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1、操作系统实验文件管理代码#include #include #include #include #includeusing namespace std;#define BLKSIZE 512 .n); printf(WARNING:ALL DATA ON THIS FILESYSTEM WILL BE LOST!n); printf(Proceed with Format(Y/N); scanf(%c, &choice); getchar(); if(choice = y) | (choice = Y) if(fp=fopen(image_name, w+b) = NULL) printf(C

2、ant create file %sn, image_name); exit(-1); for(i = 0; i BLKSIZE; i+) fputc(0, fp); = 0; strcpy, /); = d; strcpy, /); = 0; = 0; 0 = -1; 1 = -1; fwrite(&inode, sizeof(Inode), 1, fp); = -1; for(i = 0; i 31; i+) fwrite(&inode, sizeof(Inode), 1, fp); for(i = 0; i 512) add1 = inode_arraynum.address1; if(

3、fp = fopen(image_name, r+b) = NULL) printf(Cant open file %s.n, image_name); exit(-1); fseek(fp, BLKSIZE+INODESIZE*INODENUM +add0*BLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); ch = fgetc(fp); for(i=0; (i len) & (ch != 0) & (i = 512) fseek(fp,BLKSIZE+INODESIZE*INODENUM+add1*BLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); ch = fgetc(fp); for(; (i len) &

4、(ch != 0); i+) tempi = ch; ch = fgetc(fp); tempi = 0; fclose(fp);ddress0; len = inode_arraynum.length; if(fp = fopen(image_name, r+b) = NULL) printf(Cant open file %s.n, image_name); exit(-1); fseek(fp, BLKSIZE+INODESIZE*INODENUM+add0*BLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); for(i=0; (ilen)&(tempi!=0)&(i 512); i+) fputc

5、(tempi, fp); if(i = 512) add1 = inode_arraynum.address1; fseek(fp, BLKSIZE+INODESIZE*INODENUM+add1*BLKSIZE, SEEK_SET); for(; (i len) & (tempi != 0); i+) fputc(tempi, fp); fputc(0, fp); fclose(fp);num = 0) strcpy(path,; else strcpy(path,; m=0; n=inum_cur; while(m != inum_cur) while(inode_arrayn.ipare

6、nt != m) n = inode_arrayn.iparent; strcat(path,/); strcat(path,inode_arrayn.file_name); m = n; n = inum_cur; printf(%s$,path); 或者 cd dir1)void cd(void) int i; if(argc != 2) printf(Command cd must have two args. n); return ; if(!strcmp(argv1, .) inum_cur = inode_arrayinum_cur.iparent; else for(i = 0;

7、 i 0)& (inode_arrayi.type=d)& (inode_arrayi.iparent=inum_cur)& !strcmp(inode_arrayi.file_name,argv1)& !strcmp(inode_arrayi.user_name,) break; if(i = INODENUM) printf(This directory isnt exsited.n); else inum_cur = i; n); return ; num 0) & (inode_arrayi.iparent = inum_cur)& !strcmp(inode_arrayi.user_

8、name,) if(inode_arrayi.type = d) dcount+; printf(%-20sn, inode_arrayi.file_name); else fcount+; bcount+=inode_arrayi.length; printf(%-20s%12d bytesn, inode_arrayi.file_name,inode_arrayi.length); printf(n %d file(s)%11d bytesn,fcount,bcount); printf( %d dir(s) %11d bytes FreeSpacen,dcount,1024*1024-b

9、count); n); return ; num 0) break; if(i = INODENUM) printf(Inode is full.n); exit(-1); inode_arrayi.inum = i; strcpy(inode_arrayi.file_name, argv1); inode_arrayi.type = d; strcpy(inode_arrayi.user_name,; inode_arrayi.iparent = inum_cur; inode_arrayi.length = 0; save_inode(i);n); return ; for(i = 0;

10、i 0) & (inode_arrayi.type = f) & !strcmp(inode_arrayi.file_name, argv1) printf(This file is exsit.n); return ; for(i = 0; i INODENUM; i+) if(inode_arrayi.inum 0) break; if(i = INODENUM) printf(Inode is full.n); exit(-1); inode_arrayi.inum = i; strcpy(inode_arrayi.file_name, argv1); inode_arrayi.type

