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1、UnitDonteatinclass学案Unit 4Dont eat in class. SectionA第一课时 课前预习作业预习内容:sectionA 1a-1c预习重点:1. 预习下列单词: rule, hallway, classroom, fight,Ms2. 看图,将规章制度的编号写在图中相对应的违规学生旁边预习练习一、翻译下列句子1.上课不要迟到2.不要再走廊里奔跑3.不要再教室吃东西4.不要在教室或走廊里听音乐5.不要打架 二、通过预习,你最不懂的地方时什么,请写出。第一课时 课后巩固练习一、根据句意及首字母填空1.We c listen to music in the cla

2、ssroom, but we can listen to it outside.2.What are the r?-We cant be late for school.3. You dont play the piano well. You should p it every day.4.We often go out for a picnic if it doesnt rain on w .5. Jim often f with others. He is very unfriendly.二、选择恰当的词完成句子1. Sometimes I arrive late (to/for) sch

3、ool.2. Dont (listen/listen to) music (at/in) hallways.3. Look! He is (fight/fighting) with Tom.4. (On/ In) a clod morning, Miss Brown saw the doctor.Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第一课时 课堂导学学习内容:sectionA 1a-1c学习重点:1.词汇:rule, hallway, classroom, fight, Ms2.句型:Dont arrive late for class.Dont run in the hallw

4、ay.Dont eat in the classrooms.Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.Dont fight.学习过程:一、值日报告二、旧知回顾 Task1.小组展示预习作业三、新知呈现Task1.新课导入T: Whats your favorite subject? Do you like music? Now Id like to enjoy a song with you. (play the tape) Do you like the song? What do you think of the song

5、? Who is your favorite singer? Can you listen to music in the classroom? Can she/he listen to music in the hallways? Why cant we listen to music in the classroom?S: It is our class rule. (T helps them to say it.)T: So please dont listen to music in the classroom. Do you know the other class rules?S:

6、 Dont eat in the classrooms. Dont Task2.小组自主合作学习,练习下列句型 A: What are the rules? B: Well, we cant arrive late for class. Task3.完成1aTask4.听录音,完成1b四、疑难点拨 1. arrive late for= be late for 做某事迟到。arrive late for侧重到达的时间晚,be late for侧重于状态。Dont arrive late for the meeting next time= Dont be arrive late for the

7、 meeting next time 下次开会别迟到 2.祈使句的用法祈使句是用来表示请求,命令,叮嘱,邀请,劝告等的句子,一般以动词原形开头。a) V型祈使句(以行为动词开头) Listen to me,please. 请听我说. Stop! 停下来!b) B型祈使句(以Be开头) Be quiet,please!请安静 Be careful!小心!c) L型祈使句(以Let开头) Let me help you. 让我帮助你. Lets go. 咱们走吧.d) D型祈使句(以Dont+动词原形开头)Dont talk in class.不要再上课讲话.Unit 4 Dont eat in

8、class. SectionA第二课时 课前预习作业预习内容:sectionA 2a- grammar focus预习重点:1. 预习下列单词: Outside,dining,hall,else2. Can you wear hats in school? Yes, we can. /No, we cant.Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, we do. /No, we dont.What else do you have to do? We have to clean the classroom.预习练习:一、汉译英1.外面 2. 餐

9、厅 3. 其他的 4.听音乐 5.戴帽子 6.在上课 6.穿校服 7.必须,不得不 二、句型转换1. We can eat in the dining hall. (改为否定句)We in the dining hall.2. Do you have to wear a uniform at school? (做否定回答) , 3. Can we wear hats in school? 做肯定回答) , 通过预习,你最不懂的地方时什么,请写出。第二课时 课后巩固练习一、翻译句子1.不要再走廊上跑步。 2.我们可以在餐厅吃东西,但是不可以在教室里吃。 3.他们再学校必须穿校服。 4. 我们可以

10、在外面听音乐吗? 5. 你们还必须做什么事? 二、按要求改写句子。1. You cant listen to music when your mother is sleeping.(改为祈使句) to music when your mother is sleeping.2.Look at my photo, please. (改为否定祈使句) my photo, please.3.What other things do you have to wash?(改为同义句) do you have to wash?4. I have to make lunch at home.(改为否定句)I

11、make lunch at home5. In the library,we must be quiet.(改为同义句) In the library,we be quiet.Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第二课时 课堂导学学习内容:sectionA 2a-grammar focus学习重点:1.词汇Outside,dining,hall,else2.句型: Can you wear hats in school? Yes, we can. /No, we cant.Do you have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, we do. /

12、No, we dont.What else do you have to do? We have to clean the classroom.学习过程:一、值日报告二、旧知回顾 Task1.小组展示预习作业1 Task2: 小组练习对话 What are the rules? We cant arrive late for school.We cant run in the hallways. Task3 小组展示预习作业2三 新知呈现Task1.小组讨论大家所知道的rules?A: Can you eat in school?B: We can eat in the dining hall

13、, but we cant eat in the classrooms.A: Do you have to wear a uniform at school?B: No, we dont.A: What else do you have to do?B: we have to clean the classroom.Task2. 小组展示对话Task3.听对话2a,在Alex和Cindy谈论到的活动前打钩Task4.听对话,在上面的表格中圈出“can”或“cant”四、疑难点拨1.情态动词can的用法(1)表示能力,意为“会,能”I can sing this song in English.

