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新中考英语一轮复习 七下 Unit 10 随堂练习 人教新目标版doc.docx

1、新中考英语一轮复习 七下 Unit 10 随堂练习 人教新目标版doc新中考英语一轮复习 七下 Unit 10 随堂练习 人教新目标版Section A一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.We have three great (特色菜) in our restaurant every Friday evening.答案:specials2.We should eat more vegetables every day, such as tomatoes and (卷心菜).答案:cabbages3.China is a (大) country with a long history.答案:l

2、arge4.Lin Tao always has two (碗) of rice for dinner every day.答案:bowls5.Whats your sister doing over there?Shes (点)a pizza.答案:ordering二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. My cousin would like (eat) a hamburger now.答案:to eat2. Look at the (noodle) in the bowl. I think they must taste nice.答案:noodles3. Do you like (t

3、omato) juice, Jim? Yes, but a little.答案:tomato4. I like meat, and chicken (be) my favourite.答案:is5. (strawberry) in the basketball are from the USA.答案:Strawberries三、从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子,有的需要改变形式。1. When shall we meet next time, Mr. Chen?Im not sure .答案:yet2. Would you like a hamburger or a chicken hambur

4、ger, young man?答案:beef3. My father likes all of noodles.答案:kinds4. Which bowl do you like best, Amy?The one on the desk.答案:medium5. She is new here. So she has friends now.答案:no四、根据要求改写句子,每空一词。1. Hed like a small bowl of rice for lunch.(对划线部分提问) bowl of rice would he like for lunch?答案:What size2.The

5、re is a tomato in the basketball.(改为复数) in the basket.答案:Therere some tomatoes3. My classmate Lucy likes eating beef and chicken.(改为否定句)My classmate Lucy like eating beef chicken.答案:doesnt or4. There are some vegetables in the bowl of rice.(改为一般疑问句) there vegetables in the bowl of rice?答案:Are any5.

6、Jim wants a bowl of noodles with two eggs.(改为同义句)Jim a bowl of boodles with two eggs.答案:would likeSection B一、从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子,有的需要改变形式。1. If it tomorrow, all of us will go to the zoo with Mr. Chen.答案:doesnt rain答案:ideas3.What about some green tea? Thats great.答案:drinking4. The fish on the plate very

7、nice. I cant wait(迫不及待) to eat it.答案:is5. Would you like something to drink? How about some juice?答案:orange二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It is very_(luck) for us to study together in Class 1, Grade 7.答案:lucky2. The weather in Picture 1 is (same) from that in Picture 2.答案:different3.Check your (answer) carefu

8、lly, Jim. I think some of them are wrong.答案:answers4. It is very good (eat) a bowl of boodles for breakfast.答案:to eat5. Lucy and I are in the same grade, but in different (class).答案:classes三、根据句意和首字母提示填上适当的单词。答案:popular2.What kind of p would you like to drink?答案:porridge3.If you are 13 years old, yo

9、u can put 13 c in your birthday cake.答案:candles4. It is snowing and the wind is b_ outside.答案:blowing5. Can you a_ the telephone for me, Amy? I am very busy now.答案:answer四、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1.在我们学校大约有一千个学生。 the students in our school about 1,000.答案:The number of is2.你得先许愿再吹蜡烛。You must_ _ _ first and

10、 then _ _ the candles.答案:make a wish blow out3.Lucy和我一样大。Lucy is as I.答案:the same age4.不要弄碎面条,因为它们是长寿的象征。Dont_ _ the noodles because they are_ _ _ long life.答案:cut up a symbol of5. 我希望这件礼物将给你带来好运。I hope the present _ _ _ _ to you.答案:will bring good luck五、从方框中选择适当的单词完成短文,有的需要改变形式。The food in the UK i

11、s very different from our Chinese food.They eat a lot of (1) . And they eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast (2) butter, cheese, jam or other things. We dont eat these things(3) in China. Cheese and butter are made from(4) . They drink lots of milk, (5) . They dont drink hot milk(6) cold

12、 milk, and they put it in their tea. The UK is the(7) biggest tea drinker. They dont eat much rice. For their dinner they like meat or fish with potatoes and (8) . And they always eat something(9) after dinner. They(10) this dessert. They dont have dumplings.(1) 答案:potatoes(2) 答案:with(3) 答案:much(4)

13、答案:milk(5) 答案:too(6) 答案:but(7) 答案:worlds(8) 答案:vegetables(9) 答案:sweet(10) 答案:callSelf Check一、单项选择1. Do you like noodles_ chicken?A. with B. of C. in D. to答案:A2. What kind of noodles would you like?_.A. A large bowl B. The ones in the bowl C. Beef noodles D. Green tea答案:C3.Are you thirsty?Why not hav

14、e something to drink?Good idea._,please.A. A glass of tea B. Some dumplings C. A bowl of rice D. A piece of bread答案:A4. Special 2 beef and carrots and is just 10RMB 20.A. have; at B. have; for C. has; at D. has; for答案:D5. Would you like football with us after school this Friday? Sure. I like footbal

15、l very much.A. play; to play B. playing; to play C. to play; playing D. playing; playing答案:C6. Would you please give me money, dear? Im so sorry, but I dont take money with me today.A. some; any B. some; some C. any; any D. any; some答案:A7. Are you going to order a bowl of noodles, Mr. Chen? Yes, .A.

16、 thats right B. thats all right C. all right D. me too答案:A8. We have some here and we can make soup.A. egg; egg B. egg; eggs C. eggs; eggs D. eggs; egg答案:D9. Would you like some dumplings for breakfast, dear? .A. Yes, please B. Yes, I would C. No, I wouldnt D. No problem答案:A10. ?Id like gongbao chic

17、ken and some mapo tofu.ACan I take your order BWhat do you likeCDo you like something to eat DWould you like some juice答案:A二、根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。Peter: Yes, please. I would like some noodles.A. What kind of noodles do you have?B. Medium bowl, please.C. Yes, there are some carrots.D. And a glass o

18、f water please.E. Can I help you?Waiter: What kind of noodles would you like?Peter: 2. _Waiter: We have beef, chicken, mutton, potato, tomatoPeter: OK, Id like the mutton noodles then. Er, are there any vegetables in the mutton noodles?Waiter: 3. _What size would you like?Peter: What sizes do you ha

19、ve?Waiter: We have large, medium, and small bowl.Peter: 4. _Waiter: Is that all?Peter: 5. _Waiter: Wait a minute, please.(1)_答案:E(2)_答案:A(3)_答案:C(4)_答案:B(5)_答案:D参考答案:Section A一、1. specials 2. cabbages 3. large 4. bowls 5. ordering二、1. to eat 2. noodles 3. tomato 4. is 5. Strawberries三、1. yet 2. beef

20、 3. kinds 4. medium 5. no四、1. What size 2. Therere some tomatoes 3. doesnt or 4. Are any 5. would likeSection B一、1. doesnt rain 2. ideas 3. drinking 4. is 5. orange二、1. lucky 2. different 3. answers 4. to eat 5. classes三、1. popular 2. porridge 3. candles 4. blowing 5. answer四、1. The number of is 2. make a wish blow out 3. the same age 4. cut up a symbol of 5. will bring good luck五、1. potatoes 2. with 3. much 4. milk 5. too 6. but 7. worlds 8. vegetables 9. sweet 10. callSelf Check一、1-5ACADC 6-10AADAA二、1-5EACBD

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