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1、金榜考博英语冲刺班作文补充材料When you face pressureAs a 21the centurys people, we have to face much pressure from many respects every day, such as SARS, disease, disaster and so on.Certainly, there are two attitudes towards pressure. On the one hand, with good family education and oneselfs good mentality, some pe

2、ople look on pressure as an wealthness. As a result, they could face it bravely and search for right methods to solve it. Just like every coin have two sides, the others consider pressure too strong to solve. They are afraid, and so they escape.In my opinion, one the way in life, difficulties and pr

3、essure are easy to be seen. Whats the meaning of your life yet if you replace them with escape. We are bound to face challenge when we are born. Hold an optimistic mentality and say to yourself, “I can do it”. You will be braver to face them. (147 words)How to be braveFrom the picture, we learn that

4、 different people hold different views towards pressures, diseases and disasters. Some people escape when they come, yet others confront with them bravely.There are many factors account for the phenomenon. In the first place, family background is essential for ones personality. Parents could affect

5、one by their own principles and behaviors. If your parents are strong-hearted, you learn from them easily, while others become weak as their parents are not brave. Secondly, the education and what books you have read contribute to it. If you read many books that can inspire you, and learn to people

6、who are brave, you will not be afraid of setbacks, and face to them confidently. Furthermore, supports from others can give you a hand when you are in trouble.All in all, we should cherif a belive that no matter how difficult the problems are, we should confront with them bravely and conquer them. A

7、fter that, we could find that those setbacks become our treasure wealth.Different Attitudes towards StressThe set of pictures present in front of us a sharp contrast between two different kinds of attitudes people hold in face of stressful event. The former type is always staying away from some misf

8、ortunes or crises, trying to desperately “fly” when confronted with difficulties, but individuals of the latter type optimistically “fight” against such events, sure that they will be in control of their own destiny. Indeed, we should act on the values of optimism.The pessimist invariably takes a pa

9、ssive “fight” in face of adversities. He feels like fates playing and moves slowly. He doesnt seek advice, assuming that nothing can be done when he is in difficulty or in distress. On the contrary, optimists will feel in control of their own life. If something is going wrong, an optimist acts quick

10、ly, reaching out for advice, forming a new plan of action, and looking for solutions. He will think that he is much better than the facts would justifyand more often than not, that is what keeps him alive and active, as evidenced in many successful medical treatments. He actually recognizes that str

11、ess is nothing but a natural part of his routine life. Sure enough, what determines our choice between “flying” or “fighting” will be our attitudes towards life, not the stress itself.If we hold an optimistic attitude, we can change our life for the better. Very few can come through distressful peri

12、ods with less physical and mental vigor than they had before. We should also know that a long time with “flying” rather than “fighting can lead to boredom, and even worse, to physical and mental strain. 2010年考研英语作文部分命题趋势一、 作文要求1. 字数不低于150个,满分20分。2. 内容切题。审题准,不跑题。文不对题会严重影响成绩。3. 表达思想清楚。语言要精炼、准确、条理清楚,主题

13、明确。4. 文字通顺、连贯。遣词造句得当,能恰到好处地使用关联词使表达连贯平稳。论点论据展开合理(以因果、对比、分类、定义、列举、概括、时间、空间或综合等方法来展开)。5. 句式有变化,符合语法规范,尽量避免中式英语。采用适当的句式来表达相应的内容。常用句式包括简单句、并列句、复合句、主动句、被动句、双重否定句、反问句、倒装句、强调句、排比句、独立主格句式等。6. 用词有变化。避免重复使用同一词汇,可适当使用代词、同义词、近义词、关联词、和一些表意具体的词以增强文章的可读性。同义词的使用是衡量考生语言运用能力的一个重要尺度。7. 标点符号使用正确,行文和语言都符合英文书写的规范。二、 作文出题

14、总趋势为了避免考生猜题、押题,作文命题会呈多种形式。命题形式的多样性对语言基本功好的考生很有好处。一般来说,语言基本功扎实、考前又做了充分准备的考生无论命题呈何种形式都能应付自如。 1. 作文命题的四大特点 (1) 作文选材均为热门话题并贴近生活。(2) 文体多为说明文与议论文。 (3) 出题形式趋于多样化。 (4) 作文题目易于理解。作文考题无论以图表、画面还是文字的形式出现都会易于理解。标题中不会出现生词或不易理解的词组,考生不会因看不懂题目而影响正常发挥。这有益于考查考生的真实水平,确保试卷的有效性。 作文题目忌偏怪。 作文要求写的内容和知识范围是考生熟悉的、常见的和可为广大考生接受的,

