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1、江苏高三英语考前指导2016年高三英语考前指导一、听力第一步:看听力有一半的信息靠听,而另一半的信息靠阅读。迅速浏览题干和所给选项,做到有备而发!答题前,一定要有足够的时间去阅读试题。 审好试题是听力测试成功的一半。根据信息进行预测.读题技巧1:忽略相似部分,把注意力集中在有较大差异的部分。例1:Whats the mans suggestion?A: Buying expensive things.B: Buying cheap things.C: Buying necessary things.第二步:听为了避免心理紧张等情绪,可做深呼吸,放松心情,使自己处于最佳心理状态。在听的过程中,要

2、抓住与问题相关的关键词(如but,however, so, nevertheless等),要特别注意情景、说话者的角色和简单的数量关系等,其余主要是细节问题了。答题时,相当一些试题与同义词或反义词的转换有关。在播放试音部分时,不要力求完全听懂,只要求迅速适应播音者的语音语速即可。在进入考试后,可以说开始的5分钟是最重要的。根据历年经验,考生在前五个听力小题上失分过多。真正的原因在于,这些题只读一遍,考生心神不定,第1个听不清,稍作迟疑,第2个又过去了。因此,最好的办法是,听清一个做一个,不在听不清处纠缠,要学会及时放弃;不求全部拿下,但求能拿下的全部拿下。这样,你就会尽可能多得分。15不紧张,

3、68不放松,9一l0紧跟上,1120要顾后。二、单选单选题可谓是大家最擅长的题型,也是最能增加我们信心的题型,只要我们在最后阶段中继续夯实基础,对词汇、语法等基本知识作回顾与梳理以形成规律性的认识和有一个清楚的概念,从而以“不变”应“万变”。我们相信你们一定能继续做好这一题型。解题技巧:1、分析句子结构法。有些试题的考点本来十分简单,但命题者却通过使用从句,或者将我们熟悉的固定词组有意拆分,使我们在结构上产生错觉,出现迷惑。这时我们只要保持清醒的头脑,仔细分析句子的结构,就会拨开迷雾。例1 that climate changes poses a growing danger to our p

4、lanet, all the nations have committed themselves to pursuing a clean energy economy.A. Convincing B. Convinced C. Being convinced D. Having convinced本题逗号后面是一个句子,that后面也是一个句子,但作convince的宾语,所以是宾语从句,所以判断下来前面需要一个非谓语作状语。答案为B。例2 On her birthday she received a present from her friend a note was attached, s

5、aying “Wish you happy and healthy!”.A. to whom B. on whom C. to which D. on which本句考了定语从句而且用了被动语态,但实际上考基本词组attachto.因此选C。2、跳出思维定势法。语法规则定势;固定短语搭配定势;母语思维定势等都会影响学生的选择。在高考中,各题的干扰项都是经过精心设计编制而成的,所以学生要注意平时学习中常出现的错误;尤其要注意不受本族语的影响,重视语言差异。例 a girl put her card into a machine outside a bank in London on Januar

6、y 19, 1968 means the worlds first ATM was born.A. Whether B. When C. How D. That此题很顺理成章地翻译成“当一个女孩。的时候,第一台ATM机诞生了。但英汉两种语言在表达上也有很大的差异,英语中means前是一个主语从句,已经有时间状语,此从句既不缺意思也不缺成分,所以绝对不可用中文的思维模式来解决英语的有关问题”。选D。例 You didnt drop in on Mr. James this morning, did you? Yes, but we _ . He didnt return home last ni

7、ght at all.A. neednt have B. didnt need to C. could have D. should have 有的学生受中国传统文化的影响,很可能选C项。但是对于别人的赞美或表扬,英美例 5 Which do you enjoy _ your weekend , going skating or playing video games?A. spending B. to spend C. spent D. to be spent 由于容易受语法思维定势影响,enjoy 后面往往接动名词,所以有些学生就不加思索地选A。其实本句enjoy 的宾语是which ,而

8、to spend your weekend 是作状语成分,因此应选不定式形式。B为正确答案。3、还原法。有些单选填空题是以疑问句、强调句、省略句、虚拟语气、被动结构或倒装句等形式出现,在做题时可根据具体的情况,将其还原为原来的句子。这样试题难度降低了,我们也就会提高正确率了。例 6What did David demand in the meeting just now? - a chance to join the Debating Club.A. Being offered B. To be offered C. To have been offered D. Having been of

9、fered 如果将本句还原成完整的回答,即David demanded in the meeting just now就不难看出本句中缺少的是demand后的宾语,因此,首先,排除A、D项。而B、C很好区分故选 B。例7 Difficult as rumors on micro blog, or Weibo, are , the authorities will step up supervision so that people will not be easily misled.A. to prevent B. to be prevented C. preventing D. being

