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1、九年级610单元复习Unit 6 一、词组1.有着特殊后跟的鞋子 2.改变的款式3.在我们的日常生活中 4.看来你说的的确有道理5.偶然地 6.一项意外的发明7.一个中国统治者 8.在野外的火堆上9.煮饮用水 10.掉进水里11.一段时间 12.茶圣13.茶贸易 14.发生15.在19世纪 16.毫无疑问17. 低价出售 18.从偷19.建议某人不要做某事 20.把翻译成.21.突然 22.用乐器传送音符23.足够咸的 24.错误地/无意地25.一项深受喜欢的运动 26.在奥运会上27.把分成 28.阻止某人做某事29.梦想做某事 30.钦佩;仰慕二、句型1.拉链是什么时候被发明的?它是在18

2、93年被发明的。2.它是被谁发明的?是由Judson发明的。3.不同发明的先驱们在那个网站上被列出来了。4.但是在那个时候,它没有被广泛地使用。5.茶在什么时候被带到了韩国?是在6、7世纪的时候被带到韩国的。6.据说有一位叫神农的中国统治者最早发现了茶可以饮用。7.这本书描述了茶树是怎样被种植和茶叶是怎么被制成的。8.据认为历史上第一场篮球赛是在1891年的12月21日进行的。9.如今,许多年轻人都梦想成为著名的篮球运动员,篮球在世界各地也越来越普及。10. NBA中的外国球员数量有所增加,其中也包括中国球员。11.这些明星们鼓励年轻人要努力学习去实现梦想。12.要决定某项发明的发明者是谁通常

3、是困难的。三、 应用A.用所给词的适当形式填空1. After he _(boil) the water, he put the eggs into it.2. I cant go into the room as the door is _(lock).3. So far, Harry Potter _(translate) into many different languages.4. My teacher said homework must _(finish) on time.5. Dont smoke here. Look at the sign! -Oh, sorry. I _(

4、not notice) it.6. Its _ ten a.m., and hes still sleeping.7. How do you feel when you watch the _(nation) flag go up?8. The autumn is coming. All the _(leaf) of trees turn yellow.9. These lessons _(teach) five years ago in that school.10. Great changes _(take) place in that province since the 1990s.B

5、.根据首字母和句意完成句子1. Some food s_ bad but tastes good.2. Many people _(质疑) the quality of milk.3.-Can you help me carry the box? - My p_.4. My sister is good at making _(曲奇).5. It is _(提及) that Shen Nong first discovered tea as a drink.6.It took the workers about two years to finish the _(项目;工程).7. They

6、are _(英雄) in my eyes. What about you?8. The basketball was invented by a C_ doctor named James Naismith.9.Dont add salt to it. It is s_ enough.10.Why dont you put the meat in the f_? It will keep freshC.语法填空Coffee has been a part of peoples lives_ thousands of years, and it is still a favorite _in t

7、he world. Here is a story of coffee about how it was _. The story tells us coffee was discovered in Africa long long _. One day, a farmer was _(watch) his goats, and saw them _(eat) some berries(浆果) from a plant. The goats became very active _ they ate the berries. The man often felt tired, so he de

8、cided to try the berries, _. To his _, he didnt feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus discovered. The coffee was _(take) from Africa to other countries in Europe. After that, the farmers started to grow coffee plants there, especially in South America.D.阅读短文完成单词拼写(根据汉语或提示首字母、单词等) The Grand De

9、sign is a popular science book which _(write) by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. It _(argue) that its not necessary to expect God to explain the origins of the universe(宇宙的起源), and that the Big Band(宇宙大爆炸) _(be) a result of the laws of physics alone. Hawking _(say), “One cant tell that there i

10、snt God, but science _(make) God unnecessary.” However, when he _(ask) about his religious(宗教的) views by the BBC Channel 4 Genius of British, he answered that he _(not believe) in a personal God. The authors of the book point out that Unified Field Theory(统一场论) by Albert Einstein may not exist in th

11、e world. The book also _(explain) M-theory, a theory many modern physicists support. Published(出版) in the United States on September 7, 2010, the book _(become) the Number One best-seller on Amazon. Com just a few days after it _(publish).Unit 7 一、词组1. 被允许做某事 2.拿驾照3.担心某人的安全 4.做兼职5穿耳洞 6.剪头发7. 进入大学 8.

12、很激动做某事9.为某人唱歌 10.呆在我的身边11对某事认真 12.使某人远离危险13.给某人一个拥抱 14.大声顶嘴15.后悔做某事 16.被鼓励做某事17.做自己的决定 18.为社区做社会工作19给某人机会做某事 20.搬出去21.通过考试/考试失败 22.阻碍23.在校队 24.实现梦想25.不反对某事 26.以做某事收场一、 句型1.青少年应该被允许做自己的决定。2.我认为是十六岁的人不应该被允许开车。3. 你认为如果我们用闪光灯,我们可以被允许拍照吗?4.当我还是小婴儿的时候,我整夜哭,妈妈就唱歌给我听然后呆在我的身边。5.我不应该被告知要做什么。 6.我后悔回嘴了,而没有听妈妈。7

13、.妈妈最了解,她只是想怎样对我最好。8.当他们开始工作的时候,他们可以应付自己的生活了。9.你曾经提前结束考试过吗? 10.我们没什么反对跑步的。11.我对跑步是认真的。 12.这是我唯一想做的事情。13.只有那时候我才有机会去实现我的梦想。二、 应用A.用所给词的适当形式填空1.I dont think teenagers should be allowed to _(drive).2.Im really excited about_ (win)the first prize.3.I regret _(copy)homework yesterday.4.When I was seven _(

