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1、仁爱英语初一下册复习资料仁爱英语初一下册复习资料 仁爱英语初一下册复习资料七年级下册复习导纲Unit 8 The Seasns and the eather Tpi1 hats the eather lie tda?一重点词语:1 季节词汇:四季名词springsuerAutun / fallinter四季特征arhtlld四季色彩greenbrightellhite四季活动hiesilib untainsae snen2 天气词汇:天气名词rainindludsnsunfg对应形容词rainindludsnsunnFgg3 in spring / suer / fall / inter在春天

2、;夏天;秋天;冬天4 g libing untains / shpping / siing quite = ver 很,相当6 e ba t life 复苏,复活7 名词转化为形容词:hpe hpeful are areful 8 fr Deeber t Februar 从十二月到二月9 fall ff 落下;掉落10 eather reprt 天气预报11 a hpeful seasn 一个充满希望的季节the harvest seasn丰收的季节12 e after 紧跟其后13 get arer and arer 变得越越暖和14 ae dinner 做饭 ae tea 泡茶ae fae

3、s 做鬼脸ae friends 交朋友ae ishes 许愿ae a istae 犯错误ae a nise 制造噪音ae a sentene 造句ae sure 确信ae duplings 包饺子二、重点句型:1 hats the eather lie tda? = H is the eather tda? 今天天气怎么样? It ls lie rain = It ls lie raining 看起好像要下雨。2 hih seasn is the arest / httest / lest / ldest in the ear? 一年里哪个季节最暖和;最热;最凉快;最冷?3 Seties it

4、 rains quite heavil / hard 有时候雨下得很大。 4 Its a gd tie t si 它是游泳的好时节。 Its a gd seasn fr hiing 它是去远足的好季节。 Its a gd tie / seasn t d sething 它是做某事的好时间;好季节。 D u lie suer? es, but I lie inter better 你喜欢夏天吗?是的,但是我更喜欢冬天。hih d u lie best, spring, suer, fall r inter? I lie suer best你最喜欢哪个,春,夏,秋,还是冬?我最喜欢夏。Liebet

5、ter 更喜欢liebest 最喜欢6 I lie spring best = favrite ( seasn ) is spring 我最喜欢的季节是春天。7 hats the eather lie tda? H as the eather esterda? hat ill the eather be lie trr? 今天天气怎么样?昨天天气怎么样?明天天气怎么样?8 Its nie and ar 今天挺暖和的。Nie and ; gd and 可用加强语气,意为“很,挺”。如:nie and ld 很冷nie and far 很远9 Its better tda than esterda

6、 今天的天气比昨天更好。10 The eather gets arer and arer 天气变得越越暖和。get变得。如:get ld 变冷;get thin 变瘦比较级and比较级意为“越越”,如:taller and taller, 越越高;heavier and heavier,越越重11 The ld eather is ing 寒冷的天气马上就要了。12 It lasts fr Deeber t Februar 它从十二月持续到二月。13 The nespaper sas itll be sunn trr 据报纸报道明天将会是晴天。14 The farers are bus har

7、vesting 农民们忙着收割庄稼。be bus ding sething = be bus ith sething 忙着做某事 I a bus ding b = I a bus ith b 我忙着我的工作。三、语法学习: 1 形容词的最高级:单音节词和少数双音节词:(1)一般情况下加-est,如:ldest, tallest(2)以“e”结尾的词,加-st,如:niest, finest(3)以辅音字母结尾的词,先变为i,再加-est,如:busiest, heaviest(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母,再加-est,如:biggest, httest多音节词在前面加

8、st,如:st beautiful, st dangerus四、交际用语:学习描述和谈论四季和不同时间下的天气状况hats the eather lie in suer?It ften rains Seties it rains quite heavilH is the eather in inter?Its better than esterdahih seasn d u lie best, spring, suer, fall, r inter?hih seasn is the ldest in a ear?hat d u thin f the eather tda? hats the t

9、eperature? Its 3 Tpi2 The suer hlidas are ing一重点词语:1 the suer / inter hlida 暑假;寒假2 tal abut 谈论到,谈及3 hlida plans 假日计划4 ant t g 想去ant t d sething = uld lie t d sething 想做某事hpe t d sething 希望做某事 plan t d sething 计划做某事 arund the untr 环绕国家6 tae pitures / phts f 给照相7 the lal peple / fd 当地人;当地食物8 plaes f i

