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1、统考复习资料2016年9月大学英语B统考考前复习指导(请大家先详细阅读下面的复习指导,然后再去复习后面的押题)一、交际用语考前押题复习指导. (重头戏)交际用语考5道题,每题3分,共15分。此部分是本考试最简单、规律性最强的题型,同时单题分值很高,所以请同学们务必要全部掌握。基础较好的同学请掌握下面的124道题,如果遇到不会做的题目,请去听视频课程中交际用语的讲解,做到考试能作对5道题,拿到满分15分。基础较差的同学掌握前90道题。二、阅读理解考前押题复习指导. 阅读理解考2篇短文,每篇短文5道题,共10道小题,每题2分,共20分。我们首先来说考试中阅读理解的第一篇,答案是二选一,即正误的判断


3、第二篇,第二篇(阅读理解二的15篇均属于此类)答案是四选一。这部分就掌握我们给的15篇即可,阅读理解我们至少能拿到6+10=16分。三、词汇与结构考前押题复习指导. 词汇与结构考5道题,每题2分,共10分。这个题型对我们来说是比较难的,而且分值较低,我们复习的时候不要花很多时间,基础较好的同学掌握我们给的考前押题即可,考试的时候应该能够遇到道原题,这样至少能拿到6分。基础较差的同学请掌握前90道题,考试应该能遇到道原题。 所以词汇与结构我们至少可以拿到4分。四、完形填空考前押题复习指导. 完形填空考1篇短文,共5题,每题3分,共15分。这个题型现在难度降低了很多,所以大家千万不要放弃。对于基础

4、较好的同学,如果考试没有遇到原题,可以根据选项中5个词的词性来做选择,同时请大家注意,5个小题中的ABCDE选项的单词都是一样的,大家也可以将这5个单词拿到选项中根据排除法来做选择和判断,剩余不会做的几道题,可以全部蒙还没有选的选项,例如. 基础特别差的同学实在不行就都选择A,这样会对一个,拿到3分。所以完形填空我们至少可以拿到3分。五、英译汉考前押题复习指导. (重头戏)英译汉考6题,每题5分,共30分。此部分也是本考试简单的题型,同时也是单题分值高的题型,也是分值最高的题型,所以请大家一定多花些精力和时间来掌握。英译汉是由老师来改卷的,老师改卷原则. 1、不作答0分;2、翻译对任何一个单词

5、都能给0.5分或1分;3、英译汉没有标准答案,只要写得意思正确,就给满分即5分。4、句子翻译错误扣分,严重错误不给分。这个改卷原则给我们的启示. 1、一定要写,不写就不可能得分;2、会一个单词就写一个,写一个就会有分;3、英译汉复习中,不用背所谓的标准答案,只要将不认识的单词认识即可,因为英译汉改卷答对意思就能得到满分。4、确定不会的单词一定不要瞎猜,这样避免扣分,切记,只翻译自己会的单词即可。大家争取拿到满分30分;基础特别差的同学掌握要求掌握我们给的考前押题即可,应该能碰到3-6道题,拿到15-30分。六、作文考前押题复习指导. 作文考1道题,10分。此部分也属于拿分的题型。当然也属于大家


7、最后祝大家顺利通过统考考试!拿到毕业证书!一、交际用语1、- Would you like to see a film?- _A.Yes, Id love to. B.Do it, please.C.No, you like it? D.How do you do?答案:A2、- May I use my credit card here?- _A.You cant. B.No one uses it.C.I am afraid you cant. D.Who told you?答案:C3、- You speak very good English.- _A.Just so so. B.No,

8、 not good.C.Thank you very much. D.You are good.答案:C4、- Hello. Is Jim there?- _A.This is Jim. Whos speaking, please? B.Im afraid I wont be free.C.This is the right number. D.Theres no hurry.答案:A5、- Wed like two Cokes, please.- _A.Small, medium or large? B.You must pay first.C.Thank you. D.You are we

9、lcome.答案:A6、- Can I help you, sir? - _A.No, I dont need your help. B.Yes. Id like to withdraw some money.C.Well, leave me alone. D.Dont bother me!答案:B7、- Hello, Im David Chen. Nice to meet you.- _A.Are you? B.Nice to meet you too.C.Yes. D.Very nice.答案:B8、-Excuse me; can I have a seat here?- _A.Be hu

10、rry. B.Come on.C.Yes, please. D.Do you mind?答案:C9、- _- Im suffering from a stomachache.A.Are you feeling better? B.Why are you here?C.Are you pleased? D.Whats the matter with you? 答案:D10、- Hello. May I speak to Peter?- _A.Sorry, the number is free. B.Yes, speaking.C.Hello. Whore you, please? D.Hello

11、. Thank you for calling.答案:B11、- Whats the most popular sport in your university?- _A.Football, I suppose. B.China against Japan.C.Its a close match. D.Its my favorite.答案:A12、- Ive heard that you are going to Thailand?- Yes, Ill leave on Sunday.- Thats great! _- Thank you!A.Have a nice journey! B.Wa

12、tch out!C.How are you! D.You are so smart! 答案:A13、- Well done and _- Thank you very much!A.not at all. B.congratulations to you.C.thats right. are welcome.答案:B14、Hello! Are you John Smith? _ A.Yes, I am. B.I do.C.Im fine. D.Oh, good. 答案:A15、-Can I speak to Mr. Tang, please? - _A.Who are you? B

