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1、北京房山初三上期末英语含答案2020北京房山初三(上)期末英 语知识运用单项填空从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项1Listen! That little girl is crying on the chair Lets go and help_()Ame Bhim Cher Dthem2The autumn _ Beijing is very beautiful()Aon Bin Cat Dto3The fridge is empty, _ we may have to go out for dinner tonight()Afor Bor Cbut Ds

2、o4The Changjiang River is _ than the Huanghe River()Along Blonger Clongest Dthe longest5_ is the winner in 100meter race?Lily Shes from Class One()AWho BWhat CWhen DWhere6 _you swim?Yes, but Im not a good swimmer()AMay BCan CNeed DMust7Jack _ to London after he nishes the nal exam next week()Agoes B

3、went Chas gone Dwill go8May I speak to Mrs Smith?Hold on, please She _ in the kitchen now()Ahas cooked Bcooks Cis cooking Dwill cook9Rose came to Beijing in 2002She _ here for eight years()Awas living Blive Cwill live Dhas lived10My sister _ to music when I got home at ve oclock yesterday()Alistens

4、Bwas listening Cwill listen Dhas listened11 Look, what a nice house! It looks so great! Yeah, it _ nearly 800 years ago()Awas built Bis built Cbuilt Dbuilds12Judy,could you tell me_the schoolbag?Oh,yesI bought it in a store on the Internet()Awhere did you buy Bwhere will you buy Cwhere you bought Dw

5、here you will buy完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项13Free Sweets in His Taxi to Delight and Heal(治愈) Mansoor Khalid, a 37yearold electrical engineer from Pakistan, has been driving a yellow taxi in New York City since 1996 In 2010, his son, Saad, was born with a heart disease Every tim

6、e Mr Khalid visited him in the hospital after his day shift(轮班), he would bring much (1) to drink during nights to take care of his son He even gave some to the doctors and nurses there, who called him coffee man Last April, Saad died at 18 months old Although Mr Khalid was so sad, he had to(2) to w

7、ork After his sons death, he got into the habit of buying some sweets for his passengers, which nearly cost him300 every month From his experience in the hospital with his son, Mr Khalid learned that giving to others could at least (3) his feeling of loss, if not heal it Id like to buy something for

8、 people; I feel (4) , Mr Khalid said When you give something from your hand, someone gives a smile to you in return Since then, he has become famous on the Internet His kind behavior (5) a lot of customers, with more pickups from fans who send their positions to him on Twitter or Facebook But he doe

9、snt expect the 13,000 other yellow taxis to do the same The300 a month Mr Khalid spends on candy would (6) help many people to support their families for a time Actually,it is not a small sum If you think about it, you will (7) why he does it, after all, you dont get that sort of kindness very often

10、 said Juan Miranda, who drives Mr Khalids taxi during the nights Everybody is sometimes unhappy and stressed Living in New York City is not very easy, so when passengers see all the candies, chocolates, they will cheer up in a short time, Mr Khalid explained Some people even start crying with (8) (1

11、)A coffeeB teaC juiceD milk(2)A learnB agreeC forgetD return(3)A getB hideC increaseD express(4)A upsetB boredC goodD thankful(5)A attractsB preventsC refusesD educates(6)A simplyB naturallyC differentlyD probably(7)A promiseB explainC wonderD discover(8)A imaginationB happinessC sadnessD disappoint

12、ment阅读理解阅读选择阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项14Find your perfect trip Book or buy today for big savings!Beach VacationsIf you want a beach vacation, we can offer you a choice of some of the beautiful beaches in the world Why not experience the soft white sand and the clear water of St Vincent

13、 in the Caribbean? The beaches are perfect, the water is warm, and you can relax at your luxury(豪华)hotelBackpacking TripIf you like to stay in youth hotels(青年旅社)or bed & breakfasts on a backpacking trip, we can plan your trip and book all your transportation and accommodations(食宿) With an Inter Rail

