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1、人教版七年级英语上册期中复习题精选16- _?- Her name is Li Lan.AHow are you BWhats her nameCHow old is sheDWhos Li Lanthese(单数)_ class (复数) _()This is _ friend.A. Lucy and LilyB. Jim and TomC. Jim and Toms D.Lucys and Licysare not(缩写形式)_().当别人夸你英语说的好时,你应说:A. HelloB. Thank you C. No D. Yes( ) . Tom and I_ students. A.

2、amB. is C. areD. 按要求写出相应的词:box(复数) child(复数) I(宾格) they(形容词性物主代词) china(形容词) no(同音词) this(复数) those(单数) are not(缩写) what is(缩写)()Where is Ann? AIts here BIm here CHe is here DI dont know. He is a _ boy. He often helps others. (help)(). Would you like _ ice-cream?Yes, Id like to have _.A. a,an,a

3、n C.a,one,one还有谁来参加你的生日宴会?_ _ _ to your birthday dinner? ()Whats your name? .AThats David BThis is David CMy name is DavidDIts David() .- Whosthat? -_. A.Hesten B.HesTom C.ItsTomD.HisnameTom( )-Is this your car?-No, it isnt. _ that woman over there.ATo ask BAsk CAsksNice to meet you._,too. AFin

4、e thank you BHow are you CNice to meet you DHello There will be_ important meeting next weekYou must be here o timeAan BaCthe DLook! Thats _ bike.AheBhisChesDTomwomen(单数)_ yes (反义词) _()This is _ orange. Thats _ apple.A. a.aB. C. D. an.aShe is my sister.She is my mothers _.(她是我妈妈的女儿。)(). Y

5、ou can look up(查) the word in the _.A.pencil caseB.backpackC.schoolD.dictionary( ) . They are _ . A. Chineses B. Japanese C. mans D. orange 按要求写出相应的词:box(复数) child(复数) I(宾格) they(形容词性物主代词) china(形容词) no(同音词) this(复数) those(单数) are not(缩写) what is(缩写)()Is this a pencilbox? yes, Aits Bit is Cis it Dit

6、s. Whose bikes are they? They are my _. (friend)().There are two _students in my school.A. hundredsB. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of.顺便说一声,你愿意和我们一起看电影吗?By the way,would you _ _ _ a film with us?( )当你向别人介绍你的朋友Jim时,你应说: AThis is JimBHe is Jim CYou are JimDI am Jim() . - Whatare these ?- _ areapp

7、les . A.Theyre B.They C.Their D.Theirs( )See you latermeans _.AHow do you do? BGood morning CGoodbyeWhats this? _orange. AIts an BIts aCIs anDIts an-May I call you Bob?-_, if you wishAIt doesnt matter BOf courseCNo DYes- Is your friend a boy or a girl?- _ .AYes, hes a boyBYes, shes a girlCTheyre boy

8、s DHes a boywomen(单数)_ too (同音词) _()A: Please sit down.B: _.A. Im fine B. Thank youC. Im OK. D. Thats all right.This is _ _. This is _ _ .(这是我堂兄,这是我的朋友。)().Whos this? _ Linda.A.ThatsB.This is C.Its D.Hes( ) . He is a boy. _ name is Li Ling. A. HisB. Her C. HeD. Hes 按要求写出相应的词:box(复数) child(复数) I(宾格)

9、they(形容词性物主代词) china(形容词) no(同音词) this(复数) those(单数) are not(缩写) what is(缩写)()They are twins. They look .Asame Blike Cafter Dthe same. They are talking about an _ film in the next room.(interest)(). Would you like _ ice-cream?Yes, Id like to have _.A. a,an,an C.a,one,one还有谁来参加你的生日宴会?_ _ _

10、to your birthday dinner? ()Are those your pictures? Yes, AtheyreBthey are Cthose are Dit is() . _ rowis LiLeiin ? A What B.Where C.Whats D.How( )Is _in Grade ?No, she isnt.AJoy BJim CAnnWhats that?_. AYes it is BNo it is notCThis is a car DIt is a carTom is not here, maybe he_ to the post officeAgoe

11、s Bis goingCwas going Dhas goneThats my _ .Apencilbox Ba pencilboxCthe pencilbox Dpencilboxesthat(复数形式)_. is not (缩略式) _()A: How are you, Jam? B: _.A. Thank you. B. HelloC. Nice to meet you D. Fine, thanksThe plant is on the dresser(对划线部分提问)_ _ the plant?(). Can you _ your baseball _ school?A. take,

