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1、英文合同样本 英文合同样本 TIMBER SALE CONTRACT - SAMPLEThe following document offers excellent guidelines when preparing a timber sale contract.?Separate articles may be added to suit specific circumstances.?It is advised that the Seller and Purchaser employ legal counsel to review the contract prior to its end

2、orsement.Contract entered into this _ day of _, 20_., by and between _ of _ Illinois, hereinafter called the Seller, and _, of _(city), _(state), Illinois Timber Buyer License Number _, hereinafter called the Purchaser, WITNESSETH:1. The Seller agrees to sell and the Purchaser agrees to buy for the

3、total sum of _dollars ($_) under the conditions set forth in this contract all of the live standing timber marked or designated for cutting and all of the dead or down timber marked or designated upon an area of approximately _ acres, situated in the _ of Section _, Twp._ R._, _ County, Illinois, on

4、 land owned and recorded in the name of _. The Purchaser further agrees to pay to the Seller as an initial payment under this contract the sum of _ dollars ($_), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and a final payment in the sum of _ dollars ($_), prior to any cutting or removal of timber under

5、 this contract.2. The Seller further agrees to mark and dispose of the timber conveyed in this contract in strict accordance with the following conditions:(a) All trees to be included in this sale will be marked with a distinctive mark on the bole and stump of each tree.(b) No trees under _ inches i

6、n diameter at a point 4 1/2 feet from the ground will be marked for cutting.(c) No concurrent contract involving the area or period covered in this contract has been or will be entered into by the Seller without the written consent of the Purchaser(d) The Purchaser and his employees shall have acces

7、s to the area at all reasonable times and seasons for the purpose of carrying out the terms of this contract.(e) Unless otherwise specified, all material contained in the marked or designated trees is included in this sale(f)(g)3. The Purchaser further agrees to cut and remove all of the timber conv

8、eyed in this contract in strict accordance with the following conditions:(a) Unless an extension of time is agreed upon in writing between the Seller and Purchaser, all timber shall be paid for, cut, and removed on or before and none after the _ day of _, 20_, and any material not so removed shall r

9、evert to the Seller.(b) Unmarked trees and young timber shall be protected against unnecessary injury from felling and logging operations.?If, however, unmarked trees are cut, damages shall be paid the Seller at the rate of $1 per tree per M bd. ft. for all other species, and in the event that any s

10、uch trees are cut, said trees shall remain upon the premises and shall be the property of the Seller.(c) Necessary logging roads shall be cleared by the Purchaser only after their locations have been definitely agreed upon with the Seller or his representative, and any trees to be removed in the cle

11、aring operations shall first be marked by the Seller.(d) During the life of this contract and on the area covered, care shall be exercised by the Purchaser and his employees against the starting and spread of fire, and they shall do all in their power to prevent and control fires.(e) Any liability f

12、or damage, destruction, or restoration of private or public improvements or personal damages occasioned by or in the exercise of this contract shall be the sole responsibility of the Purchaser, and the Purchaser shall save harmless the Seller on account of such damages.(f) The risk if loss or damage

13、 to the trees herein purchased, from any and all causes whatever, shall be borne by purchasers from the date hereof.(g) The Purchaser will not assign this agreement without the written consent of the Seller.(h) (g)(i)4. The Seller and Purchaser mutually agree as follows:(a) All modifications of the

14、contract will be reduced to writing, dated, signed, and witnessed and attached to this contract.(b) Any need for reassignment of interest of either party may be changed within 10 days following written consent by both parties.?All terms of this contract legally bind the named representatives to excu

15、se this document as written.(c) The total number of trees conveyed is _ (having a volume of approximately _bd. ft.) composed as follows:_ white oak, _ red and black oak, _, _, _, _.(d) In case of dispute over the terms of this contract, final decision shall rest with a reputable person to be mutuall

16、y agreed upon the by parties to this contract.?If the parties hereto do not agree upon a third party within 10 days following the initiation of the dispute, or in the case of further disagreement, then within 15 days from the initiation of the dispute, it shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitration

17、 of three persons, one to be selected by each party to this contract and the third to be selected by the other two.?The Board shall decide the dispute within 5 days after the matter is referred to it.In the event that damages are awarded to the Seller by the Board of Arbitration and are not paid on

