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1、中考英语命题研究第一部分教材知识梳理篇八下Units910试题八年级(下) Units 910,中考基础知识梳理 类别课标考点要求词汇攻关社会2peaceful(adj.)_peace_(n.)和平3collect(v.)_collection_(n.)收集物4German(adj.)_Germany_(n.)德国5safe(adj.)_safety_(n.)安全_safely_(adv.)安全地6Japanese(adj.)_Japan_(n.)日本7child(n.)_childhood_(n.)童年8.hold(v.)_held_(过

2、去式)9memory(n.)_memorize_(v.)记住10_camera_(n.)照相机11_toilet_(n.)坐便器,厕所12_itself_(pron.)它自己,它本身13_province_(n.)省份14_simply_(adv.)仅仅,只,不过15_whenever_(conj)无论何时短语归纳1.tea set_茶具_2两个;一对_a_couple_of_3thousands of_数以千计的;许许多多的_4一方面另一方面_on_the_one_handon_the_other_hand_5all year round_全年_6庭院拍卖会_yard_sale_7soft

3、toy_软体玩具;布绒玩具_8.察看,观察_check_out_9board game_棋类游戏_10初级中学_junior_high_school_11clear out_清理;丢掉_12不再;不复_no_longer_13part with_放弃、交出_14至于;关于_as_for_15to be honest_说实在的_句型再现1.你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?_Have_you_ever_been_to_ a science museum?2我们今天去个不同的地方吧。_Lets_ go somewhere different today.3科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!_Its

4、_ unbelievable _that_ technology has progressed in such a rapid way!4不管你喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,在新加坡你都能找到!_Whether_ you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,_youll_ find it all in Singapore!5新加坡一个很大的特征是它的气温几乎一年到头都是一样的。_One_great_thing_ about Singapore _is_that_ the temperature is almost the same

5、 all year round.6.那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了?_How_long_have_you_ had that bike over there?7艾米拥有她最喜欢的书3年了。Amy _has_had_ her favorite book _for_ three years.8自他4岁生日起他拥有这个东西了。Hes _owned_it_since_ his fourth birthday.9有些人仍然住在家乡。然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次。_Some_ people still live in their hometown._However_,_others_ may on

6、ly see it once or twice a year.语法结构现在完成时。话题1.Literature and music(文学和音乐)2Fun places(有趣的地方),河北五年中考真题演练词汇类( D )1.(2015河北29题)Could you please take my picture?Here is my _.Aprinter BradioCplayer Dcamera( D )2.(2012河北40题)Miss Zhang,the most beautiful teacher,_ many flowers and letters these days.Areceive

7、d Bwill receiveCwas receiving Dhas received( C )3.(2011河北42题)I _ my homework.I guess I cant join you.Adont finish Bdidnt finishChavent finished Dwont finish( C )4.(2015河北32题)Paula is pleased that she _ her lost watch.Afinds BfoundChas found Dwill find( B )5.(2016河北36题)Our team _ another point!I am s

8、ure well win the game.Awill get Bhas gotCis getting Dwas getting,河北中考重难点突破 even though(even if)即使;虽然【满分点拨】even though与as if的用法辨析even thougheven if即使,虽然引导让步状语从句时,even if引导的从句含有强烈的假定性;even though则多以从句的内容为前提。as ifas though似乎,好像在look,seem等系动词后引导表语从句。引导方式状语从句,多用虚拟语气表示非真实的情况。【考点抢测】( D )1.(2015石家庄42中模拟)_ F

9、rank left school at 16,he still became a successful writer.AEver since BIn factCAfter all DEven though encourage【原句】It also encourages governments and social groups to think about它也鼓励政府和社会团体考虑【满分点拨】用作动词,意为“鼓励或支持(某人)”,常用于“encourage sb. to do sth.”结构,表示“鼓励某人做某事”。如:My parents often encourage me to stud

10、y hard.父母亲常鼓励我努力学习。He encouraged me to lose weight.他鼓励我减肥。【考点抢测】( D )2.(2016河北三模)Our teacher did what she could _ us to learn English.Aencourage BencouragedCencouraging Dto encourage( D )3.(2014达州中考)My teachers often encourage me _ more friends but I find it difficult.Your teachers idea is right.The

