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1、河南省郑州市外国语中学中考三模英语试题2021年河南省郑州市外国语中学中考三模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1 _ Fathers Day is coming. What gift will you send to your father? A tie. I picked_ amazing one yesterday.AThe; an B/; the CThe; a D/; an2 Id like 3 bottles of orange juice. Only two left. Would you like to have_ ?Aone Bones Cit Dthem3M

2、rs. Miller is ill. Her daughter has taken a months_ to look after her.Acost Bleave Cspace Deffort4Adam_ his family every day when he was away from home on business.Acalled Bwas calling Ccalls Dis calling5Whats the point of sitting here? Lets find something_ to do.Amore boring Bmore exciting Cthe mos

3、t boring Dthe most exciting6After knowing Tony won the first place in the 1,000-metre race, the coach said_,“ No pain, no gain.”Acarelessly Bcalmly Csurprised Dsadly7As soon as I took my seat in the hot pot restaurant Haidilao, a glass of lemon water and a hot towel _.Aserved Bare serve Cwere servin

4、g Dwere served8_ confidence, hard work and determination, you can turn yourself into a better person.ABy BThrough CFrom DWithout9He_ be thankful for your support. Without you, he couldnt have achieved such great achievements.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill10 Its sunny today. How about going to the zoo? Sounds

5、 great! Can you_ the opening time on the Internet first?Alook for Blook up Clook through Dlook at11_we cannot change reality, lets change the eyes which see reality.ASince BAlthough CAfter DOnce12When you meet failure in life, _ it and learn from it. Then you can become stronger.Aavoid Breceive Cval

6、ue Dforget13Fiona, one of my best friends, is a doctor in a hospital_ is known for her excellent medical skills.Awho Bwhom Cwhich Dwhat14 How can I pay full attention to my homework? _ off your phone and keep off any possible bother.ATurn BTo turn CTurning DTurned15Which of the following sentences i

7、s correct?AHow interesting the trip is.BAlthough they attended the party, but they didnt have fun.CYou may stay here as long as you would like to.DThe girl opened the box, wondered what was in it.二、完型填空 “Cant I go with you, mommy?” asked my daughter, Kristi, as I put on my hiking boots. We were livi

8、ng in Oregon then and our backyard was close to the hill of Mayer State Park. My evening hike was supposed to be “alone time”, a great 16 to stretch my legs and clear my head. I didnt want to have to worry about my five-year-old daughter.I looked at her dad, hoping he could 17 my mind. What if I hav

9、e to carry her back? Or 18 , what if she gets hurt? Kristi was too small for such a big hike.“Honey, I dont know ”“Theres no harm in letting her 19 ,” my husband said.“Okay,” I said, giving in, “but well turn around as soon as you start to get 20 .”We walked ahead with the setting sun 21 golden ligh

10、t. After a while, the wind picked up, blowing strongly. God, I prayed(祈祷), this might be too much for her. But instead of slowing her down, the wind pushed Kristi along inviting her to join in 22 dance. Kristi laughed and danced, legs kicking and arms waving. Why had I worried? Kristi had more 23 th

11、an me!Kristi is all grown up, an excellent hiker. Now, 24 I find myself doubting what others are able to do, I remember that determined little girl and the wind that proved me 25 .16Achoice Bchance Cchange Dchallenge17Aread Bchange Clearn Dtell18Abetter Bbest Cworse Dworst19Arun Bcome Ctry Dexperien

12、ce20Aexcited Btired Cscared Dsurprised21Agiving up Bgiving off Cgiving away Dgiving back22Aher Bour Ctheir Dits23Aexercise Benergy Ctime Dability24Awhenever Bwherever Cwhatever Dwhoever25Awrong Bright Cafraid Dnervous三、阅读单选 We all love festivals. But since culture develops differently in many places

13、, some festivals are, to us, very strange. Lets take a look at some unique festivals around the world.Roswell UFO Festival(New Mexico, US)The Roswell UFO festival celebrates the anniversary(纪念日)of the “Roswell Incident(事件)”, when a UFO was said to have crashed nearby. Every year in July, experts, au

14、thors, researchers and lecturers come to discuss the incident. The celebrations also in clued an alien parade(旅行), an alien costume contest, and an alien hot air balloon ride.Hemingway Days(Florida, US)This festival has normal stuff like short-story readings and exhibits about the author. But the hi

