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英语外研版单元测试Book8 Module 6.docx

1、英语外研版单元测试Book8 Module 6英语外研版单元测试:Book8 Module 6部门: xxx 时间: xxx制作人:xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行修改Book8 Module 6单元测试题外研版) Class: Name: Marks: 满分120)一、单项填空共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. How about going to the bookstore with me this weekend?aXAxq9uBRI _ and its reported that there will be a book signing of my favorite nov

2、el. aXAxq9uBRI A. All right B. No, I cant C. Im sorry D. Sounds greataXAxq9uBRI2. Although he is not very rich, he is ready to help _ others in _ need of help.aXAxq9uBRI A. the; the B. /; the C. /; / D. the; / 3. The school committee didnt _ the design of the new teaching building so it needs furthe

3、r improvement. aXAxq9uBRI A. approve B. develop C. complete D. exchange4. The journalist didnt want to _ his identity so he signed a pen name when the article was published. aXAxq9uBRI A. admit B. reveal C. display D. prove5. This is the first time that Ive come to London, so I would like to try som

4、ething _ British. aXAxq9uBRI A. normally B. clearly C. generally D. typically aXAxq9uBRI6. John is a man lacking self-discipline, and his _ behavior has affected the performance of the entire team. aXAxq9uBRI A. arbitrary B. potential C. ambiguous D. confidentialaXAxq9uBRI 7. Many furniture shops _

5、the do-it-yourself craze by offering consumers pieces which they can make by themselves.aXAxq9uBRI A. turn down B. cater for C. set aside D. take over aXAxq9uBRI8. The cheap textbook scheme was initially _ by the local government and it has won praise from students and parents. aXAxq9uBRI A. managed

6、 B. structured C. enlarged D. sponsored aXAxq9uBRI9. Therere no Johns fingerprints on the spot he _ be the thief.aXAxq9uBRI A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 10. Taking an adventure trip to the mountains is exciting, but I must _ you against the danger of traveling alone.aXAxq9uBRI A. discoura

7、ge B. resist C. caution D. frightenaXAxq9uBRI11. We _ keep a cool head on high-speed development, for it _ have negative effects on the environment. aXAxq9uBRI A. might; would B. must; may C. should; must D. might; couldaXAxq9uBRI12. The website provides all the latest sports news which is regularly

8、 _ along with the matches. aXAxq9uBRI A. designed B. adjusted C. withdrawn D. updated aXAxq9uBRI13. But for the drivers reminding me, I _ to take my laptop when I got out of the taxi. aXAxq9uBRI A. shall forget B. may forget C. would have forgotten D. can have forgotten 14. As a leader, you need to

9、be _ of different points of view.0m4Kcgc8Jf A. faithful B. tolerant C. logical D. humorous 0m4Kcgc8Jf15. To our surprise, the recycling ideas with creative _ were thought up by children. 0m4Kcgc8Jf A. imagination B. fascination C. observations D. techniques 0m4Kcgc8Jf二、完形填空 16 about an animal called

10、 the Cattywampus that became 17 during the Ice Age, and he passed around a skull as he talked. We all took notes and later had a 18 . 0m4Kcgc8JfWhen he returned my paper, I was 19 . There was a big red “X” on my paper. I had 20 . There must be something wrong! I had written down 21 what Mr. Whitson

11、said. 0m4Kcgc8JfThen I realized that everyone in the class had failed. What had happened? Very 22 , Mr. Whitson explained. He had 23 all that story about the Cattywampus. There had never been such animals. The 24 in our notes was, therefore, incorrect. Did we 25 credit for incorrect answers? 0m4Kcgc

12、8JfWe should have 26 it out, Mr. Whitson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the Cattywampus skull (in 27 , a cats, he had told us that no trace of the animal remained. He had 28 its amazing night vision, the color of its fur and a number of other facts he couldnt have known. H

13、e had given the animal a ridiculous name, and we still hadnt been 29 . The zeroes on our papers would be 30 in his grade book, he said. And they were. 0m4Kcgc8JfMr. Whitson said he hoped we would learn something from this experience. 31 and textbooks are not always right. In fact, no one is. He told

14、 us not to let our 32 go to sleep, and to speak up if we ever thought he or the textbook was 33 . 0m4Kcgc8JfIf Im ever asked to 34 a solution to the crisis in our school, it will be Mr. Whitson. I havent made any great scientific discoveries, but Mr. Whitsons class gave me and my classmates somethin

15、g just as 35 : the courage to tell people they are wrong. 0m4Kcgc8Jf16. A. experiment B. lecture C. book D. speech 17. A. extinct B. terrible C. popular D. tired18. A. discussion B. rest C. quiz D. conversation 19. A. moved B. satisfied C. angry D. shocked 20. A. managed B. cheated C. failed D. left

16、 21. A. exactly B. incorrectly C. fortunately D. slightly 0m4Kcgc8Jf22. A. puzzled B. simple C. curious D. anxious 23. A. made up B. kept up C. held up D. pulled up 24. A. questions B. experiences C. scores D. information0m4Kcgc8Jf25. A. value B. expect C. balance D. accept 26. A. let B. turned C. f

17、igured D. gave 27. A. truth B. addition C. trouble D. danger 28. A. broadcast B. learned C. described D. imagined 0m4Kcgc8Jf29. A. believable B. excited C. doubtful D. honest 0m4Kcgc8Jf30. A. forgotten B. recorded C. forgiven D. criticized 0m4Kcgc8Jf31. A. Students B. Teachers C. History D. Schools

18、32. A. minds B. bodies C. classmates D. textbooks 33. A. careless B. sleepy C. guilty D. wrong 34. A. propose B. invent C. settle D. search 35. A. brave B. wise C. important D. serious 三、阅读理解 through places such as the Tianshan mountains and the Tibetan Plateau, Mr. Jones is now undertaking a long trip across the Eurasian (欧亚的 continent from Britain to

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