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外研版高中英语必修3 模块3学案.docx

1、外研版高中英语必修3 模块3学案外研版高中英语必修3 模块3学案 外研版高中英语必修3 模块3学案dule3学案1 ur: vieg: an aidents ur in the heSth ur t sbIt ur t sb that/t d eg: 1 It suddenl urred t e that I hadnt seen Peter all da 2 I suppse it never urred t u t phne the plie2 pi up: eg: 1 She pied up apanese hen she as in apan 2 The bus stpped t pi

2、 up passengers 3 A bite f sething ight pi u up 4 The train as graduall piing up speed3 leave: vt leave+sb/sth in/n leave+sth+ad/adv/ding/dne eg: 1 h left the dr pen last night? 2 ud better leave things here u ill find the again 3 He left the TV n all night 4 ith these rds, he ent ut, leaving the hil

3、d ring there Nthing as left undne4 ause: (1) vt ause+sth/sbsth/sb/sth t d eg: 1 Heav traffi is ausing lng delas n the freea 2 This ar aused e a lt f truble 3 His illness aused hi t iss the gae (2) n ause+f ause and effet eg: arelessness is ften the ause f fires (u)n+fr/t d eg: u have n ause fr plain

4、t ()n eg: The are fighting fr a gd ause strie: eg: 1He stru the table ith his fist 2The ship stru a r vt eg: 1 The hurh l began t strie telve 2 An earthquae stru/hit enhuan n 12th a 2008 3 A gd idea stru e 4 It stru e that =It urred t e thatstrie a ath strie hestrie a bargainstrie hile the irn is ht

5、()n g n strie /be n strie all a strie hunger strie6 end: vi eg: The fil ended ith the herine ding end up: eg: 1 He ended up his letter ith a pe 2 The eeting ended up ith a sng 3 He ended up as the head f the pan 4 ull end up in prisn if ure nt areful7 bur: vt (1) bur+sb at/in eg: The b buried the de

6、ad bird under the tree (2) has buried sb eg: He has buried bth parents (3) bur neself in nes r/studies (4) The dg buried its teeth in leg () bur nes fae in nes hands (6) bur the hathet (7) bur nes head in the sand (8) be buried in thught8 happen: Sth happen t sb Sb happen t d Sb happen n sth It (s)

7、happen that tae plae: eg: 1Great hanges have taen plae in hetn in the last 20ears 2hen ill the sprts eeting tae plae?I单词拼写1The Gulf Strea is a ar ean urrent hih starts in the Gulf f exi and fls nrtheast a_ the Atlanti2It als travels past the east ast f the United States t_ eastern anada3It is ne f t

8、he s_ urrents anhere in the rld4Beause f the Gulf Strea, the United ingd and ther plaes in Eurpe are uh arer than parts f anada n the sae l_hat an happen t f_ hen a huse is destred b a trnad?6Desribing the httest parts f the earth, nrth and suth f the _(赤道)7A trnad is a rtating lun f air fr a _(雷雨)

9、t the grund8The an tae the fur ff the ba f a at and the _(羽毛) ff a hien9Hurrianes are strng _(热带的)strs, and the usuall ur in the suthern Atlanti ean, the aribbean Sea and the Gulf f exi10The rst hurriane _(灾难) f all tie urred n the 8th Septeber 1900 in Galvestn, Texas11B the tie the t_ ended, re tha

10、n 700 peple had been illed12ghlan travelled ba t anada after he had been b_ in Texas13The s_ f the earthquae ere the nes h staed in the village until the earthquae had finished14After the hurriane, ar sa that the rf f her huse had d_1She returned he and fund all her furniture had been r_ b the fld16

11、He tried t drive ba t his he befre the fld had passed t_ the village17After the earthquae, the _(发现)that several peple had been illed18ntserrat is a beautiful sall _(岛屿)in the aribbean, nl 16 iletres lng and 10 iletres ide19hen the lava reahed the sea, there as the _(可能性)f a huge tidal ave hih uld f

12、ld half the island20And n, re infratin abut the vlani _(爆发)n the island f ntserrat in the aribbean Sea hih t plae at 3a n Deeber 26th ,ne ee ag21Abut 400 earthquaes ur _ ever da, re than a hundred thusand in a ear22hina is situated in ne f the st a_ earthquae regins in the rld23And there have been a

13、n t_ earthquaes24The st s_ f these urred in Hua unt in Shanxi Prvine in 162The earthquae a_ eight prvines in entral hina26It vered an area f 800 _(平方) ileters27In se _(社区)60 perent f the ppulatin ere illed In all, 830,000 peple lst their lives28The alifrnia Earthquae f the 18th f April 1906 is the &

14、nt;_(最厉害的)earthquae that has ever happened in the United States29It t plae at :1 a, and _ (持续) fr nl a inute30 Hever, it aused the rst _ (自然的) disaster in the natins histrII短语翻译1捡起_ 2 五米高的浪_2每小时400千米_ 4 平均_ 到时候_ 6 tae ff _7 b the late 1890s_ 8 be related t _9 refer t _ 10 find ut _11不睡觉,熬夜_ 12 十千米宽_

