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1、秋季专升本大学英语入学测试复习题1.Can I help you with it? I appreciate your_,but I can manage it myself. Aoffer Bquestion Cadvice Didea 【解析】A. offer(主动提供)帮助,符合题意。advice建议,劝告;question问题;idea想法,主意。2.Mark needs to learn Chinese_his company is opening a branch in Beijing. Aunless Buntil Calthough Dsince 【解析】D. unless“除

2、非”,引导条件状语从句;until“直到”,引导时间状语从句;although“尽管”,引导让步状语从句;since“既然,因为”,引导原因状语从句。 3.When I arrived,Bryan took me to see the house _ I would be staying. Awhat BWhen Cwhere Dwhich 【解析】C. 分析题意可知后句为限制性定语从句,关系词代替先行词house在定语从句中作地点状语,因此应选择关系副词where。4.Im going to Venice next week. _.Carnival will be held then.Hav

3、e fun! AYoure crazy BYoure lucky CYoud better not DYou never know 【解析】B. 句意为:我下周要去威尼斯。你运气真好。那时会举办狂欢节。祝你玩得愉快!Youre lucky意为“你运气真好”,符合题意。 5.Excuse me,but could I trouble you for some change? _.Will pennies do? AI know BNever mind CI am sure DLet me see 【解析】D. 句意为:打扰一下,能麻烦您给换些零钱吗?让我看看,硬币行吗?D 项符合逻辑。6.Thi

4、s is your order,a hamburger and an apple pie._? Ill have it here. AAnything else BIs that OK CFor here or to go DSomething to drink 【解析】C. 根据答语可知,问句应为“For here or to go?(在这儿吃还是带走?)”。 7.What do you think of the house? _Its everything weve been looking for. APerfect! BGood idea CNot bad. DSo-so. 【解析】A

5、. 考查情景交际。根据空格后的答语Its everything weve been looking for.可知用perfect。8.Hesuggested_ totomorrowsexhibitiontogether. A. us to go B. We shall go C. We went D. we go【解析】D. 本句涉及虚拟语气在宾语从句中的使用9.I have an appointment_Dr.Smith,but I need to change it. Ato Boff Cwith Dfrom 【解析】C. have an appointment with sb.跟某人有约

6、,为固定搭配。 10._ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier. A. unless B. Although C. Before D. Once 【解析】D. unless除非;如果不;although尽管;before在之前;once一旦,曾经;根据句义可知once表示“一旦”,引导条件状语从句。11._ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to Qinghai Lake. AAnything BNothing

7、CEverything DSomething 【解析】B. 在我的生命中,没有什么事情能比我第一次去青海湖留下的印象深刻。由语境可知,nothing符合语境。 12.This is by far_movie that I have ever seen. Aan inspiring Ba much inspiring Cthe most inspiring Dthe more inspiring 【解析】C. by far表示“得多,最”,用来修饰比较级和最高级。根据定语从句“我所看过的”可知,此处应该用形容词的最高级形式。13.Everything seemed to be going _fo

8、r the first two days after I moved to New York. Avividly Bgenerally Cfrequently Dsmoothly 【解析】D. vividly意为“生动地”;generally意为“一般地;通常地;广泛地”;frequently意为“经常地;频繁地”;smoothly意为“顺利地;平滑地”。14._ in the early 20th century,the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art. ATo found BFounding CFounded DHaving

9、founded 【解析】C. the school与found之间构成被动关系,故应用过去分词表被动。 15.The airport _ next year will help promote tourism in this area. Abeing completed Bto be completed Ccompleted Dhaving been completed 【解析】B. 本题考查非谓语动词作定语的用法。由next year知机场将要竣工而不是正在竣工,也不是已竣工。16.If nothing _, the oceans will turn into fish deserts. A

10、Does Bhad been done Cwill do Dis done 【解析】D. If条件状语从句表示将来的事用一般现在时,排除B、C两项;另外,主语nothing与do之间为动宾关系,所以用被动语态,D项正确。 17.That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who _ the piano upstairs? Ahas played Bplayed Cplays Dis playing 【解析】D. 根据语境表示有人正在弹奏钢琴,故应用现在进行时态。18.Thenewlawstatesthatpeople_ driveafterdrinki

