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1、酒店服务指南1尊敬的宾客:欢迎您下榻曲江国际饭店。我们将竭诚为您提供专业、快捷、人性化的服务!西安曲江国际饭店位于高新开发区中心黄金地段海星城市广场东塔楼顶部。地处西安CBD中央商务区,周边云集世界500强、跨国公司、外资企业,尽享天时地利之便。 西安佳德大饭店共拥有 257间装修精致、设施齐备的客房,每间客房均配有独立卫生间、卫星电视、保险箱、国际直拨电话、微波炉、迷你吧、烫衣刷、打印机。饭店有经营各地美酒佳肴的餐厅与酒吧,为您提供可口美食。商务之余,您可在饭店的雪茄吧品茗美酒,伴以各款进口雪茄。放松心情,享受人生。位于20楼的国际会议中心,可接待工作200人的会议与宴会厅,为您的商务活动提

2、供满意的服务。20楼800平方米的水疗中心,供您商务之余轻松惬意。大堂副理24小时为您提供服务,分机号码“7”。为能给您提供最好服务,我们敬请您在方便之余对饭店的服务与设施提供宝贵意见。再次欢迎阁下光临西安佳德大饭店,诚挚期望您在本饭店度过一段美好、难忘的时光!Dear Guest: Welcome to you for staying with us at Embassador International Hotel. We invite you to try our best to make you feel at home. The Embassador International Ho

3、tel Xian has 380 well appointed rooms, each room equipped with private bath room, satellite TV, safety box, IDD call, micro-wave oven, mini bar, printer, iron brush. Restaurants and bars provid gourmet and wines. It will make your stay more comfortable, especially for business traveller. Internation

4、al conference center accommodates people from 10pax to 200pax for banquet and meeting. The Services Directory introduces the various facilities and services available of our hotel. If you have any problems or requirements that will make your stay more comfortable , please do not hesitate to call Ass

5、istant Manager on anytime at ext.“7”. We would appreciate your valuable comments in order to improve our services. Thank you for staying with us, we are looking forward to seeing you again. Yours sincerely. 总经理: 程骏鸣 General Manager旅客住宿须知一、 住宿必须登记。登记时请出示本人身份证、护照等有效证件。二、 请勿私自留宿客人或转让床位。三、 严禁将易燃、易爆、剧毒和放

6、射性等危险物品带入饭店,请勿在饭店房间内私自自接电线、电源, 请勿携带宠物进入饭店。四、 携带枪支、武器在中国是禁止的,如携带须通知当地公安机关予以保存。五、 严禁卖淫嫖娼、吸毒贩毒、走私贩私、聚众赌博、流氓斗殴违法行为。六、 违反上述者,由公安机关按治安管理法规的有关条款进行处罚。七、 旅客携带的贵重物品,请存于前台收银处设立的免费保险箱内。如因未寄存而在房间或者饭店公共场所遗失任何贵重物品,由客人自行负责。LODGING REGULATIONS1、 Upon registration, you are requested to show your own passport and resi

7、dent identification.2、 You are not allowed to keep any unregistered guest in your room overnight or sublet the room/bed to another person.3、 You are requested not to conduct business transactions or entertain stranger in your room. No pets allowed. Inflammable explosive , poisonous and radioactive i

8、tems are not allowed to be brought into the hotel.4、 The ownership of fire-arms is prohibited in the P.R.C. If you are in possession of any fire-arms, you must inform the hotel management and register at the Local Public Security Bureau.5、 Lecherous acts, prostitution, drug-taking and trafficking, s

9、muggling, gambling,wresting or any other outlawed activities are strictly forbidden.6、 Violation of any of the above, the Public Security Bureau has the authority to take necessary actions in accordance with Security Control Punishing Regulations of Peoples Republic of China and the relevant laws. 7

10、、 The hotel is not liable for any loss or damage of personal valuables in the guest rooms or public areas. Guests are strongly advised to place the valuables in safety deposit boxes which is free of charge in front desk cashier. 1、航空信息 分 机 购买及确认飞机票等有关事宜请与商务中心联系。 2、租车服务 请与位于大厅的礼宾部联系。3、礼宾部 有关行李等方面的服务请

