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1、英语寒假作业答案docdoc全国100所名校单元测试示范卷(寒假作业参 考 答 案)选修5(七)(七)完形填空文章通过一位中年女士对20年前一次科学课堂的回忆,从侧面揭示教育如何让人的生活更加成功。1.C根据第2段中“an important lesson about science”及文章最后一句“and I haven􀆳t gone near science since”可知答案。2.D根据动作的先后顺序,教授把罐子放在桌上前应该先走进讲堂。3.B根据下文“wildly wrong guesses”的提示可知答案。4.A学生从中领悟到关于科学的教训。5.B根据上面的叙述,

2、显然教授想说的是不要相信自己的感觉。6.D本段以“二十年后”作为开头,说明叙事是一直连贯的,而从文章开头就可看出是一位女士进行回忆。7.C此处用see oneself as来强调教授邀请学生开始一次兴奋的通往未知世界的旅行的本意。8.A学生对未知世界开启的是一次航程。9.B教授教导学生如何研究眼睛看不到的世界。10.D前一段说明的事情是我们不能相信自己的眼睛做科学研究,于是要想发现那个肉眼无法识别的无形未知世界就只能通过科学的方法。11.B17岁正是女孩刚开始认识世界的年纪。12.A根据后句的内容:“她的第一感觉会是正确的”,可知她绝对相信自己的亲身经历。13.D女孩认为第一感觉是正确的。14

3、.C教授使女孩认为第一感觉是错误的。15.A感到被教授的方法伤害了,女孩放弃了对科学的学习。语法填空16.that17.fed18.because19.reality20.will beat21.without22.the23.who24.them25.disappointed阅读理解A本文叙述了美国农场主正缺耕种土地的人手。他们急需的工人大多来自拉丁美洲,但他们都持假证件进入美国。西部农场主协会和农场主期待移民改革。26.A根据第2段“Temperatures there are always above 38 degrees Celsius in summer months, as a r

4、esult, not much grows in the Imperial Valley at this time of year”可知答案。27.B根据第4段可知吸引他来美国的主要原因是高收入。28.C根据第6段“The bill will provide a way for the workers to become American citizens in the future”可知答案。29.D根据最后一段可知答案。30.C全文叙述了美国农场主正缺耕种土地的人手,而来自墨西哥和拉丁美洲的工人无法大量地进入美国,因而农场主期待美国移民改革。B科学家研究发现:人们深夜看到的一些颜色可能会导

5、致精神健康专家所说的抑郁症。31.D根据第2段第2句话可知答案。32.B根据第3段最后一句对nocturnal的解释“它们白天睡觉,晚上出来活动”可知答案。33.B实验中,仓鼠被分为4组,然后研究人员比较实验结果,得出结论,故选B项。34.A结合第6、7段内容可知答案。35.C根据最后一段最后一句话可知答案。C本文是应用文,介绍了供大学生周末出行的几个目的地。36.C根据第一部分中的“The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee”可知答案。37.B根据第二部分对植物园中这两种植物的描述可

6、知答案。38.B根据第三部分中的“He spent a great deal of time walking in the village”可知选B项。39.A根据第三部分中的“the pool is surrounded by beautiful circular paths around the fields”可知答案。40.A本文为总分结构,第1段就指出了文章大意。D文章介绍了在键盘普及的年代美国的书法教学情况。41.A根据第1段中“90% of teachers say they are required to teach handwriting”可知书法教学是基本的教学要求。42.D

7、根据最后一段第2句可知D项内容符合题意。43.A根据下文“which means forming the letters so they can be read”可推测画线词的意思是“易读”。44.B作者对美国书法教学的现状作了叙述,没有自己的主观评论,故B项符合题意。45.B根据第4段中 “Teachers commonly report that about one fourth of their kids have poor handwriting”可知答案。信息匹配4650CAEFD基础写作One possible version: On December 24, more than

8、2,000 students and teachers of our school, including 5 foreign teachers, participated in the English Culture Festival and Christmas Carnival on the school playground. The celebration lasted from 3 pm till 5:30 pm, and on the scene, we could find over 30 tents were put up, which formed a Global Villa

9、ge. In the Village were built over 20 exhibition halls representing different countries such as US and UK. All the participants were wearing foreign costumes, singing foreign songs and selling a range of souvenirs as well as traditional food. At 4:30, a great Christmas performance was put on, which

10、offered a great opportunity to display our talents and let us achieve a better understanding of western cultures and customs.读写任务One possible version: This passage lists some of the causes for the decline of Chinese students􀆳 health and discusses one possible solution to the problemincludin

11、g P.E. in the Gaokao. In my opinion, it􀆳s unreasonable to include P.E. in the Gaokao. While students may spend more time doing physical exercise to prepare for the test, this doesn􀆳t mean they will improve their health. On the contrary, additional test pressure and excessive exerci