10、prevented 本题的突破口是as,因为difficult 的位置说明了这个句子的语序发生了变化,即用了倒装。可改成Although rumors on micro blog are difficult.所以不难选出正确答案A。4、应用固定搭配或习惯表达法。 固定搭配主要包括动词短语、名词短语、介词短语、形容词短语等;习惯表达主要指英语中表达某些意义时的一些惯用表达方式。例8 When we the car parks, we gave a rough estimate of on car per four families.A. made out B. brought out C. tr

11、ied out D. laid out 本题考查动词短语辨析。make out 有“弄清楚”之意。bring out 使显现、阐明、生产、出版;try out测试、实验;lay out 铺开、展开、策划、安排。根据句中意思是要建停车场,因此答案是D。例9 True love consists not so much in where you are, as is falsely believed to be the case, in with whom you are and how you react to him or her.A. but B . more C. as D. than 该

12、题考查固定短语not so muchas而不是notbut如果学生对此短语熟悉的话,会具有一定的敏感性。由此会选择C。5、复现关系法一些考查词汇的单项填空题的答案是对题干中某部分内容的复现。复现即重复出现,包括原词复现、同根词复现、同(近)义词复现、反义词复现或解释复现等。例 10 When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to it with important points. A. lead B. conclude C. avoid D. hold 本题中end与conclude构成近义词复现,故选B项。例11 Carb

13、on dioxide, which makes a between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.A. difference B. comparison C. connection D. barrierPrevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily是对barrier的解释,故选D项。6、正确把握语境法例12 I agree with most of wh

14、at you said, but I dont agree with .A. everything B. anything C something D nothing本题考查不定代词的用法。anything 表示“任何事情”。但是anything 在否定句中与not 相连用时其实是全否定。意思是“我不同意你所说的任何事情。”。原句意思应该是“并不是你说的任何一样事情(即每一样事情)我都同意。”这与I agree with most of what you said .情景相一致。所以应用A项。7、识别相似词汇、句型法英语中有很多相似的单词、词组、句型(拼写相似,结构相似,意义相近等)我们一定要

15、看清楚了,否则很容易做错。如单词though、through、tough、thorough等不仔细看就会弄错。再如句型:It was 2005 we first visited China. It was in 2005 we first visited China. It will be ten years the scientists can find a cure for AIDs. It is several weeks my father got drunk last time.只要同学们留心了,认真区分了,这些句型都属于常用句型,不难得出答案when、that、before、sin

16、ce。80. In some countries, many students participate in various programs, _ they learn about the sense of responsibility by volunteering their services. A. which B. when C. where D. that81. Easy as the problem is _, Im still worried about _ another breakdown. A. worked out; there is B. to work out; t

17、here being C. working out; it is D. to be worked out; it being82. That night, trapped alone in the mountain, she felt cold, hungry and scared. She _. A. should have cried B. might cry C. would cry D. could have cried83. I will go to the party if I dont have to dress up. Well, actually, it doesnt mat

18、ter _ youre dressed. A. what B. whether C. how D. when 84. Nowadays many volunteers are working in areas _ have dry climates, such as Kenya and Sudan. A. where B. who C. which D. what85. For nearly ten years, he _ very few interviews or concerts. His simple life might have continued but for the grea

19、t musician. A. did B. has done C. does D. has been doing86. Everyone present certainly thinks there _ be a total ban on cigarette advertising.A. would B. could C. should D. might87. The real evidence is the least of our worries _ we have known about it. A. since B. though C. unless D. while88. My mo

20、m held me and my brother tight, tears of happiness _ her face, feeling proud of our final success. A. to cover B. covered C. having covered D. covering89. When making small talk at holiday parties, dont tell someone who _ weight how amazing they look. That implies they looked terrible before.A. has

21、lost B. would lose C. will be losing D. had lost90. Recently, a new research has suggested the possibility in a popular magazine _ pleasant smells might reduce pain. A. why B. whether C. that D. how91. _ adequate water for all residents was, until only a few decades ago, a serious problem.A. Providi

22、ng B. Provided C. Having provided D. Provide92. The nationwide smog serves as a constant reminder, indicating that its high time we _ on ourselves. A. would reflect B. have reflected C. are reflecting D. reflected93. How do you like the trip to Tai Wan? We _ there for a week. Its a fantastic place a

23、nd well worth visiting again.A. had stayed B. have stayed C. stayed D. will stay94. Chinas e-commerce giant Alibaba had an amazing year as the Nov. 11 shopping carnival broke new records, the Double Twelve shopping day _ with success. A. having followed B. following C. followed D. to follow95. The A