11、 more friends you make,_ you will be.Ato make;the more happyBto make;happierCmaking;the happierDto make;the happier whether的用法【原句】Whether you like Indian food,Western food or Japanese food,youll find it all in Singapore!不管你是否喜欢印度食物、西方食物或日本食物,你都能在新加坡找到。【满分点拨】作连词,意为“是否”时,主要用来引导宾语从句;意为“不管、无论”时,用来引导状语从句

12、。如:Do you know whether she will come to my party?你知道她是否来参加我的聚会?Whether you like it or not,youll have to do it.你必须做这件事,不管你喜欢还是不喜欢。【注意】在介词之后作介词的宾语时应用whether。如:I worry about whether I hurt his feelings.我很担心我是否伤害了他的感情。【辨析】whether/if这两个词都表示“是否”时,可以相互替换,但二者仍有区别:(1)与or not连用:whether之后可以直接跟or not,而if则不能。如:I

13、 dont know whether or not they will come.我不知道他们来不来。(此处不可用if替换whether)I wonder whether you can come or not.我想知道你是来还是不来。(此处可用if替换whether)(2)在动词不定式前面要用whether,不用if。如:We havent decided whether to tell the teacher about it.我们还没有决定是否把这事告诉老师。(3)当从句置于句首时,或引导主语从句、表语从句时,只用whether,不用if。如:Whether it is true or

14、not,I dont know.这事是不是真的,我不知道。The question is whether he will speak at the meeting.问题是他是否在会上讲话。(4)whether可引导一个让步状语从句,表示“不管”,而if则不能。如:Whether he comes or not,I will wait here.不管他来不来,我都在这里等。【考点抢测】( A )4.(2015石家庄一中模拟)I wonder _ Tina will come to my birthday party.She is sure to come if she _ time.Aif;ha

15、s Bthat;will haveCwhen;has Dwhether;will have( A )5.(2016石家庄42中模拟)The manager asked me _ I was interested in working for her.Awhether BwhatCwho Dthat among【原句】Among these is Zhong Wei,a 46yearold husband.钟伟就是这些人中的一个,一位46岁的丈夫。【满分点拨】among作介词,意为“在中间;被所围绕”。如:John was sitting among a group of children,te

16、lling them a story.约翰正坐在一群孩子们中间给他们讲故事。【辨析】among和betweenamong指“在(三者或三者以上)之间”,其宾语通常是一个不明确数量的复数名词或含有复数意义的代词。We visited him at his workplace among the young trees.在幼树丛中他工作的地方,我们采访了他。between指“在(两者)之间”,多与and连用,其宾语往往是一个有具体数目的人或物,或者是由and连接的两个具体的人或物。He says that he can come between 8:00 and 9:00 on Wednesday

17、.他说他可以在星期三的八点至九点来。 【注意】当between用于三者或三者以上时,强调“两两之间”,侧重指人或物各自独立;而among强调彼此不分离。如:We have too many desks in our class.There is hardly any room to move between them.教室里有太多的课桌,桌与桌之间几乎没有走动的空间了。This village is among the hills.这个村子被群山环绕。【考点抢测】( B )6.(2015石家庄28中三模)What do you often do _ classes to relax yours

18、elf?Listen to music.Aover BbetweenCthrough Din( D )7.(2016河北升学二模)Geography is his favorite _ all the subjects.Ain BfromCbetween Damong consider v注视;仔细考虑【满分点拨】(1)consider作“考虑,细想”讲时,后跟名词、代词、动名词、从句或“疑问词不定式”结构。considerthat从句 认为consider doing sth. 考虑做某事(2)consider作“认为,把看作”讲时,后跟宾语从句或复合宾语。常用词组consideras/be

19、 considered as(被动)意为“认为是/被认为是”。【考点抢测】( C )8.(2015黄石中考)I dont know where to go this summer vacation.Why not _ visiting Huanggang?There are many places of interest there.Asuggest BwonderCconsider Dregard If were only talking about the parts from the Ming Dynasty,its about 8,850 kilometers long.如果我们只谈论

20、明朝部分的话,它大约8 850千米长。 【满分点拨】长/宽/高/深的两种表达方式:(1)若计量表达用作表语,则用“数字量词(复数)形容词(long/wide/high/deep等)”结构。对计量进行提问要用句型:How形容词be主语?The road is about five kilometers long,four meters wide.这条路大约五千米长,四米宽。(2)若计量表达用作前置定语,则用复合形容词,即“数字量词(单数)形容词(long/wide/high/deep等)”来表达。This is a 20meterhigh sculpture.这是一座20米高的雕像。【考点抢测】

