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1、初中英语语法资料含讲义与练习题第一讲名词和冠词名词:世界上由万事万物构成的,这些事物各有名称,表示这些名称的名词叫作名词。名词的分 类:专有名词和普通名词 专有名词:表示具体的人名,事物,地名,机构和节日等名称的词称为专有名词。爱丽丝December 十二月纽约Children s Da儿童节the Uni versity of London 伦敦大学(专有名词开头第一个字母必须大写)1 表示人: Yang Liwei 杨利伟 Alice2 表示事物: the Changjiang River 长江3 表示地名: Macao澳门 New York4 表示节日: Christmas Day 圣诞

2、节5 表示机构: WTO 世界贸易组织 普通名词:指一类人,事物,物质或抽象概念的名称。类 另U定 义例 词普通名词可 数 名 词个体名词用来指单个人或者事物的名词。taxi出租车scientist科学家 computer 电脑集体名词用来指一群人或一些事物总称的名词。army 军队 police警察 family 警察 class 班级不 可 数 名 词物质名词用来指无法分为个体的物质,材料的名词。water 水 wind 风 glass玻璃 steel钢铁抽象名词用来指人或事物的品质,情感,状态或动作 等抽象概念的名词。honesty 诚实 love热爱silence 安静life 生活(

3、一)名词的单复数形式: 可数名词的单复数形式1.规则变化构成法例一般情况在词尾加-sshop-shops desk-desks以s,x,sh,ch结尾的词,在词尾加 -esbus-buses box-boxes watch-watches brush-brushes以ce,se,ze, (d)ge等结尾的词直接加-sface-faces house-houses page pages以辅音字母+y结尾的词,y变成i再加-esbabybabies city cities factory factories story-stories以辅音字母+o结尾的词,多数在词尾加-estomato toma

4、toes hero heroespotato potatoes以兀音字母+o结尾的词和某些以 0结尾的外 来词,加-sradioradios photo photospia no pia nos zoo-zoos以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f或fe为v,加-es, 少数不变,只在词尾加-slife lives kn ife kniveswife wives roofroofs2. 不规则变化名词复数的特殊形式manmen, woma nwome n, policema n policeme n, En glishma n En glishme n,foot feet, tooth teeth,

5、child childre n, Germa n Germa ns 有些名词的单复数形式同形Chinese, Japanese, deer, sheep, fish合成名词,只将其主题词变为复数形式girl stude nt girl stude nts pen cil-box pen cil-boxes 由man和woman构成的合成词,全部变成复数man doctormen doctors woma n teacher -wome n teachers只有复数的名词trousers, glasses, tha nks, clothes, goods, compasses, stairs,

6、people, scissors, chopsticks(6)不可数名词的数量表达a piece of bread/meat; five drops of water; six bags of rice; seve n pairs of shoes;eight basketball of apples; nine piece of n ews课堂练习:A组:选择最佳答案1. Mrs. Lenny gave us on how to lear n En glish well.A) some advices B) many advices C) some advice D) an advice2.

7、 If these trousers are too big, buy a small A) set B) one C) pair D) copy3. A group of are talki ng about two A) Fren chma ns; Germe n B) Germa ns; Fren chma nsC) Fren chme n; Germa ns D) Germa n; Fren chme n4. -What would you like to drink, girls? - , please.A) two cup of coffee B) two cups of coff

8、eeC) two cups of coffees D) two cup of coffees5. My mother and my sister are both A) woma n teachers B)wome n teacher C) woma n teacher D) wome n teachers6. We n eed ntbuy any . There are many in the fridge.A) fruit B) milk C) meat D) eggs7. How many can you see?A) milks B) a glass of milk C) glasse

9、s of milks D) glasses of milk8. I thi nk maths very useful.D) beD) teethsD) a cup of teasA) is B) are C) am9. The little baby has two already.A) tooth B) tooths C) teeth10. Im thirsty, please make for me.A) a tea B) a cup of tea C) teasB组:用所给词的正确形式填空1. I have two (kni fe).2. They come from differe n

10、t (coun try).3. The (meet) beg ins at 2:00 in the after noon.4. We have quite lots of nice (photo). Let me show you some of them.6. There are many (bus) on the road.7. Look at the picture, a lion is running after a group of (deer).8. Here is a birthday card for you with our best (wish).9. Changjiang

11、 River is one of the longest (river) in China.10. The students in Class 1 are all (Japan).C 组:判断对错1. A: My glasses is broken. ( )2. A: I want to buy two pairs of shoes.B: I want to buy two shoes. (3. A: I need a few ink. ( ).4. A: Don teat too much meat. (5. A: May I borrow two radioes? (B: My glass

