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本文(秋季外研版英语七年级上册Starter Module 1Module4 复习与练习无答.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

秋季外研版英语七年级上册Starter Module 1Module4 复习与练习无答.docx

1、秋季外研版英语七年级上册Starter Module 1Module4 复习与练习无答教学内容 初一上Starter M1M4 教学目标初一上Starter M1M4重要知识点;数词 Part 1 Warm Up一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Hello, my n is Lily.2G afternoon, boys and girls. 3Our English teacher is M Zhou. We all like her.4School is over. Lets say (再见)5I am in (班级) Five.二、单项填空()1. 当你早上遇见同学时,你可以用 “

2、_”表示问候。AGood morning! BGood afternoon! CGood evening! DGoodbye!()2.Hello, class. My name is Miss Zhou._, Miss Zhou.AGood morning BGoodbye CHello DGood afternoon()3.Hello, my name _ Carla.Aam Bare Cis Dbe()4.This is_ Li. He is my teacher.AMiss BMrs CMs DMr三.从栏中找出与栏相对应的汉语意思 ()1.Good afternoon, Mike. A

3、你好, 大明。()2.Hello, my name is Lingling. B下午好, 迈克。()3.Hello, Daming. C同学们, 再见。()4.Goodbye, class. D早上好, 同学们。()5.Good morning, boys and girls. E你好, 我叫玲玲。四、根据汉语意思完成句子1李老师,早上好。_ _, Miss Li.2玲玲,你好吗?_ _ _, Lingling?3你好,我是汤姆汉克斯。你叫什么名字?_, _ Tom Hanks. _ _ _?4“你好吗?”“我很好,谢谢你。”How are you?_, _ _5请问你能拼写你的名字吗?_ y

4、ou _ your name, please?Part 2 句型复习。 Starter 1-2重点句型1. Good morning, Miss Zhou._ Good morning, Garfield!_!AGood morning BGood afternoon CGood evening DGood night2. Hello, class._探究 class是对同学们的称呼,为集合名词,看作复数,意为“同学们”。hello用于打电话、打招呼或唤起注意,既可以用于朋友和熟人之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,回答也用hello。拓展 hi比hello _,回答也用hi。3. Goodbye,

5、class. _。探究 goodbye为英语中的告别语,比较正式,意为“再见”,回答也用goodbye。较随意的“道别”有“_/_”等。活学活用放学离开学校时,你应该对老师说:“ , Miss XXX.”4. Whats your name, please?探究有时,为了使语气更委婉一些,常与please, hi, hello, excuse me等一起使用。拓展 对该句的回答应该是“Im/My name is”,而不用Yes或No。例如:Im Jane.My name is Jane.我是简。活学活用Whats _ name?Im Bob.Ayou Byour CI Dmy5. Can yo

6、u spell it, please?探究 本句是一个含有情态动词can的一般疑问句,常用来表示请求。can是情态动词,意为“能,能够”。spell是动词,意为“拼写”,就是按顺序拼写单词的字母。注意:回答拼写时,字母之间应加连字符。例如:Can you spell “friend”?Yes, FRIEND.活学活用你能拼写你的名字吗?_you _ your name?6. Sorry?你说什么?探究 本句应读升调,因自己没听清对方所说的话而表示歉意,有希望对方再说一遍的含义。拓展 在口语中,经常使用“Im sorry./Im sorry to do sth.”来表达做了某事而感到抱歉。例如:

7、Im sorry to be late again. 很抱歉,我又来晚了。活学活用当你不小心撞到别人时,你应该说 “_” 表示歉意。A Thanks. BSorry. CBye bye.7. How are you?Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。探究 (1) 此句是英美等西方国家见面时常用的问候语。它常用于熟人之间的问候,意为“你(的身体)好吗?”回答时常用以下句型:a. b. c. d. e. (2)在英美国家,thank you是使用频率最高的礼貌用语,当别人对你进行帮助、关心、问候、祝福、甚至赞美时,一般用thank you或者thanks来回答。拓展 (1)“How a

