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仁爱初中英语七年级上册《Unit 1Topic 3 How old are youD》精品教案.docx

1、仁爱初中英语七年级上册Unit 1Topic 3 How old are youD精品教案Unit 1 Making New FriendsTopic 3 How old are you?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题以How old are you? 为指引,在前两个话题的基础上引入新内容的学习,包括询问年龄、年级、班级等个人基本情况的表达以及辨认物体、单词单复数、基数词1120以及文具类词汇等的学习。主要句型和语法:How old are you? What class/grade are you in? Whats this/that in English? How do you s

2、pell it? What are these/those? Are those/these.?等。本话题还设计了音标的专项学习,即元音字母i和辅音字母的读音规则,帮助学生逐步形成拼读和拼写的能力,为他们的自主学习打下良好的基础。本话题建议用5课时完成:第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3第二课时:Section B-1a, 1b, 1c Section A-4a, 4b第三课时:Section B-2a, 2b, 3 Section C-3a, 3b第四课时:Section C-1a, 1b, 2第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functio

3、ns, 1, 2, Project第四课时 (Section C-1a, 1b, 2 )教学设计思路:本课时继续学习询问和辨认多个物体的功能句、学习可数名词单复数的变化。本课时从师生对话复习辨认物体的表达法即Whats this/that in English? How do you spell it? Can you spell it, please? 入手,在对话中借助图片和音标学习本课新单词book, egg, car, orange及功能句What are these/those? They are Are these? Yes, they are. /No they arent. 解

4、决所有生词和功能句之后通过完成任务的形式完成相关学习内容。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学会用What are these/those? They are Are these? Yes, they are. /No they arent. 询问、辨认物体。(2) 学习新单词book, egg, car, orange,ruler,car, box 等。 (3) 学习可数名词单复数。2. Skill aims:(1)能够听懂有关询问、辨认多个物体的简单对话。(2)能够就询问、辨认多个物体的话题进行简单的交流。(3)能用英文写出所学实物以及辨认物体的简单

5、句。3. Emotional aims:鼓励学生形成积极大胆善于观察和总结的良好学习习惯。4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Words and expressions : book, egg, car, orange, ruler, car, box(2)Sentences: What are these/those?They are Are these? Yes, they are. /No they arent.(3) 区分可数名词单复数形式的表达法。2. Difficul

6、t points: 可数名词单复数形式及用法。. Learning strategies1. 借助图片和音标记忆单词。2. 在阅读过程中善于根据图片推测大意。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体/小黑板/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1(8mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1.(Class activity)Greet, review and check the homework.T: Good morn

7、ing, boys and girls!T: Whats this in my hand? Can you guess?T: No, it isnt. Please try it again!T: Clever. How do you spell it?T: Yesterday I asked you to make a conversation like this. Who can share your homework with us? You can invite a partner.T: Your tone is very good. Another group, please?Gre

8、et, review and check the homework.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li!Ss: Is that a pen?Ss: Is that a toy? Ss: T-O-Y, toy.Group1:S1: Whats that in English?S2: Is that a pen?S1: No, it isnt.S2: Is that a toy?S1: Yes, It is.Group2通过师生问候、对话进行复习。2.(Class activity)Show the new words, pictures and phonetics on the

9、screen.T: Whats this in English?T: Yes, it is an egg. Whats this in English?T: book /bk/. Whats this in English?T: Yes, well down. Whats this?T: /ru:l/T: Whats this?T: /rnd/T: Please read these words in groups. If you cant you can ask others for help.T: Now look at these pictures and answer my quest

10、ion. Whats this in English?T: Whats this in English?TTry to read and learn new words.Ss: /e/ /g/Ss: /b/ /k/Ss: /ka:/Ss: ruler.Ss: /ru:l/Ss: orange.Ss: /rnd/Ss: It is an egg.Ss: It is an orange.Ss:.根据图片、音标自己拼写单词,学生能够更好地掌握新词。Remark:老师鼓励学生大胆尝试,自己拼读单词,对于拼错的同学鼓励其多拼读。Stage 2(10mins): Pre - readingStepTeac

11、her activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1.(Class activity)Show some eggs, cars, oranges, rulers, books on the screen.T: Whats this in English? T: Yes, it is a book. Look at here. They areT: How many?T: Good, Picture 2.T: Picture 3.T: Picture 4.T: Picture 5.T: Great. But please remember: boxes

