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1、笨老师分享课堂中考集合名词01笨老师分享课堂(集合名词)01学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1 are in Class 1,Grade 6. in the same class.A Jimmy,I and Tom; Their B I,Jimmy and Tom; TheyreC Jimmy, Tom and I; Theyre D Jimmy, Tom and I; Were2We have a _ holiday every National Day.A 3 days B 3days C 3day3We dont like French _.A fry B frying C f

2、ries D fried4What day is tomorrow? Tuesday.A the day before Monday B the second day of the weekC the day comes after Monday D the day after Wednesday5The worlds population larger,and there is less land and water for riceA are growing,grow B is growing,growC grow,to grow D is growing,growing6Those _

3、are playing with their two _ teachers.A children;men B child;men C children;man D child;man7If you have a toothache, you should go to see a_.A policeman B teacher C nurse D dentist8Could you please give some _ to the _ teachers?Aadvice; man Badvices; men Csuggestion; man Dsuggestions; men9There _ sn

4、ow in Canada every year.A has many B is much C has much D are much10The little baby has two _.A tooth B tooths C toothes D teeth11Im also visiting some of my old _in Beijing these days.A friend B friends C friendly D unfriendly12-How many _ are there in your family,Jim? -Two,my sister and I A boys B

5、 girls C men D children13 -Whats your dream job, David?-I like music, and l want to be a great_ like Lang Lang.A dentist Bartist Cpianist Dscientist14 -What do you have for breakfast?-I like some Suanjiang_but my friend likes some _from Simu.Anoodle, bread Bnoodles, cake Cnoodle, rice Dnoodles, brea

6、d15-I dont know this English word.- Well, here is a _and it can help you.A ruler B schoolbag C dictionary D map16We must wear _shoes for gym class today.A sports B a sport C sporting D to sport17 It was very hard for me to make a_,but I decided to leave my job. A suggestion B. decision C plan D spee

7、ch18 It was very hard for me to make a _,but I decided to leave my job.Ainvitation Bdecision Cplan Ddiscussion19To our _, the little girl is the first to go to bed.Asurprises Bsurprise Csurprised Dsurprising20Its sports time. Most _ students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.A boy B

8、boys C boys D boys21I see five _ in the classroom. A student B teacher C woman D people 22Sally says Wuhan is her second _ because she has lived here for 13 years.A family B house C home D room23My sister sings well, she can join the _ club.A English Bart Cmath Dmusic24 My teacher gave me much on ho

9、w to study English well when I had some trouble.A advice B question C suggestion D problem25I need a pair of _.A sweater B shoes C bag D sock26I dont like soap operas, because I think they are _. Ameaningless B interesting Ceducational D Famous27The kids like the _ of the cake. It is a heart.Asize B

10、color Cshape Dsmell28 That shop on your right sells_ clothes only.Aboys and mens Bboys and mensC boys and mans D boys and mens29Daniel has won first _ in the Reading CompetitionAaward B prize C lesson D result30How many _ are there on the table? A milks B waters C teas D cakes 31The baby is only _.

11、A ten month old B ten old month C ten months old D ten old months 32Her name is Mary Brown. _ is her family name. A Mary B Brown C Mary Brown D Brown Mary 33 - Where are my _? -_on the desk.Akey; Its Bkeys; Its Ckeys ; Theyre D keys; They34-Whose cap is that? - Its .ADaniels BDaniels CDaniels DDanie

12、l35They changed their minds at the last _ and refused to go.A market B memory C moment D museum36The water in the glass is sweet. Did you put any _ in it? Yes. I added some to it just now.A sugar B salt C oil37 A_is a person who is in someones home by invitation, for a short time, as for a meal, or

13、to stay one or more nights.A boss B customer C guest38 How well she sings! - Yes, she has a very beautiful _.A voice B sound C noise D laughter39 The milk shake tastes good. How do you make it? Its easy, just follow the _.A discussions B instructions C resolutions40Michael, how much do you know abou

14、t_? people usually eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan.A the Mid-Autumn Festival B the Spring FestivalC the Dragon Boat Festival D the Lantern Festival41 Do you want to be healthy? _ can help you stay healthy.A Smile B Smiling C Smiles D Smiled42What do you prefer for lunch, darling?Id like _ suc

15、h as tomatoes, carrots or cabbages.A meat B eggs C vegetables. D fruit43Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas MissilesHe is the _ of ChinaAleader Bpride Cvoice44 Steve Jobs was full of always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society .A instructi

16、on B invitation C introduction D invention45【Mom, I will eat less fast food this year, believe me.If you make a _, you must keep it.A joke B noise C mistake D promise46 Bill will be aan _ to interview the football plays in the coming Rio 2016 Olympics.A guest B reporter C tourist D freely47 -Its hot

17、 today. Have some _, please. -No, thakns. Im not thirsty at all.A water B potatoes C bread D cakes48 Nancy took her temperature and found she had a _.A cough B toothache C cold D fever49 -Are you sure this is a photo _, the famous comedy actress?-It surprised you, didnt it? But she was once really t

18、hin.A Jia Ling B Jia Lings C of Jia Ling D of Jia Lings50 Theres little _ left at home. Go and buy some, dear.A carrots B potatoes C rice51 Its cold today. Take your _ with you when you go out.A knife B coat C brush D key52 Great _ for football lovers-more than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in

