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1、高考英语词汇综合检测07教师版2013届高考英语词汇综合检测07(教师版)1.Drunk driving used to occur_ in our city, but now such cases are rare.A. practically B. generally C. frequently D. gradually2.Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He certainly _ that honor, for his works are so popular. A. reserves B. deserves C.

2、observes D. respects3.He became the _of criticism by the readers for his newly-published book. A. target B. theme C. fortune D. figure【考点定位】名词【解析】句意 :由于新出版的书,他成了读者批评的目标。 target目标,对象;theme 主题,题目;fortune运气,命运;figure数字;算术。【答案】A4.The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad on the e

3、mployer. A. impression B. expression C. experience D. appearance【考点定位】名词【解析】句意:那个年轻人在面试中行为古怪,给雇主留下了不好的印象。impression 印象;expression表情;experience经验;appearance外观,外貌。【答案】A5.Some miners were trapped when the local mine was flooded, but luckily, 400 kilograms of milk to them during the rescue.A. got throug

4、h B. brought down C. gave away D. gave out6.To be mentally healthy,you need to good relationships with each other. A. hold up B. put up C. take up D. build up7.Off the east, the sky looked pale enough to the storm was coming quickly. A. suggest B. report C. prove D. explain【考点定位】动词【解析】句意:东方灰蒙蒙的天空暗示着

5、暴风雨即将来临。suggest暗示,这儿不表示“建议”;report报告;prove证明;explain解释。【答案】A8.Jay Chou songs are very to young people,who like their content and style. A. popular B. familiar C. similar D. particular【考点定位】【解析】句意:周杰伦的歌,由于他的内容和风格受到年轻人的喜爱。be popular with“受到欢迎,喜爱”;be similar to“和类似”。【答案】B9.The new airport is built clos

6、e to the freeway, which is by Bus No.2 or 18.A. accessible B. available C. alternative D. adaptable 10.Dangerous as they are, extreme sports never fail to many fans.A. contribute to B. appeal to C. turn to D. refer to【考点定位】动词词组【解析】句意:尽管极限运动很危险,但还是吸引了不少爱好者。appeal to对有吸引力;contribute to促成,导致; turn to 转

7、向,求助于;refer to指的是,参考。【答案】B。 11.I dont understand how you should spend so much money in only one month. Please _ each sum of the money you spent to me. A. make out B. account for C. describe D. record12.All these documents must be _ the university you are applying for before December, 31.A. subscribe

8、d to B. sent in C. submitted to D. handed in【考点定位】动词词【解析】句意:所有这些文件十二月十二号前必须呈交给你所申请的大学。submit to 呈交。句意:subscribe to预订,同意,订阅; send in 送进; hand in 交上。【答案】C13.China needs to strike a balance between maintaining a _ fast and stable development and economic structural adjustment. A. environmentally B. see

9、mingly C. approximately D. relatively 14. Do you know why Michael resigned from the board? He held out for higher wages, but was _ in the end. A. put down B. broke down C. cut down D. turned down【考点定位】动词词组【解析】句意:“你知道迈克尔为什么会从董事会辞职吗?”“他提出要增加薪水,但最终遭到拒绝。” turn down调小,拒绝; put down镇压,记下;break down打破,打断,出故

10、障,坏了;cut down削减,砍倒。【答案】D15.We need a (n) _ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder.A. considerable B. cautious C. dynamic D. conventional 16.The government work report by Premier Wen conveys a variety of issues, and social justice _. A. in common B. in general C. in particular

11、 D. in practice17.The girl cycled round the comer so quickly that she lost her _, fell off and hurt her legs seriously.A. patience B. control C. balance D. Touch【考点定位】名词【解析】句意:那个女孩在拐角处骑车骑得太快,结果失去了平衡从车子上摔了下来。patience耐心;control控制,be out of control失去控制;平衡;touch触摸,碰;触觉,触感。【答案】C18.Since Tom is absent tod

12、ay, lets get someone else to _ the work where it was left off yesterday.A. take in B. take down C. take up D. take off19.The police are trying to find out the _ of the woman killed in the traffic accident. A. evidence B. recognition C. identity D. status【考点定位】名词【解析】句意:警方正在努力查明那个在交通事故中死亡的妇女的身份。identi

13、ty身份;evidence证明, 证据;recognition认出,承认; status地位,职位。【答案】C 20.The lack of ecofriendly habits among the public is thought to be a major _of global climate change.A. result B. cause C. warning D. reflection【考点定位】名词【解析】句意:公众环保习惯的缺失被认为是全球变暖的一个主要原因。cause原因;result 结果;warning 警告;reflection反射,回响。【答案】B21.The vo

14、yages of travelers before the 17th century show that they were not _ the sea even though they didnt have modern navigational aids.A. at the expense of B. at the risk of C. in the way of D. at the mercy of 22.In order to be a strong and effective partner with the Asia Pacific region, American preside

15、nt Obama thinks itabsolutely to have a strong relationship with China. A. specific B. potential C. vital D. awkward【考点定位】形容词【解析】句意:为了成为太平洋地区强有力的伙伴,美国总统奥巴马认为和中国保持稳固的关系是至关重要的。此处vital 生死攸关的,至关重要的;specific特殊的; potential有潜力的;awkward笨拙的,令人尴尬的。【答案】A23.When dealing with students, teachers are supposed to ad

