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中考英语 考题精选复习41 补充句子30例.docx

1、中考英语 考题精选复习41 补充句子30例2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习41 补充句子30例1、根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。【小题1】better, are, feeling, you_?【小题2】people, are, what, they, kind_!【小题3】does, which, in, live, building, Jenny_?【小题4】cost, the money, didnt, dictionary, much, me_.【小题5】lend, Sam, MP5, to, I, yesterday,

2、 my_.答案【小题1】Are you feeling better?【小题2】What kind people they are!【小题3】Which building does Jenny live in? /In which building does Jenny live?【小题4】The dictionary didnt cost me much money.【小题5】I lent my MP5 to Sam yesterday. /Yesterday I lent my MP5 to Sam.86. 2、从方框A-G中选出可以填入对话空白处的最佳答案。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:

3、Grey Water.B: Hello, Grey.【小题1】I was just calling to askwhat time are you arriving tomorrow?A: Well, um, at 3:30.B: 【小题2】A: I arrive at 3:30.B: Ok, 【小题3】A: Well, Im a tall boy with golden hair and sunglasses.B: Oh!【小题4】A: Good idea! See you tomorrow.B:【小题5】A: Let me see.B: Maybe I should wear a T-sh

4、irt with your name on it.C. Ill come to the airport to meet you.D. See you.E. Have you decided your plan?F: This is Kenji from the office in Tokyo.G: Pardon?8 b/ J9 f1 j0 R! O答案【小题1】 F【小题2】 G【小题3】 C【小题4】 B【小题5】 D3、请根据下面各题的汉语意思,用英语完成句子,词数不限。【小题1】在电脑的帮助下,我们很快就完成了工作。_ computers, we finished the work fa

5、st. 【小题2】事实上,莫妮卡昨晚不在家。_, Monica was not at home last night.【小题3】尽量不要逐字翻译。_ translate every word.【小题4】你以前游览过香港吗? _ Hong Kong before?【小题5】在农村,许多贫困的小孩不得不退学。In the countryside, many poor children have to _.答案【小题1】With the help of【小题2】In fact【小题3】 Try not to 【小题4】 Have you visited 【小题5】drop out of school

6、4、完成句子,每空一词。(10分)【小题1】请把这些书带给你的朋友。Please these books your friend.【小题2】你早餐吃什么呢?do you have breakfast?【小题3】他需要一些学习用品。Hesome school.【小题4】吉姆每天吃许多健康食物。Jimlots offood every day.【小题5】请拨打电话659-8943找托尼。Please Tony659-8943.答案5、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。(10分)1. Please get up _ (quick), or youll be late for school

7、. 2. We did not enjoy it at the _ (begin). 3. _ (luck), he didnt hurt badly. 4. Thanks for _ (keep) our secret5.She wanted to be on the side of the _ (win).6. If you want to learn how to drive a car, you can have _ (drive) lessons. 7. I know something about the film. Can you tell me _ (much)? 8. Eng

8、lish is a very _ (use) language in the world today. 9. Our school is a _ (mix) one. 10. Do you agree _(wash) clothes yourself ?答案1. quickly 2. beginning 3. Luckily 4. keeping 5. winners6.driving 7.more 8. useful 9. mixed 10. to wash6、根据下列句子的意思及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。(10分)【小题1】Science is one

9、 of my favorite s_. How about you?【小题2】Could you give us some a_ on how to learn English well? -Id be glad to.【小题3】Doctors w_ us to wash our hands before meals to keep diseases away. 【小题4】The more we get together, the _ (快乐) we will be.【小题5】So far, weve _ (成功) in saving thousands of people in danger

10、.答案【小题1】subjects【小题2】advice【小题3】warn【小题4】happier【小题5】succeeded7、Please _ the radio, the baby is sleeping.Sorry. Ill do it right away.A. turn on B. turn down C. turn up答案B8、A: Hello! Im a reporter. 【小题1】_?B: Sure.A: Do you like watching movies?B: Yes, I do.A: 【小题2】_?B: I go to the cinema once a week.

11、A: 【小题3】_?B: Well, I think Oscar is the best cinema in town because it has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.A: 【小题4】_?B: I love comedies . They are interesting and relaxing.A: By the way, 【小题5】_?B:I went to Sanya on vacation last year. And I had a great time there.答案【小题1】May/Can I

12、ask you some questions?【小题2】How often do you go to the cinema?【小题3】Whats the best cinema in town?【小题4】What do you think of comedies?/How do you like comedies?【小题5】Where did you go on vacation last year?9、动词填空(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分)【小题1】Millie, _ (not talk) in the reading room!【小题2】What about_ (eat) at home

13、? Its raining.【小题3】Everyone in our class _ (enjoy) singing.【小题4】Now we dont have much time_ (chat) on the Internet.【小题5】What would you like_ (buy) before Christmas Day?【小题6】Mary _ (not be) a nurse any more. She will find a new job.【小题7】_Mike sometimes _ (fly) kites in the park?【小题8】Its time _ (get)

