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1、高中英语必修三第二单元教案演示教学(3,2)重点词汇1. n. 天平,平衡;余额,余数 v. 平衡;权衡 balanced adj. 均衡的典例 1).Many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet.2). I must check my bank balance.3). Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. 重点用法 be out of balance 失去平衡练习 用balance短语填空或翻译。1). H

2、e _ _ _ and hurt himself when he went upstairs. 2). It is difficult for you to _ _ _ on an icy pavement.2.完成句子Its very important to _(保持大自然平衡)However,at times it is disturbed,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.2. n. 好奇心;求知欲 curious adj. 好奇的 curiously adv. 好奇地典例 1). Children are nat

3、urally curious about everything around them.2). I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity. There are some people who show great curiosity about other peoples affairs.Just out of curiosity,how much did you pay for your car?It is curious that he should not have failed the race.重点用法 out of curio

4、sity 出于好奇 with curiosity = curiously好奇地 be curious about sth. 对某事好奇 be curious to do sth. 好奇地做某事练习 用curiousity的短语或其适当形式填空。1). Margaret looked at him _ _. 2). She decided to try a cigarette _ _ _.3). All the employees in this firm _ _ _ the personal life of the general manager.4). _ drove Mary to ope

5、n her husband s letter though she knew it was wrong.(天津卷)People have always been_about exactly how life on earth began.Acurious Bexcited Canxious Dcareful3. vt. 限制;限定 n. 界限;限度 limited adj. 有限的 limitless adj. 无限制的典例1). The speed limit on this road is 70 mph. 2).This technique is useful but it has its

6、 limitations. 3). In my opinion,you had better set a limit to the expense of your trip. I believe teaching should not be limited to the classroom.The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.短语归纳 limit短语:limit sb./sth. to. 限制某人/某事到某种程度 put a limit on. 对限制there is a limit to对是有限的 with

7、out limit 无限地,无限制地练习 用limit的短语或其适当形式填空。1). Ones energy is _.2). _ _ _ _ (没有止境) what you can do if you try. 3). We must _ our weekly expenditure _ ten pounds.4). Only a _ number of places are available.4.In my opinion,keeping dogs should not be banned,but_to certain areas.Alimited Blimiting Cto limit

8、 Dto be limited4. vt. 有益于 vi. 得益于(常与from, by连用) n. 利益,好处;津贴1). The rain benefits the plants. = The plants benefit from the rain. 2).Plenty of exercise every day is of great benefit to our health.We should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.Fresh air and good food are beneficial

9、to the health.重点用法be of great benefit to = be very beneficial to 对有益 for the benefit of = for sb s benefit为了的利益 benefit from 从中受益练习 用benefit或其短语的适当形式填空。The new highway will _ the villagers. 完成句子(1)Many thousands of patients _(受益于这种新的治疗) and recovered quickly.(2)A large sum of money has been raised_(

10、为了的利益) the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous districts.5. vt.&vi. (使)联合;结合 combination n. 联合;结合 combined adj. 联合起来的典例We cant always combine work with pleasure. 短语归纳 combine的短语:combine together联合起来 combine A with/and B 使A与B联合起来练习 用combine的短语或其适当形式填空。 1) A _ of factors led to her decision to

11、resign. 2) Success was achieved by the _ efforts of the whole team.3) As a writer, he _ wit _ passion.6. n日常饮食;vt.& vi.节食;使实施饮食疗法Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.I really ought to go on a diet.Ive put on so much weight since I gave up jogging.The doctor put him on a diet after

12、operation.No sugar in my coffee,please.Im dieting.短语归纳be/go on a diet节食 put sb.on a diet控制某人饮食 a balanced diet均衡饮食练习:完成句子Would you like some more chicken?No,thanks.I am_(正在节食) and Im trying to_(减肥)7. nU 力量,体力;n.C 长处,强项build up ones strength增强实力 Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.Our fri

13、endship has steadily strengthened over the years.He hasnt got enough strength to lift the box.(浙江)Practising Chinese kungfu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones character.Abring up Btake up Cbuild up Dpull up重点词组1. 削减;删节The doctor advised the patient to cut down smoking.Our money is runn

14、ing out.We should cut down expenses.It is impolite for children to cut in when their seniors are talking.Because of the terrible earthquake,the electricity of the city has been cut off.重点用法cut in插话,让某人分享利润 cut up切碎;齐根切掉 cut out删除 cut off切断,中止练习:1. I was just talking to my old friend when Mary_.Acut

15、in Bcut down Ccut out Dcut up2. Our teacher advised you to_the article that is too long so as to make it fit the space.Acut away Bcut through Ccut up Dcut down2. aux. 应当;应该(没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形)典例 1). They ought to come tomorrow.2). He thought that they ought to take part in the design. 3). He ought not

