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1、滨州学院新视界大学英语2期末考试题型整理新视界大学英语2期末考试题型整理题型一:(T1-9;U1;P5)、(T10-13;U2;P30)、(T14-20;U3;P52)、(T21-26;U4;P75)、(T27-32;U5;P98)、(T33-39;U6;P119)1.I moved my body forwards so that I could get a quick look att what was written in the v.探身弯腰 college has publicly stated that it will help students with financial af

2、firm v.断言,声明 for the results of the exams was not pleasant一it was a feeling of great n.痛苦,艰熬 looked carefully at the letter but I couldnt read the name at the v.仔细看,费力地看 the next room woman was walking up and down the v.踱步 could hear the dog moving its claws against the door, trying to get v.抓,挠 uni

3、versity is one of the most famous large organizations in the n.社会机构,组织 king died after he was made to eat or drink a substance that could kill v.毒杀,杀害 woke up and pressed and moved her hands over her eyes,still feeling v.擦,摩擦 is no thing you can choose instead of sport; it is one of the most basic n

4、eeds of a human n.代替物,代替品;-fundamental adj. 必不可少的,十分重要的 ancient times, an important aspect of education systems has been that they encouraged physical development as well as development of the n. 特征,特点; -intellectual adj. 智力的,理解力的 as a hunter depended on two things: physical fitness and the tools ab

5、ility to work well and produce good n. 效率 todays Olympics,giving the best sportsman or woman a good medal,while the band plays the national anthem of their country,has become a formal ceremony which follows every in the games in the past,the prizes were all given on the last v.授奖,授予;-ritual n 仪式,典礼;

6、-historical adj. 历史的 passage gives examples of the situations involving difficult decisions journalists are sometimes faced n. 窘境,困境 example, should they tell police where they got the information which may lead to them finding someone who has committed a crime -criminal n. 罪犯 someone is taken to th

7、e police station,the police believe they have committed a v.逮捕 covering a war story, such as one countrys army going into another country to take control of it, or the actions of a group of people trying to remove a government using force,should the journalist get personally involved-an invasion n.

8、入侵,侵略;-rebel adj.反叛的,造反的 n.造反者 people would agree that famous people have the right to a private life that is separate from their public entitled v. 给(某人)权利,给(某人)资格 expect the news to be available quickly as well as able to be adj. 可信赖的,可靠的 need to be careful not to publish photos that may make some

9、 people upset or v.冒犯得罪 prefer to wait for change without becoming angry or upset instead of losing my respect for myself by taking part in violent adj. 有耐心地,能忍受地;- dignity n.尊严 a system of government in which people vote to choose the people who will govern them elections are usually held every few

10、 n. 民主 a system in which individual states within a country make their own laws , like Switzerland or the US, the power of the central government is a federal system adj. 联邦政府的 it is a moral necessity for governments to pass laws which protect plant or animal groups in danger. -obligation n.义务,责任;-s

11、pecies n.物种,种 hunter proudly told other people about the number of animals he had killed that v.夸耀,吹嘘 law which gives rights to animals means new rules about v. 意味着,意指 many people, free-time activities offer a pleasant break from their usual way of doing things.-leisure adj.消遣娱乐的 n.消遣;-routine n.常规,

12、惯例 course, the time and money some people spend on hobbies may be too adj.过度的,过分的 most of us the pleasure which is an essential quality in a leisure activity is enough to justify the adj.本质的,内在的,基本的 make sure your chosen hobby is not noisy,unsociable, or likely to give your neighbours the feeling of

13、 being angry or n.冒犯,得罪 workers should keep constant a level of fitness to avoid problems due to v.保持 hobbies may develop over a period of time into full-time jobs or v.进化,演变 people show a desire to be competitive in every aspect of their v.表露出 a wonderful and successful career really so important t

14、o you-glorious adj.光荣的,荣耀的re quite a good sportswoman, but youre not exactly in the class of Olympic n.种类 failing the exam three times in a row Matthew sank into a feeling of continual n.沮丧,消沉 and Quitters are different from one another in many v.不同于,有别于 bags around your eyes suggest that you havent

15、 had much sleep v.表明,显示s important to develop friendships and relationships with other v.培养,养成题型二:(T1-6;U1;P6)、(T7-12;U2;P29)、(T13-20;U3;P51)、(T21-27;U4;P75)、(T28-34;U5;P97)、(T35-41;U6;P119) you thwart something, do you (a) make it happen, or (b) stop it from happening you revere someone, do you thi

