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1、cet6必背词汇英语六级常考词汇课堂笔记以下单词在六级、考研中都必须掌握。为同、反义、相关词等,下载后请仔细学习!Abrupt / blunt Authorize / license / tolerate / suffer / 反 ban / prohibit / disqualify / boycottBald / bare / naked / exposedVanish / extinct / thrive / flourish /Plausible / credible / Compute / figure / derive / reckon Metropolitan / urban /

2、 suburban / ruralVeil / crust / filmAssemble / fuse / blend / merge Undermine / boost / impetus / Collide with / bump into / crash into / crush / clash / rash / lash / smash / flashCondemn / lash /Ponder / pore / brood / contemplate / deliberate / Incentive / motivation / stimulusFoster / cultivate

3、/ Obscure / blur / Obscene / nasty / disgusting / gross / shameless / decent / graceful / graciousGamble / speculate / venture Offset / balance / counterbalance / counteract / Distort / bend / twist Cluster / bunch / assemble / 六级单词精彩搭配oil reserves 石油储备mechanized corps 机械化部队cluster bomb 集束炸弹weapons

4、of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器to impose / enforce ( economic sanctions ) 实施(经济制裁)foreign funded or domestically funded firm 外国或国内投资企业condemn: reproach / despise / blame / criticize / sb. for sth. 用法一样allocate / designate ( time / money / resources ) for elaborate / enlarge / expand on / uponprobe : in

5、quire / look / research / dig intodifferentiate : distinguish / discriminate between culminate : begin / end in immerse: immerse oneself in / bury / lose / submerge oneself in preside (以下动词内涵一致,后面都跟over ) : reign / triumph / prevail surge / flash throughpermeate / filter / sweep / run 41组六级重点单词!1. d

6、efy / verify / certify / rectify / justify / magnify / amplify / simplify / specify / modify / qualify / simplify / clarify / terrify/ classify / identify 2. mend / amend / recommend / commend / command 3. cooperation / corporation4. commemorate / memorize / in honor of / in memory of5. agitate / cl

7、ap / slap / fluctuate6. compensate / supplement7. capacity / capability / ability / faculty8. deliberate / desperate / delicate9. conscious / conscientious10. exceedingly / excessively11. reliance / trust / belief / confidence12. vigorous / rigorous 13. sensitive / sensible14. flash/ crash / crush /

8、 clash / smash15. jeopardize / terminate / resume relations16. inspire / expire17. literal / liberal / literary18. homogeneous / simultaneous / instantaneous / spontaneous / harmonious19. competitive / competent20. extinct / distinct / instinct21. deduce / seduce / induce22. perspective / prospectiv

9、e / respective23. surplus / deficit / defect / sufficient24. respective / respectable / respectful / respected25. strain / stain / restrain / constrain / refrain26. evoke / provoke / irritate / invoke / poke27. open / cease / resume fire / ignite28. hostility / futility / hospitality / absurdity / c

10、ommodity 29. superiority / inferiority / priority30. commerce / commence31. stationery / stationary32. compliment / complement33. apprehension / comprehension34. access / assess / inaccessible to35. spark / trigger / give rise to36. negligible / negligent37. tackle / address / cope with / deal with3

11、8. stability / capability39. coincide / collide / crash40. prescribe / describe / inscribe / subscribe / script / manuscript41. ascend / transcend / descend记单词一定要在句子中记,一定要在语境中记。而且最好例句比较新颖一点。我从国内外英语报刊中挑选出了一些包含六级和考研的重点单词的例句,希望对各位备战六级和考研的同学有所帮助!希望大家喜欢!1. anonymous we are responsible for the plane crash

12、, said an official, asking to remain anonymous. 我们对飞机坠毁负有责任,一位不愿透露姓名的官员说。2.bleak despite hongkongs current economic crisis, the longer-term outlook was far from bleak. 尽管香港现在存在经济危机,但是长期的前景绝非暗淡。3.degrade asia is the worlds most polluted and environmentally degraded region. 亚洲是世界上污染最严重,环境退化最厉害的地区。4.di

13、scriminate death does not discriminate; it comes to everyone. 死亡对人一视同仁,人人都难免一死。5.impose the united nations security adopted a new resolution on may 22, lifting sanctions imposed on iraq 13 years ago after its invasion of kuwait. 联合国安理会5月22日通过一项新决议,解除了13年前伊拉克入侵科威特后对伊实施的制裁。6.pave the dallas mavericks