18、the date that the award is made, then all operations of the Purchaser shall immediately cease, and if the award is not paid or satisfied within 30 days after the date of award, the Seller may take immediate possession of the premises upon which the timber is located, shall retain as liquidated damag

19、es all money paid by the Purchaser, and the title to all timber shall revert to and become the property of the seller.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this _ day of _ 20_.WITNESSES:_?_for the Purchaser? Purchaser_?_for the Seller? Seller  贷款方:_ 银行;法定代表人:_ 职务

20、:_ 地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_ 借款方:_ 法定代表人:_ 职务:_ 地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_ 担保方:_ 法定代表人:_ 职务:_ 地 址:_ 邮码:_ 电话:_ 三方经过充分协商,特签订本合同。第一条 自_ 年_ 月_ 日至_ 年_ 月_ 日,由贷款方提供借款方_ 贷款_ 元。借款、还款计划如下:分 期 借 款 计 划分期还款计划日 期金 额利 率用 途日 期借款本金 第二条 贷款方应按期、按额向借款方提供贷款,否则,应按违约数额和延期天数,付给借款方违约金,违约全数额的计算,与逾期贷款罚息同。第三条 贷款利率,按银行贷款现行利率计息。如遇调整,按调整的新利率和计息办法计算。第

21、四条 借款方应按协议使用贷款,不得转移用途。否则,贷款方有权停止发放新贷款,直至收回已发放的贷款。第五条 借款方如不按规定时间、额度用款,要付给贷款方违约金。违约金按借款额度、天数,按借款利率的50%计算。第六条 借款方保证按借款契约所订期限归还贷款本息。如需延期,借款方至迟在贷款到期前三天,提出延期申请,经贷款方同意,办理延期手续,但延期最长不得超过原订期限的一半,贷款方未同意延期或未办理延期手续的逾期贷款,加收罚息。第七条 借款方的借款由担保人用_ 作担保。第八条 贷款到期后一个月,如借款方不按期归还本息时,由担保单位(或担保人)负责为借款方偿还本息和逾期罚息。第九条 补充条款第十条 本合

22、同一式四份,借贷款双方各持正本一份,担保方一份,_ 公证处一份。第十一条 本合同经三方签字之日起生效。贷款方:_(章)代表人:_借款方:_(章)代表人:_担保方:_(章)代表人:_年_月_日   卖方: 合同号码: 买方: 双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物: (1)货物名称、规格、包装及唛头 (2)数量  (3)单价  (4)总值 包装:小捆70120千克及或大 卖方有权在3%以内上述价格内包括给买方佣 捆5001000千克   多装或少装  金&nb

23、sp; %按fob值计算 (5)装运期限: (6)装运口岸: (7)目的口岸: (8)保险:由卖方按发票金额110投保 (9)付款条件:买方应通过买卖双方同意的银行,开立以卖方为受益的人,不可撤销的、可转让和可分割的、允许分批装运和转船的信用证。该信用证凭装运单据在中国的中国银行见单即付。 该信用证必须在前开出。信用证有效期为装船后十五天在中国到期。 (10)单据:卖方应向议付银行提供已装船清洁提单、发票,装箱单重量单:如果本合同按cif条件,应再提供可转让的保险单或保险凭证。 (11)装运条件: 1)载运船只由卖方安排,允许分批装运并允许转船。 2)卖方于货物装船后,应将合同号码、

24、品名、数量、船名、装船日期以电报通知买方。 (12)品质和数量重量的异议与索赔:货到目的口岸后,买方如发现货物品质及或数量重量与合同规定不符,附属于保险公司及或船公司的责任外,买方可以凭双方同意的检验机构出具的检验证明向卖方提出异议。品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量重量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出。卖方应于收到异议后30天内答复买方。 (13)人力不可抗拒:由于人力不可抗拒事故,使卖方不能在本合同规定期限内交货或者不能交货,卖方不负责任。但卖方必须立即以电报通知买方。如买方提出要求,卖方应以挂号函向买方提供由中国国际贸易促进委员会或有关机构出具的事故的证明文件。 (14)仲裁:凡因执行本合同或与本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执,应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协议时,则在被告国家根据被告国家仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁决定是终局的,对双方具有同等的约束力,仲裁费用除非仲裁机构另有决定外,均由败诉一方负担。 (15)备注: 卖方:(盖章) 代表人:(签字) 买方:(盖章) 代表人:(签字) 年月日订立

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