16、nk they are (a) very old, or (b) very wise you malign another person, do you say (a) nice things, or (b) bad things about them an aisle (a) a narrow area between rows of seats, or (b) an area at the front of a classroom you scribble something, do you write it (a) very quickly, or (b) very clearly an

17、d carefully you humiliate another person do you make them feel (a) bad, or (b) good about themselves (a) something you enjoy doing (b) something that makes you laugh (a) painful (b) formal and unfriendly (a) dark (b) sad (a) state of mind (b) form of a verb (a) way of expressing ideas (b) means of t

18、ransport (a) to put your arms around someone (b) to accept something completely (a) to complete something you have agreed to do (b) to kill someone as a punishment for a crime (a) possible effect or result (b) suggestion that someone is involved in something illegal or morally wrong (a) to force som

19、eone to do something (b) to respond to a request for help (a) to ask someone to pay money (b) to accuse someone of a crime (a) all the people in the world (b) kind and sympathetic attitude towards other people (a) based on reason (b) good,but not excellent (a) money reserves (b) positive characteris

20、tic (a) to communicate ideas or feelings (b) to move something from one place to another (a) taking a long time (b) very long but not wide (a) to throw (b)to make (a) real (b) large (a) health and happiness (b) good care and living conditions (a) from one person (b) from a group of people (a) plan o

21、r suggestion (b) law (a) neither very great small (b) reasonable and not extreme (a) a pleasure for the senses (b) something wrong according religious beliefs (a)to feel cold (b) to relax (a) far away in distance or time (b) capable of being operated at a distance (a) width of something (b) time som

22、ething lasts (a) the process of changing houses (b) the process of taking something away (a) a lack of something (b) a period of time in which someone is away (a) to record (b) to access a system. that is comic 喜剧的 will probably make you laugh.(n) feasible 可行的,可能的 objective is one that is realistic.

23、 you assess 评估,评价 what you have done, you consider it carefully, to make a judgment about it.(n) desirable 令人向往的 result is one that you will be happy with. you persist 坚持 in doing something, you keep on doing it.(n) sequence 一连串,连续 of events happen one after the other. you do something readily 乐意地 y

24、ou are happy to do it.题型三:(T1;U1;P6)、(T2;U2;P30)、(T3;U3;P52)、(T4;U4;P76)、(T5;U5;P98)、(T6;U6;P120)1.Children learn from their teachers,but they learn from other children (1)concept 概念 has been proved in a lot of research,(2)particularly 尤其 with young children. When they find themselves in the (3)pres

25、ence 概念 of other children, the desire to imitate them is a(n) (4)powerful 有力的 aid to learning. Adults may lose their motivation, but not children! But real progress comes when children learn to think for themselves-and that, as we all know now, is a(n) (5)advanced 高等的 skill. It may sound (6)radical

26、激进的 and we may view it with (7)suspicion 不信任,猜疑 but its an important skill to learn. the first Olympic Games of the modern (1)era 时代 were held in 1896 they (2)resume 继续 a tradition which was nearly 3,000 years old. Since then, every four years(3)athletes 运动员 from all over the world have come togethe

27、r hoping to win a gold medal in their sport. Over the years, the games have changed: The International Olympic Committeehas (4)get rid of 去除 some sports (such as rope climbing and live pigeon shooting), but introduced other more familiar ones, such as football and basketball. But many traditional ev

28、ents from the (5)ancient 古代的 Olympicsremain (such as running, jumping, and throwing things). There have been (6)temporary 暂时的 interruptions (there were no games during the First and Second World Wars), but today the Olympic ideals seem stronger than ever, and the (7)survival 幸存 of the Olympic Games

29、into the 21st century is an example of humanitys need for cultural (8)exchange 交换 and peaceful cooperation.3.The New York Times has the reputation of being one of the worlds best papers Where other papers may (1)exaggerate 夸张 the facts, The New York Times has always sought to (2)inform 通知 readers th

30、rough objective, (3)accurate 准确的 reporting. But even The New York Times can make mistakes sometimes, as it did with one of its journalists, Jayson Blair. To use the words of The New York Times, over a period of several years Blair committed numerous “acts of journalistic (4)fraud 诈骗 ”.Instead of (5)

31、chase 追逐 the news in the traditional way, he preferred to write his stories from his home in New York, using his his computer to get up-to-date news and pictures from different sources. He copied the stories he found there, adding some more details at the (6)expense 花费 of the truth. On one (7)occasion 时刻 ,however, he went too far, describing a landscape which didnt exist. His editor began to suspect something was wrong, and set up a seven-person team whose job was to find informat

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