11、联系。4、入住、离店时间 饭店退房时间为下午12:00前,入住时间为下午14:00后。5、信用卡 本饭店接受如下信用卡 外币卡: 美国运通卡、维萨卡、万事达卡、大莱卡、日本JCB卡 国内卡: 长城卡、龙卡、牡丹卡、太平洋卡等带有“银联”标志的信用卡。6、医疗服务 请与大堂副理联系。7、互联网接入服务 每间客房均有高速宽带接口供您使用,如需帮助请与大堂副理联系。8、商务中心 提供电话、传真、上网、扫描、打印、复印、打字、机票、快递服务, 商务中心位于饭店2楼及29楼。9、行政楼层/行政酒廊 行政楼层位于饭店25-29楼,入住行政楼层的贵宾可享受饭店提供的优惠或者免费服务项目。行政酒廊每天下午免费

12、为行政楼层嘉宾提供下午茶。10、水疗 位于 楼,为您提供足浴、按摩、水疗等服务。11、火警/紧急情况 0 请与宾客服务中心接线员联系。 分 机12、外币兑换 请与前台收银联系。13、酒吧/餐厅 三个不同风格的酒吧与餐厅分别位于饭店一楼、三楼和五楼。为您提供各款中西式美酒佳肴及特色。14、送餐服务 饭店24小时提供送餐服务,如需服务请联系送餐部。请参阅服务指南内客房送餐菜单。15、宴会厅/会议室 饭店位于2楼的宴会厅,装修精致、设施一流,可同时接待 人的国际性会议,中式、西式宴会、酒会等。专业、训练有素的会议专员提供全程服务,如有需要请与市场营销部联系。16、客房部 为使您居停期间更舒适,若您需

13、要额外物品服务及擦鞋服务、多用插座、变压器、手机充电器等,请联系客服中心。17、洗衣/干洗/熨烫服务 饭店设有洗衣房,提供洗衣及干洗服务。上午12:00am前送洗衣服,当天下午7:00pm前可取回。上午12:00以后送洗衣服,将会在第二天送回。14:00以前加急服务当日即可取回,另加收50%的快洗服务费。14:00后不再提供加急洗衣服务。18、客房迷你吧 每间客房内都配备迷你吧供您选用,费用将按照价目表收取。若需增补,请与客房部联系。19、失物招领 7/5 请与大堂副理或客房部联系。20、保险箱 8/6108 饭店每间房内均配有保险箱,同时21楼前台收银处为住店客人提供免费保险箱供您使用。请将

14、贵重物品存放于21楼前台收银处。21、多用插座 5/6228 浴室内有110伏和220伏专用电源插座。 分 机22、电压 5/6228饭店房间的电压均为220伏,50赫兹。23、电视节目/视频点播 5/6228 请参阅电视节目单及收费单。24、健身中心 5/6228 位于饭店25层,可为客人提供跑步机、运动单车等简单器械训练。25、叫醒服务 0/1 请与总机或前台联系。26、请勿打扰 0 请打开您床头的“请勿打扰”开关,同时通知总机接线员对转入您房间的电话给与过滤。27、医院 7 第四军医大学西京医院 西安交通大学第一附属医院 陕西省人民医院28、房间/会议预订 3449/6166请联系市场营

15、销部或预订部 29、问询/留言服务 1/0 请与前台接待或总机联系30、来访规定 7 为保障饭店的安全,遵照西安市公安局来访规定的有关规定, 所有拜访住店客人的人员须到接待处进行登记。所有来访者(中国籍及外籍)须在晚23:00PM离开饭店。 EXT.1、 Flight Information 6105/6106For air ticket reconfirmation and purchase requirements, Kindly call the business center.2、 Car Rental 6103/1Please contact the concierge on the

16、 1st /21st floor. 3、 Concierge 6103About luggage service, please contact with the concierge. 4、 Check In /Check Out 7/1Check in time after 14:00PM, check out time before 14:00PM.5、Credit Card 8/6108 Hotel accept the following cards: I、Foreign credit cardsMaster、Visa、American Express、Diners Club、JCB.

