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1、一、词义易张冠李戴的后缀词1.forgettable adj.易被忘记的forgetful adj.健忘的2.considerate adj.体贴的,考虑周到的considerable adj.相当多(或大、重要等)的3.economic adj.有关经济的economical adj.省钱的4.creation n.创造creativity n.创造力5.physician n.内科医生physicist n.物理学家parable adj.比得上的comparative adj.相对的7.ashamed adj.惭愧的shameful adj.可耻的8.confident adj.有信心的

2、confidential adj.机密的,秘密的9.disability n.缺陷,障碍inability n.无能,不能10.objection n.反对objectivity n.客观性11.worthless adj.不值钱的priceless adj.无价的12.valueless adj.无价值的invaluable adj.非常贵重的13.respectful adj.尊敬的,表示敬意的respectable adj.值得尊敬的,相当好的二、貌似前后缀,但并无“血缘关系”1.impress v.留下印象impressive adj.令人赞叹的2.response v.反应,回应re

3、sponsible adj.负责的 n.信心faithful adj.忠诚的4.respect v.&n.尊敬respective adj.各自的,分别的5.occasion n.场合occasional adj.偶尔的6.title n.标题entitle v.给予权利7.reward n.奖励rewarding adj.值得做的,高酬的8.found v.建立foundation n.基础,基金会9.drama n.戏剧dramatic adj.突然的,戏剧般的10.trick n.花招tricky adj.难对付的11.promise v.答应,预示着promising a

4、dj.有前途的12.invite v.邀请,招致 inviting adj.诱人的13.miss v.错过,想念missing adj.消失不见的14.mean v.意味着,打算means n.手段 v.&n.工作works n.作品,著作,工厂16.custom n.风俗customs n.海关17.term n.学期,术语,任期terms n.关系,(交易的)条件18.definite adj.明确的,具体的definition n.定义19.affect v.影响affection n.慈爱20.serve v.为服务,供应(饭菜)reserve v.预定;n.保护区21.

5、create v.创造creature n.动物,生物,人22.creation n.创造recreation n.娱乐23.promise v.&n.许诺compromise妥协,让步24.temporary adj.暂时的contemporary adj.当代的25.present礼物;目前的 represent v.代表26.strict adj.严格的restrict v.限制 n.科学conscience n.良心16.knowledge n.知识acknowledge n.承认28.allow v.允许 allowance n.津贴20.bowl n.碗bowl

6、ing n.保龄球运动30.instant n.瞬间instance n.例子 v.搜查research n.研究32.sweat n.汗水,v.出汗sweater n.毛衣33.appointment n.任命,约定disappointment n.失望34.stock n.股票,库存stocking n.长筒袜35.short adj.短的shortly adv.不久36.inform v.通知informal adj.非正式的37.easy adj.容易的uneasy adj.不安的;焦虑的38.good adj.好的goods n.货物;商品39.leave v.离开

7、leaves n.叶子(复数)三、易混淆形近词1.ensure v.保证insure v.投保assure v.向保证2.submit v.提交summit n.峰会,山峰3.initial adj.最初的essential adj.必不可少的4.contest n.竞赛context n.上下文,语境5.pray v.祈祷spray v.喷射6.construct v.建造instruct v.指导,指令, v.观看match n.比赛8.succeed v.成功success n.成功9.image 图形,形象,声誉imagine v.想象10.royal adj.

8、皇室的,高贵的loyal adj.忠诚的11.steal v.偷steel n.钢12.access n.通道assess v.评价evaluate13.pocket n.口袋packet n.包14.relieve v.缓解believe v.相信15.relief n.宽慰belief n.信仰16.bridge n.桥fridge n.冰箱17.award n.奖品reward n.奖赏18.previous adj.先前的precious adj.宝贵的19.incident n.事件accident n.意外20.population n.人口pollution n.污染21.inv

9、ent v.发明invest v.投资22.respond to.v.对作出回应correspond to .v.与一致23.statue n.雕像figurestatus n.地位,声誉24.source n.来源resource n.资源25.surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n.周围环境26.cure v.治愈curse v.诅咒27.sympathy n.同情symphony n.交响曲28.floor n.地板flour n.面粉 n.学院colleague n.同事 v.&n.设计resign v.辞职

10、al n.勋章model n.模型,模特32.elect v.选举,推选select v.选择33.patent n.专利patient n.病人; adj.有耐心的34.metal n.金属mental adj.精神上的35.attitude n.态度altitude n.海拔36.desert沙漠,遗弃(v.) dessert n.甜点37.director n.负责人directory n.名录position n.作文,作曲competition n.比赛39.together adj.&adv.一起altogether adv.总共40.consumption n.消费assumpt