14、 card, you can travel cheaply by train everywhere in Europe In America, you can travel by bus, by plane, or by train We can help you nd the best way to save your moneyActive VacationsIf you want to be active when you are on vacation, then try an active vacation This fantastic trip offers you a chanc

15、e to go mountain biking,hiking(远足), and climbing in Lima, Peru You can stay in a friendly guesthouse and eat fresh local food You can also book trips into nearby towns to visit the sights and local marketsCity ToursInterested in a tour of some great cities? Try our Europe Tour! It includes two night

16、s in Rome, Venice, Lucerne, Paris, and London You can travel by plane and by bus,and we make all the arrangements(安排) for you You can stay in threestar hotels,eat in fantastic restaurants, and visit all the top tourist sights and museums with an experienced guide(1)What can you do when you go on a b

17、each vacation? A Experience the clear waterB Book trips to visit local marketsC Travel by train everywhere in EuropeD Visit museums with an experienced guide(2)You will probably take Backpacking Trip if you want to A enjoy foodB go shoppingC stay at a luxury hotelD spend less money on a trip(3)Which

18、 trip can give you a chance to go mountain biking? A Beach VacationsB Active VacationsC City ToursD Backpacking Trip15Edward rose early on the Newyear morning He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet When he c

19、ame back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars His face lighted up as he took themHe had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore He left the house with a light heart, expecting to buy the books As he ran down the street, he saw a poor family I

20、wish you a happy New Year said Edward,as he was happily passing onThe man shook his head You are not from this country? said Edward The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak his language But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children shaking with cold,as if(好像)to say, Thes

21、e little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble He took out his dollars, and gave one to the man and the other to his wife They were excited and said something in their language, which doubtless meant, We thank you so much that w

22、e will remember you all the time When Edward came home, his father asked what books he had bought He hung his head a moment,but quickly looked up I have bought no books, said he, I gave my money to some poor people,who seemed to be very hungry then He went on, I think I can wait for my books till ne

23、xt New Year My dear boy, said his father, Here are some books, more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a NewYear gift I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German familyIt was nice for a little boy to do soBe always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to yo

24、u a Happy New Year(1)What did Edward expect to do with the money he got from his father? A Help the poor familyB Buy something to eatC Buy some pretty booksD Learn another language(2)Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him? A He wouldnt accept the moneyB He couldnt understand th

25、e boyC He was too cold to say anythingD He didnt like the boys language(3)According to the passage, we can know that Edward A got a prize for his kind heartB had to buy his books next yearC got more money from his fatherD bought the books at the bookstore16Parents of very young children know this:Yo

26、u catch your child in the act of stealing the cookiethe evidence(证据)of candy written on his or her face However, the kid often gives a denial, I didnt do it! Learning to tell the truth, even at the risk of punishment, is an important part of moral(道德)development, and new research suggests it can tak

27、e seven or more years for kids to get there Early in 2017 Professor Craig E Smith published a study He and his workmates chose 48 children between four and nine years of age They told the kids a story about a boy or girl doing something wrong,such as taking a classmates toy or candy, and then either

28、 lying about the wrongdoing to a parent or confessing(承认错误) it In each case, they asked the children, How would the child feel? How would the mother feel? The childrens answers were generally divided according to age, which is in agreement with the above research, showing a gradual growth of moral u

29、nderstanding in early childhood More of the fourtoveyearolds thought the child in the story would feel better keeping the stolen candy, lying and getting unpunished They imagined the parent in the study would be angry with the child who confessed However, the seventonineyearolds were more likely to

30、think the child would feel better confessing the wrongdoing and that the parent would have positive(积极的) feelings towards a confessor Smith says, Kids of all ages who expect that a parent would feel happy about a childs confession are more likely to tell the truth rather than lie Reward the honesty even if you feel you must punish the wrong action He adds,what parents can learn from these studies is to listen calmly without getting angry right away when their child confesses Allowing children to make mistakes is one of the greatest challenges of par

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