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1、黄冈资料翻译一百题1. 那要看情况。我所能说的是尽我所能吧。(see)2. 我刚走出大楼天就下雨了。(hardly放在句首)3. 他被送到医院后,医生立刻给他做了手术。(perform)4. 那个球队退出了比赛,抗议那个不公平的裁判。(withdraw)5. 你的作文很不错,但是还有改进的余地。(room)6. 每一位学生都可以自由利用图书馆的一切资源。(access)7这位妇女虽然很穷,但是她每个月都把一部分收入存起来,用于孩子的教育。(set aside)8. 我们非常感谢这些年你为我们所做的一切。(grateful)9. 总之,我们过去20年的成就证明,发展是硬道理。(in short;

2、 an absolute principle)10. 他们坐在那里呆呆地望着那位电影明星。(with ones eyes fixed on)11他冒着生命危险救了那个小女孩,为我们树立了一个好榜样。(at the risk of; example)12. 她很聪明,也很努力,可是另一方面她很粗心,所以成绩并不是班里最好的。(on the other hand)13. 在讨论暑假里去哪里度假的时候,大多数人赞成去大连。(in favour of)14. 越来越多的人厌倦了都市的喧嚣,向往相间的宁静生活。(long for)15年底前,所有的工程都顺利地完成了,这位总工程师终于休息了三天。(wit

3、h + N. + P.P.)16. 谁会想到,那位夺得冠军的学生竟然患有这么多严重的疾病。 (suffer from)17. 他的勤奋弥补了他的经验不足。(make up for)18. 每个农村的孩子现在都享有受教育的机会。(access)19. 只有当你从失败中汲取教训时,才能取得更大的进步。(Only.)20. 令我们大家感动的是这位科学家虽身在异乡仍心系祖国。(think of )21. 在最近的十年中,我国经历了历史性的变化.(experience)22. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再做出最终结论.(before)23. 多吃点水果,那么你就不用担心缺少维生素.(lack, v.)2

4、4. 他从来没有意识到,题目越容易就应该越仔细.(occur)25. 只有通过亲身实践,你才能真正理解志愿服务的重要性.(Only)26. 如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激.(appreciate)27. 毫无疑问,老师的言行将对学生的成长产生很大的影响.(doubt)28. 他很少听从别人的建议,总是我行我素.(Seldom)29. 边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的.(against)30. 成功由三个重要因素组成: 天才,勤奋加上运气.(consist)31. 许多市民中意乘地铁,是因为它不会发生交通拥堵.(in favor of)32. 许多人进行体育运动不仅是为了保持健康,也是为了缓解压力.(

5、not only)33. 研究与观察的结果表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量.(concern)34. 我感觉我们无法在三小时内到达那里。 (it)35. 谢谢你为我们提供了这么多有用的建议。 (Thank)36. 那部电影很乏味,大部分观众放映结束前就离开了影院。(so that)37. 只有全力以赴,我们才能按时完成这项任务。(unless)38. 我们的物理老师讲课总是生动有趣、清晰明了,学生们受益匪浅。 (benefit)39.有导游带着路, 我们顺利地走出了森林。(with)40.我坚持每天朗读,我知道练习得越多,进步就越大。(the morethe more)41.

6、如果你要与身边的人改善关系,开发情商(Emotional intelligence)是你最需要做的事情。(if)42. 正是在英特网上他找到了他所需要的东西。(what )43. 不管有多么忙,老师总是抽时间帮我复习物理。(spare )44. 从某种程度上来说, 一个国家的国际地位取决于该国的经济。 (depend on)45. 他对医生的建议置若罔闻,以至于每天清晨他咳嗽不止。(turn a deaf ear )46.老师的一席话使我受益匪浅。(benefit)47.单单参加田径项目的人就达到了50人。(participate)48. 我们全家养成了在吃早饭前喝一杯水的习惯。(habit)