11、ion n.假设41.apartment n.套房;公寓department n.部门,大学的系、科42.institution n.协会constitution n.宪法,构造43.wonder n.奇迹, v.想知道wander v.闲逛,徘徊44.explain v.解释complain v.投诉,埋怨45.critic n.批评家critical adj.批评的,至关重要的46.lesson n.课文lessen v.减少(lessenv.) n.乐队brand n.品牌,商标48.addition n.加addiction n.入迷,瘾49.import v.进口exp

12、ort v.出口50.adapt v.适应adopt v.采纳,收养51.tune n.调子,旋律tone n.腔调,音调,色调,风格52.section n.部分,部门,分支session会议,学期53.distribute v.分配,分发contribute v.做贡献,促成54.soup n.汤soap n.肥皂55.region n.地区religion n.宗教56.mount n.山峰;v.攀登amount n.数量57.personnel n.全体人员;人事部门personal adj.个人的58.nature n.自然mature adj.(谷物、时机)成熟的59.headli

13、ne n.标题deadline截止日期60.leather n.皮革feather n.羽毛61.describe v.描述subscribe v.订阅,同意62.cease v.停止tease v.取笑ease n.舒适(at ease自在);v.缓解63.eagle n.鹰angle n.角度angel n.天使64.story n.故事 storey n.楼层 store n.商店 v.接触 contract n.合同 contrast v.& n.对照66.evaluation n.评价 evolution n.进化 revolution n.革命67.tensio

14、n n.紧张extension n.延伸,扩大intention n.意图,目的68.distance n.距离 instance n.例子69.point v.指向;点appoint v.任命disappoint v.使失望 n.建造destruction n.毁坏instruction n.指导;说明 n.协会,学会,学院constitute v.构成,组成substitute n.替代物;v.替代72.tough adj.坚硬的,棘手的cough v.咳嗽rough adj.粗糙的,粗野的,天气恶劣的73.scare v.吓唬scar

15、ce adj.罕见的,缺乏的scarcely adv.几乎不74.message消息passage n.短文,走廊,通道passenger n.乘客75.include v.包括exclude v.不包括,排斥conclude v.下结论76.require v.需要inquire v.询问enquire v.询问acquire v.获得77.cover v.覆盖,报道uncover v.移去盖子recover v.康复discover v.发现78.though prep.尽管thought n.思考through prep.穿过thorough adj.彻底的79.late adj.晚的l

16、ately adv.最近later adv.后来latter n.&adj.后者latest adj.最新的80.serve v.服务deserve v.值得preserve v.保护conserve v.保护reserve n.保护区;v.预定81.broad adj.宽阔的abroad adv.在海外board n.板;董事会aboard adv.&prep.在飞机/汽车/轮船上82.except prep.除了expect v.期望respect v.尊敬aspect n.方面inspect v.视察suspect v.怀疑;n.嫌疑犯易混短语汇总1three of us, the th

17、ree of usthree of us 我们(不止三人)中的三个the three of us 我们三个(就三人)2next year, the next yearnext year 明年(表示将来的时间状语)the next year 第二年(表示过去将来的时间状语)3at table, at the tableat table 在吃饭at the table 在桌旁4in class, in the classin class 在课上in the class 在班级里5in place of, in the place ofin place of 代替in the place of 在地

18、方6on fire, on the fireon fire 着火on the fire 在火上7in front of, in the front ofin front of 在前面(范围外)in the front of 在前部(范围内)8day by day, day after dayday by day 一天天地(强调变化)day after day 日复一日地(强调重复)9year after year, year by yearyear after year 年复一年(强调重复)year by year 年年;逐年(强调变化)10out of question, out of th

19、e questionout of question 毫无疑问的out of the question 不可能的11a number of, the number ofa number of 许多(谓语动词用复数)the number of 的数量(谓语动词用单数)12for a moment, for the momentfor a moment 片刻;一会儿for the moment 目前;暂时13in a word, in wordsin a word 总之;一句话in words 口头上14go to sea, go to the seago to sea 出航go to the se

20、a 去海边15in charge of, in the charge ofin charge of 主管;负责in the charge of 由主管;由负责16the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacherthe doctor and teacher 医生兼老师(一个人)the doctor and the teacher 一个医生和一个老师(两个人)17no more than, not more thanno more than 仅仅not more than 不超过18at peace, in peaceat peace 处于和平/

21、安静状态in peace 和平地;安宁地19in the air, on the airin the air 即将发生on the air 正在广播20at the market, on the marketat the market 在市场上on the market 在出售;可买到21in the sun, under the sunin the sun 在阳光下under the sun 在地球上;全世界22in / at the beginning, at the beginning ofin / at the beginning 在开始的时候at the beginning of 在开始23in a way, in the way, in sbs way, on the wayin a way 在某种程度上in the way 挡道in sbs way 妨碍某人on the way 在的路上24give up, give ingive up 放弃give in 屈服;让步

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