12、es are broken. ( ) ( )B: I need a little ink. ( ) B: Don teat too much meats. () B: May I borrow two radios? (( 二) 名词所有格:表示名词所属关系的一种形式 单数名词的所有格,只需在词尾加 s 以 s 结尾的复数名词的所有格,只加 不以 s 结尾的复数名词的所有格,应加 s1. sister Lucy s penthe studentsbook TeachersDayChildren s Day Womens DayLucy and Lily s be

13、droom表示几个人共有的东西,只需要在最后一个人的名词后面加 s,表示各自所有的, 则每个名词都加 s Lucy sand Lily s desks名词所有格常用省略式, 省去被名词所有格修饰的名词 at the doctor s“of+ 名词所有格” ,通常作后置定语,这种结构通常指整体中的部分或一个 a friend of my father s the window of the roomA) Mary s mothersB) Mary s mother7. Joan is _ sister.A) Mary and JackB) Mary s and Jacks8. I will gi

14、ve you _ to finish it.A) two week s timeB) two week timeA) paper of today B) today newspaper s C) today newspaper6. Miss Smith is a friend of 9. This is not your radio, but C) Mary mother sD) mother s of MaryC) Mary sand JackD) Mary and Jack sC) two weeks timeD) two weeks timeA) yours brotherB) your

15、 brother sC) you brother sD) yours brother sA 组: 选择最佳答案1. Tony scar is more beautiful thanB) his brother and sisterA) his brother s and sisterC) his brothers and sisters D) his brother and sister s2. -How long does it take to get to the station? -It s walk.A) six minute s B) six-minutes C) six minut

16、es D) six minutes3. These are bikes.A) Jin and Sams B) Jim s and Sam C) Jim and Sam D) Jims and Sams4. Twelve were hurt, but no were lost in the accident.D) persons; lifeA) person; life B) people; lives C) peoples; lives5. Theres something important in .D) today s newspaperA)mi nuteB) minu tesC) min

17、ute D) minu tes二冠词:英语中名词前常会出现 a,an或the这三个词,用来说明名词所表示的人或事物,冠词是虚词,是名词的一种标志,它不能脱离名词独立存在,不能单独作句子成分。(1) 不定冠词 a; an1. 不定冠词表示数量中的一个”,但是数的概念没有 one强烈。修饰单数可数名词。 用来指人或物中的某一个或某一类,但不具体说明何人何物。 a用在辅音因素开头的词前,a pen, a useful book; an 用在以元音因素开头的词前, an apple, an hour, an honest boy2. 用在某些固定的短语中: in a minute, for a wal

18、k, have a good time, have a look 等(2) 定冠词的用法1. 特指说话双方都知道的人或事物。 Look at the blackboard.2. 用在表示宇宙中独一无二的事物的名词前。 the su n, the moo n, the earth3. 对前面已提到过的人或事物,第二次提到时加定冠词,用以表示特指。I found a picture in the box. The picture was very beautiful.4. 用在序数词或形容词最高级前。 They live on the ten th floor.5. 用在某些形容词前,表示“一类人

19、”the old, the young, the poor, the rich, the deaf, the bli nd6. 用在乐器名称前 play the violin play the pia no7. 在姓氏的复数形式之前,表示一家人 the Smiths the Lis8. 用在方位词前9. 用在表示海洋,河流,山脉,群岛及国家和党派等名词前10. 用在某些固定的词组中 in the morni ng in the ope n air(3) 不用冠词的情况1. 某些专有名词前 Ch ina, Class Four,2. 在球类运动名称和三餐饭前面,一般不用冠词 have lunch

20、, play football3. 在季节,日期,星期,节日和学科的名称前,不用冠词 in spri ng, in June, on Mo nday4. 在不可数名词(抽象名词和物质名词)前面, 一般不用冠词We have all played with snow and ice.5. 名词前面已经作定语用的 this, these, that, those, my, their, your, his, some, many 等词时,常常不用冠词。 her pocket, this han dbag, some pizza6. 一些习惯用法和固定短语中, 常不用冠词 in bed, after

21、 school, by bus课堂练习:A组:选择最佳答案1. Theres h in the word house”.A) a B) / C) an D) the2. Jack bought useful book. book is also very in teresti ng.A) an; The B) a; The C) an; / D) a; A3. -Can I help you, madam? -1 m look ing for pair of shoes for my daughter.A) the B) an C) a D) some4. elepha nt is much