8、re you?”比hello和hi正式。(2)“How do you do?”常用于第一次见面时的问候,比较正式。活学活用对画线部分提问A: I am fineB: you?8This is Miss Zhou. 探究 当把一个人介绍给另一个人时,常用“This is”句型,不用“He is”或“She is” 。this 常指代距离较近的人或物,与其相对的词是_。它们可单独使用,也可用来修饰名词。拓展 (1)介绍他人的其他句型:That is那是/This boy is这个男孩是/That girl is那个女孩是(2)当一次介绍两个或多个人时,要用其复数形式“These are(近指)”或

9、“Those are(远指)”。例如:Those are my friends. 那些是我的朋友。活学活用当你向外国朋友介绍妈妈时,你会说: “_”。AThis is my mum.BThis is my dad. C. Here is my sister.9Nice to meet you. 探究 这是两人初次见面时的问候语,也可以用于双方好久未见或偶然相逢的场合,答语为“Nice to meet you, too.”或“Me, too.”。 too意为“也”,常用于句末,前面通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。活学活用A:_. B: Nice to meet you, too.AGood mor

10、ning. BNice to meet you. CHow are you? DHow do you do? Starter 3-4重点句型1. Whats this in English? 探究 “in语言”表示“使用(语言)”。例如:_用汉语拓展 此问句常用来对可数名词单数进行提问,回答时常用“Its a/an”,类似的问句还有“_(那个用英语怎么说?)”。活学活用 对画线部分提问Its a_chair in English._ _ in English?2. A pen? No, sorry. Its a pencil.探究 “A pen?”是口语中常用的省略一般疑问句,朗读时用升调,完

11、整形式是“Is it a pen?”。回答一般分为两种形式:肯定_与否定_。例如:Is it a cat? Yes, it is.活学活用按要求完成下列各题(1) This is a bag in English. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ a bag in English?(2)Is this your book?(作否定回答) No, _ _3. Youre welcome. 不用谢。探究 句中welcome 是形容词,意为“ 受欢迎的”。“You are welcome.”常用来回答对方的道谢, 意为“不用谢”。 例如: Thank you. Youre welcome.另外,welc

12、ome 还可以作动词,意为“欢迎”。(1)welcome地点副词(如:home, here, there等)例如:Welcome back home. (2)welcome to地点名词例如:Welcome to China.4. What colour is the pen?这支钢笔是什么颜色的?探究 “What colour?”用于对“颜色”提问,回答时常用“Its颜色”或“Theyre颜色”。例如:What colour are the bags? Theyre red. 活学活用 对画线部分提问The desk is _. (绿色) _ _ is the desk? 5. What d

13、ay is it today?今天星期几?探究 此句常用来询问“今天星期几?”,是一个固定句型。其中it可以省略。常用回答为“Today is”或“It istoday.”。例如:What day is it today?Today is Tuesday./Its Tuesday.拓展 (1)“What time is it?”对具体的时间提问,相当于“Whats the time?”。(2)如果要询问“今天是几号?”则用“Whats the date today?”。例如:Whats the date today? Its November 12th.活学活用按要求完成下列各题(1)What

14、 time is it now?(改为同义句)_ the _ now?(2)It is Wednesday(对画线部分提问)_ _ is it today?6. Its cool in autumn.探究 cool 意为“凉爽的”,常用来描述秋天的天气。其对应词是warm,常用来描述春天的天气。拓展 (1)描述夏天和冬天天气的常见形容词分别为hot和cold。(2)季节前用介词in,一般不加冠词,特指时要加冠词the。活学活用(1)这里冬天寒冷。Its _ _ _ here. (2)青岛的春天很暖和。It is _ in _ in Qingdao.7. Whats the weather li

15、ke in summer?探究 (1)句中like 是介词,意为“像一样”, 常与be连用。例如:He is like his father. (2)“Whats the weather like?”用来询问天气状况,同义句是“How is the weather?”回答常用“Its描述天气的形容词(warm, hot, cool, cold)”。例如:Whats the weather like in Jinan now? Its cool.活学活用对画线部分提问Its very_hot in Beijing today._ is the _ like in Beijing today? _

16、 is the _ in Beijing today.Part 3 语法过关。一、基数词: 表示数目多少的数词 如:one, two, three都以 结尾都以 结尾11320100214301,000315401,000,000416501,000,000,0005176061870719808909101112拓展:多位数的读法:900, 999, 000, 000 billion million thousandB.读的时候十位数(或个位数)的前面一般要加 and。如:888,000,000 读作:eight hundred and eighty-eight million。 读出下列数

