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1、框架结构毕业设计3一、前言-1二、内容摘要-2三、设计总说明-131.建筑设计说明-132.结构设计说明-15四、设计计算书-1.工程总体概述-2.结构平面布置图-3.荷载统计-4.框架结构内力计算-5.内力组合-6.截面设计及配筋设计-7.板的设计-8.基础设计-9.楼梯设计-五、参考文献-六、致谢辞-一前 言毕业设计是大学本科教育培养目标实现的重要阶段,是毕业前的综合学习阶段,是深化、拓宽、综合教和学的重要过程,是对大学期间所学专业知识的全面总结。本组毕业设计题目为*市某集团办公楼框架结构设计。在毕设前期,我温习了结构力学、钢筋混凝土、建筑结构抗震设计等知识,并借阅了抗震规范、混凝土规范、


3、计算软件的校正。由于自己水平有限,难免有不妥和疏忽之处,敬请各位老师批评指正。 二零零七年六月十日 二 内容摘要本设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架2轴框架的抗震设计。在确定框架布局之后,先进行了层间荷载代表值的计算,接着利用顶点位移法求出自震周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作用下大小,进而求出在水平荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力)。接着计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力,。 是找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。 选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。此外还进行了结构方案中的室内楼梯的设计。完成了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等构件的内力和配筋计算及施工图绘制。关键词: 框架 结构设计

4、抗震设计 Abstract The purpose of the design is to do the anti-seismic design in the longitudinal frames of axis 2. When the directions of the frames is determined, firstly the weight of each floor is calculated .Then the vibrate cycle is calculated by utilizing the peak-displacement method, then making

5、the amount of the horizontal seismic force can be got by way of the bottom-shear force method. The seismic force can be assigned according to the shearing stiffness of the frames of the different axis. Then the internal force (bending moment, shearing force and axial force ) in the structure under t

6、he horizontal loads can be easily calculated. After the determination of the internal force under the dead and live loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of the wall limbs and

7、the coterminous girders, which will be the basis of protracting the reinforcing drawings of the components. The design of the stairs is also be approached by calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder whose shop drawings are complete

8、d in the end.致谢: 首先衷心的感谢我的导师石老师,在她的指导和帮助下,我得以顺利完成毕业设计的任务,虽然我本身的专业能力有限,但我想挑战一下自己,选择设计办公楼,从建筑设计到结构设计,每进一步都得到了老师的支持与鼓励。设计中遇到了太多的困难,在石老师的指导下得以克服并解决。 由于设计工程量大,时间紧,任务重,不免有疏忽和差错和不足的地方,恳请领导提出宝贵意见,在此不胜感激。科技资料翻译一、科技资料原文:Structural Systems to resist lateral loadsCommonly Used structural SystemsWith loads measu

9、red in tens of thousands kips, there is little room in the design of high-rise buildings for excessively complex thoughts. Indeed, the better high-rise buildings carry the universal traits of simplicity of thought and clarity of expression.It does not follow that there is no room for grand thoughts.

10、 Indeed, it is with such grand thoughts that the new family of high-rise buildings has evolved. Perhaps more important, the new concepts of but a few years ago have become commonplace in today s technology.Omitting some concepts that are related strictly to the materials of construction, the most co

11、mmonly used structural systems used in high-rise buildings can be categorized as follows:1.Moment-resisting frames.2.Braced frames, including eccentrically braced frames.3.Shear walls, including steel plate shear walls.4.Tube-in-tube structures.5.Tube-in-tube structures.6.Core-interactive structures

12、.7.Cellular or bundled-tube systems.Particularly with the recent trend toward more complex forms, but in response also to the need for increased stiffness to resist the forces from wind and earthquake, most high-rise buildings have structural systems built up of combinations of frames, braced bents,

13、 shear walls, and related systems. Further, for the taller buildings, the majorities are composed of interactive elements in three-dimensional arrays.The method of combining these elements is the very essence of the design process for high-rise buildings. These combinations need evolve in response t

14、o environmental, functional, and cost considerations so as to provide efficient structures that provoke the architectural development to new heights. This is not to say that imaginative structural design can create great architecture. To the contrary, many examples of fine architecture have been cre

15、ated with only moderate support from the structural engineer, while only fine structure, not great architecture, can be developed without the genius and the leadership of a talented architect. In any event, the best of both is needed to formulate a truly extraordinary design of a high-rise building.

