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1、SAT可汗阅读生词literature可汗阅读生词-literaturePassage:Northanger Abbey(带为高频必背词/粗体为本文所用含义带号的可不记)生词释义例句RepairV1. formal (go)去 2.修理弥补1. He(Mr. Allen)repaired directly to the card-room./ we repaired to the tranquility of a quiet caf2. it isnt worth having it repaired3. it was too late to repair their relationship

2、要挽回他们的关系已经太迟了GownNoun (dress)女礼服,长袍a wedding gownProtg| BrE prte, AmE prode|门生:a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential personprotge:女门生he was an aide and protg of the former senator.Throng|r|n. 一大群v.群集to be thronged with something;crowds thronged to or to

3、wards the main square Asunder| BrE snd, AmE sndr |=Apart, dividedbe torn asunder=be torn aparta country ripped asunder by civil war因内战而分崩离析的国家Assembly|smbli|1.1.人群2.2.立法机构 3.3.政治集会4.4.机械等安装、装配 legislative/National assembly 立法机构freedom of assembly 集会自由Exertion|zr()n|1.努力physical or mental effort2.发挥,

4、应用1. She was panting with the exertion a well-earned rest after their mental exertions.2 the application of a force, influence, or quality: the exertion of authority.Ingenuityndnjuti心灵手巧;聪明才智the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.acquaintance相识的人;了解to have a nodding/casual acquaintance

5、 with somebody与某人是点头/泛泛之交unacquainted不相识的、不熟悉的generality笼统;概括性的话they talked of generalities他们谈的是一般性问题irksomeness|rksm|irritating; annoyingan irksome journey | petty regulations were becoming very irksome.syllable音节(to explain something) in words of one syllable用简单明了的字眼(解释某事)captiveN.俘虏,囚徒;捕获物Adj. 1.

6、被关起来的 2.受控制的The farm was used to hold prisoners of war captive A captive animal.eligible1.有资格的=qualified2.合意的=desirable,suitablea foreign student is eligible to attend the school. the worlds most eligible obliged to1.被迫、不得不2.感激的preserve保存,保护,保养delicate1.精美、精湛;柔美,清香2.娇嫩的,易碎的3.纤弱4.需小心处理的1.

7、a spiders web, strong yet delicate./ with a few delicate strokes of his brush2.delicate glasswork3.I feel a bit delicate this morning4.delicate negotiations/situationmuslin棉布serenity安详,宁静disagreeablenot pleasant or enjoyable-难相处,令人不快的provokev.(annoy)激怒(incite)挑衅(cause, arouse)引起激起 1.the snake is qui

8、te harmless, unless provoke sb into doing sth 3.his new book has provoked a great deal of controversy tumble跌倒;垂落、坠落;滚下;使得Upon my word我发誓、我保证vainly1.=conceitedly自负地 2.futilely徒劳地 to admire oneself vainly in the mirror对着镜子自我欣赏to shout vainlyendeavorndvrV=try 努力,尝试N.1. (attempt)尝试 2. (str

9、iving)努力 3.(undertaking)事业 to make every endeavour to do somethinga political/military endeavourconsolation安慰=soliceclaustrophobic患幽闭恐怖症的,感到幽闭恐惧的in spite of oneself不由自主的dexterity1.physical skill 灵巧2.mental agility 机敏inventiveness创造力、创意unruffled平静的;平滑的to be unruffled (by something)(对某事)处之泰然calm, unru

10、ffled waters风平浪静的水域scrupulousness3.diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details 认真仔细4. very concerned to avoid doing wrong:慎重1.the research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail.2.2. shes too scrupulous to have an affair with a married man. vanity5.1.虚荣心 2.无用、无谓defer6.1.

