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本文(英语高一英语阅读理解解题技巧超强及练习题含答案及解析.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、英语高一英语阅读理解解题技巧超强及练习题含答案及解析(英语)高一英语阅读理解解题技巧(超强)及练习题(含答案)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 We want our children to succeed, in school and, perhaps even more importantly, in life. But the paradox(悖论) is that our children can only truly succeed if they first learn how to fail. Consider the finding that world-class fig

2、ure skaters fall over more often in practice than low-level figure skaters. At first sight this seems contradictory. Why are the really good skaters falling over the most? The reason is actually quite simple. Top skaters are constantly challenging themselves in practice, attempting jumps that stretc

3、h their limitations. This is why they fall over so often, but it is precisely why they learn so fast. Lower-level skaters have a quite different approach. They are always attempting jumps they can already do very easily, remaining within their comfort zone. This is why they dont fall over. In a supe

4、rficial sense, they look successful, because they are always on their feet. The truth, however, is that by never failing, they never progress. What is true of skating is also true of life. James Dyson worked through 5,126 failed prototypes(原型) for his dual cyclone vacuum before coining up with the d

5、esign that made his fortune. These failures were essential to the pathway of learning. As Dyson put it: “You cant develop new technology unless you test new ideas and learn when things go wrong. Failure is essential to invention.” In healthcare, however, things are very different. Clinicians dont li

6、ke to admit to failure, partly because they have healthy egos(自我)(particularly the senior doctors) and partly because they fear litigation(诉讼). The consequence is that instead of learning from failure, healthcare often covers up failure. The direct consequence is that the same mistakes are repeated.

7、 According to the Journal of Patient Safety, 400,000 people die every year in American hospitals alone due to preventable error. Until healthcare learns to respond positively to failure, things will not improve. But let us return to children. One of the major mistakes in education in the 1970s was t

8、he attempt to equip children with confidence by giving them lots of successes (setting the bar very low). The consequence was that the ego of kids became bound up with success, and they became unable to take risks and collapsed as soon as they hit a proper challenge. We need to flip(翻转) this approac

9、h. In a complex world, failure is inevitable. It is those individuals and institutions that have the flexibility to face up to failure, learn the lessons and adapt which eventually excel(突出).(1)The question raised in the first paragraph is to _. up a discussion on the topicB.analyze the reaso

10、n for the authors oppositionD.doubt the abilities of the top skaters(2)Which of the following is the structure of the passage? A.B.C.D.(3)What would be the best title for the passage? A.How we can avoid failure in lifeB.What we should learn from failureC.Why failure is the key to fl

11、ying highD.Where we further improve ourselves【答案】(1)A(2)A(3)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论证了“失败是孩子成功的必须条件”这一观点。(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“But the paradox(悖论)is that our children can only truly succeed if they first learn how to fail.”可知,文章的中心论点是如果孩子想要真正成功,首先就要学会失败。后面以世界级滑冰运动员摔倒的次数更多来证明这一点,最后一句提出问题:为什么好的滑冰运动员反而摔倒的次数多呢?

12、下文对这个问题做了回答,进一步阐明了文章的中心论点。很明显,这个问题就是为了引出下文对中心论点的论述服务的。故选A。(2)考查文章结构。第一段提出中心论点并以滑冰运动员为例引出第二段。第三段James Dyson为正面例子证明:成功是建立失败的基础上的。而第四和第五两段分别以医疗和20世纪七十年代的儿童教育为反例证明:不经历失败就不会获得成功和提高。最后一段再次强调中心论点。故选A。(3)考查主旨大意。文章第一段即提出中心论点:the paradox(悖论)is that our children can only truly succeed if they first learn how t

13、o fail,中间几段以正反两方面的例子证明了该论点。最后一段又重新强调了该论点。很明显,文章的中心意思就是:失败是孩子真正成功的必要条件。故选C。【点评】本题考点涉及推理判断,文章结构和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,要求考生根据上下文进行逻辑推理,概括归纳,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 It has been discovered that after the age of sixteen, the number of our brain cells begins to decrease at a speed of several million a year. They sim

14、ply die off. In certain types of activity, the human brain is at its highest point in the early twenties, when it has collected enough information to be able to use the vast number of cells freely in the most effective way. Pure mathematics is one of the fields in which this happens, and we know tha

15、t Albert Einstein made all his world-shaking discoveries between the age of about 20 and 25, and spent the rest of his life tidying them up and arranging them. But in certain other types of activity (of which being an author is perhaps one), experience is more important than sharpness of brain, and

16、there one usually finds that a person reaches his or her peak much later in life. Besides sharpness of brain and experience, here is another thing that is very important, and that is wisdom. One can have a very quick, inventive brain and plenty of experience, but if one uses these foolishly, one har

17、ms both oneself and others. Wisdom does not always come with age there are plenty of foolish middle-aged people about but the average person tends to learn wisdom as he gets older, usually by making painful of embarrassing mistakes. Leaning to be wise is basically learning what is not possible; and