22、heavier tha n a house.A) A B) An C) The D) /5. After watching TV , she played guitar for an hour.A) / B) the C) an D) a6. -Where is Xiao Mi ng? -He havi ng rest over there.A) a B) an C) the D) /7. We have three meals day. We have breakfast at 6:30 in morning every day.A) the; the; the B) the;/; the

23、C) a;/;the d) a; the; the8. The carto on Mula n is in teresti ng film and story happe ned in China.A) a; the B) an; the C) the; a D) an; a9. In the Un ited States, Father Day falls on third Sun day in June.D) a; /D) /)A) the; / B) the; a C) /; the10. What in terest ing book it is!A) a B) an C) theB组

24、:判断对错1. Please turn off lights before you leave. (2. I live on a sec ond floor of this build ing. (3. I like to climb the mountain in the autumn. (4. The little boy wan ted to go to cin ema. (5. I went to New York by car. (本节妙语巧记 名词单数变复数规则: 名词单数变复数,一般加-s没有错。 词尾若是 s,x,ch,sh,直接加上 一es。 词尾若 是f或fe,加 之前要变

25、ve。辅音字母+y 来结尾,变y为i有道理,再加-es没问题。 词尾字母若是 o,力口-es有tomato禾口 potato。不规则变化要特别记, oo常要变ee, foot feet是一例。男人女人 a变 e, woman women 看仔纟田。 child复数要记住,孩子们是children。定冠词的用法:特指双方熟悉,上文以及提及;世上独一无二, 序数词最高级;某些专有名词,习惯用语乐器。第二讲 代词和数词代词代词是代替名词以及起名词作用的短语,不定式,动词的 -ing形式或句子的词。1.人称代词: 人称代词的主格在句子中做主语,宾格在句子中作宾语或表语。单数复数人称主格宾格主格宾格第人

26、称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称he,she,ithim,her,ittheythem注意:不同的人称合在一起使用时,一般的排序为:单数:you and I; you and he; he and I; you, he and I复数: we and you; we and they; you and they; we, you and they2.物主代词:表示所有关系的代词,是人称代词的所有格形式,表示“所有”义类型、我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她,它)们的形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mi neyourshishers

27、itsoursyourstheirs3.反身代词: 表示我(们)自己,你(们)自己,他、它、她(们)自己的词人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfhimself, herself, itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves4. 疑问代词: what,which, who, whom, whose 等5. 指示代词: 是用来指代或标记人或事物的代词,具有指定的含义。 this ; that; these; those6. 不定代词:不明确指代某个(某些)人,某个(些)事物的代词。 some, any, many, much, a lot o

28、f 与 lots of1 many修饰或代词可数名词的复数。2 much修饰或代替不可数名词。3 a lot of和lots of既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。4 some和any表示“一些”,即不确定的或未知的数量数目。 Some通常用于肯定句中,any用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中。Some可用在表示邀请或请求的疑问句中, 强调希望对方给予肯定回答。Would you like some apples?other与an other的用法1 other具有代词性质,既可指人,也可指物。 other表示“另外的”,“其他的”,the other表示“两者中的另一个” ,the oth

29、ers表示“其余的(指在一个范围内的其他全部) ”,others用于泛指,表示“其余的人或物”。2 an other具有代词性质,既可指人,也可指物,表示“另一个” (是泛指中的“另外一个”, 并不是两者中的另一个)或“又一个” each 与 every 表示“每一”1 each强调“个别”,可单独使用,也可修饰单数名词或跟 of引导的介词短语;every修饰单数名词,强调“整体”,相当于汉语中的“每个都”。2 everyone与every one的区别:everyone意为“每人”,“人人”,只指人,不指物,后面不能 跟of引导的介词短语;every one意为“每个”,通常用来指物,后面能

30、跟 of引导的介词短语。3 every及其所构成的复合代词 everybody, everyone, everything作主语时,谓语动词用单数。4 “ every+基数词+复数名词”或“ every+序数词+单数名词”表示“每隔 ”,译成汉语减去一: every three days 每隔两天 every third days 每三天 no 和 none表示“无”,“没有”1 no= not a, not any作定语,后跟可数名词或不可数名词; none后跟引导的介词短语,在句中作主语或宾语,表示“没有任何东西或人” 。2 nobody, no one, nothing只能单独使用,后面不跟 of引导的介词短语。3 nobody, no one, nothing和none常用作简略答语。一般情况下,nothing回答

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