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1、最新地质工程专业英语地质工程专业英语1地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic工程地质条件 engineering geological conditions地形地貌条件 geographic and geomorphic conditions地形 land form地貌 geomorphology, relief微地貌 microrelief地貌单元 landform unit, geomorphic unit坡度 grade地形图 relief map河谷 river valley河道 river course河床 river bed(channel)冲沟 gully,

2、 gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook)河漫滩 floodplain(valley flat)阶地 terrace冲积平原 alluvial plain三角洲 delta古河道 fossil river course, fossil stream channel冲积扇 alluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial fan坡积裙 talus apron分水岭 divide盆地 basin岩溶地貌 karst land feature, karst landform溶洞 solution cave, karst cave落水洞 sinkhole土洞 Kars

3、tic earth cave2地层岩性地层 geostrome (stratum, strata)岩性 lithologic character, rock property岩体 rock mass岩层 bed stratum岩层 layer, rock stratum母岩 matrix, parent rock相变 facies change硬质岩 strong rock, film 软质岩 weak rock硬质的 competent软质的 incompetent基岩 bedrock岩组 petrofabric覆盖层 overburden交错层理 cross bedding层面 beddi

4、ng plane片理 schistosity层理 bedding板理(叶理) foliation波痕 ripple-mark泥痕 mud crack雨痕 raindrop imprints造岩矿物 rock-forming minerals粘土矿物 clay mineral高岭土 kaolinite蒙脱石 montmorillonite伊利石 illite云母 mica白云母 muscovite黑云母 biotite石英 quartz长石 feldspar正长石 orthoclase斜长石 plagioclase辉石 pyroxene, picrite角闪石 hornblende 方解石 ca

5、lcite构造 structure结构 texture组构 fabric(tissue)矿物组成 mineral composition结晶质 crystalline非晶质 amorphous产状 attitude火成岩 igneous岩浆岩 magmatic rock火山岩(熔岩)lava火山 volcano侵入岩 intrusive(invade) rock喷出岩 effusive rock深成岩 plutonic rock浅成岩 pypabysal rock酸性岩 acid rock中性岩 inter-mediate rock基性岩 basic rock超基性岩 ultrabasic r

6、ock岩基 rock base (batholith)岩脉(墙) dike岩株 rock stock岩流 rock flow岩盖 rock laccolith (laccolite)岩盆 rock lopolith岩墙 rock dike岩床 rock sill岩脉 vein dyke花岗岩 granite斑岩 porphyry玢岩 porphyrite流纹岩 rhyolite正长岩 syenite粗面岩 trachyte闪长岩 diorite安山岩 andesite辉长岩 gabbro玄武岩 basalt细晶岩 aplite伟晶岩 pegmatite煌斑岩 lamprophyre辉绿岩 di

7、abase橄榄岩 dunite黑曜岩 obsidian浮岩 pumice火山角砾岩 vulcanic breccia火山集块岩 volcanic agglomerate凝灰岩 tuff沉积岩 sedimentary rock碎屑岩 clastic rock粘土岩 clay rock粉砂质粘土岩 silty claystone化学岩 chemical rock生物岩 biolith砾岩 conglomerate角砾岩 breccia砂岩 sandstone石英砂岩 quartz sandstone粉砂岩 siltstone钙质粉砂岩 calcareous siltstone泥岩 mudstone

8、页岩 shale盐岩 saline石灰岩 limestone白云岩 dolomite泥灰岩 marl泥钙岩 argillo-calcareous泥砂岩 argillo-arenaceous砂质 arenaceous泥质 argillaceous硅质的 siliceous有机质 organic matter粗粒 coarse grain中粒 medium-grained沉积物 sediment (deposit)漂石、顽石 boulder卵石 cobble砾石 gravel砂 sand粉土 silt粘土 clay粘粒 clay grain砂质粘土 sandy clay粘质砂土 clayey sa

9、nd壤土、亚粘土 loam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土 sandy loam浮土、表土 regolith (topsoil)黄土 loess红土 laterite泥灰 peat软泥 ooze淤泥 mire, oozed mud, sludge, warp clay冲积物(层) alluvion冲积的 alluvial洪积物(层) proluvium, diluvium, diluvion洪积的 diluvial坡积物(层) deluvium残积物(层) eluvium残积的 eluvial风积物(层) eolian deposits湖积物(层) lake deposits海积物(层) marine