18、what is possible but so difficult that it is not worth all the trouble one has to go through to get there. Mostly, it is learning about human nature; how real people behave and react, as against how one would like them to behave and react. One can read and hear lot of idealistic stuff about how to m

19、ake the world a better place, which would be found if it was based on an accurate observation of human nature, but which is basically a waste of time because it is not.(1)According to the writer, the great discoveries made by Albert Einstein were mainly a result in_. A.years of hard workB.sharpness

20、of the experienceD.his deep understanding of the nature(2)Some people achieve success much later in life because . A.their work often requires much experienceB.they do not have a chance to show their talentsC.they have to learn lessons from failuresD.they fail to realize earlier the impo

21、rtance of hard work(3)The importance of wisdom lies in the fact that . helps to avoid various contributes to ones encourages one to go forward in face of provides the right direction of efforts(4)The writer came to believe that . is always a waste

22、 of time to make plans about the is human nature to make attempts on what looks should always challenge the impossible to push the society has to use wisdom in deciding what is the best thing to do【答案】 (1)B(2)A(3)D(4)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了人类的大脑在20岁左右于巅峰,在以后的成就

23、多数是因为需要丰富的经验。除了头脑敏锐和经验丰富外,智慧也非常重要,因为智慧为人们提供了正确的努力方向。人们要用智慧来决定做什么才是最好的。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段“It has been discovered that after the age of sixteen, the number of our brain cells begins to decrease at a speed of several million a year. They simply die off. In certain types of activity, the human brain is at

24、 its highest point in the early twenties, . and we know that Albert Einstein made all his world-shaking discoveries between the age of about 20 and 25, and spent the rest of his life tidying them up and arranging them.” 人们发现,16岁以后,我们的脑细胞数量开始以每年几百万的速度减少。在某些类型的活动中,人类的大脑在20岁早期处于巅峰状态,. 我们知道阿尔伯特爱因斯坦在20到2

25、5岁之间做出了所有震惊世界的发现。用余生来整理和安排这些发现。根据对爱因斯坦所的发现可知,他的伟大的发现是在20-25岁之间,更是印证了人类大脑在20年代初达到了巅峰,可推断出,本段主要研究人类大脑巅峰期,故选B。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第二段“But in certain other types of activity (of which being an author is perhaps one), experience is more important than sharpness of brain, and there one usually finds that a perso

26、n reaches his or her peak much later in life.”但在某些其他类型的活动中(作家可能是其中一种),经验比头脑的敏捷更重要,人们通常会发现一个人在他一生的晚期才达到顶峰。可推断出有些人在晚年取得成功是因为他们的工作中往往需要很多经验。故选A。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Besides sharpness of brain and experience, here is another thing that is very important, and that is wisdom. Leaning to be wise is basically

27、 learning what is not possible; and what is possible but so difficult that it is not worth all the trouble one has to go through to get there. Mostly, it is learning about human nature;how real people behave and react, as against how one would like them to behave and react.”除了敏锐的头脑和丰富的经验外,还有一件事是非常重要

28、的,那就是智慧。学习成为智者,要基本的了解什么是不可能的;学习有可能但又很困难的东西,以至于不值得一个人为了达到目的而付出所有的努力。最重要的是了解人性,了解真实的人是如何行为和反应的,以及人们希望他们如何行为和反应的。由此可推断出智慧的重要性在于智慧能让人知道什么可做,什么不能做,即为人提供正确的努力方向。故选D。 (4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Leaning to be wise is basically learning what is not possible;and what is possible but so difficult that it is not worth

29、all the trouble one has to go through to get there. Mostly, it is learning about human nature;how real people behave and react, as against how one would like them to behave and react. One can read and hear lot of idealistic stuff about how to make the world a better place, which would be found if it

30、 was based on an accurate observation of human nature,”成为智者,要大体上知道什么是不可能的。学习有可能但又如此困难的东西,以至于不值得一个人为了达到目的而付出所有的努力。最重要的是学习人性,了解真实的人是如何行为和反应的,以及人们希望他们如何行为和反应的。人们可以读到和听到很多关于如何使世界变得更美好的理想主义的东西.由此可推断出聪明的人必须运用智慧来决定最好要做什么事。故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及推理判断题型的考查,是一篇科研类阅读,考生需要根据上下文进行逻辑推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 When Andrew Kaplan r

31、ecalls, his stories leave the impression that he has managed to pack multiple lives into a single existence: A war reporter in his 20s. an army member, a successful businessman and- later. the author of numerous spy novels and Hollywood scripts. Now the silver haired 78-year old has realized he woul

32、d like his loved ones to have access to those stories, even when he is no longer alive to share them. Kaplan has agreed to become AndyBot- a virtual person who will be: immortalized(T F5)in the cloud for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years If all goes according to plan future generations will be able to interact with him u

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