14、cough)_(bad )she said no ice-cream for me.5.I was _(encourage)to face the problem by myself.6. When they_ (graduate), they started _(move)out.7. If you spend less time on study, I will worry about your _(succeed).8.I have joined in every one of his _(race).9. Its_(fair)for girls not to get a good ed

15、ucation.10.My parents have _(teach)me the importance of being on time.B.根据首字母和句意完成句子1. Farmers usually work in the f_.2. There are too many c_ for me, so I dont know which one to choose.3. As soon as he saw me, he_(拥抱)me.4.Every one is a part of the _(社会).5. Li Bai is good at writing p_.6. Youd bett

16、er not _(吸烟)in public places.7. You cant drive without a drivers l_.8.He is strong enough to l_ a 500-kilo stone.9. We must have an important exam before _(进入)universtity.10. The ant is really _(微小的).C.语法填空Bill Gates friends knew _1_ he was different even when they were children. One of them said, “

17、We all knew that Bill was clevererthan us. Sometimes we could not understand him.” Bill was alsotop of his classmates in math and science,_2_his parents sent him to Lakesidea boys school forexcellent students. It was one of Seattles_3_(famous)school. In 1968, the school _4_ a decision that changed13

18、-yeat-old Bill Gates life. In that school, moneywas given _5_(main) by parents, which could make the schoolhave a computerand use it through a teletype machine(电传打字机). The students typed in a few words on the teletype machine and a few seconds later the computer typed back to students. Bill Gateswas

19、 interested_6_it at once. From then on,nothingcould stop Billfrom _7_(study)it.Whenever was free, he would run to the computer room_8_(use) the machine. He became _9_excited about it that he soon was much better than his teachers in knowledge of computer. At fourteen, Bill was already writing shortp

20、rogramsfor the computer. And they were_10_(write)in what was to become Bills second language, BASIC.D.阅读短文完成单词拼写 I still remember one experience when I was seven. That was my birthday. My parents took me to the dessert house in our _(社区). And I was so excited to get a _(机会) to eat as much ice-cream

21、as I could. I didnt stop until I was so full that I thought the ice-cream was _(讨厌的).After I got back home, I began to feel uncomfortable with my stomach. Later I even _(哭).I _(后悔)eating too much and asked my mom for help. At last she had to take me to the hospital. Luckily, the doctor could _(应付)it

22、. Then I was _(教育)by my mom. She said whatever I did, Id better think about the _(安全)and the health first. And I agreed with her. And now I still _(支持)this idea.Unit 8 一、 词组1. 属于某人 2.流行音乐3.参加一场音乐会 4.有价值的一些东西5.剩下的我的朋友 6.捡起来7.纪念胜利 8.被采访9.隔壁邻居 10.最棒的奇迹之一11.感觉不自在 12.走掉13.制造恐慌 14.在实验室15.热门的户外活动 16.感觉很困17

23、.拿着照相机的一个妇女 18.赶公交19.一个著名的历史性地方 20.接待很多游客21.看日出 22.古代的领导人23.和上帝交流 24.照在的中央25.一个医药方面的目的 26.阻止疾病27.石头的位置 28.尊重祖先二、 句型1. 这个发绳一定是Mary的。/这个发带一定属于Mary。2. 我昨天参加了音乐会,所以它可能还在音乐厅。3. 它不可能被偷了。4. 我会打电话给她们去确认一下是否有人捡到了。5. 我和我朋友认为一定是青少年在玩乐。6. 一定是有东西正在参观我们街区的家庭。7. 噪音制造者正在乐此不疲地制造恐慌呢。8. 我想知道它可能属于谁。9. 他可能在正跑步时为了锻炼,不是为了

24、赶公交。10. 巨石阵不但是最著名的历史性地方之一,而且是最棒的奇迹之一。11. 大石头被一种特地的方式放在一起。12.巨石阵是在很长的一段时间内被慢慢建成的。三、 应用A.用所给词的适当形式填空1_(who)book is this? Its his.2.The gold ring is really _(value).3. I cant find my bike. It must have _(steal).4.Everyone in this town _(know)each other well.5.It _(use)to be quiet but now it is noisy.6.

25、I saw a woman _(run)away just now.7.The book must belong to _(he), its not _(she).8.There is a women _(lie)on the beach.B.根据首字母和句意完成句子1. Spring is a great season for _(野餐).2. R_ have long ears and they like carrots.3._(噪音)pollution has become one of the most serious pollution in the city.4. P_ can h

26、elp us catch the thieves.5. Scientists usually work in the l_.6. A good speaker is good at _(表达)his or her ideas.7._(任何人) who is _(努力的)will get a good result.8.When I am reading, I am used to _(圈出)the key words.9.The Great Wall was used for_(阻止)the_(敌人).10.The _(领导人)regard drinking wine as a celebra

27、tion of the _(胜利).11.In _(不列颠), people spend a lot of money on _(医疗的)research.12. The _(狼)are full of _(能量).C.语法填空Several years ago I studied in a university in the _1_(big) city in our country. Its beautiful _2_ its hot in summer. So I usually returned to my hometown when my holiday began. It is no

28、t big, but its cool and quiet. I could study in the daytime and have a good sleep at_3_. One day I had some problems _4_(solve). But I didnt take the dictionaries home. My father _5_(tell) me Charlie, one of my classmates had a good library. I went to _6_house at once. We didnt see each other after

29、I finished middle school. At first he _7_(recognize) me. He looked me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! Its you, Fred!” Of course we were excited to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and teachers. Later on he showed me around his library. It wasnt big but _8_were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I looked for were in them too. At last I said, “Could you _9_ some dictionaries to me, please?” “Im sorry I dont lend a

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