10、deposits冰川沉积物(层)glacier (drift)deposits崩积物(层) colluvial deposits, colluvium 残积粘土 residual clay变质岩 metamorphic rock板岩 slate千枚岩 phyllite片岩 schist片麻岩 gneiss石英岩 quartzite大理岩 marble糜棱岩 mylonite混合岩 migmatite碎裂岩 cataclasite3地质构造地质构造 geologic structure结构构造 structural texture大地构造 geotectonic构造运动 tectogenesis

11、造山运动 orogeny升降运动 vertical movement水平运动 horizontal movement完整性 perfection(integrity)起伏度 waviness尺寸效应 size effect围压效应 confining pressure effect产状要素 elements of attitude产状 attitude, orientation走向 strike倾向 dip倾角 dip angle, angle of dip褶皱fold褶曲 fold单斜 monocline向斜 syncline背斜 anticline穹隆 dome挤压 squeeze上盘 u

12、pper section 下盘 bottom wall, footwall, lower wall断距 separation相交 intersect断层 fault正断层 normal fault逆断层 reversed fault平移断层 parallel fault层理 bedding, stratification 微层理 light stratification地堑 graben地垒 horst, fault ridge断层泥 gouge, pug, selvage, fault gouge擦痕 stria, striation断裂 fracture破碎带 fracture zone节

13、理 joint节理组joint set裂隙 fissure, crack微裂隙 fine fissure, microscopic fissure劈理 cleavage原生裂隙 original joint次生裂隙 epigenetic joint张裂隙 tension joint剪裂隙 shear joint卸荷裂隙 relief crack裂隙率 fracture porosity结构类型 structural pattern岩体结构 rock mass structure岩块 block mass结构体 structural element块度 blockness结构面 structur

14、al plane软弱结构面 weak plane临空面 free face碎裂结构 cataclastic texture板状结构 platy structure薄板状 lamellose块状的 lumpy, massive层状的 laminated巨厚层 giant thick-laminated薄层状的 finely laminated软弱夹层 weak intercalated layer夹层 inter bedding, intercalated bed, interlayer, intermediate layer夹泥层 clayey intercalation夹泥 inter-cl

15、ay连通性 connectivity切层 insequent影响带 affecting zone完整性 integrity n. Integrate v. & a. degree of integrality破碎 crumble胶结 cement泥化 argillization尖灭 taper-out错动 diastrophism错动层面 faulted bedding plane断续的 intermittent破碎 crumble共轭节理 conjugated joint 散状 loose透镜状的 lens-shaped a.岩石碎片 crag岩屑 cuttings, debris薄膜 me

16、mbrane, film层理 stratification高角度 high dip angle缓倾角 low dip angle反倾 anti-dip互层 interbed v. Interbedding n.起伏的 unplanar波状起伏的 undulate, undulating粒径 particle size构造层 tectonosphere挤压 compression均一的 homogeneous剪切错动面 shear faulted, bedding zone切割 dissection切割的 dissected致密 close, compact构造岩 tectonite糜棱岩 my

17、lonite断层角砾岩 fault breccia方解石脉 calcite vein碎块岩 clastic rock角砾 breccia岩粉 rock powder岩屑 debris, debry固结 consolidation定向排列 oriented spread构造应力 tectonic stress残余应力 residual stress4水文地质条件 hydrogeological conditions水文循环 hydrologic cycle大气圈 atmosphere水圈 hydrosphere岩石圈 geosphere地表径流 surface runoff地下径流 subsur

18、face runoff流域 valley, drainage basin流域面积 drainage area, river basin area汇水面积 catchment area地下水 ground water, subsurface water地表水 surface water大气水 atmospheric water气态水 aqueous (vapour) water液态水 liquid water固态水 solid water上层滞水 perched water潜水 phreatic water承压水 confined water吸着水 hygroscopic (adsorptive

19、) water介质 medium空隙 void孔隙水压力 pore water pressure渗透压力 osmotic pressure, seepage force扬压力 uplift pressure静水压力 hydrostatic pressure外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure动水压力 hydrodynamic pressure渗透力 seepage pressure外水压力 external water pressure内水压力 internal water pressure水力联系 hydraulic interrelation水力折减系数 h

