 24. _ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals. A. That B. It C. This D.

13、 As25. He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder _ out and three men climbing down it. A. throwing B. being thrown C. having thrown D. having been thrown26. The idea of traveling through _ space to other planets interests many people today. A.

14、a B. the C. / D. one27. It was not until midnight _ the snowcapped peak. A. that they sighted B. that they did not sight C. did they sight D. had they sighted28. This missile is designed so that once _ nothing can be done to retrieve it. A. fired B. being fired C. they fired D. having fixed29. _the

15、two, Bob is _ student. A. Of, more diligent B. In, more diligent C. Of, the more diligent D. In, the more diligent 30. He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _ insufficiently popular with all members. A. having considered B. was considered C. was being considered D. being conside

16、red31. As it turned out to be a small house party, we _ so formally. A. need not have dressed up B. must not have dressed up C. did not need to dress up D. must not dress up32. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _ Eastern Nebraska. A. in B. it receives in C. does D. it does in33. _ n

17、o cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom. A. There was B. Since C. Being D. There being34. The brilliance of his satires was _ make even his victims laugh. A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that35. The ceremony has already started. Look! The flag is _ now. A. being raised B

18、. risen C. being risen D. raising36. _ is a fact known to all. A. Smoking to be harmful to health B. That smoking is harmful to health C. To smoke is harmful to health D. It is harmful to health to smoke37. Millions of dollars in the city bank is said _ during the blackout yesterday evening. A. to b

19、e stolen B. to have been stolen C. that has been stolen D. to have been stolen38. It _ around nine oclock when I drove back home. It was already dark. A. had to be B. must have been C. was to be D. must be 39. Most crocodiles will eat anything _ fill their stomachs. A. that can B. it can C. they can

20、 D. which can40. Only when the hijackers had shot one of the passengers _ to land the plane. A. the pilot agreed B. the pilot agree C. would the pilot agree D. did the pilot agree41. _ undergraduate programs, American universities also offer graduate and professional courses. A. Except for B. Moreov

21、er C. As D. Besides42. It is time that the nations of the world _ a halt to the manufacture of nuclear weapons. A. would call B. called C. call D. will call43. I wish Bill would drive us to the train station but he has _ to take us all. A. too small a car B. very small a car C. a too small car D. su

22、ch a small car44. _ the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday. A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for45. Professional people appreciate _ when it is necessary to cancel an appointment. A. you to call them B. that you are calling them C. that you would call them

23、 D. your calling them46. All _ is a continuous supply of fuel oil. A. what is needed B. that is needed C. the thing needed D. for their needs47. She looked at us sadly with her eyes as large as _ . A. her grandmother B. her grandmothers C. her grandmothers D. that of her grandmother48. The farmer us

24、es wood to build a house _ to store grains. A. with which B. where C. which D. in which49. I am _ her in many aspects. A. inferior to B. inferior than C. more inferior to D. more inferior50. _ are seldom seen in this city. A. Those black long American cars B. Those long black American cars C. Those

25、American cars long and black D. Those cars, long, black and American51. Of the tow brothers, he is _ one. A. the kindest B. the kind C. the kinder D. the more kind52. The Yangtze River is longer than _. A. any river in China B. any other river in Africa C. any rivers in China D. any other river in C

26、hina53. He waited _ before he took revenge. A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. sometime54. _ you succeed. A. Can B. May C. Should D. Might55. They started the job six months ago. They _it by now. A. could have finish B. can have finished C. should have finished D. must finish56. He was so un

27、willing to greet me yesterday. I _ him some way or other. A. must have offended B. had offended C. might offended D. should have offended57. I asked her to be quiet. I _ to hear what the teacher was saying. A. tried B. was trying C. would try D. should try58. Dont make any noise. I _ to hear the two

28、 persons talking in the next room just now. A. try B. am trying C. have tried D. shall try59. By the next Teachers Day, I _ in Beijing for ten years. A. shall live B. shall be living C. shall have been living D. will be living60. She woke up feeling exhausted because she _ very well. A. did not slee

29、p B. was not sleeping C. had not slept D. would not sleep61. The retired president was very angry _ even by the cooks. A. to be ignored B. to have been ignored C. to having been ignored D. to have ignored62. She seemed _ me in class. I didnt notice her doing anything else, but she wasnt! A. to have

30、listened to B. to be listening to C. to have heard D,. to listen to 63. He regretted _ her advice. A. not having followed B. having not followed C. not following D. following not64. He insisted on _ to the party. A. me to going B. my going C. me to go D. me go65. _ a computer hinders him in his writing. A. He not having B. His having not C. His not having D. He having not 66. The problem _ solved, the engineer returned to his own factory. A. has been B. was C. had been D. having been67. _ in the city, he is not used to the country life. A. Born and breeding B. Born and bred C. Bearing and br

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