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1、高三英语外研版总复习课后强化作业21必修四 Module 3Body Language and Nonverbal Communication.用所给单词的适当形式填空communicate, formal, vary, tradition, involve, spread, society, judge, perform, invite1My father hasnt had any direct _ with me because we often argue when talking.2Dont be too friendly and _ with other boys.3They se

2、nt out 200 _ to their wedding.4She won a gold medal for her fine _ in the contest.5The worst effects of unemployment, low pay and other _ problems need to be solved as soon as possible.6In his room, Tom was _ a map of China on the bed.7Farmers here _ make corn into powder which is prepared into porr

3、idge.8It is still too soon to form a _ about this because you havent known it well.9How should we _ ourselves in school life?10Actually eating habits can _ a good deal over the centuries.答案:munication2.informal3.invitations4performance5.social6.spreading 7.traditionally8.judgement9.involve10.vary.完成

4、句子1他们要求因为你造成的损失罚你钱。They requested that you _ because of the damage you caused.2他参与了一场激烈的争论。He _ a heated argument.3每次需要经济方面的建议时,他们总是来找我。_ they need financial advice, they will come and see me.4坏消息传播得很快。Bad news is quick _.5举起你的手,让老师注意到你。_ your hand to be noticed by the teacher.答案:1.should be fined2.

5、was involved in3.Every spread5.Hold up.单项填空1Will you do me _ and translate this sentence into English?Afavour Ba favourCa help Da hand答案:B本题主要考查常用搭配。do sb. a favour“帮某人忙”。句意:请你帮忙把这个句子译成英语好吗?2_ I wrote a few poems, I confidently placed it right on my fathers plate on the diningroom table.ATh

6、e first time BAt firstCIt was the first time DFor the first time答案:Athe first time 用作连词,意为“第一次时”,其前不加介词。at first“起初,首先”;it was the first time.“这是第一次”;for the first time“首次”。3My father walked _ in the room, looking as if he was thinking about something.Alittle by little Bup and downCmore or less Dsoo

7、ner or later答案:B考查固定短语。little by little“逐渐地”;up and down“来回地,上下地”;more or less “或多或少”;sooner or later“迟早”。句意:我父亲在房间里来回地走,看起来好像在思考事情。4(2011聊城模拟)A small car is big enough for a family of three _ you need more space for baggage.Aonce Bin caseCif Dunless答案:D句意:一辆小汽车对于一个三口之家足够大了。除非你需要更多的空间放行李。本题考查连词的用法。u

8、nless 相当于if not。5Dont respond to any emails _ personal information, no matter how official they look.Asearching BaskingCrequesting Dquestioning答案:C考查动词辨析。句意:不要回复要求得到你的个人信息的任何电子邮件,无论这些邮件看起来多么正式。request“请求,要求”。干扰项是B。若选B,要在asking后面加for。6He had always been held _ as an example to the younger ones.Aback

9、BontoCoff Dup答案:D考查hold动词短语。hold back“阻挡”;hold onto“抓住,保留”;hold off“推迟”;hold up “举作为范例,举起,延迟”。句意:他总是被当作年轻人学习的范例。7The top leaders of Chinese Football Association are believed to have been _ in corruption.Astuck BcaughtCinvolved Dtrapped答案:C考查be involved in (参与,被卷入)。句意:中国足协高层领导被认为参与了贪污。其他三个选项虽然可与介词in连

10、用,但表示“陷入,被困在”的意思。8The girl is so shy that she cant _ very well _ others.Acommunicate; with Bcommunicate; toCdeal; with Dget along; to答案:A考查动词词组。句意:这个女孩是如此的害羞以至于不能与别人很好地进行交流。communicate with“与交流”,故选A。9. It is obvious that hopes, goals, fear and desires _ widely between men and women, between the rich

11、 and the poor.Ashift BalterCvary Dtransfer答案:C考查动词辨析。shift“移动,转移”;alter“转变,更改”;vary “变化,改变,不同;相异”;transfer“转移,迁移”。根据句意可知应选C项。10Mike _ his parents to help him out of trouble.Alooked for Bdealt withCturned to Dtalked about答案:C考查动词短语辨析。look for“寻找”;deal with“处理”;turn to“转向,求助于”;talk about“谈论”。据题意应选C。11

12、I wrote them a letter, officially _ permission to proceed.Aasking BrequestingCquestioning Dsearching答案:B考查动词辨析。request往往表示“(口头或书面的)要求,(尤指)请求”。句意:我写信给他们,正式请求允许我继续进行。选A时应改为asking for,C项意为“审问,盘问,质疑”不合题意,D项意为“搜寻”,故选B。12Everyone of us hopes you can be back _ accident next year.Awith BbyCin Dwithout答案:D由句

13、意可知,此处是指希望对方平安回来。without accident意为“安然无恙地”,故选D。B项表示“偶然,无意中”,没有A、C项搭配。13Did you take enough money with you?No, I needed _ I thought I would.Amuch more than Bnot so much asCmuch less than Das much as答案:A考查重点短语。由答句中的“No”,我们可以知道“我”需要的钱比原先想的要多,因此只有选项A符合题意。14Darkness _, so we had to stop our journey and s