7、49. 这是他第一次在校运会上获得冠军的称号。(the first time)50. 在这一行获得成功是难的,要想出类拔萃是难上加难的。(It)51. 赡养老人是子女应尽的责任,也是我们中国人的优良品质之一。( fine quality)52.为了应付家庭的各项开支,他只得在晚上做额外的工作。(meet)53.茶杯上的指纹已向警察证实那晚他在场。(prove)54.他英语学得糟糕的原因是因为他把注意力放在语法上而不是交际上。(instead)55.现在许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。(focus, adequate)56如今,对于大多数岗位而言,具备电脑知识是一个重要资格

8、。(equip)57近来,中国的贫富悬殊引起了广泛的关注。(There be)58正是这样一种无形的力量才使我们能够创造了奇迹。(It)59如果你继续沉迷于上网聊天,你必将后悔无穷。(focus)60青年人不应该回避困难,相反,应该千方百计克服它们。(contrary)61. 与父母在一起的时间越长,孩子就越聪明。(The more.)62. 为了解决交通问题,政府呼吁我们每天乘公车或地铁上班(call on)63.我们用带薪假期去泰国度了假。(take advantage of)64.他说英语很地道,我以为他是美国人。(grant)65.新的研究表明每天少量饮酒可以减少心脏病发病的危险性。(


10、年后就被提升了。(promote)74.人们常常认识不到,看似失败,终究证明是获益。(in the long run)75.请你寄给我一本能够买得到的,最小的,较不贵的,最近出版的词典。(available)76.电脑犯罪分子窃取重要信息,传播电脑病毒,或污染儿童的思想。(pollute)77.社会的各个领域都充满着竞争与合作。(involve)78.公平竞争促进社会进步,使社会面貌焕然一新。(renew)79.政府应采取措施阻止人们生产假冒产品。(prevent)80.孩子看电视上了瘾,以致忽略了吃饭,睡觉,作业和户外活动。(addict)81.人口过剩造成住房,就业方面的问题,以及带来学校

11、,教师,医院,和医生的短缺。(cause)82.有关环保的法律已实施,许多地区的情况已有改善。(concern)83.孩子应该养成独立工作和生活的习惯。(develop)84.有些学生可能是学校的尖子,但他们在处理实际问题时却显得无所适从。(at a loss)85.应该教给学生怎样生存,怎样彼此相处。这比读和写更重要。(which)8660年前,新生的中华人民共和国还不为许多国家广为承认。(recognize)87只有通过亲身体验,你才能理解志愿服务有多么重要!(figure out)88据报道,世博前这条马路已被拓宽来改善交通条件。(report)89令我们宽慰的是,地震发生的时候,大楼里

12、碰巧没有人。(happen)90停车场足够大,可以容纳数百辆车,这使得居民停车非常方便。(hold)91她是个如此爱忘事的女孩以至总是丢三落四,有时别无选择只得买新的了。(alternative)92他发现自己的中国式幽默很难为英国听众所理解。(getacross)93他指责我玩忽职守,这与事实大相径庭。(contrary)94显然,探险队欲在五周内完成航程是不可能的。(possibility)95多数科学家宁可默默无闻,也不愿意参加各种与自己专业无关的会议。(ratherthan)96. 不管我们将来干什么,掌握英语总是有用的。(command. n.)97. 只有对他说真话才能帮助他避免犯

13、愚蠢的错误。(Only)98. 新落成的教学大楼将以那位科学家的名字命名,纪念他举世无双的成就。(memory)99. 当你心情不好的时候,想想美好的事就会去除烦恼。(mood, free)100. 她不情愿地承认,正是因为她缺乏经验,她才不知道如何应对这种严重的情况。(reluctant, 强调句) 参考答案1. That has to be seen. All I can say is Im going to do the best I can.2. Hardly had I gone out of the building when it began to rain.3. The doc

14、tor performed an operation on him as soon as he was sent to the hospital.4. That team withdrew from the match as a protest against the unfair referee.5. Your composition is well written, but there s still some room for improvement.6. Every student has free access to all the sources in the library.7.