19、 our country by the end of 2025.A news B message C situation D information53 -Why do people never cut up the _ on their birthdays?-Because they are a symbol of long life.A eggs B cakes C noodles D dumplings55The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.That doesnt me at all.Im not a net-w

20、orm, anyway.Asatisfy Bsurprise Cworry Dinclude56 - How is Tom now?- I hear the company _ him a good job, but he refused it.A provided B offered C passed D introduced57 Would you like some _for dinner? OK.A tomatos B tomato C tomatoes58 She says her favorite is English. Acolor Bsports Csubject59 The

21、New York Times is a popular daily _.A dictionary B magazine C newspaper D guidebook60 More and more people come to visit Jingzhou Ancient City.Thats true. It has become the of Jingzhou.A effort B praise C courage Dpride61How many women doctors are there in your hospital?_ them _ over twenty.AA numbe

22、r of; are BThe number of; are CThe number of; is参考答案1D【解析】句意:吉米,汤姆和我在6年级1班。我们都在同一个班。多个人并列时,I置于最末,排除AB。根据句意,表示的是我们在同一个班。故选D。2C【解析】句意:每年国庆节我们有一个三天的假期。3 days 3天;3day3天的,是复合形容词,用作定语,并且里面的名词必须是单数,修饰名词。3C【解析】句意:我们不喜欢炸土豆条。French fries炸土豆条,故选C4C【解析】Tuesday星期二,在星期一后的那一天。故选C。5D【解析】句意:世界人口越来越多,种植水稻的土地和水越来越少。po

23、pulation常与定冠词the连用,指代人口的数量,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。首先排除A,C;第二句中的for为介词,后跟动名词形式,故答案为D。点睛:population是一个集合名词,它的用法有时较为特殊,所以很容易用错,下面谈一下它的用法。population常与定冠词the连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。例如:The worlds population is increasing faster and faster.全世界的人口增长得越来越快。有时population可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。例如:China has a population

24、of about 1.3 billion.(=There is a population of about 1.3 billion in China.) 中国大约有十三亿人口。表示人口的多或少,不用much或little,而要用large或small。例如:India has a large population.印度人口众多。Singapore has a small population.新加坡人口少。询问某国、某地有多少人口时,不用How much.,而用How large.;在问具体人口时用What.例如:-How large is the population of your hom

25、etown? 你们家乡有多少人口?-The population of our hometown is nearly twice as large as that of yours. 我们家乡的人口是你们家乡人口的将近两倍。-What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少?-The population of Canada is about 29 million.加拿大的人口大约有二千九百万。6A【解析】句意:那些孩子正在和他们的两个男老师一起玩。those那些,后跟名词的复数形式,排除B,D;man作定语修饰名词时,如果所修饰的名词是复数形式,man也

26、要用复数形式,故答案为A。点睛:名词作定语通常说明被修饰词的作用,类别,材料,时间等,通常由单数名词或不可数名词作定语。如:an English book; a gold watch; a paper flower; evening news; beef noodles; apple treesman, woman用于名词前作定语时,其单复数形式与所修饰的名词的单复数形式一致。如 a woman writer / some women writers(女作家)。注意: boy 和 girl用作定语时,总是用单数形式。如 boy (girl) friends 男(女)朋友。7D【解析】试题分析:

27、通过 If you have a toothache“如果你牙痛”可知,应该去看牙医。所以本题应该选D。考点:本题考查职业名词。点评:应该根据语境,正确区分有关职业的名词。所以本题的关键在于have a toothache。8D【解析】试题分析:考查名词的数及语法功能。advice作“建议”讲是不可数名词,suggestion作“建议”讲是可数名词,故可排除B、C项;man作定语时,其形式与所修饰的名词数的形式保持一致,故选D。考点:考查名词的辨析。9B【解析】句意:每年,在加拿大都有很多雪。根据句意,结合there be句型,可知snow为不可数名词,需要使用much来修饰;而be应该使用i

28、s形式。故答案为:B.10D【解析】句意:这位小婴儿有两颗牙。因为空格前有two,所以这里应该用名词的复数。tooth是单数形式;teeth是复数形式。故选D。11B【解析】句意:这些天我也正在拜访北京的一些老朋友。friend朋友,单数;friends朋友的复数形式;friendly友好的,形容词;unfriendly不友好的。根据句意和句中的some可知,这里应填名词的复数,故选B。12D【解析】句意:你家里有几个孩子,吉姆?两个,我的姐姐和我。A. boys男孩;B. girls女孩;C. men 男士;D. children孩子。children既指男孩又指女孩。根据答语可知,答案为D

29、。13C【解析】试题分析:句意:- David,你梦想的工作是什么?-我喜欢音乐,我想像朗朗一样做一名钢琴家。A. dentist牙医;B.artist艺术家;C.pianist钢琴家;D.scientist科学家。根据常识可知故选C。考点:考查名词词义辨析。14D【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你早饭吃什么?-我喜欢蒜酱面,但是我的朋友喜欢思慕面包。noodle 面条;noodles 是复数形式;rice 米饭;bread面包,不可数名词;cake蛋糕,可数名词。noodles应用复数形式,第二个空前有some,修饰可数名词应该用复数形式,也可以修饰不可数名词。故选D。考点:考查名词。15C【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我不知道这个英语单词。-哦,这里有一个字典,它可以帮助你。ruler

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