12、 in B. bring, to C. bring, in D. need, to( ) . This is_ s. A. aB. an C. theD. 按要求写出相应的词:box(复数) child(复数) I(宾格) they(形容词性物主代词) china(形容词) no(同音词) this(复数) those(单数) are not(缩写) what is(缩写)()What row are you in? Im inArow oneBone RowCthe Row one DRow one There is a reading room on the _ floor. (one)(

13、).He plays basketball _ at the weekend.A. too many B.too much C.many too D.too many.我们上象音乐美术体育等其他的学科。We have _ _,_ _ Music,Art and P.E.( )早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说: 。AHello! B How are you? CGood morning,Mr /Miss! D Good afternoon!( ) . Mum , _is myteacher , MrWang . A. This B.this C.he D.Its( )When you meet

14、 a person(人)for the first time(第一次),you can say_AHow do you do? BHow are you? CI m sorry.Whats this? _orange. AIts an BIts aCIs anDIts anThere will be_ important meeting next weekYou must be here o timeAan BaCthe D- How do you do?- _ AFine, thank you.BAll right.CIm OK.DHow do you do?yes(反义词)_ pencil

15、-boxes (单数) _()_. Is this No. Middle School?A. Sorry B. HiC. Excuse me D. Good morningbox(复数形式)_().当你称呼李老师(男)时,应如何称呼?_.A. Teacher Li B. Mr. Li C. Miss Li D. Sir Li( ) . _ is this man?At home. A. Who B. Where C. HowD. How old 找出共同音素的字母:()AHhBIi CJj DAa()ACcBGgCKk DPp()ANnBFf CLl DOo()AZz BDdCTt DEe()

16、AWwBYyC DUu()Is this a pencilbox? yes, Aits Bit is Cis it Dits. They are talking about an _ film in the next room.(interest)().I go home _ : _ the, , inC.on,, at.他有时写电子邮件给朋友吗?_ he sometimes _ _ _ his friends? ()Excuse !Are Miss Han?AI ,yourB,youCme, yourDme, you().当有人向你问

17、候,说Howdo youdo ? 时,你应说:_ A.Imfine, thankyou .B.Howdo youdo .C.Niceto meetyou .( )_ the washroom?Its over there.AWheres BWhy is CWhatsWhats that _English? Aan Ba Cin DatI dont think I have_to doAsomething important Banything importantCimportant something Dimportant anythingTom and Jim _ in Grade One.

18、Aam BisCareDbethat(复数形式)_ yes (反义词) _() _ book is _ the floor.A. An ,onB. A ,underC. The ,under D. The ,onThe plant is on the dresser(对划线部分提问)_ _ the plant?(). This is _ watch A. my B. my a C. a my D. /( ) . Is this your ruler? No,_ . A. this isB. it isnt C. it is D. this is not 找出共同音素的字母:()AHhBIi C

19、Jj DAa()ACcBGgCKk DPp()ANnBFf CLl DOo()AZz BDdCTt DEe()AWwBYyC DUu()is a girl. name is lucy.AShe, HerBHe, Hes CIt, ItsDHer, Shes.You can buy _ and scarfs in the supermarket. (Walkman)().He plays basketball _ at the weekend.A. too many B.too much C.many too D.too many.他有时写电子邮件给朋友吗?_ he sometimes _ _

20、_ his friends? ()What class are you in ?I .Aam in class Bin class Cam in classDin class().把东西递给别人时,你应说:_ A.Hereyou are . B.Toyou . C.Hereareyou .( )Whats eleven minus three?Anine Beight CsevenHello!_you Li Lan? Yes, I_. AIs, am Bare, is CAre, am Dare, am -Its very nice of youThank you very much-_ADo

21、nt say so BYoure rightCDont thank DIts nothingThis is apple. Its _ big apple.Aan; anBa; aCan; a Da; anI(名词性物主代词)_ pencil-boxes (单数) _()A: How are you, Jam? B: _.A. Thank you. B. HelloC. Nice to meet you D. Fine, thanksThe plant is on the dresser(对划线部分提问)_ _ the plant?(). What is your name? _A. My name is Tony Brown B. My name is Brown TonyC. Tony Brown is I D. This is Brown Tony here( ) . Is she in Class _ in Class ? A. at B. on C. and D. or 将下列译成英语:她的书包 一位老师 在第三排 你的朋友 他的猫 几岁 用英语 一个苹果 一幅地图 五辆公共汽车()is a girl. name is lucy.AShe, HerBHe, Hes CIt, ItsDHer, Shes. We have two _ students in our c

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