12、se may make their health worse. Moreover, it􀆳s unfair to students born with health problems and to those not gifted in sports. It is often said that “a healthy mind needs a healthy body.” With good health, you have enough energy to perform at your best. I think the core issue is how to get

13、students healthier. Besides a test, I think schools should do things such as stopping selling the soft drinks and junk food, as well as giving students less homework and more time for outdoor activities.选修6(一)完形填空一把小提琴的美妙音乐理应被世人欣赏,同样,我们的生活也要过得有意义。为理想而活,为帮助他人而活,你也会感到无比的幸福。1.DFritz Kreisler偶然碰上(came a

14、cross)了一把小提琴,想把它买下来。2.C根据上下文可知 Fritz Kreisler当时没有钱买下那把琴,最后(finally)终于凑够了钱才回去买。3.D他试图劝说收藏家把它卖给自己。4.DFritz Kreisler想要买这把小提琴,收藏家却说那把琴是他最宝贵的财产之一,可知此处表示转折。5.B收藏家没有把小提琴卖给购琴心切的Fritz Kreisler,他应该会感到很失落(disappointed)。6.D根据上下文的内容可知,Fritz Kreisler爱琴却又得不到琴,所以请求在琴被收起来之前(before),用那把小提琴最后再演奏一曲。 7.C根据下文的“the great

15、musician began to play”可知,收藏家同意了他的请求。8.B根据上文中的“so beautiful that .”以及下文中收藏家将琴送予Fritz Kreisler等细节可知,收藏家被小提琴美妙的音乐和Fritz Kreisler精彩的演奏震惊(amazement)了。9.A通过下文的“The violin is yours, Mr Kreisler”可知,收藏家听完Fritz Kreisler美妙绝伦的演奏,认为自己没有权利(right)拥有它了。10.C收藏家希望更多的人能听到(hear)小提琴的美妙的音乐。下文的“our . is meant to be heard

16、”也是提示。11.D由上一句“For you and I are excellent violins”可知music符合语境。12.B我希望用这种方式对待自己的生命来到世间,竭尽全力地生活。13.A由上文“lived it fully”可知作者希望自己的生活充实一些,宁可终日繁忙也不愿虚度年华。14.B我所说的“充实地生活”并不是要做很多事情,把自己弄得疲惫不堪。exhaust“使人疲惫”。15.D根据上文“Happiness is never found in overmuch busyness. But . helping others”可知作者认为在过度的忙碌中是找不到幸福的,但是如果致

17、力于帮助他人,就会找到幸福。接着举例说明,如向需要帮助之人伸出援助之手,做志愿工作,花时间陪伴寂寞之人等。语法填空16.officially17.designed18.by19.the20.which21.and22.length23.has reached24.running25.its阅读理解A蒲德荣是来自中国民间的一位雕刻艺术家,他自学成才,能在0.3毫米的蛋壳上雕刻出栩栩如生的三维图画。26.B文章第1段是主题段,告诉我们蒲德荣能在蛋壳上雕刻出惊人的艺术。因此B项正确。27.A根据第1段的“What do you get if you combine an egg, a carving

18、 knife and a pair of able hands?”可知。28.D根据该句的后半部分“they can be broken easily”可知该词的意思为“易碎的”。故选D项。29.C根据第2段的 “after hundreds of failed attempts, he started to master the art of carving”可知C项正确。30.B根据第1段的“The 40-year-old self-taught artist”及第2段的“so he taught himself”可知B项正确。B大久野岛可以说是兔子天堂,到处可见野生兔子,每年吸引大批游客

19、,带着胡萝卜及蔬菜饲喂兔子,度过快乐时光。31.B根据第2段“it served as the base for the Imperial Army􀆳s deadly gas operation”可知大久野岛曾是二战时期日本毒气生产基地。32.D根据第3段“Carrots, cabbage and rabbit feed (sold at the island hotel for about $1 a cup) are what they prefer the most”可知。33.B根据第2段“the workers are said to have released th

20、e rabbits into the wild. Other sources claim that a group of children were on a field trip at Okunoshima in 1971, when they left behind 8 bunnies”可知。34.B根据第2段“it served as the base for the Imperial Army􀆳s deadly gas operation”可知这个岛与二战有关。35.A通读全文可知大久野岛是兔子天堂,到处可见野生兔子,每年吸引大批游客,因此这是一篇和旅游有关的文章。C