11、推迟 2听从某人/遵从某事物amused7.1.逗笑 2.给。提供消遣we amused ourselves by playing chesstactic8.策略,战术,手段shun9.1.avoid 2。Rejectmingle10.1.使混合 2.交往to mingle with the crowd/the guests;Passage: the Gossip of Valley view生词释义例句gossipn.流言蜚语,小道消息v.闲聊,说长道短I cant stand here gossiping all dayruefully忧伤,懊恼。in a way that express

12、es sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous manner:she gave a rueful grin.wary警惕的to be wary of somebody/something;to be wary about doing something;disgustn.作呕、厌恶v.使厌恶Julius was disgusted and ready for anything in the way of a stratagem or a spoilstratagem计策、诡计=scheme, planstrategy策略, 战略=tac

13、ticsuse or employ a stratagemspoiln.战利品,赃物(常用复数)v.宠坏;毁掉,败坏moodilyadv.喜怒无常 地;情绪多变 地;心情不稳 地;易生气地; He was gazing moodily down the muddy road when Dan Chester, homeward bound from the post office, came riding sloppily along on his grey mare and pulled up by the Barrett gate to hand a paper to Julius.hom

14、eward /hmwd/ 向家、在归途sloppily /slpli/adv.马虎地, 草率地;veracity /vrsti/ 真实性、诚实diabolical /dablkl/ a.恶毒的,狠 毒的 At the same moment his eye caught the dazzling reflection of the setting sun on the windows of Adelia Williamss house, and he had an inspiration little short of diabolical. earnest认真的,诚恳的countenance

15、 /kant()nns; -tn-/ 面容,表情v.允许、接受Adelia Williams and Young Thomas Everett are going to be married. Julius delivered himself of this tremendous lie with a transparently earnest countenance.credulous /kredjls/ 轻信的Yet Dan, credulous as he was, could not believe it all at once.reel /ril/ n.卷轴(筒,盘) vi.蹒跚;眩

16、晕 vt.卷,绕 reel off 一口气说出Julius reeled all this off so glibly that Dan finally believed the story, despite the fact that the people thus coupled together in prospective matrimony were the very last people in Valley View who could have been expected to marry each other. glibly /lbli/ adv.满口; 流 利地,流畅地;m

17、atrimony /mtrmn/ 婚姻,联姻feud /fjud/ 夙怨,世仇,不和Young Thomas was a confirmed bachelor of fifty, and Adelia Williams was forty; they were not supposed to be even well acquainted, as the Everetts and the Williamses had never been very friendly, although no open feud existed between them. agog / a.兴奋的,有 强烈兴趣

18、的 Nevertheless, in view of Juliuss circumstantial statements, the amazing news must be true, and Dan was instantly agog to carry it further. mare /me/ 母马,母驴ecstasy /eksts/ 狂喜Julius watched Dan and the grey mare out of sight, fairly writhing with ecstasy. gatepost /getpst/ 门柱Julius laughed until he c

19、ame near to falling off the gatepost. forge /fd/ vt.伪造(文件 等),假冒;锻 造,锤炼 Eben Clark, the blacksmith, told him when he went to the forge to get his horse shod.(马蹄铁) jolly /dl/ ad.很 vt.劝服,哄 a.快乐的,高 兴的 Young Thomas laughed his big jolly laugh. bluff /blf/ v.虚张声势, 吓唬 n.虚张声势; 悬崖 a.直率的 Ah, you cant bluff it

20、 off like that, Tom, he said. grunt /rnt/ .嘟哝;作呼 噜声 n.呼噜声,嘟 哝 But shes a fine little woman and will make you a capital wife. Young Thomas grunted and drove away. capitaladj. 1.excellent,essential很棒的、主要的 crime死罪n.1.大写字母 2.首都。3资本shes a fine little woman and will make you a capital wife.molass

21、es /mlsz/ n.糖浆,糖蜜 mill /ml/ n.磨坊,碾磨 机;制造厂, 工厂 vt.磨,碾 circumstantiality /s:kmstnlt/ 1. pointing indirectly towards someones guilt but not conclusively proving it:间接性,间接证据 2 (of a description) containing full details: 充满细节的With such detailed circumstantiality of rugs and quiltsthe prosecution will hav

