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1、高二英语期末复习资料 高二英语期末复习资料 Module 5 要点归纳 Unit One Getting along with othersP.1-3 重要词汇1. betray vt.出卖;暴露 feel betrayed 觉得被出卖 betray ones country出卖His accent betrayed his nationality. 暴露 His accent gives him away. 他的口音出卖了他。2. (in) that way那样3. have a surprise Maths test4. be worried about5. get/ score a go

2、od mark6. overlook vt. overlook ones studies忽视学习 overlook the hill俯瞰7. admit vt. 承认 admit ones mistake admit doing sth., admit that He admitted having stolen the car. = He admitted that he had stolen the car.Without his permission, nobody can be admitted into the room. 允许He is admitted to Beijing Un

3、iversity. 他被北大录取了。8. afterwards 后来9. promise to do承诺去做10. go straight to径直前往11. not any more 不再12. feel like doing feel like +从句(通常不带that)I didnt feel like I was overlooking my studies.13. keep ones secret 保守秘密14. stare at 凝视着; 盯着 glare at 瞪着 (生气地) fix ones eyes on 凝视;目不转睛地看着 with ones eyes fixed on

4、15. deliberately 故意的 on purpose16. keep ones word 信守诺言 break ones word 违背诺言 eat ones word 认错道歉;收回说过的话 have a word with sb. 和某人说句话 have words with sb.=quarrel with sb.=have a quarrel with sb. 和某人吵架 in a/one word 总之 in other words 换句话说Word came that. 有消息说(that同位语从句)。17. dilemma 进退两难的处境,窘境 in a dilemma

5、 have a dilemma18. swear-swore-sworn vt. 发誓 He swore that he didnt know the truth. swear at sb. 咒骂某人19. forgive-forgave-forgiven vt. 宽恕,原谅 forgive sb. for being rude 原谅某人的鲁莽20. focus vt/vi 集中注意力 focus on focus on21. as a result /therefore 结果; 因此 as a result of/because of/due to/owing to/on account o

6、f 因为;由于22. yell vi/n. 吼叫 yell at sb.23 .mean 刻薄的; 卑鄙的; 吝啬的 have a mean opinion of oneself有自卑感 be mean about/over/with money在金钱上很小气 be mean to sb.对刻薄keep on saying mean things 反复说刻薄的话 24. cruel adj. 残忍的 刻毒的 cruelty n. be cruel to sb.25. stand-stood-stood vt. 容忍 n. 摊位 a book stand 书摊Can you stand the

7、pain? 你受得住这疼痛吗? I cannot stand waiting any longer.再等下去我可受不了了。(stand后接名词、动名词)26. apologize vi 道歉 apologize to sb. for sth. 为向某人道歉 apology n. 道歉 make an apology to sb for sth27. for fun 为了娱乐 I am not saying it for fun. 我说这话并不是在开玩笑。 in fun 开玩笑地 Dont get angry, I said it just in fun. 别生气, 我只是说着玩的。 make

8、fun of sb= laugh at sb 嘲笑 Its no fun doing .是无聊的28. (be)in trouble 有麻烦 have (some/no) trouble /difficulty in doing 做有些(不)费劲/困难take great trouble to do something 不辞辛苦地做put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. 难为某人做;使某人陷入做的麻烦中29. cant help doing cant help do sth.30. sit next to each other 相互挨着坐31. be good

9、 at擅长重要句型1. If you can buy a persons friendship, it is not worth having. 如果你能买到一个人的友谊,这种友谊是不值得拥有的。2. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship. (page 3) 足球对我很重要,但我们的友谊也同样重要。a. “so+ be/have/助动词/情态动词主语” “也这样”,“也如此”。I study in this school and so does my brother.我在这所学校学习,我的弟弟也在。b. “so +

10、 人称代词 + be/have/助动词/情态动词”,意为“的确如此”。 -These books are really well written. -So they are.c. So it is/was with + 名词/ It is the same with sb. “也如此”,“也这样”。 这一结构主要用于上文有两个或两个以上的谓语,或既有肯定又有否定的上下文里。如: He was born in Beijing and lives in Shanghai. So it is with me.3. What do you think are the most important ch