15、13 倾盆而下_ 14 在199年7月18日_1 警告注意_ 16 hundreds f_17 ange t d sth _ 18 put ut_19 infr sb f sth_ 20arding t _&nt;III在空格中填入适当的词1_ the tie the trnad end, re than 700 peple had been illed2 ghlan traveled _ t anada after he had been buried in Texas3 the survivrs f the earthquae ere the nes h staed in the vill

16、age _ the earthquae had finished4 _ the earthquae, the disvered that several peple had been illed His village had been flded _ the heav rain, s he ved t his parents huse6 hen she e _, she fund that her huse had been destred b the thunderstr7 ntserrat is a beautiful sall island _ the aribbean, nl 16

17、iletres lng and 10 iletres ide8 There had been several prbles _ the vlan ver the previus hundred ears, but this as the first dangerus eruptin9 Peple ere tld t leave the island as ash and stea began t e _ f the vlan, and ere arned that the lava fr the vlan uld bur several villages10hen the lava reahe

18、d the sea, there as the pssibilit _ a huge tidal ave hih uld fld half the islandIV重难句型1 D u n anne h has experiened ne f the events?2 The Gulf Strea is a ar ean urrent hih starts in the Gulf f exi and fls nrtheast arss the Atlanti3 The an destred huses, but leave the furniture inside exatl here it a

19、s4 There are vilent inds f 120 iletres per hur r re, hih ause huge aves, heav rain and flds Trnades an pi up ars, train and even huses and put the dn in the next street-r even in the next tn6 Hurrianes are strng trpial strs, and the usuall ur in the suthern Atlanti ean7 n average there are 800 trnad

20、es in the US eah ear, ausing abut 80 deaths and 1,00 inuries8 B the tie it ended, re than 700 peple had been illed and 2,700 had been inured9 hina is situated in ne f the st ative earthquae regins in the rld and there have been an terrible earthquaes10It t plae at :1 a , and lasted fr nl a inuteI 单项

21、填空1 In the past t ears, an villages and tns in this sall untr_ b the str A fld B ere flded have flded D have been flded2 If the bttle f gas_ fire, the hle building a_ A ill ath, be burned t the grund B athes, be burned dn is n,burn dn D ill be n, be burned dn3-hat happened t ur ar esterda?- There as

22、 an engine prble But I anaged_ the ahine_again A t get, run B getting, running t get, running D getting, t run4 I had never spent a _ da I reall didnt n h t deal ith the situatin A re rr B st rring re rring D re rried The tiring trip ade all f us rather _ A tiring B tired tire D t be tired6 In the a

23、fter-lass ativities, the students had plent f _ and gained a lt f pratial_ A experiene, experienes B praties, experiene pratie, experiene D exerise,nledge7 It s dangerus t si in the sea beause the _ is s strng here A tin B pressure urrent D ater8 Dnt leave the ater_ hile u brush ur teeth A run B run

24、ning begin run D t run9The str left, _ a lt f daage t this area A aused B t have aused t ause D having aused10The aident_ t the an h_ t be a freigner, s it as hard t deal ith A urs, happened B happened, urred ae abut, urred D urred, happened11The left the huse hen the l_ telve A stru B strien strie

25、D stries12H an English sngs _b the end f last ter? A did u learn B have u learned uld u learn D had u learnt13Sing t uh ill_ ur health greatl A affet B effet effrt D frt 14ath_ a lt f Spanish b plaing ith the native bs and girls A pied up B t up ade up D turned up1If u n hat this eans, _ the ditinar

26、 A l up B refer t l at D l in16B the tie he realizes he_ int a trap, itll be t late fr hi t d anthing abut it A als B aled has aled D had aled17-Have u nn Drasn fr a lng tie? -es, sine she_ the hinese Siet A has ined B ins had ined D ined18The plieans attentin as suddenl aught b a sall bx hih_ plaed

27、 under the inisters ar A has been B had been as being D uld be19-Gerge and Lu gt arried last ee Did u g t their edding? -N, I_ Did the have a big edding? A as nt invited B have nt invited hadnt invited D didnt invite20-Have u read a b alled aiting fr Ana? -h_ it? A rites B has ritten rte D had ritte

28、n21-The ind is dirt -I n It_ fr ees A hasnt leaned B didnt lean asnt leaned D hasnt been leaned22He_ ftball regularl hen he as ung A as plaing B plaed has plaed D had plaed23re patients_ in hspital this ear than last ear A treated B have treated had been treated D have been treated24In reent ears an

29、 ftball lubs_ as business t ae a prfit A have run B have been run had been run D ill run2He_ as a natinal her fr inning the first gld edal fr his untr in the lpis A regarded B as regarded has regarded D had been regarded26Father_ fr Lndn n business upn arrival, s I didnt see hi A has left B left as leaving D had left27an u ae sure_ the gld ring? A here Alie had put B here had Alie put here Alie has put D here has Alie put28He said that he had visited the par_ A last ee B a ee

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