10、nterest 名胜古迹9 elebrate sething ith sebd 和某人一起庆祝某事10 get tgether ith sebd 和某人聚会在一起11 g n a trip去旅游 ae nes trip 旅行 ae a hlida 度假 g fr a hlida 去度假be n hlida = g n hlida 在度假tae a hlida = have a hlida 休假12 have a gd tie = have a great tie = have a nderful tie = have a nie tie = have fun 玩得很高兴13 n the bea

11、h 在海滩上14 tell sebd sething abut sething 告诉某人一些事情关于某个事物1 the best tie 最佳时间16 enter senes he 进入某人家里17 tae ff ur shes 脱鞋子18 g ut 出去g ba 回去19 pint t 指着20 eat ith ur left hand 用左手吃东西21 uslin untries 穆斯林国家22 tuh sebd n seplae 触摸某人的某个部位23 ae the sign 做个好了的手势24 arrive n tie 按时到达2 a little later晚一点26 pass se

12、thing t sebd 传递某物给某人二、重点句型:1 The suer hlidas are ing 暑假要了。2 I hpe t get tgether ith ld friends 我希望和我的老朋友在一起。3 Eah f us has a gd plan fr the hlidas 我们每个人都有一个很好的假期计划。4 Befre u g n a trip, hat ill u pa fr it? 你去度假以前,要打包准备些什么? It sunds reall interesting and exiting 它听起相当有趣和令人激动。6 Different untries have

13、different usts 不同的国家有不同的风俗。7 u shuldnt eat ith ur left hand 你不能用左手吃东西。8 u ustnt pint t anthing ith ur ft 你千万不要用脚指东西。9 Guess hat I bught fr u! 猜猜我为你买了什么!三、语法学习: 1 一般过去时的特殊疑问句:H as u trip? It as nderfulH did u ae ur trip? B planehat plaes did u visit? e visited se faus tepleshen did u e ba? I ae ba es

14、terdahere did u g n a trip? T Australiah did u ath TV? Beause I anted t ath tennis gaesh did u live ith? parents2 情态动词shuld和shuldnt的用法:hat plaes shuld I visit in unnan?u shuld visit Dali and Liiang and u shuldnt iss Xishuangbanna hen u enter senes he, u shuld tae ff ur shes 四、交际用语:谈论旅游和风俗。here d u a

15、nt t g fr u hlida? I ging t travel arund the untr and tae pitures f the lal peple hen u travel in ther untries, ud better n the usts f the untrH as ur trip? It as nderfulH did u g t Tibet? B planeH lng ere u there? I as there fr five dashen did u e here? I ae ba esterdahats the best tie t g there? T

16、pi3 Lets elebrate!一重点词语:1 节日名称:The Spring FestivalNe ears EveLantern DaTbseeping Festival春节除夕元宵节清明节Dragn Bat Festivalid-autun FestivalDuble Ninth Festival端午节中秋节重阳节Teahers Dathers Dahildrens DaNatinal Da教师节母亲节儿童节国庆节ens DaArs DaParts Birthdauth Da妇女节建军节党的生日青年节April Fls DahristasThans-giving DaHalleen愚

17、人节圣诞节感恩节复活节2 ae duplings 包饺子3 perfr lin and dragn danes 表演舞狮子和舞龙4 give eah ther presents 互赠礼物 dress up 盛装打扮,乔装打扮6 the st iprtant 最重要7 sta up 熬夜8 gaze at 观看9 get dar 变黑10 have a fail get-tgether 举行家庭聚会11 prepare fr 为做准备12 g tri-r-treating 去玩“是恶作剧还是请客”13 n n 敲打14 pla tris n sebd 捉弄某人1 en ding sething

18、享受做某事16 be in bed 入睡17 sendt 把送到;寄18 lred lights / andles 彩灯;彩烛19 n hristas Eve 在圣诞节前夜20 lunar a th 农历五月五21 hld dragn bat raes 举行龙舟赛22 eat rie duplings 吃粽子23 the birthda f hina 中国的生日24 the apital it f hina 中国的首都城市2 Tiananen Square 天安门广场26 ath the natinal flag g up 观看升国旗27 a seven-da hlida 七天的假期二、重点句

19、型:1 Peple in an untries elebrate hristas and give eah ther presents 很多国家的人庆祝圣诞节和互赠礼物。2 hat ther speial festivals d e have? 我们有别的什么特殊的节日吗?3 n this da peple eat naes and en gazing at the full n 在这一天人们吃月饼赏月。hat d u ean b tri-r-treat? 你所说的“tri-r-treat”是什么意思?It the neighbrs dnt give the andies the ill pl

