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科学 Science 外国学生英语作文.docx

1、科学 Science 外国学生英语作文ScienceWith the advancement of time and revolutionizing discoveries, there is almost no aspect of human life that doesnt involve science. We must realize how science is present in every life element so that we can analyze and develop it further. Science and technology now plays a

2、significant role in making our life more comfortable and carefree. Science is also hugely responsible for the development and modernization of our society.Hence, science affects all the dynamic changes occurring in our lives and the surroundings, and it is required for us to realize its importance.W

3、e are providing long and short essay samples on the topic Science to students. Also, we will offer ten pointers about the theme that may guide the students as a reference for framing the essay.Long and Short Essays on Science for Students and Kids in EnglishWe are providing students with essay sampl

4、es on a long essay of 400 to 500 words and a short essay of 100 to 200 words on the topic Science for reference.Long Essay on Science 500 words in EnglishFrom Big bang to our daily activities, everything involves science. The blessings of science are everything that fills our life with all comforts

5、that were unimaginable even a few years ago. Electricity, transportation mediums, medical services, telephone, television, internet, electrical devices, automated machines, etc. everything is because of the development of sciences and has successfully made our lives easier.The first discovery by hum

6、ankind was the creation of fire, which we all have heard of, and this unique invention made them superior to other animals. This proved that science, even though it exists in every aspect of life, but the real power of analyzing it and using it in the most efficient way possible.Since the discovery

7、of fire, we as a human civilization have come a long way with scientific discoveries and inventions. After the fundamental developments like farming, then plant studies, later came being aware of the medical values of each. Today the medicine and medical technology are reaching new heights of scient

8、ific advancements.The few inventions like trains, motor cars, aero-planes, and even cycles are beneficial for transportation to date because they have made traveling more efficient and more accessible. The human mind is brilliant to have developed all these from mere raw elements present in nature t

9、o build something more complex and helpful.The way that people have learned to create processes to make and use mechanical energy is pure brilliance starting from solar energy, hydro-power, thermal energy, to creating even nuclear power. When the realization of the uses of resources that might exhau

10、st eventually came to us, we ultimately started discovering alternative resources that will not possibly deplete soon or at all.Electronic devices such as the computer and internet have globalized and connected us in a seamless and fastest way possible. With science, humans have succeeded in steppin

11、g on the moon, a milestone among all the explorations ever done. Science is an integrated part of our life from even before we are born, and until after we die, its only that our conscience helps us realize the importance of it.But has science only been a blessing for humanity? The answer sadly is n

12、o, because man has both used and misused science and its ways. Some of the boons of science development are deadly weapons, missiles, bombs, nuclear weapons, etc. Some inventions that were created for a good cause like poison or dynamite have become excessively used for faulty purposes and eventuall

13、y turned out to be a disgrace in science.Hence, we must realize the blessings that science has provided us yet and can do in the future. And we must always preach in using science in every excellent and efficient way possible and if we can then leave behind something that will benefit the humankind

14、later.Short Essay on Science 150 words in EnglishHuman civilization and science are continually developing and evolving hand-in-hand; hence we can say that the modern world belongs to the age of science. No aspect of human life is deprived of the touch of science, and we are all wholly dependent on

15、science for survival and livelihood.We can say without a doubt that we are reaping the unprecedented successes of science. But there are some drawbacks to the advancement of science and technology that humans have brought on them. Just as science has made our lives easier and efficient, we have also

16、 turned lazier and barely care to do any hard work. And this laziness eventually created a scope for the occurrence of several diseases that would not happen is we could stay a little active.Science has helped us overcome all darkness of our life, and we too should use those blessings wisely, or els

17、e it wouldnt be late before we become the sole reason for the untimely death of our kind.10 Lines on Science Essay in EnglishThe Earth was formed almost 4.5 billion years ago. The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains several stars and planets along with our Solar System. The proof of life on planet

18、 Earth is estimated to exist from 3.5 billion years ago. It is estimated that there are almost 8.7 million species on Earth. The term science or rather scientist was coined by William Whewell in 1833. Along with being a painter, Leonardo da Vinci had made plenty of contributions to science with his

19、theories. Marie Curie was the first lady to win the prestigious Nobel Prize, and her contributions to science are remarkable. In an average adult human body, there are 206 bones, whereas, in a human childs body, there are 300 bones. 28th February of every English calendar year is celebrated as Natio

20、nal Science Day. A quick fact about the human body is that there is enough DNA in an average persons body to stretch from the Sun to Pluto and back. FAQs on Science EssayQuestion 1.Who is the father of science?Answer:Galileo Galilei is called the Father of Science because he pioneered in experimenta

21、l scientific methods and made several astronomical discoveries. And it was Albert Einstein who called Galileo the father of modern science.Question 2.Who is called the mother of science?Answer:Geography is often called the mother of science.Question 3.Who invented science?Answer:Early philosophers h

22、ad started discovering several fields of science, so it is impossible to say who exactly invented science. Aristotle is said to be the inventor of science.Question 4.Who was the first person to give information about the solar system?Answer:Galileo was the first man to discover astronomical bodies like the moon and other planets with his invented telescope.

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