14、我能用英文唱这首歌.(2)表示许可,意为“可以”You can use my pen.你可以用我的钢笔.(3)表示推测,意为“可能,会”,主要用于否定句和疑问句The book cant be Lindas. Here is over here. 那本书不可能是琳达的,她的在那儿.(4)表示惊讶,通常用于疑问句,否定句和惊叹句中。 How can you say it like that?你怎么能那样说话呢?2.else和other的区别else和other做形容词,均有“别的,其他的”之意,else修饰疑问词或不定代词,位于其后,other修饰名词,置于之前。Where else can h

15、e be?他还会在什么地方?Where are the other boys?其他男孩在哪儿?Unit 4 Dont eat in class. SectionA第三课时 课前预习作业预习内容:sectionA 3a- 4预习练习一.汉译英1.运动鞋 2.体育课 二选词填空music run rules hear sorry dontMs Mendoza: Hey, Peter. You know the_ (1) . Dont _ (2) in the hallways .Peter: Sorry, Ms Mendoza.Mr. Smith: Nick ,_ (3) eat in class

16、.Nick: Oh, _(4) , Mr. Smith.Mr. Smith: Hey, Joseph. Dont listen to _ (5) in class, Joseph!Peter: He cant _ (6) you. Mr. Smith.通过预习,你最不懂的地方时什么,请写出。第三课时 课后巩固练习一、根据句意和首字母填空1. You must wear your u_ at school.2. You have to wear s_ shoes for gym class.3. Can the students eat in the h_ ?4. Please make you

17、r own r_ .5. Its very cold o_ .Please wear more clothes.6. You mustnt be l_ for school.7. Dont run in the h_ . Its dangerous.8. He is wearing a school u_ .Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第三课时 课堂导学学习内容:sectionA 3a-4学习重点:1.词汇:sports shoes,gym2.句型: 继续复习祈使句的用法学习过程:一值日报告二旧知回顾 Task1.小组展示预习作业1 Task2.小组展示预习作业2三新知呈

18、现Task1.小组练习对话(就学校的规章制度进行对话) A:Do we have to wear a uniform? B: Yes, we do. / No,we dont. A: Do we have to wear sports shoes for gym class? Task2. 小组展示对话Task3.小组完成小组制定出你自己的规则Task5.小组展示自己的规则.四、疑难点拨1.have to 必须,不得不,否定为not have toUnit 4 Dont eat in class. (SectionB)第四课时 课前预习作业预习内容:sectionB1

19、-2c预习练习一、汉译英1.放学后 2.练习谈吉他 3.在上学的晚上 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. What about (take) a walk ?2. (not arrive) late for class.3. He cant (stand) the idea now.4. (not read) in the sun.5. (not play) on the road. Its dangerous.通过预习,你最不懂的地方时什么,请写出。第四课时 课后巩固练习一、翻译下列句子1.放学后不许看电视。 2.每天练习弹吉他。 3.上学期间,晚上不要出去。 4.放学后做作业。 二、用所给动

20、词的适当形式填空。1. She practices _(speak) English every day2. Liu Mei is good at _(draw)?3. The little girl helped me _(find) the way to the school yesterday.4. He is enjoying _(play) the piano.5. They _(start) the game at 8 last night.Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第四课时 课堂导学学习内容: SectionB1-2c学习重点:1.词汇:practice,

21、every day2.句型: 继续复习祈使句的用法学习过程:一、值日报告二、旧知回顾 Task1.小组展示预习作业1 Task2. 小组合作,谈论关于学校的规章制度Dont arrive late for class.Dont run in the hallways. Task3.小组展示预习作业2三、新知呈现Task1.小组合作,使用祈使句谈论自己的家规 Dont watch TV after school. Dont go out on school nights. Do homework after school. Task2. 小组展示自己的家规Task3.小组合作,完成1Task4.

22、听录音,完成2aTask5.听录音,完成2b.四、疑难点拨1.practice的用法(1)practice vt.练习,训练,其后跟名词,代词或动名词做宾语 I often practice my English in the morning.我常常在早上练习英语He practices playing the piano every day. 他每天练习谈钢琴.(2) practice n.练习,实践 Playing the piano needs a lot of practices.弹钢琴需要多加练习。Unit 4 Dont eat in class. SectionB第五课时 课前预习

23、作业预习内容:sectionB3a-4预习练习:一、翻译1. too many rules my friends3. clean my room 4.wash my clothes5. the Childrens Palace 6.make dinner 7.have fun bed 9.on school night 10.on weekends 通过预习,你最不懂的地方时什么,请写出。第五课时 课后巩固练习一、汉译英1. 太多 2.做饭 3.放学后 4. 做作业 5.上学期间的晚上 6.睡觉 7.打扫房间 8.少年宫 9.禁止谈话 10.我该怎么办二、根据3a填空I

24、m not happy. I have too many in my house. I have to get up six oclock every morning. I cant my friends after school,I have to my homework. I cant watch TV school nights. And I have to in bed ten oclock.weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom dinner. I have to go to the Childrens Palace learn the piano. I never have fun. What can I do?Unit 4 Dont eat in class.第五课时 课堂导学学习内容: SectionB3a-4学习重点:1.词汇:Dr. ,by, wash, later,2.短语:the

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