24、dulthood Ceremony was held in the school lecture hall _ seats approximately 500 students. A. where B. whose C. which D. when 96. Dozens of people were waiting with a camera for _ seemed like hours, hoping to catch a glimpse of the US First Lady, Michelle Obama. A. that B. when C. which D. what97. By

25、 accepting lower prices, organizers can sell tickets that would _ go unsold. A. therefore B. otherwise C. instead D. however98. “Got it?” Professor Smith says, “_, lets move on to the next part.” A. If not B. If anything C. If ever D. If so99. White-collar workers in China are willing to postpone th

26、eir retirement age _ blue-collar workers prefer to retire early. A. when B. while C. though D. since100. Could you please have my car ready today? Sure. The damage is not that serious, so it _ be ready by 5:00 pm.A. should B. could C. might D. needBDCCA CADAC ADCBC DBDBA三、完形填空的解题指导解题步骤::(一)、研读首句,通览全

27、文,抓准主旨(二)、细读全文,注重语境,试选答案1. 注意上下文的内在联系2. 注意英汉两种语言的差异,不能简单地互译3. 研读细节,准确认定语境4. 发挥逻辑思维能力,挖掘文章寓意、隐意(三)、复核全文,弥补疏漏, 确保最佳四、阅读理解阅读理解要宏观把握文章的脉络,克服阅读心理障碍和阅读观念的错误,一定要保持良好的心态。考点题型:题型1. 细节题 细心划线稳得分。1. 带着问题去读,准确掌握细节。2. 明确题意,顺藤摸瓜。3.找准关键词,(however, but),明白暗示作用。大部分细节就是用英语解释英语。题型2. 主旨概括 主旨概括题的范围一般包括:短文标题、主题、大意或段落大意等。做

28、这类题目时,要迅速地剔除文中的细节事实、作者所使用的论据,找到各段的主题句,然后进行归纳、总结和概括。多采用略读法,常需选读文章的首尾段或每段的首末句,注意:概括出来的中心意思一定要能够覆盖全文或整个段落,绝对不可离题太远、太笼统,或者只概括一段或几句话的意思。干扰项或是远离文章内容,或是以偏概全。常含有绝对意义的(all/every/only),注notall/both/everything/everybody及all/both/everything/everybodynot都为部分否定。题型3. 词义辨别/猜测 猜测词义时,一定要回到原文中,因为没有上下文就没有词义,不可仅凭印象。 . 认

29、真阅读原文,尤其是该词所在的句子及前后句,推断出生词词义。 . 以构词法为指导,通过同义词,反义词的提示发现生词词义。 . 巧用解释线索,如破折号等。题型4. 推理判断题。 . 审题仔细。 常见问法包括 infer, learn from, not true, true, not mentioned but implied等。 . 根据上下文的内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义。 . 对于暗含的倾向,意图,观点和态度进行合乎逻辑的推理,判断和分析。 . 数据推算题,抓住正确的与数据有关的信息,排除干扰信息。常含有绝对意义的词(all/every/only),注notall/both/everythi

30、ng/everybody及all/both/everything/everybodynot都为部分否定。五、任务型阅读任务型阅读要求考生根据阅读文章提供的信息用恰当的词语完成与短文相关的图表。主要考察考生捕捉获取信息的能力(信息查找题)、组织信息的能力(信息转换题)和综合概括信息的能力(信息归纳题)。这就要求考生不仅要熟记考纲中常用词汇更要懂得词性之间的转换。 注意:1. 书写清晰,卷面整洁;2. 注意大小写,尤其首字母是c, k, o, w, p, s时,大写字母要比小写字母大一倍;3. 拼写与词形检查:如字母r写得像v, a不闭口写得像u;4. 语法检查,尤其是动词的形式:-ing,-ed

31、,原形,单复数,双写等;5. 看清题号,不可错位。一、解题步骤:1. 先表后文,预测文意略读-快速浏览抓住文章中心大意以及文章的结构(借助所给图表结构)。2. 寻找出处,对号入座3. 整合信息,分析归纳4. 判断用词,准确表达细读-带着问题,找到文章对应点,确认题型,分析整理归纳信息并且准确表达信息。5. 通观全文,复读检查复读复读文章,反复揣摩所填之词是否符合文章内容,其拼写、形式是否正确。* 鼓励学生在文章的内容中划出该题在文章中的信息来源,为学生最后的检查提供线索。同时提醒学生在填写单词的过程中一定要细心,并且一定要分析找到的单词在题目中所充当的成分从而进行准确的形式变化。 二解题四原则(一)词组优先原则 读表时,根据词组和语境结合可以直接填出2-3空,有利于节省时间。常见的词组有:depe

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