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1、大学综合英语第一册unit1上海外语出版社 一、 Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentencesShe suffered great mental_ after her husband died, and as a result she became mad.Select one:a. Anger 因为他们所做的坏事你或对你不好的想伤害或批评某人强烈的感觉b. Discomfort 感觉轻微疼痛或身体不舒服c. Unhappiness 不开心的情绪或立场d. Anguish 精神上或身体上的

2、疼痛或担心极度痛苦FeedbackWrong answer. Try again!1、anger:a strong feeling of wanting to hurt or criticize someone because they have done something bad to you or been unkind to youe.g. Pauls face was filled with anger.2、discomfort: a feeling of slight pain or of being physically uncomfortablee.g. She still s

3、uffers considerablediscomfort from her injury.3、unhappiness: the state of being unhappye.g. Juliets eyes shone with unhappiness.4、anguish: mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worrye.g. Nothing can take away theanguish of losing a child.Question 12Not answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag qu

4、estionQuestion textShe offered me some food that had a_ taste.Select one:a. Special 不一般,但在一些不同的方式经常是更好或更重要b. Peculiar 陌生的,奇怪的,或有点惊讶c. Particular (只用于名词前)某一特定的人或事是你所说的,而不是其他的d. Concrete 明确的,积极的 FeedbackSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、special: not ordinary or usual, but different in some way and ofte

5、n better or more importante.g. This is a special case, deserving special treatment.2、peculiar: strange, unfamiliar, or a little surprisinge.g. There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen.3、particular: (only used before noun) a particular thing or person is the one that you are talking about, and not a

6、ny othere.g. Most students choose one particular area for research.4、Concrete: definite, positivee.g. The policy have nothing concrete to go on.Question 13Not answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag questionQuestion textBuilding the proposed underground railway may_ much more than the government could pay.Selec

7、t one:a. Spend 用你的钱来支付商品或服务b. Cost 价钱为,要求支付c. Take 如果有什么需要一个特定的时间,金钱,精力,等等,这些时间,等它发或成功需要d. Waste 使用更多的金钱,时间,精力,比是有用的或感等FeedbackSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、spend: to use your money to pay for goods or servicese.g. I cant afford to spend any more money this week.spend something on something2、cost

8、: be obtainable at the price of, require the payment ofe.g. It costs too much.3、take: if something takes a particular amount of time, money, effort, etc., that amount of time, etc. is needed for it to happen or succeede.g. Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of energy.4、waste: to use mo

9、re money, time, energy, etc. than is useful or sensiblee.g. Leaving the heating on all the time wastes electricity.Question 14Not answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag questionQuestion textRealizing the immense international pressure, the President_ stepped down.Select one:a. conspicuously 显而易见的,很容易察觉的b. grac

10、efully 平稳有效的移动或是吸引人的形状方式 c. Lonely d. Truly FeedbackSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、conspicuous: very easy to notice e.g. Lincoln is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.2、graceful: moving in a smooth (平稳的)and attractive way,; or having an attractive shape(形状) or form(方式、形态)e.g. We adm

11、ired the graceful poise of the dancer.3、lonely: (adj.) unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk toe.g. He has so few friends that his life is lonely.4、truly: used to emphasize that the way you are describing something is really true (= really)e.g. This encyclopedia is truly a comp

12、endium of knowledge.Question 15Not answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag questionQuestion textThe audience whistled and shouted, waiting for her to sing one _ song.Select one:a. Last 发生紧接的同类或相似的人或物最后b. final 存在或发生的一系列事件,结束动作,报表,等;作为一个特殊的过程的结果c. Ending 故事的最后一部分;完成某事某物的行为,最后一部分d. Concluding 最后一句总结的话或写作里的最后一件事Fe

13、edbackSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、last: happening or coming after all other similar things or peoplee.g. And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding.2、final: being or happening at the end of a series of events, actions, statements, etc.; being the result of a particular pro

14、cesse.g. The project is in its final stages.3、ending: the last part of a story; the act of finishing sth., the last part of sth.e.g. His stories usually have a happy ending.4、concluding: the last remark ,etc. in an event or piece of writinge.g.This is the concluding section of Chapter 6.Question 16N

15、ot answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag questionQuestion textDuring the war, all the women were left unloved, exhausted, impoverished and _.Select one:a. Alone 数量上的孤独b. hoarse (一个人沙哑的声音)听起来刺耳,特别是因为喉咙痛c. Grave 由于某些悲伤的事情,或为一些重要事情而担心的情绪d. Lonely 内心的孤单FeedbackSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、alone: adv./adj. wit

16、hout any friends; without the help of other people or thingse.g.Carol felt all alone in the world.It is hard bringing up children alone.2、hoarse: adj. (of a person or voice) sounding harsh, especially because of a sore throate.g. We shouted ourselves hoarse at the football match.3、grave: (of people)

17、 serious in manner, as if sth. sad, important or worrying has just happenede.g. His face was grave when I told him my decision.4、lonely: (adj.) unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk toe.g. Dont you get lonely being on your own all day?Question 17Not answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag

18、questionQuestion textHe was put into prison, but he never _ , and continued his fight from behind the bars.Select one:a. gave up 放弃b. gave in 屈服c. Stopped 停止d. Retreated 撤退FeedbackSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、give up: to stop trying to do sth.e.g. I give up; tell me what the answer is.2、give in:

19、 to admit that you have been defeated by sb./sth.e.g. He will give in to his opponents claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point.3、stop: to make sb./sth. no longer do sth.e.g. That phone never stops ringing.4、retreated (v.+adv./prep.) to change your mind about sth. because of criticism or beca