15、 Although she was very poor, the woman set aside part of her income for the education of her child.8. We are very grateful to you for what you have done for us these years.9. in short, our achievements in the past two decades have proved that development is an absolute principle.10. They sat there w

16、ith their eyes fixed on the film star.11. He saved the little girl at the risk of his own life and set a good example to us.12. He was both intelligent and diligent, but on the other hand he was very careless, and thats why he never got the highest scores in the class.13. Most people were in favour

17、of going to Dalian when they were discussing where to spend their holidays.14. Tired of noisy big cities. More and more people are longing for a peaceful life in the countryside.15. With all the projects completed before the end of the year, the chief engineer was finally able to take a rest of thre

18、e days.16. No one could imagine that the student who won the championship was suffering from so many serious diseases.17. His diligence made up for his lack of experience.18. Now / Nowadays every child in the countryside has access to education.19. Only when you have learned a lesson from failure ca

19、n you make greater progress.20. What moved all of us was that the scientist always thought of his country while he was abroad.21. In the past ten years, our country has experienced historic changes.22. We will have a further discussion before we draw the final conclusion.23. Eat more fruit, and (the

20、n) you neednt be worried about lacking vitamins.Or: Eat more fruit, and then you neednt worry about lacking vitamins.24. It has never occurred to him that the easier the problems/exercises are, the more careful he should be.25. Only through your own practice can you really understand/make out the im

21、portance of volunteer work.26. Id (would) appreciate it if you could do me a favor/ help me/ give me a hand.27. There is no doubt/ No doubt (that) what teachers say and do will have a great/tremendous/ remarkable/ significant influence/ effect/ impact on students growth/ development.Without doubt, t

22、eachers words and deeds will have a great/tremendous/ remarkable/ significant influence/ effect/ impact on the growth/ development of students.28. Seldom does he follow/ take others advice, and (he) always behaves in his own way/ does what he likes/ takes his own course.29. Driving while talking on

23、cell/mobile phone is against the traffic rules.It is against traffic rules to drive and use cell phone (at the same time).30. Success consists of three important factors: talent, diligence and luck.31. Many citizens are in favor/favour of the subway/underground because it is free from the traffic ja

24、m.32. Many people take physical exercise not only to keep healthy, but also to relieve pressure/stress.33. The findings/result of researches and observations show that with the improvement/rising of living standards, people are increasingly/ more and more concerned about the life quality.34. I find

25、it impossible for us to arrive there within 3 hours.35. Thank you for providing us with so many practical suggestions.36. That film was so boring that most audience left the theater before the end of it.37. We wont be able to finish the task on time unless we try our best.38. Our physics teacher alw

26、ays gives his lesson in a lively and clear way, which greatly benefits his students.39. With the guide leading the way, we got out of the forest without any difficulty/ successfully.40. I keep reading aloud every day, for I know the more I practise, the more progress I will make.41. Developing your

27、emotional intelligence is what you need to do most if you want to improve your relationships with people around you.42. It was on the Internet that he found what he needed.43. However / No matter how busy he is, my teacher always spares time to help me with my physics.44. To some extent, the interna

28、tional position /status of a country depends on its economy.45. He turns a deaf ear to the doctors advice so that he keeps coughing early in the morning.46. What the teacher said benefited me a lot.47. Those who participated in track and field events alone added up to 50.48. All my family have forme

29、d the habit of drinking a cup of water before breakfast.49. This is the first time that he has won the championship at the school sports meet(ing).50. It is hard to achieve success in the business, and it is twice as hard to be outstanding.51. Supporting the old is one of the fine qualities of the C

30、hinese people as well as what their children should do.52.To meet the expenses of his family , he had to do extra work at night.53.His finger prints on the cup proved to the police that he was present that night.54.The reason why his English is poor is that he concentrates on grammar instead of comm

31、unication.55. Now one of the most serious problems many people talk about focuses on the lack of adequate housing space .56 Nowadays, being equipped / equipping oneself with knowledge of computer is an important qualification for most / most of the posts.57. Recently / Lately, there is a widespread

32、concern over the large gap between the rich and the poor in China58. It was such a kind of hidden power that enabled us to do / work / perform wonders/ miracles. 59. If you continue to focus on chatting on the Internet, you will undoubtedly / certainly regret frequently in the future.60. Young people should not avoid difficulties

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