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必修2 Unit 3 期中复习.docx

1、必修2 Unit 3 期中复习Book 2 Unit 3 期中复习卷重点单词短语_ vt. 解决;解答_ vt. & vi. 探索;探测;探究_ adv. (anyway)无论如何;_ n. 目标;球门;(进球)得分_ 设定目标_ 实现目标_ vi. & vt. 发信号n. 信号_ 向某人发出做的信号_ n. 类型vt. & vi. 打字_vi.(_, _ )出现;发生_ 由引起/产生_ adj. 电子的_ 从时起+_时态_ 结果_ 作为的结果(=because of)_ 导致(=lead to)_ 因引起/造成_ 如此以致于The horse ran _ _ _ no one could s

2、top it_ 人类_ 在某种程度上_ 在的帮助下_ 处理;安排;对付how to _what to_ 看守;监视_ 当心,提防_ 与有共同点_ 和一样_ (时光)逝去;经过_ 总计,合计 (=totally)_ 申请;请求;应聘_ 把应用到_ 随着时间的推移_ 事实上,实际上_ 总而言之单词拼写1. We should e_ new ways to solve the problems that we are facing.2. S_ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone.3. After

3、years of hard work, his dream has become a r_.4. She suggested that I put some a_ flowers around the house to make it more colorful.5. The article concludes that ones handwriting style is closely related to ones c_.6. The policeman s_ to the car to stop.7. Unlike other girls, Daisy doesnt pay much a

4、ttention to her a_.8. According to the distance from the village to the city, we c_ that they would arrive at about 3 p.m.9. With the a_ of the new technology, the production of steel almost doubled.10. Make sure the program that you want to d_ from the Internet is safe and is from a reliable source

5、.完成句子1. _ _ _, I made up my mind to learn English well.从那时起,我就下定决心学好英语。2. Tom was late for school _ _ _the traffic jam.汤姆因为交通拥堵而迟到。3. _ _ _my teammates , I enjoy staying home reading novels when I am on holiday.和我的同伴们一样,放假时,我喜欢呆在家里看小说。4. In my opinion, you should _ _ your child, who often wanders in

6、 the streets.依我看来,你应该看管好你那个孩子,他经常在街上徘徊。5. This will cost a lot of money, but _ _, it is worth buying a computer for every teacher.为每位老师购置一台电脑要花费很多钱,但毕竟这很值得。6. As time_ _, he has changed a lot.随着时间的流逝, 他已经改变了许多。7. _ _ _ _the android, it will be unnecessary for humans to do some dangerous work.在机器人的帮助

7、下,人类没有必要做一些危险的工作。8. _ _ _, he made a great contribution to our country.从某种程度上来看,他为我们国家做出了巨大的贡献。9. He knew how to _ _ all kinds of people.他知道如何应对各种各样的人。单项选择1. He knows _ to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesnt know _ to do.A. what; how B. what; what C. how; what D. how; how2. I cant see t

8、he word on the blackboard. Your head is _.A. on the way B. in a way C. by the way D. in the way3. -What a beautiful day! -Yes, its _that Id like to take a walk.A. such nice weather B. so a nice weather C. too nice weather D nice weather so4. Why does the Lake smell terrible? Because large quantities

9、 of water .A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted5. His sister left home in 1998, and since. A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard ofC. had not heard of D. has not heard of6. The loss has not yet been _ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyo

10、nd a hundred million dollars.A. calculated B. considered C. completed D. controlled7. In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a _ for everyone to stand up.A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure8. Jenny nearly missed the flight doing too much shopping. A. as a result

11、of B. on top of C. in front of D. in need of 9. - How many students are there in your class_? - Forty-five. A. at all B. in total C. in the end D. in the total10. Dont scold him any more. _, he is only a child.A. After all B. In all C. at all D. Above all11. Most of his mistakes _ out of his nervous

12、ness, I am sure.A. rose B. raised C. arose D. lifted12. She had to _ our young children after her husband died.A. turn over B. go over C. watch over D. take over13. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise_.Agoing onBgoes on Cwent onDto go on_children get older,they become more and more interest

13、ed in the things around them.AWhileBWhen CAsDWith 14. So sudden _that the enemy had no time to escape.A. did the attack B. the attack did C. was the attack D. the attack was 15. Faced with trouble or difficulty,a person takes help that is availableAwhatever Bwhenever Cwherever Dhowever 改错:Great chan

14、ges have been taken place in Linhai since 1978. _ The SARS patients have been taken good care. _ She has been asked help you. _1. explore 2. Simplify 3. reality 4. artificial 5. character6. signaled 7. appearance 8. calculated 9. application 10. download1. From then on 2. as a result of 3. In common

15、 with 4. watch over 5. after all 6. went by 7. With the help of 8. In a way 9. deal with第五课时 写作【学习目标】:学习运用本单元重点单词、短语和句型进行写作表达。【学习重点】:熟练运用本单元重点语言知识翻译句子。【学习难点】:如何正确运用重点语言知识进行表达并注意上下文的衔接。写作题目:翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子连成一篇短文。1六岁时,李明摔断了腿,从那以后,他就只能整天坐在轮椅上。(from.on)_2父母很忙,不能经常照顾他。他不得不学会自己应对各种困难。( so-that; deal with)_

16、3有时,为了打发时间,他编故事,然后讲给自己听。(kill the time,make up)_4毕竟没有上过学,他不能把自己编的故事记下来。(after all; set down)_5在一位老师的帮助下,他学会了5000多字。(with the help of)_6结果,李明成了一位著名作家。(as a result)_7在他看来,残疾在某种程度上促使他独立,并成为有用之人。(in ones opinion,in a way)_连句成文。_完形填空An Italian philosopher once said that a great man makes his own good luc

17、k. What he means is that when good luck comes, a great man knows how to seize the opportunity and 36 advantage of it.There is a story about Bill Gates, the 37 of Microsoft that proves this. One day an executive from a large computer company came to his 38 looking for someone who had 39 a new operati

18、ng system for computers. He didnt know too much about the inventor or his operating system, and he wasnt 40 sure of the inventors address. At that time everything in the computer business was so new and so disorganized 41 normal business procedures were almost unknown.It 42 that the inventor lived i

19、n a home next to Gates, but he was not at home when the executive came by. He may have been 43 at a meeting or shopping for new equipment. The executive, 44 no one home, wasnt sure what to do, but he didnt want to waste his trip, so he stopped by Gates house to ask him if he knew anything about the

20、inventors system and 45 it worked.Since Gates was working on very 46 software, most other people in his place would have spoken 47 with the executive, told him that he was working on something else, and then forgotten about the whole thing. Gates, however, saw a(n) 48 and jumped on it. He told the e

21、xecutive that 49 he was working on his own operating system(he wasnt)and he would be 50 to discuss it with the executive in a few weeks.After the executive 51 to a meeting to be held a few weeks later, Gates quickly went out 52 for someone who had a workable new operating system. As an engineer he h

22、ad a better idea than the executive about what he needed, and when he found someone with an operating system that he liked, he made modifications(修改) 53 on what the executive told him. His meeting a few weeks later was a great 54 , and Gates new operating system was sold to the large company and the

23、 sale became the foundation of Microsoft. Within two decades Gates was the richest man in the world. He 55 his own luck by seizing an unexpected opportunity.36. A. take B. make C. use D. give37. A. discoverer B. founder C. organizer D. speaker38. A. neighborhood B. home C. office D. company39. A. worked B. bought C. found D. invented40. A. certainly B. fairly C. ever D. even41. A. as B. whose C. that D. which42. A. found out B. turned out C. turned up D. showed up43. A. ou

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