15、题目和内容不会偏或怪,因此考生不必猜题、押题。 提高笔头表达能力是关键。考前有针对性的背诵范文三、 考博英语作文高分四步法一篇好作文要紧扣文章主题,符合特定的文体格式,文章结构组织合理,语言使用恰当,语法、拼写、标点正确。考生在写作练习时可以按照以下的步骤进行,以减少失误,为作文增值,同时真正提高自身的写作能力。 1 认真审题 仔细审题是写出作文的第一步,考生要仔细阅读试题要求及相关信息,如图表、图画、数字等,准确把握出题者意图。考研作文最忌不审题提笔就写,想到哪儿就写到哪儿,或完全凭自己想象编故事,置考试要求于不顾。 比如2007年是一幅漫画,漫画上是老太太和一个小伙子在网上谈恋爱的场景,文

16、章的重点应放在网恋得失的主题上。有的同学没有审题习惯,或担心时间不够草草审题,写成互联网给家庭成员之间的沟通提供了方便。最后发现文不对题,草草收场,这就影响了考博英语的成绩。 审题要点提示1) 答题时不宜急于动笔,深思熟虑后才能写出出色的文章;2) 构思时可以把作文题目转化为一个问题,写作文的目的就是回答这个问题3) 认真研读题目,找出其中所有的关键词4) 在构思时既要考虑各要点,也要考虑每个要点下面的支撑材料Prewriting Strategies1. Freewriting2. Brainstorming3. Asking questions4. Clustering2. 列出提纲审题后

17、,需要做的是列出写作的提纲,也就是考生大体上的写作思路。考试中,作文从构思到成稿时间是很有限的,所以不可能花太多的时间来准备一个详细的提纲,但是关键词提纲或粗略提纲还是非常有必要的。对原始材料分析归纳后形成一个基本的框架结构:漫画传达的主题是什么,要求中包含哪些内容,文章段落应该如何组织。这些都要心中有数。有了基本框架之后,考生再将具体内容填充完善,文章更能思路清晰,重点突出,行文流畅。简单构建提纲会对写作起到事半功倍的效果,考生在平时就要注意加强练习。 2. 开始写作 首先要注意语言的统一和连贯。选择最能体现中心思想、最具代表性的材料,共同表达一致的信息。利用恰当的关联词,使句子与段落在逻辑

18、关系上显得衔接和连贯。其次是用词准确,语法正确。写作中要特别注意语法、词汇和标点符号是否准确,不要刻意追求词语华丽和复杂长句,最好选择自己最有把握的词汇、短语和句式。最后要保证足够字数和卷面整洁。作文构思和写作过程中可以对字数进行估计,以确保达到题目所要求的字数。卷面书写应尽量工整,使阅卷老师一目了然,这对确保理想的作文成绩也是非常重要的。4. 整体修改 写作中考生由于仓促、紧张,很容易犯一些简单的错误,所以考生一定要留出时间用于修改。不要大幅度进行修改,更不要因为修改破坏卷面整洁,影响阅卷老师心情。修改时可以从以下几点进行包括语法上的时态、主谓一致,名词单复数、主动被动语态,和词汇上的关联词

19、、习惯用语、固定搭配、词类混淆误用、及物不及物动词等。 写作是考生英语综合运用能力的体现,对考生的语言功底有着很高的要求。因此,考生复习中一定要重视英语写作的练笔,拿到高分作文,最终取得考研的胜利。为确保英语作文内容充分可以使用的七种论据专家证言、统计数据、例子、个人经历、逻辑推理、常识、类比三段式作文的结构要求In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with

20、 appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. 三段论的文章应该符合“凤头、猪肚、豹尾”的要求,即开头要简洁,正文要充实,结尾要有力。引言写作模版. 吸引注意力:可以用数字、问题、引语等/. 引出文章话题:可以开门见山式、正反表态式、驳论式、收网式/. 表述中心论点;由topic + controlling idea 构成要点提示:1 引言段可以由三部分构成,第一部分设法吸引注意力,第二部分引出话题,第三部分表述