16、 to do it. / He oughtn t to do it.4). Ought we to do it at once?练习 按要求填空或翻译。1). He ought to be here, _ he? (反意疑问句)2). I m sorry. I _ (本应该先给你打个电话) to tell you 1 was coming3). I _ (本不该拜访) her, but I missed her so much. 3. 体重减轻;减肥典例 She is trying to lose weight.短语归纳 weight短语及lose短语:put on weight(指人)增加体

17、重,长胖 be/take a weight/load off sb s mind使自己/某人如释重负lost heart 泄气;灰心 lose one s heart (to sb/sth): fall in love 爱上,钟情于lose one s life 丧生;遇害 lose one s balance 失去平衡lose one s breath气喘嘘嘘;上气不接下气 lose one s temper发脾气 lose touch (with sb/sth) 失去和某人/事物的联系 lose face 丢脸 lose interest in sth/sb 对某事物/人失去兴趣 lose

18、 sight of sb/sth 看不见某人/物;忽略或未考虑某事物练习 短语适当形式填空或填介词。1). He s _ _ _ since he gave up smoking. 2). Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight _ (介词) my mind! 3). I ve _ _ _ all my old friends.4. 偷携某物潜逃;逃避惩罚典例 1) They raided the bank and got away with a lot of money. 2) If you cheat in the exam youll neve

19、r get away with it. If we can get over present difficulties,then everything should be all right.They have a lot in common,so they get along well with each other.I called all day yesterday,but I couldnt get through to you.短语归纳 get词组: get on well with 相处融洽;(工作的) 进展好get through 接通电话;办完;完成 get up 起床;起身g

20、et over 克服,熬过,恢复get across (使)被理解,(把)讲清楚 get away (from)(从)脱离,逃脱get rid of摆脱;除掉 get down to (doing) sth.开始认真地做某事get in touch with与取得联系 练习 用get词组填空。1). To my surprise, the baby wolf _ _ _ the dogs and then managed to survive.2). She never arrives on time at the office, but she somehow managed to _ _

21、_ it.3). Well, stop chatting. It s time we _ _ _ some serious work.4). The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _ _ the shock soon.I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we_fine.Aget over Bstay up Cget away from Dget along5. = tell lies 说谎典例 It s not right to tell a lie. 短语归纳 tell短

22、语和习语:tell jokes/ a joke讲笑话 tell (sb.) a story给某人讲故事 to tell (you) the truth 说实话(用以引出自白或承认的话 tell A from B: distinguish A from B 辨认A和B;you can never tell 谁也不知道there is no telling: it is impossible to know 不可能知道练习 用tell词组填空。1). _ _ _ _, I fell asleep in the middle and didn t know how the story ended.2

23、). Can you _ Tom _ his twin brother?3). There s no _ (tell) what may happen. 6. = make ones/a living 谋生典例1). They began to earn their living when they were very young. 2). I earn my living by teaching English in the middle schoo1. 练习 根据句子意思及要求填空或翻译。 1). He had to _ _ _ by delivering newspaper in his

24、 youth.2). He earned his living _(介词)a fisherman.3). 这个小孩从10岁开始就自己谋生。_7. 欠债典例 1). They are in heavy debt to the Bank of China. 2). You saved my life: I am forever in your debt. Today,many developing countries are heavily in debt.Being out of debt makes Tom a light mood.The couple worked hard day and

25、 night in order to pay off all their debts.We were poor but we never got into debt. 短语归纳 debt短语和 “in + n.” 表示“在(情况、状况、状态)中”:get/run into debt 欠债;负责 out of debt不欠债 pay off one s debts还清债务in danger 在危险中in trouble陷入困境,倒霉 in order 井井有条 in surprise 吃惊 in public 当众,公开in ruins 呈废墟状态 in sight 看见 in silence沉

26、默着be in heavy debt负债累累 be in debt to sb.欠某人债be in sb.s debt感激某人;欠某人的情 pay off all the debts还清债务(动作)be out of debt不欠债(状态) get/run into debt陷入债务练习 根据句子意思用debt短语和 “in + n.” 结构填空。1). He _ _ _ after he was out of work. 2). He did all he could to _ _ _ _ in five years.3). He was _ _ when he was young, but

27、 has been _ _ _ since he got rich.4). James was _ _, but I dont know how to help him out.5). After the war, the whole city was _ _.完成句子This country_ _(负债) for a year because of the financial crisis.Now things have improved a little.重点句子1.Nothing could be better. (1)形容词的比较级与否定代词nothing连用,表达最高级的含义。有此用

28、法的常用否定词:no,not,never,hardly,nothing,nobody等。(2)表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构:never比较级nothing/noso原级as. nothing/no比较级than.can/couldnever/notenough/tooI ve never heard a more beautiful voice. Nothing in my life shook me so deeply as the first visit to China.You can never be too careful.Did you sleep well last night? Never better,like a log.Nothing is more precious than health.练习 根据句子意思及要求填空或翻译。 1). 他从来没有看过一部更令人激动的电影了。_2). 没有什么比旅游更令人愉快。_

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