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1、黄冈市中考模拟英语试题及答案 黄冈市2015年中考模拟题 (注意红笔所显示的内容)(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)一、听力测试(共三节;计25分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听句子。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片。听完每句话后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读二遍。 命题时参考本题的听力材料1A. B. C. 2A B. C. 3A. B. C. 4A. B. C. 5A. B. C. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面6段长对话。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有1

2、0秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。1.本题主要考查新课标要求的五级目标中的功能、话题。2. 6段对话按长短和信息量大概分成两个层次(第6、7、8三段为一个层 次,第9、10、11三段为一个层次)。3.具体每段对话长短和信息量可以参照本套模拟题的听力材料。4. 6段对话按2、2、2、3、3、3问题设计。听第6段对话,回答第6、7小题。6. What is David doing now ? A. Taking photos.B. Taking a shower.C. Watering flowers7.What does Sally want David to bring tomorrow ?

3、A. An umbrella.B. A map.C.A camera.听第7段对话,回答第8、9小题。8. Where will Wang Mei stay this afternoon ?A. In the zoo.B. In the factory.C.At home.9. What does Wang Meis mother do ?A. She is a teacher.B.She is a worker. C.She is a librarian听第8段对话,回答第10、11小题。10.Where does the coversation probably take place ?

4、A.In a restaurant.B. In a bookstore.C. In a classroom.11.How does the man like the food ? A.Its a bit hot.B. Its just so-so.C. Its very delicious听第9段对话,回答第1214小题。12. Where does the coversation probably take place? A. In the post office B.In the library C.In the bookstore13. What does the man want to

5、 borrow ? A.Some books about Chinese history. B.Some books about Chinese food . C. Some books about Chinese culture14.How long will the man keep the magazine in all if he renews(续借) it ? A.Two weeks.B. There weeks.C. Four weeks.听第10段对话,回答第1517小题。15. Where is the woman from ? A.Canada . B.China. C. A

6、merica.16. What does the woman like very much about china? A . Buildings B.Art . C.Food17. What may the man be ?A.A doctor B.A driver C.A student听第11段对话,回答第1820小题。18.What did Jane do on the weekend ? A.She went to a farm to help the farmers. B.She went to Mount Tai with her friends . C.She stayed at

7、 home and saw a film .19.Where did they stay for the night ? A.In a hotel . B.In a farmers home . C.In the open air .20.How many hours did it take Jane to get back home ? A.3.5 hours. B. 7 hours. C. 10 hours.第三节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一篇短文。根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 (120词左右)21. How did Mary go ba

8、ck hometown ?A、By train. B. By car. C .By plane22. What do you think of Elise?A. She is clever.B.She is careless.C. She is careful23.How did Mary know the time when the train would leave?A.She asked the man. B.She read the timetable. C.The conductor(列车员) told her24.When did she leave No.4 Waiting Ro

9、om ?A.At about 7:50 B. At about 8:00 C. At about 8:1025. In which Waiting Room should she wait in line?A. No.2 B. No.3 C .No.4二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项。1.本题主要依照课标考查语言基础知识2.考点覆盖面广3.尽量使用交际性考查,重视语言知识在语境中的理解和运用4.动词短语及辨析的考查不少于3题,交际考查不少于1题5.本题以中档题为主,拔高题不超过2个。6.可参照近三年中考题26. Dann

10、y, your are so beautiful. Where did you buy them? Thanks. I bought them in Wuhan. A. handbag B. cap C. sweater D. gloves27. exciting film we saw yesterday!I think so. A. What a B. What an C. How an D. How a 28. I dont know how to the old books. You can give them away to poor children. A. hand in B.

11、take up C. deal with D. give up29. Do you like reading books?Yes. Everyone in my class to do more reading in and after class by our teacher. A. are encouraged B. is encouraged C. are encouraging D. encourages30. How long has Jim been in the factory?He has been there for two years he left school. A.

12、when B. since C. as soon as D. while31. Do you believe that American flags are made China? Yes, I do. And you can see they are made silk. A. in; from B. from; in C. of; in D. in; of32. I meeting Jack today because I am still angry with him.Come on, Mary. You are good friends. A. avoid B. require C.