15、ghlight(亮点)of the festival is definitely the Hemingway look-alike contest.Imagine walking into a bar and being greeted by 20 middle-aged men who all look alike: short and strong with thick white beards. The festival takes place in mid-July every year.Cheese Rolling Festival(England)The festival star

16、ted about 600 years ago in May. When a round cheese is rolled, competitors run down the hill and try to catch it before it reaches the bottom. As the cheese can reach speeds of up to 112 km/h, people seldom catch the cheese. First to the bottom wins the cheese. But running down a very steep(陡峭的)hill

17、 behind a cheese can be dangerous. Eight people were injured in 1992.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26According to the passage, the celebrations of the Roswell UFO Festival include the following activities except_.Aan alien parade Ban alien costume contestCan alien hot air balloon ride Dan alien air crash27When may t

18、he first Cheese Rolling Festival be held?AIn the 14th century. BIn the 15th century.CIn the 18th century. DIn the 19th century.28What do the three festivals have in common?AThere are winners in all festivals. BAll of the festivals are dangerous.CThey all take place in America. DThey all take place i

19、n July.29What can we infer from the passage?AThere was really a UFO in Roswell several years ago.BHemingway was short and strong with thick white beards.CPeople run from the hilltop to the bottom in the competition.DThe winner of the competition can catch the cheese every time.30In which section can

20、 we see the passage in a newspaper?ANews. BEducation. CCulture. DStory. My elder cousin Ted liked complaining almost about everything. When he faced a problem, he always chose to complain about it instead of finding a way to solve it. That was not right. Ted was healthy and had received a good educa

21、tion. He should and could find a good job and work hard to feed himself, but he just complained all day, drifting from one job to another. One day, I read about a farmer called Chris and told Ted about him.Chris works hard and performs many jobs around the farm. But Chris is not exactly like other f

22、armers. What makes him different is that he was born without arms or legs. But this has not stopped him from working hard and getting things done.Now, you may ask, is this possible? Like many other amazing people who have no arms or legs, Chris does not focus on what he cant do, but rather on what h

23、e can do. And he can do a lot! He drives farm vehicles and looks after crops. Once you see Chris in action, you will think there is nothing he cant do. Chris is a great example of a person who is making the most of his gifts. His positive attitude and courage make him a true inspiration.After I told

24、 Ted about Chris, he became silent. Compared with Chris, Ted was much luckier. Then luckily, I saw Teds change. Do you like complaining? If you do, think about Chris. Such a man chooses to stay positive. Why dont we?根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31Why did the writer tell Ted about the farmer?ABecause Ted had a good

25、job. BBecause Ted liked complaining.CBecause Ted was healthy. DBecause Ted had a good education.32Which word can replace the underlined word in Paragraph 1?AThinking. BChanging. CMaking. DFollowing.33Which of the following sentences is wrong?AThe author cares about his cousin. BTed learns a lot from

26、 Chris.CChris is a hard-working farmer. DTed isnt as lucky as Chris.34What may happen to Ted?AHe will go to help Chris. BHe will change his job more often.CHe will get a higher education. DHe will try to get good results at work.35What is the best title of this passage?AWork harder than before BCare

27、 for the disabled peopleCMake the best of every day DLearn to value what you have Thanks to new technologies, its easier than ever to do something on our phone or computer. All we have to do is talk, and our favorite song starts playing a few seconds later. But in the near future, asking our phone t

28、o play a song by using our voice will seem as old-fashioned as using CDs. Thats because US tech company Microsoft recently had a paten(专利)for a “ brain control interface”(BCI), meaning that soon, we may be able to control our phone and computer with our thoughts.BCI technology works by turning brain

29、 signals(信号)into computer orders. This technology isnt completely new, however. Last year, for example, it was reported that scientist were able to help a disabled man from the US, 53-year-old Bill Kochevar, to move his body again. With the help of BCI technology, as well as equipment to make his bo

30、dy move, Kochevar was able to use his thoughts to “ tell ” the BCI to move his body, meaning he was able to feed himself for the first time in years.Aside from helping disabled people, its hoped that BCI technology will improve the daily lives of other people too. US social media Facebook announced

31、last year that it was working on BCI technology to help people type by using their brain. By 2019,the company hopes to have created a system that will allow people to type up to 100 words per minute just by thinking about them. In turn, this could be used to offer live translation, from English to Chinese, for example.However, many people are worried that technology that can know about our thoughts

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