11、ngalcohol. Awouldnt BneedntCwont Dmustnt【解析】D. 这项新法律说,人们在喝酒之后禁止开车。故此处用mustnt表示“禁止”。20. This is the very toy car _ which he came here the other day. A. by B. in C. for D. on 【解析】C。容易误选A或B。根据常识,我们知道他是不可能坐toy car到这儿来的。所以选C。用for表示来的目的。19.We_ veryearlysowepackedthenightbefore. A. Analysis of leave B.had

12、left C.were leaving D.have left【解析】C. 根据语境可知。出发这一动作是将要发生的动作,故用将来时态。21. It was only after he had read the papers _Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete. Awhen BThat Cwhich Dwhat 【解析】B. 本句为强调句型,强调状语only after he had read the papers。根据强调句结构“It is/was被强调部分that剩余部分”可知选

13、B。 22. “_delicious the ice cream is! Could you give me one more?” “Sure.” A. What B. How C. What a D.How a【解析】B. what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词或副词。delicious意为“美味的,可口的”,是形容词。23. _drive too fast.We have enough time to get there. A.Not B.Dontt C.Doesnt D.No 【解析】B. 祈使句否定形式,dontt do sth表示不要做某事24. _ you said at the m

14、eeting describes a bright future for the company. AWhen BHow CWhat DThat 【解析】C. 选项中只有what既可以引导主语从句,又可以在从句中作宾语,因此符合题意。25. The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those _ lives were affected. Awhose Bthat Cwho Dwhich【解析】A. 本题的先行词是those表示人,定语从句的主语是lives,与先行词构成所属关系,所以应使用关系代词whose引导。

15、 26. Hesuggested_ totomorrowsexhibitiontogether. A. us to go B. We shall go C. We went D. we go【解析】D. 本句涉及虚拟语气在宾语从句中的使用27.Would you like a glass of wine? _.I dont drink. ANo,thanks BYes,please CI dont like it DIts my favorite 【解析】A. 根据答语“I dont drink.”可知,后者拒绝了前者的建议,故用“No,thanks.”表示有礼貌的拒绝。 28. Alas!I

16、t was not_easy _all that Avery,as Bso,as Ctoo,to Dsuch,as 【解析】B. 同级比较用asas,not so(as)as句式。29. This is a really lively party. Theres a great atmosphere,isnt there? _.The hosts know how to host a party. ( B ) ADont worry BYes,indeed CNo,there isnt DIt all depends【解析】B.根据语境,发话者称赞party办的很不错,答话者说主办方很会举办p

17、arty,证明同意发话者的观点,所以答案为B项。30. Is there a cinema around _ I can see a film? A. that B. which C. where D. what 【解析】C。从常识可以判断,看电影应该在电影院里,而不会在电影院附近,所以可以判定around在句子中不是介词,而是副词,相当于nearby(在附近)。故此定语从句缺点好了地点状语,答案为C。31.Itsaneither-orsituation-wecanbuyanewcarthisyearorwecangoonholidaybutwecantdo_.A.others B.eithe

18、r C.another D.both【解析】D. 考查代词。根据句意:这是一个只能二选一的处境我们可以今年买一辆新车,或我们去度假,但是我们不可能两件事都做,notboth表不完全否定。故选D。32. Fourand_ halfhoursofdiscussiontookusuptomidnight,and_ breakforcheese,chocolateandteawithsugar.A. A; a B. The; the C. do not fill in; the D. A; do not fill in【解析】A. 考查冠词。第一空表示“四个半”应用four and a half;短语

19、a break表示“休息一会儿”,故答案选A。33.Onlybyincreasingthenumberofdoctorsby50percent_properlyinthishospital.A.canbethepatientsB.canthepatientsbetreatedC.thepatientscanbetreatedD.treatedcanbethepatients【解析】B. 考查倒装句。Only+状语(从句)提前放于句首,句子应用不完全倒装,即将助动词can放于主语the patients之前,故答案选B。34.Aseriousstudyofphysicsisimpossible_