11、 = f; strcpy(inode_arrayi.user_name, ; inode_arrayi.iparent = inum_cur; inode_arrayi.length = 0; save_inode(i);n); return ; for(i = 0; i 0) & (inode_arrayi.type = f) & !strcmp(inode_arrayi.file_name,argv1)& !strcmp(inode_arrayi.user_name,) break; if(i = INODENUM) printf(The file you want to open doe

12、snt exsited.n); return ; inum = i; printf(Please input open mode:(1: read, 2: write, 3: read and write):); scanf(%d, &mode); getchar(); if(mode 3) printf(Open mode is wrong.n); return; for(i = 0; i FILENUM; i+) if(file_arrayi.inum 0) break; if(i = FILENUM) printf(The file table is full, please close

13、 some file.n); return ; filenum = i; file_arrayfilenum.inum = inum; strcpy(file_arrayfilenum.file_name, inode_arrayinum.file_name); file_arrayfilenum.mode = mode; printf(Open file %s by , file_arrayfilenum.file_name); if(mode = 1) printf(read only.n); else if(mode = 2) printf(write only.n); else pri

14、ntf(read and write.n);n); return; for(i = 0; i 0) & !strcmp(file_arrayi.file_name,argv1) break; if(i = FILENUM) printf(Open %s first.n, argv1); return ; else if(file_arrayi.mode = 2) printf(Cant read %s.n, argv1); return ; inum = file_arrayi.inum; printf(The length of %s:%d.n, argv1, inode_arrayinum

15、.length); if(inode_arrayinum.length 0) read_blk(inum); for(i = 0; (i inode_arrayinum.length) & (tempi != 0); i+) printf(%c, tempi); n); return ; for(i = 0; i 0)& !strcmp(file_arrayi.file_name,argv1) break; if(i = FILENUM) printf(Open %s first.n, argv1); return ; else if(file_arrayi.mode = 1) printf(

16、Cant write %s.n, argv1); return ; inum = file_arrayi.inum; printf(The length of %s:%dn, inode_arrayinum.file_name, inode_arrayinum.length); if(inode_arrayinum.length = 0) i=0; inode_arrayinum.address0 = get_blknum(); printf(Input the data(CTRL+Z to end):n); while(i 512) inode_arrayinum.address1 = ge

17、t_blknum(); save_inode(inum); write_blk(inum); else printf(This file cant be written.n);n); return ; for(i = 0; i 0) & !strcmp(file_arrayi.file_name, argv1) break; if(i = FILENUM) printf(This file doesnt be opened.n); return ; else file_arrayi.inum = -1; printf(Close %s success!n, argv1); num = -1;

18、if(inode_arrayi.length 0) release_blk(inode_arrayi.address0); if(inode_arrayi.length = 512) release_blk(inode_arrayi.address1); save_inode(i);n); return ; int n,t,i; stack istk; for(i = 0; i =0) & (inode_arrayi.iparent = inum_cur)& (!strcmp(inode_arrayi.file_name,argv1)& (!strcmp(inode_arrayi.user_n

19、ame,) n=inode_arrayi.inum; break; if(i=INODENUM) puts(Directory ERROR); else (n); while(!() t=(); (); del(t); for(i = 0; i =0) &(inode_arrayi.iparent = t) (i); / 功能: 退出当前用户(logout)void logout() printf(Do you want to exit this user(y/n); scanf(%c, &choice); getchar(); if(choice = y) | (choice = Y) pr

20、intf(nCurrent user has exited!n); login(); return ;/ 功能: 退出文件系统(quit)void quit() printf(Do you want to exist(y/n):); scanf(%c, &choice); getchar(); if(choice = y) | (choice = Y) exit(0);/ 功能: 显示错误void errcmd() printf(Command Error!n);/清空内存中存在的用户名void free_user() int i; for(i=0;i10;i+) i=0;/ 功能: 循环执行

21、用户输入的命令, 直到logout/ help, cd, dir, mkdir, creat, open,read, write, close, delete, logout, clear, format,quitvoid command(void) char cmd100; system(cls); do pathset(); gets(cmd); switch(analyse(cmd) case 0: help(); break; case 1: cd(); break; case 2: dir(); break; case 3: mkdir(); break; case 4: creat

22、e(); break; case 5: open(); break; case 6: read(); break; case 7: write(); break; case 8: close(); break; case 9: delet(); break; case 10: logout();break; case 11: system(cls);break; case 12: format(); init(); free_user(); login();break; case 13: quit(); break; case 14: errcmd(); break; default: break; while(1);/ 主函数int main(void) login(); init(); command(); return 0;

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