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1、完整word版广州六年级英语下册U7Unit 7 It is the polite thing to do【复习】成功的 _ 出售过去式 _ 当作 _ 没错 _ 把变成 _ 感到厌烦_ 输掉比赛_【词汇必会】方法_ 态度_ 礼貌_座位_ 没礼貌的_ 队_ 推_ 满的_ 大笑_当时候_现学现卖1. 请选择1) We should always be polite to others and have good _.A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. when2) I fell down because he _ me.A. laugh B. push C. ful

2、l D. pushed3) _ the old lady got on the bus, I stood up and gave her my seat.A. full B. laugh C. push D. as4) I like your idea, but not your_.A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. when5) You should always wait in _ when you are paying money in the supermarket.A. push B. impolite C. laugh D. line6) The t

3、eacher said:” Come in and have a _.A. seat B. line C. as D. manner7) “Eat more!” “Thank you, but Im _.”A. laugh B. full C. manner D. line8) It is _ to make fun of others.A. full B. laugh C. impolite D. as9) He often tells us funny stories and make us _.A. full B. laugh C. manner D. push3. 请填空 1) 当你排

4、队的时候推别人,这是很没有礼貌的。It is _to _ people when you are waiting in _.2) 如果车厢满了,我们应该把作为让给老年人。If the bus is _, we should give our _ to old people.3) 当我们说到”什么龟”,总是大笑不止。_ we say “what tortoise”, We cannot stop _.4) 这是一个很好的方法来表示我们态度和礼貌It is a good _ to show our _ and _.【词组必会】插队_ 嘲笑_ 让座_排队_ 需要_ 起立_坐下_排队等待_ 在超市_等

5、待轮到某人_现学现卖1.填空1) 当我们嘲笑别人的时候,我们要想一想有一天很可能相同的事情也发生在自己身上。When we _ others, we should think this will probably someday happen to us, too.2)小明不想站起来,那就坐下吧。Xiao Ming doesnt want to _, so he can _.3) 我们应该把座位让给需要的人。We should _ to someone _.4) 妈妈现在超市等着轮到自己。Mum _ at the supermarket. 【知识点精讲】1. What will you do

6、if you see an old lady standing on the bus?If she does not have a seat, I will give her my seat. if表示如果,主句将来时,从句现在时。练习:1. If I put on this sweater, my classmate _(laugh) me.2. If he _(come) today, he will bring us candies.3. 如果你今天吃冰淇凌,明天就不能吃了。_.2. Why?例子:-Are you busy right now?-Im doing my homework

7、, why?3. Its the polite thing to do.句型: it is sth. to do.练习:这是(应该做的)有用的事。_. 这是(应该做的)对的事情。_.4. We should always give our seat to people in need.People should always wait for their turn.should 叫做_动词。这一类动词还有_等should 后面的动词用_形式。练习:You should _(make) the decision yourself.【当堂小测】()1. you like some bread ?

8、A .Would B.Could C .Can( )2.We throw the waste in the zoo.A.cant B.dont C.mustnt ( ) 3.We should more flowers, and we shouldnt cut any flowers. A.plant B.planting C.plants( ) 4.May I have some water? A.Yes,you have. B.Yes,you can. C.Yes,certainly. ( ) 5.Shall we work on the farm ? A.Yes,we do. B.Yes

9、, we shall. B.All right. ( ) 6.Would you have something to announce? A.Yes,we would. B.Yes, Id like . C.Yes, of course. ( ) 7.Can I help you? A.Yes,you can. B.No,I can do it. C.Yes.Id like some oranges. 【练习】一选出每组单词中不同类的项。( ) 1. A. seed B. shoot C. leaf D. pot( ) 2. A. diary B. carry C. pick D. dig(

10、) 3. A. save B. crash C. broken D. happen( ) 4. A. put B. watered C. filled D. plant( ) 5. A. sad B. angry C. g row D. surprised( ) 6. A. bedroom B. living room C. apartment D. kitchen( ) 7. A. pretty B. happy C. beautiful D. good-looking( ) 8. A. dim sum B. cake C. hamburger D. kung fu( ) 9. A. pil

