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中考命题研究冀教专版中考英语 基础知识梳理 八上 Units 12.docx

1、中考命题研究冀教专版中考英语 基础知识梳理 八上 Units 12八年级(上) Units 12河北中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.advise(名词)_2like(反义词)_3paint(名词)画家_4angry(副词)_(名词)_5.discuss(名词)_6please(名词)_7finally(形容词)_8my(名词性物主代词)_9.south(形容词)_10recent(副词)_11sudden(副词)_12surprise(形容词)_短语互译1.oneand the other_2introduceto_3adviseto do_4_由定5_同意6_(口语)请吧,说吧7

2、play the violin _8spend(in) doing_9_让感到惊奇的是10._达成协议11feel lucky to do_12encourageto do_13_迟到14_两分钟之内15have a cough _16notat all _17be convenient for_18remindof_句型温故1.我应该用哪一支?_ should I use?2我可以问你一些问题吗?_ I ask you _questions?3你讨厌做什么?_ do you _?4她作为我的英语老师,我感到很幸运。I feel lucky _her _my English teacher.5

3、今天,丹尼把我们介绍给他的新朋友。Today Danny introduced us _his new friends.6我已经看过你的一些画了。I _some of your paintings.7它是我的最爱之一。Its _my favourites.8.你可以向她自我介绍一下。you can _her.9他建议我选那张。He _me _that one.10我还有一个问题。I have _question.11她鼓励我提问并彼此讨论问题的答案。She _questions and discuss the answers with each other.12两分钟后上课!Class wil

4、l start _two minutes!13除了老师,每个人都笑了。Everyone _the teacher.语法总览1.简单句。2现在完成时。话题再现1.描述人。2提出建议。3谈论时间及时间表达法。4表达爱好。河北五年中考真题演练词汇类1(2012年84题)Students are _ (encourage) to share their thoughts by teachers.2(2011年81题)Betty is a good friend of _(I)We often help each other.语法类 现在完成时( )3.(2014年42题)Monica,you _ th

5、e exam!Congratulations!Apass Bhave passedCwill pass Dare passing( )4.(2013年43题)Dont return the video to Peter.I _ it.Adont watch Bwont watchChavent watched Dwasnt watching( )5.(2012年40题)Miss Zhang,the most beautiful teacher,_ many flowers and letters these days.Areceived Bwill receiveCwas receiving

6、Dhas received( )6.(2011年42题)I _ my homework.I guess I cant join you.Adont finish Bdidnt finishChavent finished Dwont finish( )7.(2010年41题)My brother left school in 2005,and since then he _ in Beijing.Alives BlivedCwill live Dhas lived河北中考重难点突破 辨析besides,except和except for【考点抢测】1除了一些拼写错误之外,汤姆的作文很好。Tom

7、s competition is very good _ _some spelling mistakes.( )2.(2015唐山龙泉中学模拟)No one was late for work today _Mr.Zhang. Abeside BbesidesCexcept Dexcept for( )3.We have lots of hobbies in common _ drawing.Abeside BbesidesCexcept Dexcept for【考点剖析】(1)besides意为“除之外(还有)”。如:Besides intelligence,hard working is

8、the most important part of success.除了聪明,努力工作是成功最重要的组成部分。(2)except意为“除之外”,一般表示同类之间的关系。如:All the students in my class have visited the museum except Tony.我们班所有学生除了托尼之外都参观了博物馆。(3)except for意为“除之外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。它同except的区别是:except for后接的词同句子中的整体词(主语)不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面;而except后接的词同整体词(主语)一般是同

9、类,指在同类的整体中除去一个部分。 辨析do with和deal with【考点抢测】do with,deal with1We cant _such carelessness.2This is a book _Asian problems.3As a middle school student,you should know what to _the problems between study and relaxation.4They found a way to _the elephant.【考点剖析】(1)do with为动词短语,意为“处理;对待”,常与疑问词what连用。如:We s

10、hould learn what to do with the problems.我们应该学会处理问题。(2)do with的同义词组为deal with,意为“处理”,常与疑问词how连用。如:I dont know how to deal with that wallet.我不知道如何处理那个钱包。(3)细微差别:一般说do with表示处置、忍受、相处等含义,deal with常表示对付、应付、处理、安排、论述、涉及等含义。 辨析please,pleasure,pleasant和pleased【考点抢测】1We spent many hours in a _(please) conver

11、sation.2I am very _(please) to hear the news.3Youll _(对感到满意) the results if you take time to decorate your home.( )4.(2015石家庄28中模拟)My friend in America sent me a message that the economic forecast is _there.Ahappy BpleasantCsatisfying Dsmiling【考点剖析】(1)please作动词是“请,使高兴的意思”,不能和be动词连用。(2)pleasure是名词,意思

12、是“高兴”指人的情绪。(3)pleasant是形容词,意思是“愉快的,快乐的”,可以修饰人也可以修饰物。(4)pleased作形容词意思是“高兴的,愉快的”但是它的主语通常指人。 remind的用法【考点抢测】1The picture often reminds me of my school days.(同义句转换)I often _ _ my school days when I _the picture.2The picture often _ me _those days when grandma was with us.3Be sure to remind her _(回来)back

13、 early.( )4.(2015保定13中模拟)He reminded me _ I ought to do it at once.Awhere BthatCwhat Dhow【考点剖析】“remind宾语to do”,表示“提醒某人做某事”。如:Please remind me to post these letters.请提醒我寄这些信。remind宾语of,表示“某物使某人想起过去的某事”。如:The smell of hay always reminds me of our old house in the country.这些干草的气味常常使我想起我们在农村的旧房子。有时可连用介词