20、someknowledgeofmathematics.A.againstB.beforeC.beyondD.without【解析】D. 考查介词。根据句意,如果没有一点数学知识,要认真研究物理是不可能的。故选D(如果没有).35. I want to tell you_ is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. A. That B. Which C. Whether D. What 【解析】D. 考查名词性从句。主句谓语为is,之前为主语从句,从句中缺少动词tell的直接宾语,指事物,故填what;而which意为“哪一个”,tha

21、t、whether均不做成分。36. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers_one of the main pipes. A. had repaired B. have repaired C. repaired D. are repairing 【解析】D. 考查动词时态。句意:暂时断水了,因为工人在修一个主管道。根据句意,选正在进行时态。 37. If he had spent more time practicing speaking English before, he_able to spea

22、k it much better now. A. will be B. would be C. has been D. would have been 【解析】B. 考查虚拟语气。此题为if虚拟条件句,从句时间为before,故是对过去的虚拟,用过去完成时态,主句时间为now,故是对现在的虚拟,因此用情态动词过去式后接动词原形,答案为B。38. It was not until near the end of the letter _ she mentioned her own plan. A. that B. where C. why D. when 【解析】A. 考查强调句。此处考查固定句

23、型notuntil的强调句,其句型结构为:It was not untilthat+句子。故答案选A。 39. At our factory there are a few machines similar to _ described in this magazine. A. them B. these C. those D. ones 【解析】C. 考查代词。本题考查用于比较对象替代的代词。比较对象的替代通常可以用that替代不可数名词,those替代可数名词复数,故此处用those替代比较对象machines。翻译为:在我们工厂有一些与这份杂志中描述相似的机器。40. In some l

24、anguages, 100 words make up half of all words_in daily conversations. A. using B. to use C. having used D. used 【解析】D. 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词use在句中作words的后置定语,与其存在被动关系,故使用过去分词used,答案为D。41. I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to_. A. get away B. drop in C. check out D. hold on 【解析】A. 考查动词

25、短语。A项“脱身,抽身”,B项“顺便拜访”,C项“办手续离开”,D项“坚持”。翻译为:今年我本打算休假的,但我不能脱身啊。故答案选A。 42. No one _ be more generous; he has a heart of gold. A. could B. must C. dare D. need 【解析】A. 考查情态动词。译为:不可能有人比他更慷慨;他有一颗善良的心。cant/ couldnt表不可能,故答案选A。43. We have launched another man-made satellite, _ is announced in todays newspaper

26、. A. that B. which C. who D. what 【解析】B. 考查定语从句。此处关系代词which指代整个主句引导非限制性定语从句。翻译为:我们又发射了一颗人造卫星,这是在今天的报纸上宣布的。故答案选B。 44. While she was in Paris, she developed a for fine art. A. way B. relation C. taste D. habit 【解析】C. 考查名词辨析。短语a taste for,对的一种爱好。句意:她在巴黎的时候,她对艺术产生了兴趣。故答案选C。45. -Marys been offered a job

27、in a university, but she doesnt want to take it. -_ ? Its a very good chance. A. Guess what B. So what C. Who cares D. But why 【解析】D. 考查交际用语。A项“猜猜看怎么了”,B项“那又如何呢”,C项“谁在乎呢”,D项“为什么呀”。根据句意,Mary被给予了一个工作而不想做,后面说这是一个好机会。可见,应该问,这是为什么呀?故答案选D。 46. _ small, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countri

28、es. A. As B. If C. Although D. Once 【解析】C. 考查状语从句。根据句意即可判断:这个公司虽然小,但是它在30多个国家有大约1000个采购商。此处状语从句连词后省略了句子的主语和be动词,即although (it is) small。47. If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to_ a hand. A. lend B. shake C. wave D. want 【解析】A. 考查动词辨析。译为:如果你遇上麻烦,Mike总是乐意帮助你。短语lend a hand,帮助,故答案选A。 48. I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time-there are_meaningful things to do. A. less B. more C. the least D. the most 【解析】B. 考查形容词比较级。根据句意:看电视是浪费时间,因为有(比看电视)更有意义的事情可以做。故选比较级more。49. -Im going to Venice next week. -_ .Carnival will be held then. Have fun!A. Youre crazy B. Youre lucky C. Youd

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