16、opt _ and caring approaches, as they are unique young individuals of different personalities. A. abstract B. efficient C. flexible D. effective24.Students should what they learn in class to practice. A. memorize B. adapt C. adjust D. apply25.Our milk powder is especially suitable for children under

17、6, as it helps a lot to build the bodys natural _.A. reservation B. defence C. variety D. heritage26. In order not to get disturbed,I spent three hours locked in my study,_ the next days interview. A. in search of B. in preparation for C. in exchange for D. in answer to27.The film she starred in tur

18、ned out to be a great success which showed her career as an actress _.A. came about B. took off C. broke down D. ran out【考点定位】动词词组【解析】句意:她主演的电影非常成功,那表明她作为一个女演员的职业生涯开始走红。take off事业上的腾飞,突然开始成功,开始走红;come about发生; break down 出故障;run out用完。【答案】B28. Practicing Chinese wushu not only builds up ones body bu

19、t benefits his character training. Its nice to have the two . A. combined B. connected C. linked D. joined29.Since the schedule is tight, why dont you ask for help _ trying to do it on your own?A. apart from B. far from C. rather than D. other than【考点定位】连词词组【解析】句意:既然时间紧,你干嘛非得自己干而不请人帮忙呢?apart from除了;

20、far from远非;rather than而不是;other than除了。【答案】C30.Taijiquan is my favorite sport. There is _ like Taijiquan that can help me keep inner peace. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything31.It is hard for a person to _ the same in modern times which change at such a rapid pace.A. remain B. last C.

21、 become D. get【考点定位】动词【解析】句意:在变化如此之快的现代社会,一个人要保持不变是很困难的。remain保持;last延续;become和get都有“变得,变为”的意思。【答案】A32.I hadnt seen him for twenty-five years. _, I recognized him immediately when I saw him.A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Still【考点定位】副词【解析】句意:我已经有25年没有见到他了。然而,一见到他我还是马上就认出他来了。still然而,虽然如此;besi

22、des此外;otherwise否则;therefore因此;【答案】D33.We had intended to go for a picnic, but _ watching TV at home because of bad weather. A. turned out B. ended up C. put off D. gave up34.Is it true that shes leaving the company? Not _ my knowledge. A. of B. by C. in D. to 【考点定位】介词【解析】句意:“她就要离开那家公司,是真的吗?”“据我所知事实并

23、非如此。”Not to ones knowledge据某人所知事实并非如此。【答案】D35.Can you _ what youre doing and help me with this report? A. lift B. turn C. drag D. drop 36.We planned to meet at 7: 30 at the gate, but she never _. A. came up B. turned up C. held up D. picked up【考点定位】动词【解析】句意:我们计划在7点半在门口碰面,但她根本没露面。turn up出现,露面;come up

24、走近,发生; hold up阻挡,举起;pick up捡起,获得。【答案】B37.Will you let me in? I left my card in the dorm. _ I would say no, but this time Ill make an exception.A. Actually B. Thankfully C. Normally D. Particularly38.Do I need to _ for the party? Dont bother. Its only an informal party. Come as you are.A. turn up B.

25、keep up C. give up D. dress up39.He is a talented high school athlete who has _ the interest from several famous colleges. A. drawn B. taken C. expressed D. shown【考点定位】动词【解析】句意:他是个很有天赋的中学生运动员,已经引起了好几所著名高校的兴趣。draw在句中意为“引起,吸引”。【答案】A40.Faced with the severe employment situation, many graduates are _goi

26、ng to work in the rural area. A. considering B. supposing C. imagining D. minding41.We had a hard time the last time we went camping, because the fire _during the freezing night. A. went out B. went over C. went on D. went through【考点定位】动词词组【解析】句意:上次我们野营的时候过得很艰难,因为在寒夜里火熄灭了。go out外出;熄灭;go over复习;检查;go

27、 on继续;go through经历,遭受。【答案】A42.Qian Xuesen deserved the award his great contributions to our space industry.A. in need of B. in terms of C. in place of D. in face of 43. I like the film The Sound of Music very much. It me of my care-free childhood.A. reminds B. informs C. memorizes D. mentions44.Old

28、batteries cant be thrown away because they pollute the environment.A. casually B. purposely C. accidentally D. immediately【考点定位】副词【解析】句意:不要把废旧电池随意乱丢,因为会污染环境。casually随意地;purposely故意地;accidentally偶然地;immediately立即。【答案】A45. golf added to the 2016 Olympic Games, it might become more and more popular. A.

29、 As B. For C. With D. Because46.Beijing Opera can be very enjoyable, but can be appreciated if you dont like it.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything【考点定位】不定代词【解析】句意:京剧很有趣,但是如果你不喜欢的话就不会欣赏到任何东西。【答案】A47. Didnt it you that you would take first place in the contest?A. happen to B. lead to C. stick to D. occur to48.The CCTV program an Avenue of Stars gives ordinary people a platform to their talents. A. display B. play C. lay D. discover49. No one got injured or killed in the fire last night. What a !A. pity B. shame C. surprise D. relief

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