14、about,表示“提醒某人想起关于某事”。如:If I forget,please remind me about it.我要是忘了,请提醒我。remind sb.从句,意为“提醒某人”。如:Please remind me that I should bring him a present for his birthday.请提醒我给他带一份生日礼物。注意:考点remind do sth.remind sb.of doing sth.用法提醒某人去做某事,其中的不定式所表示的动作尚未发生指提醒某人(使某人想起)已经做过某事,其中的动名词表示动作已经发生例句He reminded

15、me to see the film.他提醒我去看这部电影。He reminded me of my seeing the film.他提醒我,我曾看过这部电影。 辨析sometime,sometimes,some time和some times【考点抢测】( )(2016原创预测)At_times an ad can lead you to buy something you dont need at all.So you have to be careful.(选出可以替换画线部分的一项)ASometime BSometimesCSome time DSome times【考点剖析】词条意

16、义及用法例句sometime副词,意为“某个时候”,可用于一般过去时与一般将来时。I visited them sometime last week.上周的某个时候我去拜访了他们。sometimes副词,意为“有时”,通常用于一般现在时。Sometimes he goes to school by bike.他有时骑自行车上学。some time名词短语,意为“一段时间”。Ill be away for some time.我将离开一段时间。some times名词短语,意为“几次”,其中的time作“次数”讲。I have been to the Great Wall some times.

17、我已经去过长城几次了。 辨析either,also和too【考点抢测】1我也在第一排。Im in Row 1,_2格林夫人也能用汉语唱这首歌。Mrs.Green can _sing the song in Chinese.3如果你不去那儿,他也不去那儿。If you dont go there,he wont go there,_【考点剖析】either表示“也”时,一般只用于否定句,且只置于句末。还可以表示“两者之一”的意思。常和or连用,构成连词词组eitheror,意为“要么要么;或者或者”。eitheror连接两个主语时,谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,这就是我们通常说

18、的“就近原则”。also是比较正式的用语,语气较庄重。它经常放在句中,位于行为动词之前;位于系动词,助动词或情态动词之后。too是个常用词,多用于口语中,语气较随便。一般用在肯定句中,放在句末或作为插入语放在句中。 agree的用法【考点抢测】1我请他帮忙,但他没同意。I asked him to help me but he didnt _2我们都同意再给托尼一次机会。We all _Tony another chance.3她允许我们可以早点儿结束。She _we could finish earlier.4我同意你说的话。I agree _you.I agree with what yo

19、u _I agree with your _5他会同意我的建议吗?Will he _my advice?6最后他们就这项工程达成了共识。They _the project at last.【考点剖析】agreev.同意可单独使用,后还可跟动词不定式和宾语从句agreewithv.prep.同意后常跟“人”或“某人的话、观点”等agreetov.prep.同意后跟表示“提议,办法,计划”等的词agreeonv.prep.就达成共识/一致主语多是协商事情的人或单位 patient的用法【考点抢测】1(2016中考预测)Women teachers are usually more careful

20、and more _(有耐心的) with the pupils.( )2.(2016中考预测)You have to be _and wait until I finish my work.Apatient BstrictChonest Dactive【考点剖析】patient adj.有耐心的;能忍耐的n.病人(1)patient作形容词,意为“有耐心的;能忍耐的”。be patient with sb.意为“对某人有耐心;容忍某人”;be patient of sth.意为“忍耐某事”。(2)patient作名词,意为“病人”。如:We should be patient with pa

21、tients.我们应当对病人有耐心。河北中考考点精练.单项选择。( )1.(2015唐山12中模拟)Beijing has become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after beating Kazakhstans Almaty(哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图) to _ the 2022 Winter Olympics.Amake Bwin Cjoin Dhold( )2.(2015海南中考改编)May I ask you _questions,Mr.Smith?Atwo more Bmore twoCtwo

22、 another Dother two( )3. (2015铜仁中考)What does your father think of your school report this term?The smile on his face shows that he is _what I have done in my study.Asurprised at Bafraid ofCangry with Dpleased with( )4. (2015邯郸11中模拟)Excuse me,can I _your pen?Sorry,I have _it to Bob.Aborrow;lent Bborr

23、ow;borrowedClend;borrowed Dlend;lent( )5. (2015沈阳中考)What language do you also speak _English?French.But just a little.Abesides BexceptCbeside Dexcept for( )6. (2015邯郸模拟)Its my _to talk to you.Apleasure BpleaseCpleased Dpleasant( )7. (2015石家庄42中模拟) I havent seen Mr.Liang for _Asome time BsometimeCsom

24、etimes Dsome times( )8. (2016中考预测)We should be _with the little baby.Apatient Bstrict Chonest Dactive( )9. (2016中考预测)Nobody except Tom and Mary _in the classroom.The other students are watching the basketball game on the playground now.Aam Bis Care Dwas( )10.(2016中考预测)I will go on business _ this we

25、ek or next week.Aneither BeitherCboth Dall.(2015唐山友谊中学模拟)完形填空。Patrick never did his homework. “Too boring,” he said.He played baseball and basketball instead.He _1_ homework.One day, Patricks cat was playing with a little doll and he took it away. To his surprise it wasnt a doll at all,_2_ a tiny el

26、f(精灵). The elf shouted, “Save me! You can make a wish if you dont give me back to the _3_”Patrick couldnt believe how lucky _4_ was, “Please do all my homework and guarantee(保证) I can get As in exams.”The little elf thought for a while and then he said, “OK, no problem!”And true to his word, that li

27、ttle elf began to do Patricks homework. However, the elf didnt always _5_ what to do and he needed help. While doing reading homework, the elf asked Patrick to _6_ something in the dictionary for him; when doing math, the elf needed Patrick to sit beside, teaching him how to add numbers.In fact, Patrick was working harder than ever! He was staying up nights and never felt _7_Finally the _8_ day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for _9_, there w

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