20、a tris n the如果邻居不给他们糖果,他们将会捉弄他们。Everne is all siles 大家都笑容满面。The ust be fr Santa laus! 他们一定自圣诞老人。Befre hristas, I sent an hristas ards t friends 圣诞节之前,我给朋友们寄了很多圣诞节贺卡。三、语法学习:由hen, befre, after引导的时间状语从句。hen it sns, the grund is hite ith sn and I an ae snen hen u travel in ther untries, u shuld n the us

21、ts f the untrBefre the hinese Ne ear, an hinese failies burn the pitures f ithen gd, Za Shen, t bring gd luParents als en eating their hildrens tri-r-treat andies after the hildren are in bed 四、交际用语:学习中外节日。hildren dress up in strange lthes and pla trisn Spring Festival, hinese peple elebrate and per

22、fr lin and dragn danes Than u fr ur hristas ards! 第五部分 堂精练单项选择。( )1hristas Da is ing Eah f the _ bus _ fr hristasA are; preparingB is; preparing is; prepareD are; prepare( )2n the night f id-autun festival, peple lie t _ the bright full nA athB see enD l( )3n hristas Da, the hle fail _ t have a spei

23、al dinnerA get tgetherB gets tgether get-tgetherD gets-tgether( )4Spring lasts fr arh t a It is a gd seasn _ hiingA atB in tD fr( )Dnt rap gift ne _ hite paper in _A ith; ItalB in; anada in; hinaD ith; Aeria( )6In Spain, peple eat grapes _ gd lu in the ne earA frB fr fD ith( )7The eather as rain, bu

24、t the untains _ beautifulA areB is asD ere( )8Please _ tuh a hild n the head in Thailand Its ipliteA antB d dntD shuldnt( )9L! Sall and ane are taling _ their hlida plansA ithB at abutD t( )10I interested in reading nvels I thin Harr Ptter is ver _A interestedB rd interestingD quiet( )11The trees an

25、d flers _ in spring ever earA get arB e ba t life begin t dieD have a gd tie( )12Dnt sta _ t late Get up earlier, please, I illA ithB up nD fr( )13The s is getting dar I thin it ill be _A rainB rain rainingD rains( )14hat d u thin f the eather?Its nie and ar “Nie and” here eans _A verB nie gdD a lit

26、tle( )1The eating habits(习惯) in hina are different _ thse in AeriaA fB fr ithD fr情景交际。(A)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, angang! hat a ld da!B: es Its ver ld I n u are fr Australia 16 A: In Australia, suer is fr Deeber t Februar and inter is in une, ul and AugustB: h! 17 hen it is sprin

27、g in hina, its fall in Australia, right?A: Quite right 18 Its ver ar Seties its t htB: 19 A: N, its quite arB: 20 A: L at the luds! Its ging t rain Lets g heB: All right Be-be!A Is it ver ld in inter in Australia?B The Australian seasns are ppsite(相反) t the hinese seasns Its ver ld in AustraliaD H i

28、nteresting!E Siing is ver ppular in suerF In Australia, there is beautiful sunshine ever daG hats the eather lie in Australia?(B)根据对话情景,在画线处填上适当的单词,使对话完整通顺。A: Hi!B: Hi, ar!A: Did u 21 a gd tie last Sunda?B: es, e did e 22 ut fr a piniA: Great! here did u have it?B: At the ft f the Great allA: 23 did

29、 u g ith?B: I ent ith Peter, i, Lu, Lil and ennA: hat tie did u start?B: At 8:30 in the rningA: 24 did u g there?B: e ent there b bieA: hat did u have 2 lunh?B: e had Beiing du, hien, eggs, bread and fruit21 _ 22 _ 23 _ 24 _ 2 _完形填空。thers Da is elebrated(被庆祝) in the USA Its als a hlida in se ther un

30、tries It is n the send Sunda in a It is a da t than thers 26 that da thers usuall 27 flers and ards fr their hildren n the ards, hildren ill rite “Thans, ”, “T the best ther 28 ” , “Best 29 fr thers Da” and s nhere des the idea fr the hlida 30 ? e shuld than iss Anna arris She brught up the idea f having suh a da She lived in est Virginia Her ther 31 n a 9th, 190She had a deep(深深的) lve fr her ther She 32 letters t se iprtant persns In her letters she ased the t deide a da fr 33 thers Then thers Da as ade(被创造) n the send Sunda in a b the USA in 1913n thers Da, hildren give pres

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