22、e to rely on circumstantial evidence.the picture was so circumstantial that it began to be convincing.Passage:Rose in Bloomwharf /wf/ n. 码头 Three young men stood together on a wharf one bright October day awaiting the arrival of an ocean steamer with an impatience which found a vent in lively skirmi

23、shes with a small lad, who pervaded the premises like a will-o-the-wisp and afforded much amusement to the other groups assembled there. 十月晴朗的一天,三个年轻男子站在一个码头等着一艘远洋轮船的到来,他们同一个小伙子欢快地打闹着,以排遣不耐烦之情;这小伙子幻影一般在场子上到处窜跳,给旁边众人带来好多欢乐。Vent /vent/ v.发泄感情;风 n.通风口;发泄 skirmish /skm/ 小冲突;打斗pervade /pved/ vt. 遍及、弥漫 wi

24、ll-o-the-wisp不可捉摸的东西; 幻影Premise /prems/ vt.引出;预先提 出;作为的前 提 n.前提;场地 assemble /semb()l/ vt.集合;收集; 装配 expedition /ekspd()n/ n.远征;探险; pile /pal/ v.累积;打桩于 n.堆;大量 exemplary /gzemplr/ adj. 值得效仿 的 Bid fair to有成功的希望bode well for=好兆头,很好滴预示。merchant /mt()nt/ n. 商人 hogshead /hgz,hed/ n.大桶;液量单 位 slender adj. 微薄的

25、;苗条的,袖长的“Dear old Uncle! Doesnt it seem good to have him back?” was all Mac said, but he was not looking at “dear old uncle” as he made the fervent remark, for he saw only the slender blond girl nearby and stretched out his hands to meet hers, forgetful of the green water tumbling between them. stre

26、tch /stret/ vt. 伸展;张开 adj. 可伸缩的 n.伸展;延伸 bonnyAttractive漂亮的Shes bonnier than ever! Looks like a Madonna.Madonna圣母玛利亚;圣母画像tumble /tmb()l/ v.摔倒;打滚 n.跌倒;翻筋斗 reign /ren/ vi.统治;支配 n.统治;统治时 期 ecstatic /ksttk/ adj. 狂喜的 There was no time for observation, however, for in a moment the shoreward rush began, and

27、 before she could grasp her traveling bag, Jamie was clinging to her like an ecstatic young bear. release /rlis/ vt.放开;释放; 发行 n.释放;发布的 新闻 affectionate /fek()nt/ adj. 深情的 impartiality /imp:ilti/ n. 公平、公正 triumphal /tramf()l/ adj. 胜利的;庆 祝胜利的 Then the wanderers were borne ashore in a triumphal processi

28、on, while Jamie danced rapturous jigs before them even on the gangway. rapturous /rptrs/ adj. 1. 痴迷的; 狂喜的 bear-bore-borneV. 1. 行进,延伸;2.心怀 3. be marked with)带有的印记 (bear的用法非常多且很有可能考到,这只是一部分,见一个记一个)bear (to the) left 向左拐to bear oneself proudly/with dignity;昂首阔步/举止庄重to bear no hatred towards somebody不恨某

29、人to bear somebody ill will 对某人有恶意to bear ones signature 有某人的签名he still bears the scars (physical) 他身上还留有伤疤、(mental) 他仍留有痛苦的回忆damselGirl姑娘amiss出差错something was amiss with Charlie.chalie有点儿不对头nothing is amiss 一切正常 passage:The Awakening entreat /ntrit/ vt.恳求 Of course Edna would like to hear Mademoiselle Reisz play; but she feared it would be useless to entreat her.但她担心恳求她没有用。 Cottage /ktid/ n.小屋,村舍 shuffle /f()l/ v.拖步走,支吾, 洗牌 She will come.” He turned and hurried away to one of the far c

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