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本文(届河北省定州中学高三高补班上学期第三次月考英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届河北省定州中学高三高补班上学期第三次月考英语试题河北定州中学2016-2017学年第一学期高四第3次月考英语试卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节:(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?A. $18. B. $19. C. $20.2. What will the speakers discus

2、s?A. A report. B. A computer. C. A report on computer.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. A child. B. A room. C. A present.4. What can we learn from this conversation?A. The woman does not get along well with the man. B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate. C. The man will talk

3、 with the womans roommate.5. Where are the two speakers now?A. On the first floor. B. On the fourth floor. C. On the fifth floor. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. What was the

4、 woman doing before she went home?A. Typing a report. B. Rewriting a report. C. Reviewing a report.7. Where did the woman have her dinner?A. In a restaurant. B. In her office. C. At home.听第7段材料,回答8至9小题。8. Why does the man feel surprised?A. The woman has found a new job. B. The woman doesnt feel like

5、 leaving.C. The woman disagrees with him.9. What does the woman say about her department?A. There is a lack of trust. B. There are serious problems. C. There is too much pressure.听第8段材料,回答10至12小题。10. What are the speakers talking about?A. Popular sports events. B. TV programs people like best. C. Th

6、ings people do after work.11. How did the woman do the research?A. She talked to people. B. She sent letters to people. C. She collected information from newspapers.12. What do most people do in their spare time?A. Go to movies. B. Read books. C. Watch TV.听第9段材料,回答13至16小题。13. Where does this convers

7、ation take place?A. At the airport. B. In a restaurant. C. On the street.14. Why does the woman like San Francisco?A. It has less traffic. B. It has the best food and music. C. People there are friendlier.15. Where does the woman come from? A. Pennsylvania. B. San Francisco. C. China.16. What does t

8、he woman think of the mans English?A. Excellent. B. Acceptable. C. Strange.听第10段材料,回答17至20小题。17. How many people are there in the womans family?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.18. What did the children think about having dinner together at home? A. They thought it was funny. B. They disliked the idea at

9、first.C. They preferred eating with friends.19. How often did the family finally decide to have meals together?A. Every Sunday. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.20. Who finally set the time for these family dinners?A. The children. B. The father. C. The woman speaker.二、阅读理解A Chinese couple tri

10、ed to name their baby “”, saying the character best represents their love for the child, according to an official trying to standardize the national language. The unusual name stands out especially in Mandarin, which has no alphabet (字母表) and instead uses tens of thousands of multistroke (多笔画的) char

11、acters to represent words. “The whole world uses it to write emails, and translated into Chinese it means love him,” the father explained, according to the deputy chief of the State Language Commission Li Yuming.While the symbol is familiar to Chinese email users, they often use the English word “at

12、” to sound it out. With a drawnout “t”, this sounds something like “ai ta”, or “love him”, to Mandarin speakers. Li says the name is an extreme example of peoples increasingly adventurous approach to Mandarin, as commercialization and the Internet break down conventions (习俗).Another couple tried to

13、give their child a name that in English sounds like “King Osrina”.Li did not say if officials accepted the “” name. But earlier this year the government announced a ban on names using Arabic numerals (阿拉伯数字) and foreign languages. Sixty million Chinese face the problem that their names use ancient c

14、haracters so uncommon that computers cannot recognize them and even fluent speakers are left scratching their heads, said Li, according to a report on the government website. One of them is the former Premier Zhu Rongji, whose name has a rare “rong” character that gives newspaper editors headaches.2

15、1Why did the Chinese couple try to name their baby “”?A. Because they wanted their baby to have a special name.B. Because they wanted their baby to have an international name.C. Because the symbol is familiar to email users all over the world.D. Because the symbol sounds something like “ai ta”, whic

16、h means “love him” in Chinese.22It can be inferred that _.A. Li Yuming is in favor of the babys nameB. many Chinese people use Arabic numerals in their namesC. a majority of the Chinese people are having longer namesD. there is little possibility for the “” name to be officially accepted23The underl