11、low B. window C. door D. floor( ) 10. A. player B. footballer C. driver D. job二写出下列动词的过去式。(1) catch _ (2) dig _ (3) leave _ (4) carry _ (5) have_ (6) put _ (7) show _ (8) change _ (9) become _ (10) go _三选择题。( ) 1.The cat was lovely to look _ .A. at B. to C. on( ) 2.The new bookshop is a lot _ to my

12、home than the old one.A. close B. closer C. closest( ) 3.The sweets and cakes are presents _ my parents _ my birthday. A. to, from B. for, to C. from, for( ) 4.Meimei is a nice girl _ black hair and black eyes. A. with B. about C. has( ) 5.My brother _ a naughty boy when he _ a little child.A. were,

13、 was B. was, were C. was, was( ) 6.This school is _ than that one.A. many newer B. much newer C. more newer( ) 7. Were the boys famous _ two months ago?A. footballers B. footballer C. footballs( ) 8. We hope the tree _ well again.A. grow B. grew C. will grow( ) 9. Mr Smith is _ old farmer. He has _

14、big farm.A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a ( ) 10. I like playing _ badminton. A. a B. / C. the( ) 11. The farmers dug many holes and filled the holes _ earth.A. to B. with C. for( ) 12. We _ see a film on TV last night.A. dont B. werent C. didnt( ) 13. I was born in 2000 and you _born in 2001. A. are B. we

15、re C. was( ) 14. Qi Baishi was a Chinese _. A. writer B. scientist C. painter( ) 15. The little girl was very sad because her grandma _ . A. die B. dying C. died()1.IfIhaveaninterestingbook.I_itwithmyfriends.A.sharedB.willshareC.amsharing()2.A:Whatwillyou_ifyouseeyourclassmateintrouble?B:Iwilltellth



18、“T”,否则写“F”。 Children in the USA like K Day. K is for kites. March 7th is the K Day. On that day, lots of children go out and fly kites. Some kites are very big, some kites are small. Some kites have different colours: red, yellow, blue, orange, purpleand they have different shapes, too. Some of them

19、 look like animals: fish, butterfly, cat, monkey and so on. Some of them look like flowers. They are all very beautiful.Children want to get the kites up, so they begin to run. They let out the string(线) from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the sky. Children will have a race. Th

20、e child whose kite flies the highest is the winner. Some children play with their friends, some play with their parents. All of them are very happy.( ) 1. K Day is on September 7th.( ) 2. Children in American like flying kites.( ) 3. The kites have different colours and shapes.( ) 4. Children want t

21、o fly their kites high.( ) 5. Children fly the kites only with their friends.五阅读选择,把编号写在括号里。 You may all know the names of the sportsmen. You may also know what sports they are good at. They are all very good Chinese sportsmen. Let me tell you more about them.Yao Ming is older than Liu Xiang and Wan

22、g Hao. But he is younger than Tian Liang. Yao Ming is 226cm tall . He is taller than others three. He is also heavier. He is 140.6kg. He looks stronger.Tian Liang is older than others three, but he is shorter and smaller.Wang Hao is a little younger and shorter than Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang runs faster

23、than others. ( )1、Yao Ming is a _ player. A. football B. basketball ( )2、Who is the tallest? _. A. Yao Ming B. Liu Xiang ( )3、Yao Ming is _ and _than the other three. A. shorter , heavier B. taller, heavier ( )4、They are from _. A. Chinese B. China( ) 5. Liu Xiang is good at _. A. running B. swimmin

24、g六作文。根据提供的关键词,介绍下面名人的情况 。(不少于5句话) Deng Xiaoping, a great Chinese leader, born in 1904, died in 1997, visited Shenzhen in 1984, made an important speech, changed China 语法讲练情态动词一. 情态动词有can (could), _may (might), _must, _have to,(had to) _shall (should) _will (would) _二怎样使用情态动词?1. 情态动词无人称和数的变化; 例如: I c

25、an do it. He can do it. You can do it.2. 不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语 例如: I can do it.三具体讲解一)、 can, could 1) 表示能力。 Can you lift this heavy box?Mary can speak three languages. Can you skate? 2) 表示请求和允许。 -Can I go now? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could, might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉,不能用于肯定句和答语中。 - Could I come to see you tomorrow? - Yes, you can. ( No, Im afraid not. ) 3) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。Can this be true? This cant be do

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