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1、七年级英语下册Unit5ILoveLearningEnglish教案新版冀教版Unit 5 I Love Learning English!Lesson25:A Phone Friend.Learning aims:1:Grasp main words.2: Understand important sentences.3: Can use important grammar.Learning main points:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Key sentences and structures.3: Learn about the tips of mak

2、ing phone calls.Learning difficulties:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Can use important grammar.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.导学环节:(一) self-learning:1:温故知新:(1) I always practice -(learn)English.(2)They - - -(be going to) visit their friends.(3)This one is (昂贵的),would you like that one.

3、(4)Look at the (接着的) examples,and then find the answers by youself.2:互助释义:(1) Understand :v 懂得,理解,其过去式和过去分词均为 understood,eg:He understood its meaning at last.(2) No problem. 没问题。用来表示同意和愉快的回答请求,也可回答感谢,意为“不客气”eg:-Thank you -No problem.(3)Could 的用法:could 用作情态动词,意为“能;可能”是can的过去式,(1) 用来表示过去的能力:She could

4、swim when she was six. 她六岁的时候就会游泳。a. 表示许可:can和could均可用,但用could 语气更委婉, eg: Can/Could I come in? 我可以进来吗?b. 表示推测:对现在或将来的推测,can和could均可用,但can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,一般不用于肯定句,而could则可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句,eg: You could be right. 你可能是对的。另外:could 还可用于虚拟语气中, 构成could have done 结构表示因过去可以做的事情没有做而感到遗憾惋惜,或者 couldnt have done 表示过

5、去本不该做的事情而做了感到遗憾懊悔等等。eg: I could have stopped them fighting. 我本来可以阻止他们打架的。3:探究出招:(1) Can you -(理解) what I said to you. (4) She - swim when she was six. 她六岁的时候就会游泳。(5) You -be right.(你可能是正确的)。 (二)展示交流:小组展示:Make a phone call with your group, then show it separately.(三)拓展提升:反馈矫正:(2)-(能)you speak it loud

6、ly.(四)课堂作业:1:作业当堂清:做P67 习题。2:挑战自我:(1) She - be a good student, I guess.(2) Can you speak it -(大声地) ,I can not hear you clearly.(五)板书设计:(六)当堂反思: Lesson 26: Online Phone Calls.Learning aims:1:Grasp main words.2: Understand important sentences.3: Can use important grammar.Learning main points:1: Grasp

7、words and phrases.2: Key sentences and structures.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.Learning difficulties:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Can use important grammar.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.导学环节:(一) self-learning:1:温故知新:(1) Can you -(理解) what I said to you.(4) She - swi

8、m when she was six. 她六岁的时候就会游泳。(5) You -be right.(你可能是正确的)。 2:互助释义:(1). proud adj. 自豪的,常用语短语:be proud of“因而自豪/骄傲;”eg:Im proud of my son. 我以我儿子为骄傲。(2). such adj.那么的;这样的固定用法:such +a/an+ 形容词+名词;such + 形容词+名词的复数/不可数名词,eg: He is such a clever boy. 他是如此聪明的一个孩子。(3). Alicia is from Russia. 艾丽西萨来自俄罗斯。be from

9、=come from来自,eg: Hes from China.=He comes from China. 他来自中国。(4). Its all thanks to you. 这多亏了你。thanks to sb. 多亏有某人thank sb. for doing sth.感谢某人做某事,eg:Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。(5). You did all the hard work yourself. 你独自一人做了所有艰苦的工作。hard work艰苦的工作,hard 是形容词“艰难的;困苦的”work是不可数名词,“工作”;work hard意为“努力

10、地工作(学习)”,work是动词“工作”,hard是副词“努力地”eg: The boy works hard. 这个男孩学习很努力。(6). I cant wait to see you! 我迫不及待地想见你。cant wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事”,eg:They cant wait to open their presents. 他们迫不及待地打开他们的礼物。eg: I can look after myself. 我能照顾自己。3:探究出招:(1) Thank you for-( help)me.(2) Im -(骄傲的 )of my son(3) You di

11、d all the- - (艰苦的工作)hard work yourself.。(4) The boy - -. 这个男孩学习很努力。(5) I cant- to see you! 我迫不及待地想见你。(二)展示交流:小组展示:Make a phone call with your group, then show it separately.(三)拓展提升:反馈矫正:(1)He is -(那么的) a clever girl.(2)Last year ,he took part in an English -(竞赛).(3)She is -(自豪的) of her daughter。(4)

12、I can - -(照看) myself。(5) They cant- to open their presents. 他们迫不及待地打开他们的礼物。 (四)课堂作业:1:作业当堂清:做练习册一二题。2:挑战自我:(1) She is -(来自) Russia. (2) It is all - to you.这多亏了你。(五)板书设计:(六)当堂反思:Lesson 27:Amazing English.Learning aims:1:Grasp main words.2: Understand important sentences.3: Can use important grammar.L

13、earning main points:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Key sentences and structures.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.Learning difficulties:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Can use important grammar.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.导学环节:(一)self-learning:1:温故知新:(1) Thank you for-( he

14、lp)me.(2) Im -(骄傲的 )of my son.(3) You did all the- - (艰苦的工作)hard work yourself.(4) I can - -(照看) myself. 2:互助释义:(1). quick adj. 快的;迅速的,其反义词为:slow缓慢的;副词为:quickly迅速地;快速地,相当于副词fast,eg: Please walk quickly/fast. 请走快点儿。(2). even adv. 甚至;还;其实用在比较级前,加强语气,表示程度。意为“(比)更,还要” eg:This dictionary is even more use