17、ined part in the passage probably means_.A. even native speakers find it hard to accept these strange namesB. even native speakers cant find these characters in their computersC. even those who are expert at Chinese cant recognize these charactersD. even those who are expert at Chinese find it hard

18、to accept these names24The former Premier Zhu Rongji is mentioned in the passage because _.A. people often mispronounce his nameB. there is an uncommon character in his nameC. he often made newspaper editors annoyed during his term in officeD. he once stressed the importance of standardizing Chinese

19、 characters25The passage is mainly about _.A. how Chinese parents name their babiesB. the importance of standardizing Chinese charactersC. a ban on names using Arabic numerals and foreign languagesD. the problems caused by uncommon characters used in Chinese namesOne evening last summer, when I aske

20、d my 14 year old son, Ray, for help with dinner, his response shocked meWhats a colander(漏勺)? he askedI could only blame myselfIn the family, nobody elses hands went in the sauce except my ownBut that night, as I explained with a touch of panic that a colander is the thing with holes in it, I wonder

21、ed what else I hadnt prepared Ray forAs parents, while we focus on our sons confidence and character, we perhaps dont always consider that we are also raising someones future roommates, boyfriends, husbands, or fathersI wanted to know that Id raised a boy who would never ask the woman in his life, W

22、hats for dinner? So I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics courseI was delighted to find that he didnt say noFor two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mineOne day, as his tomato sauce reduced on the stove, he washed and seasoned a chicken for roastingThen he rolled out

23、 the piecrust (馅饼皮) and filled it with apples, all while listening to my explanation on the importance of preheating an ovenI knew that he would rather have been shooting hoops in the driveway than learning to mend socks with his motherhe tried to beg not to have sewing lessons, even though I insist

24、ed that one day, someone would find the sight of him fixing his own shirt very attractive but it couldnt be denied that he was learning, and more than just housekeepingI appreciate what you do as a mom, he told me one dayRay now understands the finer points of cooking, and more importantly, he reali

25、zes theres nothing masculine (男子气概的) about being helplessNow, not only can he make his own dinner, but also he can make a big meal for his familyThats what I call a manIm glad that I prepared so great a present for my future daughter in-law26Why was the author shocked at her sons response?ABecause h

26、e was not well behavedBBecause he refused to help with dinnerCBecause he didnt know the common kitchen toolsDBecause he was very curious about kitchen tools27In the authors opinion, some parents pay little attention to _Abuilding up childrens confidenceBtelling kids what is right and wrongCpreparing

27、 children for their future lifeDmaking children live a hard life28After learning to do housework, Ray _Afell in love with sewingBdid other work in the houseCbegan to be more hardworkingDacknowledged his mothers efforts29We can infer from the text that Ray _Amade great progress in cookingBalways thou

28、ght housework interestingCpreferred sewing to cookingDwas unwilling to learn cooking at first30What would the author like to convey in the text?AUseful education for boysBThe importance of houseworkCBoys should be involved in houseworkD. Cooking and sewing make boys masculineIn New York City public

29、schools, 176 different languages are spoken among the more than 1 million students. For 160,000 children, English is not their first language. New Yorks Department of Education makes learning better for these students by providing dual-language programs, in which students are taught in two languages

30、, English and another one, like Russian or Chinese. Math, social studies, science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages. And they learn about the culture of the other country.Milady Baez, Deputy Chancellor of English Language Learners and Student Support, says these dual-languag

31、e programs will help children succeed in the future. The jobs of the future require that our students know more than one language. They are going to be traveling abroad; they are going to be communicating with people from all over the world. This will open doors for them.Middle-schoolers might not have jobs on their minds yet. For Kequing Jaing, she likes keeping up her first language, Mandarin.It makes me feel that I am home because I can speak in Chinese, learn in Chinese, while learning in English. So it makes me feel better and makes me understand more about the task Im learning.

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