13、.Im Wang.C.Speaking. D.Are you John?答案:C16、- Ive passed the examination.- _A.What a pity. B.I hate the exam.C.Congratulations. D.Come on.答案:C17、- Could you buy some salt on your way home?- _A.All right. B.Is that all?C.Just a few. D.Let me see.答案:A18、- _- You too!A.Merry Christmas! B.What a beautifu

14、l day!C.Help yourself! D.Its very kind of you!答案:A19、How do you do? _ A.How are you? B.Good afternoon. C.Im fine. D.How do you do?答案:D20、- How would you like to mail it?- _A.Thank you very much. B.Post office is over there.C.Ill be coming. D.By air mail, please.答案:D21. How was your trip to London, J

15、ane? _A. Oh, wonderful indeed. B. I went there alone.C. The guide showed me the way. D. By plane and by bus.答案:A22. Hey, Tom, whats up? _A. Yes, definitely! B. Oh, not much.C. What is happening in your life? D. You are lucky.答案:B23. Do you mind my smoking here? _A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes.

16、Id rather not. D. Good idea.答案:B24. Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday? Really? _A. Who did that? B. Whats wrong with him?C. How did that happen? D. Why was he so careless?答案:C25. This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs. _A. You may ask for help. B. Ill give you a hand.C. Pl

17、ease do me a favor. D. Id come to help.答案:B26. I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? _ Im not using it right now.A. Sure, here you are. B. I dont know. C. It doesnt matter. D. Who cares?答案:A27. Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? _ Oh yes! Two blocks away from h

18、ere at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it.A. I beg your pardon? B. What do you mean?C. Youre welcome. D. Um, let me think.答案:D28. Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. _A. Great, I am very art-conscious. B. Dont mention it.C. Thanks for your compliments. D. Its fine.答案:C2

19、9. Is it possible for you to work late tonight? _A. I like it. B. Ill do that. C. Id love to. . D. I think so.答案:D30. Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! _ This is not the end of the world.A. Good luck. B. Cheer up. C. Go ahead. D. No problem.答案:B31. Are you feeling better today, Jac

20、k?A. There must be something wrong. B. Just have a good rest.C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still dont feel good. D. Dont worry about me.答案:C32. Thank you so much for your lovely gift.A. Never mind. B. Im glad you like it. C. Please dont say so. D. No, Its not so good.答案:B33. Would you like someth

21、ing to drink? What about a cup of tea?A. No, thanks. B. No, I wouldnt C. Yes, I want. D. Yes, I like.答案:A34. Whats the problem with your bike?A. Not at all. B. Good, thank you. C. Nothing serious. D. Sure.答案:C35. Good morning, John. How are you doing?A. Im pleased B. Good night. C. Not so bad. And y

22、ou? D. How do you do?答案:C36. How do you do?A. Fine, thank you. B. How do you do? C. Not too bad. D. Very well.答案:B37. Good-bye for now. _A. The same to you. B. Thats OK C. See you. D. Long time no see.答案:C38. Hello, how are you? _A. Hello, how are you? B. How do you do? C. Fine, thank you. D. Thats

23、OK.答案:C39. I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. _A. Not too bad. B. Thats all right C. Its a pleasure. D. Thank you.答案:B40. Thank you for your invitation.A. It doesnt matter. B. Its a pleasure. C. Its a small thing. D. Ill appreciate it.答案:B41. What a beautiful dress you have on today! _A. It

24、 is suitable for me. B. No, it isnt. C. You want to have one, too? D. Thank you.答案:D42. I think he is a good lecturer. _A. Sorry, it doesnt matter. B. So do I.C. Yes. Its a good idea D. I dont mind答案:B43. Whats the matter, dear? _A. I didnt go to school. B. I have a terrible headache.C. I took the k

25、ids shopping today. D. It is a beautiful dress.答案:B44. Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?A. Whos there? B. Whos that speaking?C. Who are you? D. Who wants to speak to Mark?答案:B45. Let me introduce myself. Im Steward. _A. What a pleasure. B. Pleased to meet you. C. I dont know. D. Thanks a lo

26、t.答案:B46. Lets go to the library this afternoon. _.A. Yes, thats right. B. No. I cant. C. What about you? D. Thats a good idea.答案:D47. What does Toms wife do for a living? _.A. She is a doctor. B. Tom loves his wife. C. She has a happy life. D. She lives far from here.答案:A48. How tall is your sister

27、? _A. She is not very well. B. She is 28 years old. C. She is very nice. D. She is as tall as I am.答案:D49. What do you think of this novel? _A. Ive read it. B. Its well-written. C. It was written by my uncle. D. I bought it yesterday.答案:B50. How much is this necklace? _A. Its very nice. B. Its a bir

28、thday present from my parents.C. It costs fifty pounds. D. Its a bargain.答案:C51. How can I get to the cinema? _A. Its very far. B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.C. Its well known. D. Go down this street and turn left.答案:D52. Whats the matter, John? _A. I failed my French test B. It doesnt matter.C. Nothings wrong with him. D. I dont think I can.答案:A53. What are you majoring in? _A. In a university. B. Very hard. C. Mathematics. D. At nine in the morning.答案:C54. Are you going on holida

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