14、made wang zhizhi its second-round pick of the 1999 draft, paving the way for him to become the first asian player in nba history. 达拉斯小牛队在1999年第二轮选秀时选中了王治郅,为他成为nba历史上第一位亚洲球员铺平了道路。7.peak the jobless rate, now 6.2 percent, will peak at 8.5 percent next month. 目前为5.8%的失业率到明年将高达8.5%。8.resume oklahoma res

15、umed capital punishment in 1990. 俄克拉荷马州在1990年恢复了死刑。9.speculate one could speculate that in the 21st century, internet is another pathogen exporting western values. 我们可以推测,到21世纪,因特网将是另一个出口西方价值观的病原体。10.stride 21st-centurys strides in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the aging proce

16、ss. 21世纪遗传医学的巨大成就可能使我们控制,甚至扭转衰老的过程。11.surge terrorist activities in the middle east surged in the middle ten days of may, arousing strong denunciation and great concern of the international community. 5月中旬,中东的恐怖主义活动激增,引起国际社会的强烈谴责和极大关注。12.susceptible the panic generated by sars will weaken our immune

17、 system which will make us more susceptible to this dreaded disease. 因sars而产生的恐惧会削弱我们的免疫系统,从而使我们更容易感染这种可怕的疾病。英语六级常考词根总结acu 尖的.锐利的 acute 尖的,敏锐的acumen 敏锐的,聪明的act = to do,to drive 行动,做 activate vt. 刺激,使活动interact vi.相互作用transaction n.处理;交易;和解ag 做,代理做 agenda n. 议程,应办事项agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动alter, altern=

18、other, to change 其他的,改变 alter 改变alternative 二者选其一的.其他alternate 交替, 轮流 alternation 交替cord= heart 一致, 心脏 cordial a.真诚的,诚恳的accord vt.一致( with);给予discord 不一致 concord 协调,协议record 记录ceed .ced .cess =go proceeding n.程序,行动,事项exceed vt.超越, 胜过vi.超过其他concede vt. 承认,退让 vi. 让步precede vt.先于 vi.领先access 接近inaccess

19、ible 难以接近的excess 过分的,过度的process 进行,过程success 成功accessory n.同谋 a.附属的concession n.让步,迁就recession n. (经济)衰退,不景气successor n.继承人,继任者claim=cry out ,shout proclaim vt.宣告,宣布;表明reclaim vt.开垦,开拓;回收exclaim v.呼喊, 惊叫, 大声叫acclaim n.喝彩, 欢呼v.欢呼, 称赞clos. clud. clus =close closet n.小房间;壁碗橱disclose vt.揭开,揭发;透露enclosur

20、e n.围绕;围场,围栏preclude vt. 预先排除,预防,阻止,妨碍exclude vt.拒绝接纳, 把.排除在外, 排斥exclusive adj.排外的, 孤高的, 唯我独尊的,独占的, 唯一的, 高级的inclusive a.包围住的;包括的cur, curs= run currency n.通货;通用;市价curriculum n. 课程incur vt. 招致,蒙受,遭遇recur vi. 复发,重现,再发生excursion n.远足, 游览, 短程旅行precursor n.先驱dict= say ,assert contradict vt.反驳,否认verdict n.

21、 裁决,结论,定论,判断dictate v.口述, 使听写, 指示, 命令, 规定duc,duct =bring ,lead deduce vt.推论, 演绎出induce vt.劝诱;引起;感应productive a.生产的;出产的productivity n.生产率;多产conduct n.行为 v.引导, 管理, 传导flict=strike afflict vt. 使痛苦,折磨inflict vt. 施以,加害,使承受conflict n.斗争, 冲突 vi.抵触, 冲突gress=go aggressive 好斗的, 敢作敢为的, 侵略性的congress 国会, 议会her he

22、rs=stick adhere vi. (fml)粘附;追随;坚持 ( to sth)coherent a.粘着的;紧凑的it= go initiate vt.开始, 发动, 传授initial adj.最初的, 词首的, 初始的exit n.出口, 退场,vi.退出, 脱离, ject= throw ,cast eject vt.逐出,排斥;喷射inject vt.注射;注满;喷射subjective a. 主观的,个人的objective n.目标, 目的,adj.客观的, 语法宾格的subject n.题目 主语adj. 受制于.的, 受.影响的,vt.使屈从于.,使隶属subjecti

23、ve adj.主观的, 个人的reject vt.拒绝, 抵制, 否决, 驳回, 丢弃magn=big magnificent adj.华丽的, 高尚的, 宏伟的 magnify vt.放大,扩大magnitude n.大小;重大;星等mini=small administer vt.执行,管理,治理diminish vt.减少,减小,递减miniature n.缩影 a.缩小的minimize vt.使减到最小 miss, mit= send ,cast permissible a. 可允许的transmission n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播commission n.