21、( C )9.(2015兰州中考)How long is the bridge?Its _A300meter long B300meters longC300 meters long D300 meter long thousands of【原句】For thousands of tourists from China,对于从中国来的成千上万的游客来说,【满分点拨】thousands of意为“成千上万”,表示不确定数目后面接可数名词的复数形式。如:There are thousands of trees on the mountain.山上有成千上万棵树。There are thousand

22、s of people in the park.公园里有成千上万的人。【注意】当thousand前面有具体的数字时,它不能加s,后面也不能加of。如:There are two thousand students in our school.我们学校有两千名学生。【归纳拓展】hundred,thousand,million,billion与数字连用时,均不用复数,其后名词加复数;而它们与of连时,必须用复数,且前面没有表示数量的单词,它表示一不确切的数量。如:There are two thousand students on the playground.操场上有2 000名学生。There

23、 are hundreds of students on the playground.操场上有成百上千的学生。【考点抢测】( C )10.(2016怀化中考改编)During the May Day holiday,_ visitors came to Zhijiang to visit the Memrial Hall of Flying Tigers.Athousand of BthousandsCthousands of Dthousand no longer【原句】We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer u

24、se.我们决定每个人都卖掉我们不再使用的五样东西。【满分点拨】no longernotany longer,意思是“不再”,位于be动词之后,行为动词之前。修饰延续性动词。而notany longer的not则为否定谓语动词,any longer要位于句末。如:She no longer went there.She didnt go there any longer.她不再去那里了。You are no longer young.You are not young any longer.你年纪不轻了。【辨析】no longer和no moreno longerno longernotany

25、longer,表示时间或距离的“不再”延长,通常修饰延续性动词,多指现在的情况与过去相比,故常用于现在时态中。常放在行为动词之前,系动词之后,而在否定句里则放在句末。The picnic basket was no longer under the tree.装有野餐的篮子不再在树下了。You cant stay here any longer.你不能再留在这里了。no moreno morenotany more,表示数量和程度的“不再”增加,通常修饰终止性动词,一般指今后“不再”,故多用于将来时中,在句中的位置与no longer相同。I have no more money to giv

26、e you.我没有更多的钱给你。The baby watched and listened,and she didnt cry any more.那个婴儿看着、听着,不再哭了。【考点抢测】( D )11.(2014邯郸三模)Excuse me,is this Mr. Browns office?Im sorry,but Mr. Brown _ works here.He left about three years ago.Anot now Bno moreCnot still Dno longer Have you decided which book to write about yet?

27、你已决定要写哪本书了吗?Yes,I have.是的,我决定了。【满分点拨】“have/has过去分词”,表示过去动作对现在造成的影响或结果,是现在完成时。His father has gone to the bank already.他的父亲已经去银行了。(不在谈话的地点)辨析already和yet already意为“已经;早已”多用于现在完成时的否定句中,常置于have/has之后。yet意为“(迄今)尚;还”多用于现在完成时的否定句和疑问句中,常置于句末。【考点抢测】( C )12.(2016河北三模)I _ my work yet.I will go and play basketba

28、ll later.Adont finish Bdidnt finishChavent finished Dwont finish Have you ever been to the space museum?你曾去过太空博物馆吗?No,I havent.不,我没有去过。【满分点拨】have gone to/have been to/have been in的辨析have gone to“到某地去了”,人不在说话现场。have been to“曾去过某地”,强调往返的经历,已经回来。have been in“在某地待了多久”,强调过去到现在一直待在某地。【图解助记】have/has been t

29、o与have/has gone to的区别注意:当have/has been to和have/has gone to后跟某些地点副词,如here,there和home等时,介词to要省略。【考点抢测】( A )13.(2015唐山54中模拟)Where is Mr.Wang?He together with his students _ Zhuyuwan Park.Ahas gone to Bhave gone toChas been to Dhave been to( C )14.(2016河北二模)Nancy still wants to go to Hainan though she _ there many times.Agoes Bhas goneChas been Dwill go Me neither.我也没有。【满分点拨】Me neither.意为“我也没有。”是倒装句“Neither/Norbe/助动词/情态动词与前句不同

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