20、ydraulic reduction coefficient水头损失 water head loss渗透途径 filtration path, seepage path渗透系数 penetration coefficient潜水位 water table level水位 water level, stage level水头 water head含水层 aquifer弱含水层(弱透水层) aquitard滞水层 aquiclude透水层 permeable layer, pervious layer不透水层(隔水层) aquifuge, impervious layer, impermeable

21、 layer, aquiclude潜水含水层 phreatic aquifer承压含水层 confined aquifer, artesian aquifer承压面 bearing surface潜水面 phreatic surface, water table浸润线 phreatic curve不透水边界 impervious boundary 地下分水岭 groundwater ridge粘滞性 viscosity富水性 abundance透水性(渗透性)permeability淋滤(溶滤作用)lixiviation, leaching反滤层 inverted gravel filter水

22、锈 incrustation渗滴 seep饱和 saturation, saturated潜水位变化带 zone of variable phreatic level气象因素 meteorological factor饱水带 zone of saturation包气带aeration zone, zone of aeration 包气带水 aeration zone water上层滞水 perched water孔隙水 pore water裂隙水 fissure water岩溶水 karstic water结合水 bound water, combined water吸着水 hydroscop

23、ic water薄膜水 pellicular water毛细水 capillary water重力水 gravitational water凝结水 condensation water地下水埋藏条件condition of groundwater occurrence地下水埋藏深度 depth of groundwater occurrence压水试验 packer permeability test抽水试验 pumping test5物理力学性质物理力学 physical mechanics n. Physico-mechanical a.屈服准则 yield criteria米赛斯屈服准则

24、 Von Mises yield criteria朗肯土压力理论 Rankings earth pressure theory剑桥模型 Cambridge model, Cam-model邓肯-张模型 Duncan-chang model本构方程 constitutive equation局部剪切破坏 local shear failure整体剪切破坏 general shear failure岩体完整性指数intactness index of rock mass安全系数 factor of safety埋深 embedment depth试件 coupons挠度 deflection里氏震

25、级 Richter scale设计烈度 design intensity基本烈度 basic intensity场地烈度 site intensity地震烈度 seismic intensity, intensity scale卓越周期 predominant period 持力层 sustained yield超载 surcharge围岩压力 surrounding rock stress附加压力 superimposed stress应力松弛 stress relaxation应力路迳 stress path卸荷 unload渗透率 specific permeability饱和度 deg

26、ree of saturation含水量 moisture content平均粒径 mean diameter颗粒 grain, granule, particle颗粒级配 distribution of grain-size, grain composition, size distribution级配 graduation, grain-size distribution, gradation, grading粒度 coarseness grain size, granularity, lump不均匀系数 coefficient of non-uniformity, variation c

27、oefficient, variation factor颗粒分级 gradation, size grading孔隙水 pore water孔隙比 void ratio (ration)空隙率 air voids孔隙率 porosity裂隙率 crackity溶隙率 karstity密度 density重度 unit weight, bulk weight浮重度 buoyant unit weight折减系数 reduction factor压力消散 dissipation of pressure抗力系数 coefficient of resistance软化系数 softening coef

28、ficient含水量 water content稠度 consistency塑限 plastic limit液限 liquid limit塑性指数 plasticity index液性指数 liquidity index流变 rheological蠕变 creep塑性 plastic脆性 brittleness(fragility)粘性 stickness刚性 rigidity弹性的 elastic粘弹性 viso-elasticity弹塑性 elasto-plasticity压缩性 compressibility均质性 homogeneity非均质性 nonhomogeneity (hete

29、rogeneity)各向同性 isotropy各向异性 anisotropy总应力 total stress有效应力 effective stress超孔隙水压力 excess pore pressure孔隙水压力 pore water pressure抗压强度 compressive strength抗拉强度 tensile strength抗剪强度 shear strength不排水抗剪强度undrained shear strenght峰值抗剪强度 peak share strength长期抗剪强度 long-term shear strength残余抗剪强度 residual shear strength负摩擦力 negative skin friction, dragdown摩擦角 angle of friction内摩擦角 angle of internal friction外摩擦角 angle of external friction内聚力 cohesion粘聚力 cohesion假凝聚力 pseudo-cohesion粘着力 adhesion摩尔圆 Mohrs circle包络线 envelope休止角 angle of repose,

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