14、up. Its 7.00a.m. now.【小题9】Most children have fun _(play) games on June 1st.【小题10】In the restaurant, there _(be) always a lot of nice food for us to eat.答案【小题1】dont talk【小题2】eating【小题3】enjoys【小题4】to chat【小题5】to buy【小题6】isnt【小题7】Does/fly【小题8】to get【小题9】playing【小题10】i10、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。【小题1】Our sch

15、ool is (real) beautiful. We like it very much.【小题2】Listening to music and singing are his. (hobby)【小题3】Now, lets (meet) my new classmates.【小题4】This is not my sweater. Its(her).【小题5】-What about( go ) swimming together with us? -Id like to.答案【小题1】really【小题2】hobbies【小题3】meet【小题4】hers【小题5】going11、从方框中选出

16、最佳选项完成下面的对话。A:Do you have a new friend?B:【小题1】A:【小题2】B:Her name is Maria.A:How old is she?B:【小题3】A:Does she have big eyes?B:【小题4】A:【小题5】B:Its brown.答案【小题1】E【小题2】D【小题3】A【小题4】B【小题5】C12、根据图示和所给的提供词,完成下面的对话。【小题1】Cindy, whats this?_. (photo)【小题2】Bob, is the man (男人) your father?_. (uncle)【小题3】Jack, _? (t

17、hose)No, they are Mikes.【小题4】Alice, _? (his)Yes, it is.【小题5】_? (who)She is my cousin.答案【小题1】Its a photo of my family / Its my family photo / Its a (family) photo【小题2】No, he isnt. Hes my uncle.【小题3】are those your keys? / are those keys yours?【小题4】is this his watch? /is this watch his?【小题5】Whos this g

18、irl? / Whos she?13、用单词的适当形式填空(5分)【小题1】The (photo) are very good.【小题2】That is (she) mother.【小题3】Who (be) these girls?【小题4】(his) is my brother.【小题5】(that)are his parents.答案【小题1】photos【小题2】her【小题3】are【小题4】he【小题5】Those14、根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。【小题1】Are there any (特色菜) in your restaurant?【小题2

19、】Dont be (害怕) of him. Hes very kind.【小题3】She often (放松) herself on weekends.【小题4】Tina wants to go to the (电影院) this evening.【小题5】Look! The monkeys are (爬) the trees.答案【小题1】specials【小题2】afraid【小题3】relaxes【小题4】cinema【小题5】climbing15、W: Tomorrow is Sunday. What shall we do, dear?M: 【小题1】_?W: The park? A

20、re you still interested in the park?M: 【小题2】_.W: That sounds good. I love to go hiking, too.M:【小题3】_.W: What should we prepare?M: Bring some food and drinks, and dont forget your cellphone.W:【小题4】_.M: Really? Whats wrong with it?W: Dont you remember? 0ur son dropped it into the water and it hasnt wo

21、rked ever since.M : All right. 【小题5】_?W: Your old one? No, I want a new one. Tomorrow, lets go to the cellphone shop first!答案【小题1】Lets go to the park.【小题2】Yes, we can go hiking.【小题3】So do I.【小题4】I have no cellphone now.【小题5】Is my old one OK?16、【小题1】她长大后要当一名护士。She is going to be a nurse when she .【小题

22、2】长城是中国的象征。The Great Wall is of China.【小题3】昨天妈妈给我买了一个新玩具。My mother a new toy me yesterday.【小题4】汤姆很想和你交朋友。Tom wants to with you very much.【小题5】这是他第一次参加跳高。Its his first time the high jump.答案【小题1】grows up【小题2】a/the symbol【小题3】bought for【小题4】make friends【小题5】to be in/join in/take part i17、【小题1】pen, is,

23、colour, what, the(?)_【小题2】you, how, do, it, spell(?)_【小题3】favourite, is, your, what, sport(?)_【小题4】please, write, on, it, the, blackboard(.)_【小题5】up, your, put, hand(.)_答案【小题1】What colour is the pen?【小题2】How do you spell it?【小题3】Whats your favourite sport?【小题4】Write it on the blackboard, please.【小题5

24、】Put up your hand.18、【小题1】让我看一看。Let me _.【小题2】-长发女孩是谁?-我姐姐。-Who is the woman _ _?- She is my sister.【小题3】是上课的时候了。_ class.【小题4】 请在书上写下你们的名字。Please _ your names in the books.【小题5】 我们班上有一张中国地图There is _in our class.答案【小题1】have a look【小题2】with long hair【小题3】It is time for【小题4】write down【小题5】a map of China19、【小题1】现在该走了。Its _ _ _ now.【小题2】她是这儿的新老师。She is a _ _ here.【小题3】请举起你的手。_ _ your _, please.【小题4】 你能拼写一下你的名字吗?_ _ _ your name, please?【小题5】Mike,请打开你的书。Mike, _ _ _

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