21、当孩子们搬出父母的家,成立自己的家庭时,父母们就会感到空虚、落寞、忧伤等,从而患上空巢综合征,尤其是那些家庭主妇们。36.A根据第1段的“the grief of empty nest syndrome often goes unrecognised”及文章对其通常不为人们所认识的原因分析可推知答案。37.A根据第1段的“This condition is typically more common in women”可知A项正确。38.B根据第3段的描述可知。39.A文章首先说明何为空巢综合征,然后分析易患此症的父母及他们所面临的问题,故选A项。40.D全文一直在讲会对父母产生影响的空巢综合

22、征的种种问题,到最后一段说,患空巢综合征也是有办法克服的,由此可推知接下来会谈及应对空巢综合征的策略。D本文主要谈论锻炼对减少癌症几率的作用。41.A根据主题段即第1段可知,本文主要讲述锻炼对减少患癌症的可能性有很大的影响。42.D第2段介绍了一项对健身中心会员的跟踪研究,这个研究用于分析锻炼和癌症之间的联系。43.C从第3段最后一句“Studies from the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas suggest that men with high fitness levels are less likely to die

23、of cancer”可知健康水平较高的人患癌几率小,所以C项正确。44.B根据第4段的“The fat, but fit, men particularly lived longer than the slim, but flabby, men”可知B项正确。45.A由文章最后一句可知,对于超重者来说,首要的目标是在现有体重情况下尽可能地保持健康。信息匹配4650EAFDC基础写作One possible version:In Binjiang Park last weekend, a voluntary organization called “Green Home” launched a

24、campaign to promote recycling. As can be seen in our daily life, overconsumption of resources has become a common practice, making it urgent to arouse people􀆳s awareness of recycling. There exists the popularity of various kinds of packing bags for goods and what we are supposed to do is to

25、 reuse them. In this way, we will consume fewer resources so the environment is protected to some extent. Besides, if we try our utmost to recycle everything reusable in our life, we can also save some money.读写任务One possible version:At last class meeting, Zhang Hua won the 1st prize in the story tel

26、ling contest. He told a touching story that he was deeply encouraged by the one-legged rider to finish the ride trip finally. It􀆳s such a great story in the class meeting that it inspired us how to face difficulties in our livesnever give up.Once I was addicted to computer games, and I was

27、so involved in it that it influenced my school work terribly. Then at a class meeting, my head teacher organized many activities to let us know the bad effects of being addictive. I was shocked and realized my danger! If it had not been because of that valuable class meeting, I would have been anoth

28、er person.So, class meetings are our expectations, because they are an effective form of school moral education and the important way to convert the students􀆳 thoughts. Therefore, a good head teacher often attaches great importance to a weekly class meeting.(二)完形填空文章主要讲述作者和朋友去快餐店吃饭,一不小心将托盘上

29、的东西撒了顾客一身,顾客不但没责骂作者,反倒给钱让作者去买吃的,非常令人感动、难忘。1.A根据首句地点环境是restaurant,所以作为顾客只能是点餐了(ordered)。2.A根据上一句点餐之后,自然是指我们所点的食物来了,故选food。3.B钱包上的带子被卡在了椅子上。 catch“捉住;卡住;困住”。4.A这位男士正要吃三明治。take a bite of “咬一口”。5.C食物泼洒在客人身上后,作者感到很是震惊。6.D作者认为对方可能会训斥自己,因此很害怕地闭上了(close)眼睛。 7.C作者闭上了眼睛,准备承受那位客人的怒火。8.B根据“It􀆳s OK”,表面这

30、位男士不仅没有训斥他,而且说“没关系”来安慰他。9.B那位男士从洗手间出来直接朝我们走过来。approach“走近;靠近”。10.A当那位男士朝我们走来时我的心几乎都停止跳动了。心脏有规律地跳动只能用beat。11.C作者以为那位男士会要自己父亲的电话号码(number)并给父亲打电话。12.B结果那位男士给了他一些钱还说:“再给自己买一份汉堡吧。”buy oneself sth 表示给自己买一些东西。13.D由上一句可知,他没有把这件事弄得难堪,而是选择了另一种处理问题的方式。14.A由上文可知,男士的做法令作者感动不已,因此这里指男士对他的善意。15.A男士的举动感动了作者。作者永远也不会

31、忘记他的善意的行为。语法填空16.whose17.without18.closer19.recognizing / to be recognized20.that 21.an22.nobody23.was told24.colorful / colourful25.them 阅读理解A文章主要讲述了作者离开学校参加工作后,通过网络继续学习新的东西。26.C根据第2段第1句“The thing I miss most, however, is always learning new things or maybe it􀆳s being motivated to study ne

32、w topics that I miss”可知。27.B根据第3段第2句“But I don􀆳t like this feeling so I have to decide to be more motivated to broaden my horizons and I mostly turn to the Internet to fulfill this need”可知。28.A根据第5段第1句“I have also taken advantage of all the amazing lectures and talks on the website TED”可知。29.C根据最后一段的第1、2句“School definitely prov

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