24、 委托, 犯(罪), 佣金 vt.委任, 委托submission n.屈服, 降服, 服从, 谦恭, 投降missionary n.传教士commitment n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助intermittent a. 间歇的,断断续续的summit n.顶点,最高点;极度submit v.(使)服从, (使)顺从 vt.提交, 递交admit v.容许, 承认, 接纳omit vt.省略; 删除(无意中)遗漏; 忘记; 怠慢transmit vt.传输, 发射, 遗传, 传播vi.发射, 发报nounce=speak denounce vt.谴责,声讨;告发announce vt.宣布

25、, 通告renounce v.断绝关系ped=foot expedition n.探险;探险队pedal n.踏脚,踏板,脚蹬pedestrian n.行人,步行者pel,puls =drive, push expel vt.驱逐,开除;排出 propel vt.推进,推动 repel vt.拒绝;使厌恶 compel vt.强迫, 迫使 compelling adj.强制的, 强迫的, 引人注目的 compulsory a.强迫的,义务的 impulse n.冲动,推动,脉冲 repulsive adj.推斥的, 令人厌恶的 pet=seek competence n. 胜任,资格,能力co

26、mpetitive a.竞争的,比赛的impetus n. 动力,推动力,激励perpetual a.永久的;四季开花的petition n.请愿 vt.向请愿compete vi.比赛, 竞争ple,plen=full,fill complement vt.补充 n.补足(物)implement n.工具 vt. 实现,使生效,执行supplementary a. 补足的,补充的,追加的plic=fold complication n.复杂,混乱;并发症duplicate n.复制品 vt.复制explicit a.明晰的;直率的implicit a. 暗示的,盲从的,绝对的,固有的comp

27、licated adj.复杂的, 难解的pos posit=put composite a.合成的 n.合成物disposition n. 性情,处置,处理,布置exposition n. 曝露 说明,解释;陈列pose vi.假装,摆姿势 n.姿势proposition n.命题,主题;提议symposium n.酒会;座谈会impose vt.征税, 强加vi.利用, 施影响dispose v.处理, 处置, 部署press=press depression n.消沉;不景气萧条期oppress vt.压迫,压制;压抑suppress vt.镇压;抑制;隐瞒impress vt.印, 盖印

28、, 留下印象priv=single deprive vt.夺去;使(人)失去privacy n. 隐私,隐居,秘密private adj.私人的, 私营的, 秘密的privilege n.特权, 特免 vt.给与.特权, 特免rupt=break abrupt a. 突然的,意外的,唐突的bankrupt a.破产的 vt.使破产corrupt vt.贿赂 a.腐败的disrupt a. 分裂的,分散的 vt. 使分裂,使瓦解erupt vi. 爆发 vt. 喷出rupture n. 破裂,决裂 vt.(使)破裂scribe script =write ascribe vt.把归于subscr

29、ibe vi.订购,认购;预订prescribe v. 规定, 处(方), 开(药)manuscript n.手稿,底稿,原稿prescription n.药方,处方的药script n. 手迹,手稿,剧本,字母表subscription n.捐献, 订金, 订阅scend =climb ascend vi.攀登,登高;追溯descendant n.子孙,后裔;弟子transcend vt. 超越,胜过descend vi.下来, 下降, 遗传serv=serve conserve vt. 保存,保全reservation n.保留;预定,预订preserve vt.保护, 保持, 保存, 保

30、藏reserve vt.储备, 保存, 保留, 预定, 预约sid=sit preside vi.主持;主奏reside vi.居住,驻扎;属于residential a. 住宅的,与居住有关的subsidiary a.辅助的,补充的subsidy n. 补助金,津贴considerate adj.考虑周到的considerable adj.相当大(或多)的, 值得考虑的sign=mark designate vt.指出,指示;指定signify vt.表示,意味着assign vt.分配, 指派insignificant adj.无关紧要的, 可忽略的, 无意义的resign n.辞去(职务)v.辞去, 辞职sist=stand persistent a. 固执的,坚持的,持续的consistent adj.一致的, 坚固的,assist v.援助, 帮助persist vi.坚持, 持续resist vt.抵抗, 反抗,spect,spic= see,look irrespective a.不考虑的,不顾的,无关的prospective a. 有希望的,预期的,将来的retrospect n. 回顾,追忆,回溯spectacle n.场面;景象,奇观spectacular a. 公开展示的,惊人的 n. 展览物spectator

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