16、While comprehensive discussions of these seven systems are generally available in the literature, further discussion is warranted here .The essence of the design process is distributed throughout the discussion.Moment-Resisting FramesPerhaps the most commonly used system in low-to medium-rise buildi

17、ngs, the moment-resisting frame, is characterized by linear horizontal and vertical members connected essentially rigidly at their joints. Such frames are used as a stand-alone system or in combination with other systems so as to provide the needed resistance to horizontal loads. In the taller of hi

18、gh-rise buildings, the system is likely to be found inappropriate for a stand-alone system, this because of the difficulty in mobilizing sufficient stiffness under lateral forces. Analysis can be accomplished by STRESS, STRUDL, or a host of other appropriate computer programs; analysis by the so-cal

19、led portal method of the cantilever method has no place in todays technology.Because of the intrinsic flexibility of the column/girder intersection, and because preliminary designs should aim to highlight weaknesses of systems, it is not unusual to use center-to-center dimensions for the frame in th

20、e preliminary analysis. Of course, in the latter phases of design, a realistic appraisal in-joint deformation is essential.Braced FramesThe braced frame, intrinsically stiffer than the moment resisting frame, finds also greater application to higher-rise buildings. The system is characterized by lin

21、ear horizontal, vertical, and diagonal members, connected simply or rigidly at their joints. It is used commonly in conjunction with other systems for taller buildings and as a stand-alone system in low-to medium-rise buildings.While the use of structural steel in braced frames is common, concrete f

22、rames are more likely to be of the larger-scale variety.Of special interest in areas of high seismicity is the use of the eccentric braced frame.Again, analysis can be by STRESS, STRUDL, or any one of a series of two or three dimensional analysis computer programs. And again, center-to-center dimens

23、ions are used commonly in the preliminary analysis. Shear wallsThe shear wall is yet another step forward along a progression of ever-stiffer structural systems. The system is characterized by relatively thin, generally (but not always) concrete elements that provide both structural strength and sep

24、aration between building functions.In high-rise buildings, shear wall systems tend to have a relatively high aspect ratio, that is, their height tends to be large compared to their width. Lacking tension in the foundation system, any structural element is limited in its ability to resist overturning

25、 moment by the width of the system and by the gravity load supported by the element. Limited to a narrow overturning, One obvious use of the system, which does have the needed width, is in the exterior walls of building, where the requirement for windows is kept small.Structural steel shear walls, g

26、enerally stiffened against buckling by a concrete overlay, have found application where shear loads are high. The system, intrinsically more economical than steel bracing, is particularly effective in carrying shear loads down through the taller floors in the areas immediately above grade. The sys t

27、em has the further advantage of having high ductility a feature of particular importance in areas of high seismicity.The analysis of shear wall systems is made complex because of the inevitable presence of large openings through these walls. Preliminary analysis can be by truss-analogy, by the finit

28、e element method, or by making use of a proprietary computer program designed to consider the interaction, or coupling, of shear walls.Framed or Braced TubesThe concept of the framed or braced or braced tube erupted into the technology with the IBM Building in Pittsburgh, but was followed immediatel

29、y with the twin 110-story towers of the World Trade Center, New York and a number of other buildings .The system is characterized by three dimensional frames, braced frames, or shear walls, forming a closed surface more or less cylindrical in nature, but of nearly any plan configuration. Because tho

30、se columns that resist lateral forces are placed as far as possible from the cancroids of the system, the overall moment of inertia is increased and stiffness is very high.The analysis of tubular structures is done using three-dimensional concepts, or by two- dimensional analogy, where possible, whichever method is used, it must be capable of accounting for the effects of shear lag.The presence of shear lag, detected first in aircraft structures, is a serious limitation in the stiffness of framed tubes. The concept has limited recent applications of framed tube

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