14、tayed on a farm for the night.Ahappened BspreadCbroke Dfell答案:D句意:夜幕降临了,所以我们不得不停止我们的旅程,在一个农场过夜。fall在此处指“(夜幕)降临”。15The young lady spent _ money on her clothes last year.Aa great deal Ba good manyCa large sum of Da large number of答案:C句意:去年这位年轻的女士在买衣服上花了很多钱。a good many和a large number of修饰可数名词的复数,而a gre

15、at deal后要加of。故选C。.阅读理解AAs you know, different countries have different customs. Also there are many gestures showing many meanings in many countries. Here are a few examples of gestures. A fisherman in Britain will show the size of the fish he has caught by holding his two hands, palms(手掌)facing eac

16、h other, the right distance apart in front of him. But the one from certain part of Africa will measure off the size along his left arm with his right hand. In Britain the gesture to show the number“one”is made by holding up the index finger(the second finger), but in Switzerland it is the thumbthe

17、first finger which is held up. Some people point at objects with fingers, others by sticking out the lips. The gesture for“come here”is made in Britain with the index finger, which is held, pointing upwards, at eye level and bent towards the body; in Egypt the hand is held at arms length, palm downw

18、ards, and the fingers are then bent. The difference between the movements is very important, and the meanings of the same gesture may be opposite in different countries. It may bring trouble to those not well known with it.1This passage is mainly about_.Adifferent people in different countriesBhow t

19、o understand the gestures in BritainCthe different meanings of gestures in different countriesDhow to show a gesture in Egypt答案:C主旨题。本文的主题是讲不同国家的手势语,所以答案选C。2Which of the following gestures shows the number“one”in Switzerland?答案:B推断题。从文中第六句“.but in Switzerland it is the thumbthe first finger which is

20、 help up”可知,在瑞士是把大拇指伸出来,而图A伸出的是食指,图C是伸出大拇指和食指,图D是伸出小拇指,故答案选B。3Sometimes difference between the movements in different countries may bring about_to you.Aa good luck Ba new worldCan ill effect Dhappiness答案:C细节题。从文中最后一句“若你不知道这些差异的话可能会给你带来麻烦”可知此题答案为C。an ill effect“不良影响”。4According to the passage we shou

21、ld_.Alook before we leapBpick and chooseCstrike while the iron is hotDdo in Rome as the Romans do答案:D推断题。通读全文可知,不同的国家有不同的身势语言,要想避免误解,就要入乡随俗(do in Rome as the Romans do)。BA simple gesture can be formed into a child s memory so quickly that it will cause the child to give a false answer to a question

22、accompanied by that gesture. A new finding suggests that parents, social workers, psychologists and lawyers should be careful with their hands as well as their words.Gestures can be as informative as speech, but hand gestures are so common that we rarely notice when we re using them.While the recoll

23、ection(回忆) of both adults and children is easy to react to suggestion, the memories of children are known to be particularly influenced, said lead researcher Sara Broaders of Northwestern University. Kids are used to looking to adults to tell events for them and can be misled even if not intentional

24、ly.Previous research, for example, has shown that detailloaded questions often cause false answers; when asked, say, “Did you drink juice at the picnic?” the child is likely to say “yes” even if no juice had been available. It s not that the child is consciously lying. Rather, the detail is quickly

25、formed into his or her memory.To avoid this problem, social workers have long been advised to ask children only openended questions, such as “What did you have at the picnic?” But an openended question paired with a gesture, briefly meaning a juice box, is treated like a detailed question. That is,

26、children become likely to answer falsely.And it isnt just a few kids: 77% of children gave at least one piece of false information when a detail was suggested by an ordinary gesture. Gestures may also become more popular when talking with nonfluent language users, such as little kids, Broaders said,

27、 as hand movements can impart meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. “It certainly seems reasonable that adults would gesture more with children.” In general, Broaders advises parents and other adults to “try to be aware of your hands when questioning a child about an event. Otherwise, you might b

28、e getting answers that don t reflect what actually happened.”本文是一篇说明文。手势语在一定程度上会增加相互间的理解,然而,它也有消极的作用,即误导对方,尤其是会误导孩子。本文探索了其中的原因。5According to the text, gestures _.A. have not any function at allBare rarely used by peopleChave certain effect on childrenDare often used by social workers答案:C细节理解题。文章第一段就

29、已经提出手势语对孩子有影响,而全文都在说明这一观点,故答案选C。6Why are kids easy to be misled by gestures accroding to Sara Broaders?A. These gestures are very attractive.BTheir memories are affected easily.CChildren are easy to tell lies.DThese gestures are used frequently.答案:B细节理解题。根据文章第一段的第一句和文章第三段可知,主要原因是孩子的记忆很容易受到外界(具体问题或者暗

30、示性手势等)的影响。故答案选B。7According to the text, which of the following questions may cause a wrong reply?A. What will you have for lunch?B. Did you cheat in the last English examination?C. Where are you going, Lucy?D. Did you see anything else last night?答案:B推理判断题。根据文章第四段和第五段,开放性问题容易得到与实际相符的答案,而封闭性、具体性的问题则会导致回答与事实不符。选项中A、C、D都属于前者。故答案选B。8The underlined word “impart” in Paragraph 6 means _.A. separate B. tell apartC. confuse D. pass on答案:D词义猜测题。本段最后一句话说大人对孩子使用更多的

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