11、aracteristics in a friend?Where do you suppose he will go? do you believe 后接陈述语序4. We have been best friends since primary school. Since多与完成时连用5. I dont think I can ever forgive her. 我觉得我无法原谅她。 否定前置6. Try not to sound too proud of yourself when discussing your marks in front of others. When discussi

12、ng= when you are discussingWhen, while, if unless, though, once+省略句P.5 1. unlikely 不太可能的 Sb. is likely/ unlikely to do 某人可能/不可能做 It is possible/probable/likely (for sb.) to do 2. blame vt 责备,谴责 blame sb. for sth. 因为某事责备某人 blame sth on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 Sb. be to blame for sth. 某人应该对某事负责 be blamed for sth

13、. 因.而受到指责 The careless driver was to blame for the accident.3. doubt vt/vi/n. 怀疑,疑惑 I doubt + whether. There is doubt +whether I dont doubt + that There is no doubt + that4. jealous adj. 嫉妒的 jealousy n. 嫉妒They may feel jealous of his success. 他们嫉妒他的成功。5. be proud of/take pride in 为自豪6. in public当众;

14、在公共场合 in public places7. feel guilty about 对感到内疚 guilty looks 内疚的神色 8. gifted adj. 有天赋的 gift n. 天赋;礼物 have a gift for 在方面有天赋9. determine vt/vi 决心,决定 determined adj. 顽强的 be determined to do下定了决心做 a determined man=a man of great determination一个固执的人意志坚定的人The weather determines the harvest of the crops.

15、His attitude to the accident determined me to give him a lesson.10. delay vt/vi/n. put offThe ship was delayed two hours.耽搁,延误 I delayed answering you due to pressure of work. 推迟 without delay毫不延迟地11. be ashamed of 对.感到羞耻12. avoid (doing)sth 避免,逃避13. If so, the problem lies with you. 如果这样, 问题得靠你来解决。

16、lie with (作出决定等)得靠.,由.(承担责任)14. have every right to do完全有权利去做某事15. play to ones strengths 踢球踢出某人的优势;强项16. before long不久以后P6-71. much more money many more friends2. first of all 首先,第一 after all 毕竟;终究 above all 最重要的是 at all 根本 in all 总共3. make it 办成功;办到 manage it 能行;能对付4. come up with 想出;提出(主意,计划,答案等)

17、come about 发生 come across 偶遇 come out 出来;出版 come up to 达到5. Some adjectives that describe personality are positive, while others are negative. 有些描绘人的性格的形容词是褒义的,然而另一些是贬义的。 While 然而P.8-11 1. persuade vt. 说服 persuasive adj. 有说服力的 persuade sb. to dopersuade sb. into doing (结果成功) try to persuade sb. to d

18、o=advise sb. to do (结果未必成功)2. pretend to do sth 假装要做 pretend to be doing sth 假装正在做3. take care (of)保重; 小心; 当心 look/watch out (for) 当心 Take (not)not to do sth 小心(不)要做某事 take care that .小心Care for 喜欢;照料(老人,病人) care about 关心;在乎;在意 4. sometimes 有时 sometime 某时 some time 一段时间 5. ever since 从之后一直 (用于完成时)6.

19、 refer to提到;参考;涉及 referred 7. a large amount of + 不可数名词句型1. We had nothing to do but watch TV. 我们无事可做,只好看电视。But前有实意动词do,则用but do2. would rather dothan do 宁愿而不 She would rather die than give in.Would rather (not) doWould rather(that) sb. did sth (虚拟语气,现在、将来)Would rather (that)sb had done sth (虚拟语气,过去

20、)3. why not come to London this weekend?p.12-171. discourage vt. 劝阻,使灰心;使气馁 discourage sb. from doing 阻止某人做 discouraged adj. 沮丧的; 灰心的 a discouraged look discouraging adj.令人沮丧的 discouraging news encourage vt.鼓励 鼓舞 encourage sb. to do encouraged adj.鼓舞的 encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的 courage n. 勇气 encouragemen