13、enjoy D. expect 33. Oh, the room is too dirty, Tony! Sorry, Mom. It yesterday. I forgot to do it. A. didnt clean B. isnt cleaned C. was cleaned D. wasnt cleaned34. How do you usually go to school?I take a bus, but I walking now. A. was used to; am used to B. am used to; used to C. used to; am used t

14、o D. used to; use to35. Im sorry to hear that your pet dog has died. Though my dog for three months, I still miss him. A. has died B. has been dead C. died D. was dead36. Mom, shall we go hiking tomorrow?Oh, dear. That depends on it is fine tomorrow. A. that B. what C. how D. whether37. Its of you t

15、o talk loudly in public places, Lucy.Im so sorry, Mom. A. polite B. politely C. impolite D. impolitely 38. Could you tell me _?Sure. Its near the bank on the other side of the street.A. how to the post office B. where is the post office C. where the post office is D. when the post office was built39

16、. I find difficult to learn English grammar.You can do more English exercises. A. that B. this C. those D. it40. Lucy, can I borrow your bike? ? I didnt hear clearly. A. Yes, please B. How do you do C. Here you are D. Pardon 3、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.本题重点考查学生的语言知识以及综合阅读理解能力。2.本题选材来自课外,选材难易度适中,选材内容可

17、适当考虑教育性、知识性、 趣味性。3.在15个选题中,以实词的考查为主,虚词少数。4.动词及动词短语考查不少于4题,名词、形容词均不少于2题,5.考点密度适中,首尾句不设选项。阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。In the first lesson of high school ,our math teacher ,Mr Stevens said ,“Ill teach you math this year.” He walked around the class ,handing out math books .When it was done ,he r

18、eturned to the 41 of the class and looked at us .We looked at him ,too .“What are you 42 for? Get started !” he said .We looked at him and felt 43 .Wasnt he going to teach us ?“Is there anything wrong with our _ 44 ?”one brave boy asked what we all wanted to know .“Mr Stevens ,arent you going to tea

19、ch 45 ?”Mr Stevens replied ,“Open your books and read it . 46 you have questions ,raise your hand and Ill help you .”Mr Stevens helped 47 who had a problem . Only when we had the same 48 ,he would stop us to teach all the students .It was a strange way of teaching , 49 it was very effective(有效的) .We

20、 50 two and a half math books in the first year .It was a turning point in my life .Mr Stevens made me 51 that I was good at math .The next year of high school ,in the math class ,I raised my hand .my 52 teacher ,Mr West ,came to my 53 ,“What can I do for you?”“I cant understand the question .Can yo

21、u 54 it to me ?”He looked at my 55 ,saying ,“We are not doing that chapter(章) yet,youre six chapters ahead(提前)of the class.”( )41.A.side B.front C.back D.middle( )42.A.looking B.caring C.sending D.waiting( )43.A.confused B.sad C.tired D.happy( )44.A.eyes B.ears C.feet D.hands( )45.A.yourself C.

22、us D.ourselves( )46.Until B.Since C.Because D.If( )47.A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.anybody( )48.A.idea B.plan C.question ) B.but C.for D.when( )50.A.finished B.bought C.had D.saw( )51.A.think B.imagine C.miss D.realize( )52.A.strong C.same D.strange( )53.A.desk B.classroo

23、m )54.A.tell C.give D.explain( )55.A.desk B.face D.pen四、综合阅读(共两节;计32分)第一节 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)(要求难度适中)阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (1)Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man .The invention of paper meant that more people could be educated (教育) b

24、ecause more books could be printed .Paper provided an important way to communicate with knowledge .Paper was first made in China about 2.000 years ago .In Egypt and west ,paper was not very commmonly used before the year 1400 .Paper was not made in southern Europe until about the year 1100 .After th

25、at, the forestry countries such sa Canada,Sweden ,Norway ,Finland and the United States became the most important in paper-making .Today Finland makes the best paper in the world.And it has the biggest paper industry(工业)in the world .When we think of the paper ,we think of newspaper ,books ,letters

26、,envelops and writing paper .So paper plays an important role in our lives .Paper is very good for keeping you warm .Houses are often insulated(隔热) with paper .You perhaps see homeless men sleep on a large number of newspaper .They are insulating themselves from the cold . In Finland ,In winter it i

27、s sometimes 40 degress below zero .the farmers wear paper boots(靴子) in the snow .Nothing could be warmer .( )56.What did the invention of paper mean? It meant _ A.more people could be educated B.more books could be printed C.paper is one of the most important produces D.paper was invented by man( )5

28、7.When was paper made in southern Europe ? A.Before 1100 B.After 1400 C.About 1100 D.Before 1400( )58.Which country makes the best paper ? A.Norway B.Canada C.The United States D.Finland( )59. Whats the main idea of the passage? (加一道选题) A. The invention of paper. B. The best paper. C. The paper-maki

29、ng. D. The uses of paper. (2)6 June ,Saturday I read an article about people living in the e-age yesterday .It talks about different ways of communicating like chatting online(在线聊天) ,sending e-mails ,sending different kinds of messages and keeping an online diary . The article says that people nowad

30、ays send e-mails at least once a day .I do not agree with this because I send e-mails only twice a week .However ,I do check my e-mails once a day .I like receiveing e-mails. About chatting online ,the article says that it is becoming more and more popular among teenagers .I think this is true .Whenever I arrive at home ,I turn on my computer and log(登录) on to chat online with

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