20、use a situation has become too difficulte.g. The government has retreated from its pledge to reduce class size.Question 18Not answeredMark 0 out of 1Flag questionQuestion textHis high school report _ that he was brilliant in all science subjects.Select one:a. believedb. noticedc. notedd. decidedFeed

21、backSorry. Wrong answer. Try again!1、believe: to feel certain that sth. is true or that sb. is telling you the truthe.g.He thinks that everyone who believes will go to heaven.2、notice: to see or hear sb./sth.;to become aware of sb./sth.; to pay attention to sb./sth.e.g.She wears those strange clothe

22、s just to get herself noticed.3、note: to mention sth. because it is important or interestinge.g. I failed tonote that he had left.4、decide: to think carefully about the different possibilities that are available and then choose one of theme.g. That chance meeting decided my career.二、Fill in each bla

23、nk with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them.shake, tremble, shiver, quiver, vibrate, shudder 这些动词均含 “ 震动,颤抖 ” 之意。 shake 最普通用词,含义广。指人或物不自主地颤动、摇摆,常侧重剧烈和无规律。 tremble 指由于寒冷、虚弱、愤怒或恐惧等而发抖、战栗。 shiver 指因寒冷或情绪突变而出现的短时间的轻微和快速的颤抖。 quive

24、r 多用于指事物。指物体像乐器的弦一般地轻微而急速地颤动。 vibrate 指急速地连续震动,也指钟摆等的来回摆动。 shudder 着重指由于恐惧、震惊等而引起的全身突然而强烈地战栗。answer ,reply ,respond 均含有 “ 回答 ” 的意思。 answer 是常用词 , 可指 “ 口头 ” 、 “ 笔头 ”, 甚至 “ 行动 ” 回答 , 如 : He answered my question. 他回答了我的问题。 reply 较 answer 正式 , 如 : I sent in my application, and the university replied imm

25、ediately. 我把申请书交上去了 , 大学方面立即给了答复。 respond 系正式用语 , 指 “ 对号召 职责、请求等 作出自发性的适当反应 ”, 如 : They eagerly responded to the Partys call to work in the border regions. 他们热情地响应党的号召 , 到边疆去工作。 ask inquire questionanswer, respond, reply answer,respond,reply 这组词都有 “ 回答 ” 的含义。 answer( 名词亦为 answer) 在这三个词中使用范围也最广。它可以用于

26、 “ 回答 ” 别人提出的问题,这是用语言回答。电话铃响了,你去 answer the telephone( 接电话 ) 这种 “ 回答 ” 即包含语言又包含行动。门铃响了,你去开门 (answer the door bell) 却只用行动。 In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. 在回答这些问题的过程中,我要么就点头,要么就发出奇怪的叫声。 respond( 名词为 response) 用于表示自发的反应,或不反对作出反应。 I struck him a crack and he respond

27、ed with a kick. 我啪的打了他一下,他踢回了一脚。 reply( 名词亦为 reply) 和 answer 虽然常常可以互相使用,但有时并不能通用。如: reply 虽然也可以用来表示 “ 以行动回答 ” ,但与 answer 明显不同: The officer answered the guards saltue by a nod. 那位军官点一点头以回答卫兵的敬礼。 The officer replied the guards salute. 那位军官对卫兵的敬礼回了礼。 因为 reply 一词从词源学角度上讲,其含义是 fold back 使返回羊栏。 sheep 有教区居

28、民的意思。因此 foldback( 即 reply) 也有使返回老家或原处的意思。此外, answer a letter 所表示的 “ 回信 ” ,可以只是表示 “ 收到了某人某月某日的来信 ” ,但对来信提出的问题并不一定作了答复,而 reply a letter 则可以表示回答了来信提出的一切细节。They would be able to reply to our signals using similar methods. 他们会有能力使用类似的方法来回答我们的信号。common, general ,ordinary ,usual common 指习惯上的,经常发生的,被广泛使用的,或

29、大家都知道的 a common problem; 共同的问题; ordinary 指种类普通且不能从其他中加以区别的。在后一意义上,它有时是贬义的: A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes. 原珠笔适合最普通的用途。 usual 通常的,平常的经常碰到的、经历的或奉行的: the usual summer heat. 常有的暑热 general 全体的,全面的与一个集团或类别的全部或每一成员有关系的、适用的、有影响力的tiny ,small, little tiny 意为 “ 极小的、细小的 ” ,注意它和 small, l

30、ittle 的区别。 Small 指外形相对较小,但还能清楚看得见的,如: I put the present in a small box. (我把礼物放在一个小盒子里。)而 tiny 则可能肉眼看不太清楚,如: Fleas are tiny insects. (跳蚤是很小的昆虫。) little 则含有更多情感,表示 “ 小巧的 ” ,如: The little dog followed the boy everywhere. (那条小狗到处都跟着那男孩。)3、Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of th

31、e given capitalised word in the bracket.industry (n.) 工业、行业;勤奋industrial (adj.) 工业的;用于工业的;工业发达的industrious (adj.) 勤奋的、勤劳的industriously (adv.) 勤劳地、勤奋地industriousness (n.) 勤奋、勤劳e.g. The government takes great measures to expand industry and commerce.政府采取很多举措发展工商业。His success was due to his industry and thrift.他取得成功是由于他的勤俭。Tom is working industriously at his desk.汤姆正在办公桌前勤奋地工作。Question 24Not answeredMark 0 out of 1

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