17、 II、Domestic credit cardsGreat wall、Peony card、Dragon card、Pacific card & Union Pay card.6、Clinic 7 Please contact with assistant manager.7、Internet 7/5 Each room we provide the internet data port. Please contact with assistant manager or housekeeping.8、Business Center 6105/6106 Located on the 21ST

18、floor, provide telephone、fax、internet、scanning、printng、copying、parcel、air ticket、EMS serviceAs you requested .9、Executive floor /lounge 6127Executive lounge is on the 27th floor. The guest would enjoy the discountor complimentary service . Executive floor provide complimentary afternoon tea for the

19、guests. EXT.10、Spa 6258At 20th floor, provide Massage,spa.11、Fire alarm/Emergency 0Please contact with operator.12、Foreign Currency Exchange 8/6108 Please contact with front desk cashier13、Restaurant and Bars 6218/6188/6151 In our 2 well decoration restaurant and bars, you would have choice of selec

20、tion of chinese and western food and beverage.located on the 21st、22nd floor respectively.14、Room service 6188Room service from 7:00am-00:30pm.Please refer to the room servicemenu in your room .15、International conference center/meeting room 6640 /3245/3449With the service of our professional staff,

21、 our international conferencecenter equipped with most advanced audio、visual facilities. accommodationfrom 10 pax to 200pax. Please contact with Sales&Marketing or Food and Beverage department .16、Housekeeping 5/6228Please contact our Housekeeping department for additional supplies. 17、 Laundry/dry

22、cleaning/valet service Items collected from your room before 12:00am are returned by 18:30pm in 5/6230the same day. Items collected after 12:00am will be returned on next day.Express service before 2:00pm collected will be returned in the same day and 50% additional fees will be charged. No express

23、service after 2:00pm . 18、In house mimi bar 5/6228The mimi bar in your room offers wide selection of drinks. Consumption will be charged to your account according to the price list and plus 15% service charge.Plesse call the housekeeping department for replenishment or additional drinks.19、Lost & fo

24、und 7/5Please contact with assistant manager or housekeeing department. EXT.20、Safe deposit box 8/6108Please contact with Front Desk Cashier on the 21th floor. The hotel is notresponsible for any loss or damage items in the hotel area.21、Adapter 5/6228Each bathroom has a electrical outlet for 110V a

25、nd 220V.22、Voltage 5/6228The voltage of each guest room for 220V, 50HZ.23、Television/VOD 5/6228Please refer to th TV guide & VOD price list in your room.24、Fitness Center 5/6228Located on 25th floor, Provide simple sports instruments for guest use.25、Wake-up call 0/1 Please call operator or receptio

26、nist for requirement.26、Your privacy 0 When you do not wish to be disturbed, please press the “DO NOT DISTURB” button on your beside panel and leave instruction to the operator to screen your calls. 27、Hospital 7 XiJing Hospital of No. 4 University of The P.L.A. NO. 1 Hospital of JiaoTong University

27、 Xian NO. 1 Hospital of Shaanxi Province28、Reservation 3449/6166 Please contact with Sales&Marketing Department or Reservation Department. 29、Information /Message 0/1Please contact with operator or reception.30、Visitors 7 According to the regulations of Xian Public Security Bureau, all visitors must

28、 be registered at the reception and requested to leave the guest room by 23:00pm. 行政楼层/酒廊 Executive Floor/Lounge 行政楼层位于饭店27楼,共有客房37间。其中30间客房内配置了全新的数码设备,入住行政 楼层的贵宾可免费使用并可以享受饭店提供的其它优惠或免费服务项目。行政酒廊每天免费为行政楼层嘉宾提供早餐及下午茶,时间分别为早上07:00-10:00AM;下午14:00-22:00PM。 Executive Floor located on 27th floor, has 37 gue

29、st rooms. Executive Lounge provides free breakfast and afternoon tea for Executive Floor guests on everyday, the time start from morning 07:00-10:00AM and afternoon 14:00-22:00PM. 数码客房 Digital Room佳德商务升级版数码客房,每间晚只需增加30元。高清晰二合一26寸大屏幕液晶电视显示器,功能强大的E-HOTEL电脑独立主机,网上冲浪。按照客人需要,量身打造的客户终端系统,可以便捷查询饭店各类服务。Upgr

30、aded Business Digital Room of JiaDe Hotel Xian. Enjoy it with only RMB30.00 extra fee. High-Definition “2 in 1”26 inch super large LCD TV-Monitor. Full-function E-Hotel dedicated PC, enjoy internet surfing. Tailer-made client system according to customers requirements, provides convenient related se

31、rvices for Hotel Information Queries. 女士用房Ladys Room专为女宾客人精心布置,温馨舒适。Designed for lady aborative, make you feel comfortable . 无烟房Non-Smoking Room专为非吸烟人士设立。Designed for person who always keep away from smoking . 佳德大饭店电视节目表 JiaDe Hotel TV Guide1CCTV-131广东卫视2CCTV-232黑龙江卫视3CCTV-333东南卫视4CCTV-434湖南卫视5CCTV-

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