15、ful than that one.这本词典比那本更用。放在它所强调的词、短语或从句前,用来加强语气,表示“即使,甚至连都”之意,eg: Even he can draw.即使他也会画画。(3). There are only 26 letters in English. 英语中只有26个字母。there be句型表示“某地有某物”,be动词随主语和时态的变化而变化,eg:There was a meeting yesterday. 昨天有个会议。(4). You dont even need to move any letters around. 你甚至不必移动周围的任何一个字母。need

16、to do sth.需要做某事,其中的need是实义动词,意为“需要”,eg: I need to repair my bicycle. 我需要修理我的自行车。Important Grammar反身代词:I-myself you-yourselfhe-himself she-herselfit-itself you-yourselvesthey-themselves we-ourselves3:探究出招:(1) Please walk - 请走快点。(2)This dictionary is-(甚至) more useful than that one. (4) I -(需要)to repai

17、r my bicycle.(5)-(即使)he can draw this picture. (二)展示交流:小组展示:Talk about the amazing English, do you know something about amazing English. Discuss with your deskmate.(三)拓展提升:反馈矫正: (2) You dont -need to move any letters around.(3)- -(事实上),he is good at learning English.(4)She is a -(懒惰的)girl,so no one

18、like her.(5)Maybe one word can make up a -(句子)。 (四)课堂作业:1:作业当堂清:做练习册一二题。2:挑战自我:(1) I- to repair my bicycle. 我需要修理我的自行车。(2)It is all - to you.这多亏了你。(五)板书设计:(六)当堂反思:Lesson 28 How Do I Learn English?.Learning aims:1:Grasp main words.2: Understand important sentences.3: Can use important grammar.Learnin

19、g main points:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Key sentences and structures.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.Learning difficulties:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Can use important grammar.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.导学环节:(一) self-learning:1:温故知新: (2) You dont -need to move

20、 any letters around.(3) - -(事实上),he is good at learning English.(4) She is a -(懒惰的)girl,so no one like her. 2:互助释义:(1). newspaper n. 报纸,read newspapers“读报”eg: She likes reading newspapers. 她喜欢读报。(2). mistake n. 错误,make a mistake/make mistakes意为“犯错误”,eg: She often makes mistakes in the exam. 考试时她经常犯错

21、误。(3). So I look them up in a dictionary. 因此我从字典中查阅它们。look up(在词典、参考书中)查阅,代词必须放在中间,名词可放后面 eg: Please look it up in your dictionary. 请在你的字典中查一下它。(4). I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time. 我可以在学英语的同时感受到快乐。enjoy oneself =have a great/good time=have fun“玩的高兴;过得愉快”,eg: We enjoyed ourselv

22、es=had a great/good time=had fun last night. 昨晚我们玩得很高兴。N 电话用语:接电话时首先要用“Hello! Hi!”“你好”,如果。接电话的正是对方要找的人,则用:Speaking.或This isspeaking. “我就是”,而不用Im;如果想问对方是谁吗?用Is that?而不用Are you?如果想让对方稍等一会儿,可用:Hold on, please. “请稍等.”eg: - May I speak to Jenny?- Speaking. / This is speaking. 我就是詹尼。3:探究出招:(1) She likes r

23、eading -(报纸).(2) She often makes-(错误) in the exam. (4) I can -myself and learn English at the same time.(5)This is lily -. (二)展示交流:小组展示:Communicate with your partner , how do you learn English? Share your ideas with your partner.(三)拓展提升:反馈矫正:(1)Read some -(故事书) when you are free.(2) May I speak to J

24、enny? -(3)- -(事实上),he is good at learning English.(4)She is a -(懒惰的)girl,so no one like her.(5) Maybe one word can make up a -(句子)。 (四)课堂作业:1:作业当堂清:做练习册一二题。2:挑战自我:(1) I need to repair my bicycle. 我需要修理我的自行车。(2) It is all - to you.这多亏了你。(五)板书设计:(六)当堂反思:Lesson29: A door to the world.Learning aims:1:Gr

25、asp main words.2: Understand important sentences.3: Can use important grammar.Learning main points:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Key sentences and structures.3: Learn about the tips of making phone calls.Learning difficulties:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Can use important grammar.3: Learn about the

26、 tips of making phone calls.导学环节:(一) self-learning:1:温故知新:(1)She likes reading -(报纸).(2)Can you -(理解) what I said to you.(3)She often makes-(错误) in the exam.(4)I can -myself and learn English at the same time. 2:互助释义:(1)All over the world,全世界,固定短语,e g. I want to travel all over the world. (2) It tak

27、es time, 学英语要花费时间,It takes times to do sth, eg, It takes times to finish my homework.(3)Opportunity,机会,机遇,eg, New language give them new opportunity.(4)Challenge:挑战。eg: Learning a new language can be a challenge. 3:探究出招:(1) Jenny is a good student. She will have a good -(将来)(2) I- -(交流)my foreign fr

28、iend over the Internet.(3)He is sick. He must stay home. He can not go -(任何地方)。(4) I -(从不) walk to school , I live too far away.(5)I got lost on my way to the bookstore. So I went to a policeman and - -(寻求) help. (二)展示交流:小组展示: Talk about the importance of learning English with your partner .(三)拓展提升:

29、反馈矫正:According to the meanings and guess words.(1)A good chance for success. -(2)Something difficult or not easy to do.-(3)A piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine.- (4)Facts and ideas learned from study and experience.-(5) Things that are not the same.-(四)课堂作业:1:作业当堂清:做P67 习题。2:挑战自我:(1) Englis

30、h helps you - (交流) people from all over the world. (2) Learning a new language can be a -(挑战)(五)板书设计:(六)当堂反思:Lesson30: Writing an E-mail in English.Learning aims:1:Grasp main words.2: Understand important sentences.3: Can use important grammar.Learning main points:1: Grasp words and phrases.2: Key sentences and structures.

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