17、字,比一比谁是“数字大王”:菜鸟级:29 98901 279大师级:125 10640901002骨灰级:1,945,00031,780,053527,953,8741 把整十数和个位数用连字符连起来,表示“几十几”21 twenty-one 35 2 整百数词由“1-9”hundred构成100 one(a)hundred 500 其他三位数:整百数+and+整十数/个位数,整十位和个位数用连字符连起来101 one hundred and one 245 two hundred and forty-five3 560 999 4 dozen, score, hundred, thousan

18、d, million, billion的用法:I后接of 时,这些词都要加s,且前面不能有确定数字,但可以有不确定数字(many, several, a few) 如:dozens of eggs, hundreds of students, many thousands of books II这些词前有确定数字时,不管数字多少,这些词都不能加s 如:1 billion cars, 2 dozen apples, 5 hundred trees, 8 thousand desks 练一练1:写出下列数字:126 991 306 385 131,200 40,000 10,000,000 【拓展

19、】序数词二、 序数词:表示顺序的数词,如first, second, third1. 第一 第二 第三 (缩写)2. 第四到第十二基数词序数词英语缩写fourfourth4thfivefifth5thsixsixth6thsevenseventh7theighteighth8thnineninth9thtententh10theleveneleventh11thtwelvetwelfth12th3.以teen结尾的序数词thirteenthirteenth13thfourteenfourteenth14thfifteen15thsixteen16thseventeen17theighteen1

20、8thnineteen19th4. 以ty结尾的序数词twentytwentieth20ththirtythirtieth30thforty40thfifty50thsixty60thseventy70theighty80thninety90thhundredhundredth100th5. “第21-99”的表示方法:把基数词“几十几”中的个位数变成序数词,如:第21 twenty-first 第35 第64 第87 口诀:一二三,特殊记,词尾各是t,d,d; first, second, third, th 四上起 fourth 八去t,九减e, eighth, ninthf来把ve替;

21、fifth, twelfth y变成ie; twentieth若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以 thirty-first(一)【注意】一般情况下,序数词前面要有the。如:Im always the first one in my class. (我在我们班总是第一名。)(二)【不用the 的情况】1. 当序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,序数词前不用the。【有“的”就没the】 Mother was my first teacher in my life.妈妈是我生命中的第一个老师. Tom is Lilys third child. Tom是Lily的第三个孩子。2. 有些习语

22、中的序数词前没有冠词: 【固定搭配好好背】 atfirst:开始 atfirstsight:乍看起来 firstofall:首先(三)序数词在“日期”中用法。英文日期表达一: 月份 + 序数词 6月1日 写作: June 1st 读作: June the first 英文日期表达二: the + 序数词+ of + 月份3月8日 写作和读作: the eighth of March 综合训练一单项选择( ) 1. We should remember _ people are still very poor. A. millions of B. million of C. millions D

23、. million( ) 2. There are _ students in this school. A. four hundred fifty-two B. four hundreds fifty-two C. four hundred and fifty-two D. four hundred and fifty two( ) 3. Sunday is _ day of the week. A. the first B. one C. the seventh D. the seven( ) 4. Its 11:45. Yes, its _. A. fifteen past twelve

24、 B. fifteen from twelve C. fifteen to twelve D. fifteen to eleven( ) 5. The Greens came to China _. A. in 1984 October 27 B. in October 27, 1984 C. on 27, 1984 October D. on October 27, 1984 ( ) 6. The story took place in _. A. nineteen centuries B. nineteen century C. the nineteenth century D. nine

25、teenth century( ) 7. If you want to go to the cinema, take _. A. bus no. the nineth B. the No. 9 bus C. No. 9th bus D. No. the ninth bus( ) 8. Tomorrow we are going to learn _. A. Lesson Fourth B. the Lesson Fourth C. Lesson Four D. fourth lesson( ) 9. _ of the students _ willing to help others with

26、 their pocket money. A. One three, are B. One third, are C. One thirds, are D. One third, is( ) 10. They spent _ in making the cake. A. an hour and a half B. half and an hour C. an and half hours D. a half and an hour( ) 11. The building is more than _ high. A. 30-meter B. 30-meters C. 20 meters D. 20 meter( ) 12. S

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