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考点05 七选五解析版.docx

1、考点05 七选五解析版考点05 七选五Choosing the Right Path to Be a “Better” PersonLife is a constant exercise in selfimprovement. In the rush to achievements,the idea of being “better” can become lost sometimes. You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way. 16 Explore your

2、talents.Everybody has some outstanding skills or interests. So its often necessary to be patient and try many things before you find one that suits you. 17 For example,people loving adventure may not be interested in the quiet chess club,but someone who enjoys other quiet activities might be determi

3、ning who you enjoy being around may help you know what youll enjoy. 18 No matter how much money you make,you will not be happy if you spend your entire life doing something you hate. Its important to at least devote some of your time to what makes you happy.If youre particularly unhappy at your job,

4、consider why. 19 If you feel your job isnt meaningful,or isnt in line with your values,consider finding another job.Experience something new.Research has shown that when were in our comfort zone,we arent as productive as we are when we step just beyond it. 20 Because of that,we may react slowly to o

5、ur own positive experiences and interactions with others,even when those are little scary. Doing so can help you achieve more.ADo what you love.BHere are some tips for you.CRegister in a class youre interested in.DHumans adapt very quickly to positive events.EIts possible that some changes may chang

6、e your feeling.FSimilar types of people may be attracted to the same activities.GTry not to allow yourself to focus so much on a certain aspect of your life.【答案】16答案B解析根据前一句“You may always wonder how to improve yourself and fulfill your dreams in an easier way.”和下文的几条建议可知,作者是想给别人提出如何更容易地去实现梦想的建议,故选B

7、。17答案C解析根据后文的举例可知,喜欢冒险的人可能就不喜欢安静的象棋俱乐部,也就是说,注册你感兴趣的活动。故选C。18答案A解析本题属于标题性的选择,根据本段的内容可知,你要做你喜欢的事情。故选A。19答案E解析根据后一句“If you feel your job isnt meaningful,or isnt in line with your values,consider finding another job.”可知,你不喜欢你的工作,可以考虑再找一份,所以做出一些改变就会改变你自己的内心感受,故选E。20答案D解析根据后一句“Because of that,we may react

8、 slowly to our own positive experiences and interactions with others”可知,人类能够快速适应积极的事情,故选D。 A Great Way to Teach Children to Take ResponsibilityAs parents, one of the most important things to teach children to take responsibility is to include chores as a part of their daily routine. In order to make

9、 a family function smoothly, every member must contribute. Teaching your children to take responsibility at an early age makes it easier for them to shoulder greater responsibilities as they grow older.6 If your children leave their crayons lying on the table after drawing, picking up those crayons

10、is not a chore. It is cleaning up a mess they have created. 78. For example, if it is to feed the dog every day, make sure the children understand that if they fail in their responsibility, the dog will go hungry.Make rewards and punishments a part of the lesson. Together decide whether they will be

11、 rewarded or not. 9 Some parents make their reward a monetary payment, while others choose to reward with certain privileges, such as extra television viewing time.Children need to be taught that there are punishments for their actions in case of not doing their assigned chores. Decide and agree fro

12、m the start what the punishment will be.Teaching your children the importance of contributing to the family is of great importance. 10 By taking this step, you have done a wonderful thing for your children by providing them with life skills they can take with them into society.AA chore is a specific

13、 task a child has been assigned which helps improve the life of the entire family.BAnd what punishment they will receive if a chore isnt done.CActually you are taking a critical step in empowering them for their future.DStart by teaching children the difference between a chore and cleaning up after

14、themselves.E.Teach children the importance of each assignment, and why it matters.F.Children will not be rewarded at all for merely cleaning up.G.And if so, what the reward will be for a job well done.【答案】6D7A8E9G10C【分析】这是一篇议论文。通过实例说明父母应该如何教孩子承担责任。6根据段落行文的规律,第一段往往是总说。而到第二段开始就是分说了。既然第一段已经总起这篇文章,那么第二段

15、开始的地方就应该是描述如何承担责任的第一个环节。再根据这段后面的内容:如果你的孩子在画画之后将蜡笔留在桌上,那么收拾这些蜡笔就不是琐事,而是收拾打扫他们所造成的乱糟糟的环境。那么这段刚开始就应该说明这些内容的总起:以什么样的方式开始教孩子承担责任呢?选项D内容:Start by teaching children the difference between a chore and cleaning up after themselves. 事后通过教孩子区分琐事和清洁之间的区别开始。这一选项切合题意。故选D。7根据空格前面的内容:如果你的孩子在画画之后将蜡笔留在桌上,那么收拾这些蜡笔就不是琐

16、事,而是收拾打扫他们所造成的乱糟糟的环境。那么接下来就应当讲述一下什么是琐事这个定义。因此A选项:A chore is a specific task a child has been assigned which helps improve the life of the entire family.琐事就是一项特别的任务,小孩子得到的任务是帮助提升整个家庭的生活质量而付出的努力。此项切合题意,故选A。8根据空格后面的描述:如果是每天喂狗的话,要确保孩子懂得如果他们哪天没有履行职责的话,狗会挨饿。这件事情的描述告诉我们一定要告诉孩子每一件事情的重要性以及这件事为什么重要。而E选项:Teach