21、t n. 鼓励2. trying adj.难受的 恼人的 难堪的 a trying situation 尴尬的局面 a trying time 难熬的时光 3. anxious adj. 焦急的; 渴望的 anxiety 【U】n.焦虑 be anxious about = be worried about be anxious to do = be eager to do = be dying to do渴望去做 with anxiety = anxiously 焦虑地4. suffer vt/vi 受损失,忍受痛苦 suffer hunger/illnesses/a losssuffer

22、from a headache忍受头痛之苦 suffer from heart failure患心力衰竭He suffered for his carelessness. 他因粗心而遭受恶果。5. practical adj. 实用的 实际的 实践的 practical activities实践活动 a practical question现实问题6. free adj. 免费的 for free /free of charge 免费7. get through I didnt get through to him. 我没有打通他的电话。 (电话等)打通 get through (with)

23、ones work 完成; 办完 (finish) She got through the examination. 通过 (pass) get through a law 通过法律 The message got through (to us) at last. 到达8. before 在之前 Before I could speak to him, he had turned away. 我还没来得及和他说话,他已走开。Ill do it before I forget it. 我现在就做,以免忘了。It was not long before he left for the United

24、 States. 不久他就到美国去了。9. apart from 除之外无/ 还有 相当于besides, except, except for,10. keep .in mind 记住11. make sure that make sure of确定;确保12. be strict in sth be strict with sb 严格要求13. have an effect on sth= affect sth affect vt. 影响;感染句型1. Think about what questions to ask and write them down in advance.想想有什

25、么问题要问,提前把他们写下来。 What (questions)to do 疑问词+不定式 相当于名词从句 in advance = ahead of time 提前2. The two boys are of the same age. 这两个男孩年龄一样大。The meeting is of great importance/ very important. 会议很重要。P.181. get along/on 进展; 进行 How do you get along with your work? 进展 He gets on well with his new classmates. 相处得

26、好2. puzzle vt.使困惑 n. 谜题 word puzzle 字谜 What puzzled me was how the thief entered the room. puzzled adj. 困惑的 I am puzzled what to do.我不知道怎么办才好。 puzzling adj. 令人困惑的 a puzzling physics problem 一道令人困惑的物理题3. absorb vt.吸收 absorbed adj. 投入的 be absorbed in= be lost in= be buried in= be involved in全身心地投入 He

27、sat there, absorbed/ lost in thought. 他坐在那儿,陷入沉思。4. in the world 到底; 究竟 on earth What in the world do you mean? 你究竟什么意思?5. attitude 态度 Whats your attitude to/towards this question?6. consistent adj. 一致的 be consistent with 和一致7. hesitate vi 犹豫 hesitate to do hesitation n. 犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地8

28、. respond vi回应,作出反应 respond to/ answer a question 答复问题 respond with a smile 笑着回答response n. make a response to sth9. one another 彼此; 互相(三者或三者以上)each other 彼此; 互相 (两者或三者以上)10. regardless 不管; 不顾 regardless of wind or rain风雨无阻11. Suppose/ supposing (that)he is right, what shall we do? 假如他不在,我们怎么办?You w

29、ere supposed to be here an hour ago! 你应该一小时前就到这儿的。12. be based on/ upon sth 建立在之上 His theory is based on facts. Based on facts, his theory is accepted by many people.13. Now (that) you are grown up, you shouldnt rely on your parents. 既然 since14. Bell is said to have invented the telephone.It is said

30、 that Bell invented the telephone. 据说Unit Two The damage to 对造成损害 the floor 自由发言ment n/v 评论 make comments on/upon Dont always make comments on others.不要总是对别人说三道四。 addition /besides 另外 in addition to/besides 除外,还5.wipe out wipe out the stain擦去污渍 wipe out the vill

31、age 毁灭村子6.修饰可数名词 large numbers of/a large number of/a good many修饰不可数名词 a great deal of/a sum of/an amount of修饰可数/不可数 a quantity of/quantities of/a lot of/lots of/a mass of/masses of/plenty of7.have a lasting effect on 持久的影响 have harmful effects on 有害的影响8.populationWhats the population of Haian? It has a population of about 960,000.The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. 人口The populat

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