21、中心思想;2 在有些文章中,第一部分和第二部分可以融合起来;3 中心思想的表述对引言至关重要,它应该有明确的话题和清晰的观点,并尽量暗示正文结构。正文段的写作模板主题句:表述本段的主要内容、第一组支持句:表述支持主题句的第一种论据、第二组支持句:表述支持主题句的第二种论据、第三组支持句:表述支持主题句的第三种论据、段落结尾句:重述本段的主要内容重点提示:1. 正文段应该以主题句开始。主题句的topic应该与全文的topic相一致,以确保文章不跑题。主题句的controlling idea 在一起应该能支持thesis statement中的controlling idea.2. 正文段其他部分

22、的句子应该分组,每一组对应一个论据,段落中不能存在缺乏“归属感”的句子。3. 正文段中的内容以及正文段之间的内容必须按照合理的顺序来安排,以保证文章的通顺。结论段写作模板总结:采用直接总结法、首尾呼应法或让步重述上文的主要内容/最终评论:通过评论重要性、预测将来的发展、提出警告或者提出解决方法对作文话题做简单评论重点提示:1. 结论段应包括总结和最终评论两部分;2. 总结的常用写法有三种:直接总结法、首尾呼应法或者让步法;3. 最终评论的常用写法有四种:评论重要性、预测将来的发展、提出警告或者提出解决问题的方法。力求立意深远大部分考生在写作中或许能做到内容恰当、充实,但要想正真实现内容上脱颖而

23、出,我们还应该力求自己的作文做到立意深远。一般说来,大部分考生都会谈论与考题直接相关而且相对来说比较浅显的内容,读多了之后会有千篇一律之感。这样的文章很容易让阅卷老师产生“审美疲劳”。立意深远的内容能使文章在思想深度上胜人一筹,这就要求考生能在写作时扩大范围和范畴,学会用全球视野分析问题。不同观点列举型(选择型)模块:There is widespread concern over the issue that 作文题目. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to

24、person. A majority of people think that 观点一. In their views, there are two factors contribution to this attitude as follows: in the first place, 原因一. Futhermore, in the second place, 原因二. So it goes without saying that 观点一.People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hod the

25、 idea that 观点二. In their point of view, on the one hand, 原因一. On the other hand, 原因二. Therefore, there is no doubt that 观点二.As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that 观点一或观点二. It is not only because ,but also because. The more , the more .强烈推荐表列举的词汇和短语:1) to begin with, then, furthermo

26、re, finally 2) to start with, next, in addition, finally3) first and foremost, besides, last but not least4) most important of all, moreover, finally5) one the one hand, on the other hand (适用于两点的情况)6) for one thing, for another thing (适用于两点的情况)其他推荐过渡词:1. 表示递进:besides, in addition(to), additionally,

27、whats more /worse, whats better, worse still, moreover, above all, not only.but also2. 表示并列:meanwhile, at-the same time, in the mean time 3. 表示原因:because, because of, for, as, in that, since, owing to due to, on account of, on the ground of, as a result of, result from4. 表示比较:equally import, similar

28、ly, likewise, in the same way6. 表示对比或对照:on the contrary, in/by contrast, while, in stead, different from, on the other hand, despite, in spite of , yet, but, whereas, unlike, nevertheless, not onlybut also, the former the latter, some others, the firstwhereas the second, on the one handon the other

29、hand7. 表示强调:in particular, on top of all this, above all, most important of all, even worse, to make things, worst of all, needless to say8. 表示结果:thus, therefore, accordingly, so, as a result, for this reason, then, hence, consequently, as a consequence, result in, lead to8. 表示总结:in a word, all in a

30、ll, to sum up, in brief, in short, to summarize, to conclude, in conclusion推荐开头句型:Recently, the rise in has aroused public concern.Recently the issue of the problem (phenomenon) of has been brought into focus (has been brought to public attention)._ has been playing an increasingly important role in

31、 our day-to-day life. it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 结尾万能公式:1. 公式一:如此结论Thus, it can be safely concluded that , Therefore, we can safely draw such a conclusion that 更多过渡短语:to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, in short, in one word2. 结尾万能公式二:如此建议In su

32、mmary/ Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to enable old people to enjoy comfortable lives.From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that it is essential for us to take some measures to .After pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that we must take some measures to .Accordingly, I

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