17、 children the importance of each assignment, and why it matters.教会孩子每件任务的重要性以及为什么重要。此项切合题意,故选E。9根据上下文得知此段的核心和关键词是讲回报和惩罚。空格前面两句话可以推出如下结果:让回报和惩罚成为每日功课的一部分。和孩子一起决定他们是否应该得到奖励,如果是的,有些父母亲根据此推定,选项G最切合题意:And if so, what the reward will be for a job well done. 如果是的话,对于做的好的工作应该得到什么奖励。故选G。10空格前的句子告诉我们教孩子为家庭做贡献

18、非常重要。空格后句子告诉我们通过采取这个步骤,你已经为你的孩子做了一件很精彩的事情,那就是为你的孩子形成了走向社会的生活技能。这个生活技能在这里指的是父母亲在培养孩子承担责任的同时收获了的技能,可以在社会上立足的技能。这个与孩子的未来生活密切相关,而选项C:Actually you are taking a critical step in empowering them for their future.事实上你正采取的是关键的一步,帮助孩子为他们的将来赋能。为他们的将来赋能不就是培养孩子的责任感让他们在将来走向社会时可以立足吗?由此可以推出答案为C选项。故选C。 Heres the sce

19、nario(场景): Youve got an article to write on an interesting topic. You have more than enough time to meet your deadline and an editor lined up to perfect your words. Theres one big problem, though. The words wont come. Youve got writers block. 11 And your deadline, which seemed generous at first, is

20、starting to close in on you. Every writer has been there. What can you do about it?12 Science says thats when writers are most creative and least likely to be distracted. But when youre completely stuck, going straight into writing first thing in the morning might not work. Why not start your day wi

21、th something youre excited about? Itll be more fun and make you feel productive.Smoothly as the morning unfolds, writers block may linger(逗留). While faced with it, we find the best approach is to break your task up into chunks. 13 With this one little step, youve accomplished something and youre one

22、 step closer to meeting that deadline. Then, do some reading, make a list of any ideas you find interesting, and use your list to create a rough outline. 14 The draft may still need some polishing, but youre most of the wav there now!Besides, writing is more than putting words on paper. Its also abo

23、ut thinking. You should feel free to walk away when you need to have some quality “thinking time”. If you use these breaks to do something productive, you wont think of it as time wasted. 15 Youll get fresh air and exercisewhich are both known to be good for creativityand your colleagues will thank

24、you.ATake a walk outside with a pen and paper.BYouve been staring at a blank page for days.CThat can help to reduce the difficulty of writing.DHeres an idea: offer a coffee run for your colleagues.E.Start with something small, like creating a new folder.F.Writers are often told they should write ear

25、ly in the morning.G.Turn it into sentences and paragraphs and youll have a draft.【答案】11B12F13E14G15D【分析】本篇是议论。本文介绍了写作缺乏灵感时,如何下笔的方法。11考查上下文衔接。前一句提到writers block,后一句进行解释盯着一页发呆很久,不知不觉就到截止日期了。选项B表达的意思是你会对着一张空白页盯着看很多天是属于writers block的解释内容,承接上文,并且后一句中的stare和B选项中的stare直接同词复现。故选B。12考查代词指代。第二段第二句中的that和第三句中的

26、going straight into writing first thing in the morning都是在讲早间写作。第一句又是本段的主题句,所以第一句应该也提到了在晨间写作,故选F。13考查代词指代。前一句中break your task up into chunks,说明此段的建议是将写作工作化整为零、进行分解。后一句中this one little step说明此题的内容应该是写作工作中一小步,且与化整为零有关,E选项表达的意思就是从一些小事开始,比如创建一个新文件夹。故选E。14考查代词指代。前一句提到a rough outline意为粗略的提纲,后一句提到The draft

27、意为草稿,本句应该承上启下,衔接提纲和草稿,又因G选项中的代词it可指代a rough outline,此外选项中a draft正好首次提到草稿。故选G。15考查上下文衔接。前一句If you use these breaks to do something productive, you wont think of it as time wasted.意为如果你停下来思考的时候正好能做点有意义的事儿,你就不会认为那是在浪费时间了。后一句Youll get fresh air and exercisewhich are both known to be good for creativitya

28、nd your colleagues will thank you.意为你能呼吸一点儿新鲜空气,还能稍微锻炼一下,既对创新有益,又能得到同事的感谢。本句承上启下,应该是关于一种停下来思考的时候,可以做的对写作思路有帮助,且对同事有好处的事。D选项offer a coffee run for your colleagues意为帮同事跑腿儿买杯咖啡。 故选D。It may not be the best way to go about meeting new people, but chat rooms are still among the most popular channels. Want

29、 to chat with a stranger now? 16, after which, you need to keep the following rules in mind.17. Details such as your phone number and home address or where you attend classes should remain personal. It is actually not a very good idea to share your last name with a stranger. Even if you feel you hav

30、e met someone you really like and get along with, it is still necessary to withhold some important details.Be fun and chat about something personal. This doesnt mean giving away personal details, but you can share your life experiences and stories with strangers as long as you are both going with th

31、e flow. There is really no way you will manage to know the strangers better unless you both go beyond your hobbies. 18.Remain in control at all times. There is really no obligation on you to continue with chats that scare you or make you uncomfortable. 19. As soon as something annoys you, feel free

32、to leave the chat. Let nobody force you into conversations you find inappropriate.Try not to download things from strangers. 20, but be careful that you dont get viruses or hacked by such downloads. You really cant be sure of who you are talking to, so be cautious about downloads. It is best that you stick to the channels of communication made available to you and also make sure that you have the right com

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