12、we should add es. Whats this in English?T: What are these?T: They are eggs. What are these?T: What are those?T: What are those?T: Ask and answer in pairs with the words on the screen.T: Which pair would like to act out your dialog?T: Perfect! Another pair?Look at these objects and learn the plural f

13、orm of nouns.Ss: It is a book.Ss: Books.Ss: Five books.Ss: Three oranges.Ss: Eight eggs.Ss: Four rulers.Ss: Two boxes.Ss: Its an egg.Ss: They are eggs.Ss: They are cars.Ss: They are toys.Ss: They are oranges.Group1:S1: What are these?S2: They are rulers.S1: What are those?S2: They are books.Group 2:

14、通过图片的形式巩固所学新词复习可数名词的单复数。在对话过程中学习新句型What are these/ those? They are2.(Group work)Guide students to finish 2.T: Look at 2 and fill in the blanks. Then well check answers together.T: Have you finished it?Finish 2.Ss: two, four, three, five, six, seven通过上一步对可数名词单复数的引入及练习,及时完成2以巩固所学内容。3.(Class activity)P

15、lay a game to practice more.T: Boys and girls, lets play a game.T: Look at the screen, here are some pictures with words like rulers, toys, books. I will cover the picture and words. You choose one picture and guess what the picture is.T: Picture 1. What are these?T: Oh, no. Guess again. You can say

16、: Are they? E.g. Are they books?T: Lets have a look. Yes, they are.T: Picture 2. Guess, please!T: Look at picture 3. Are those oranges?T: Picture 4.T: Yes, they are. Practice in pairs and then perform it.T: Are you ready? Which group would like to be the first?T: Good job. Group2, please.T: Now I be

17、lieve most of you know how to ask objects. I give you 2 minuets to practice and check in groups. Make sure everyone of you can master them.Join in the game and practice more.Ss: Wow.Ss: OK.Ss: They are books.Ss: Are they toys?Ss: Are they rulers?Ss: Yes, they are.Ss: Are those eggs?Group1: S1: Are t

18、hey boxes?S2: No, they arent. Are they cars?S1: Yes, they are.Group2:S1: Are those oranges?S2: Yes, they are.Ss: 通过猜物体的游戏学习新句型Are they/these/those? Yes, they are. No, they arent.Remark:老师在学生自主学习的时候多给予指导。Stage 3(8mins): While - reading StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1. ( Indiv

19、idual work)Show the pictures in 1a and finish 1a.T: Look at Picture 1. Can you guess what Michael and Miss Wang are talking about?T: Wow, different answers. Maybe you are right. Picture 2.T: Sounds good. Picture 3.T: Picture 4.T: Now lets read 1a and check your answers.T: Read 1a again carefully and

20、 number the pictures. Then well check the answer together.T: Have you got the answer?Guess and predict the pictures.Ss: What are they?Ss: Are they?Ss: What are these?Ss: Are these?Ss: They areSs: What are those?Ss: Are those?Ss:Ss: 2,1,4,3通过预测活动培养学生的预测能力也让阅读的过程变得更加有趣。2.(Group work)Get students to pr

21、actice and act out the conversation in pairs.T: Now please practice the conversation in pairs. You can choose 1, 2, 3 0r 4 pictures. But dont look at your books when you are performing.T: Time is up. Would you like to show your conversation to us?T: Good. You chose picture 1. Go on, please!T: You ch

22、ose 2 pictures. Nice. Another group, please!Practice and act out the conversation in pairs.Ss: Group1:S1: Are these English books?S2: No, they are maps.Group2:S1: Hi! Miss Wang! What are these? S2: They are books.S1: Are they English books?S2: Yes, they are.S1: Are these English books?S2: No, they a

23、re maps.Ss:通过排序并表演对话完成1a.Remark:阅读课中,要注意培养学生的阅读策略,比如通过看图片预测阅读内容的方式。Stage4(10mins): Post - reading StepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose(Group work)Guide students to finish 1b.T: Fill in the blanks in 1b by yourselves and practice the conversation in pairs. Then I will invite some o

24、f you to check the answersT: Are you ready?T: You set a good example. Picture 2?T: Your answers are good. I hope you can use your body language more like Group1.T: Perfect. Go on, please!T: Great.Finish 1b.Group1:S1: What are these?S2: They are cars.S1: Thank you.S2: Thats OK.Group2:S1: Are those eg

25、gs?S2: Yes, they are.S1: Thank you.S2: You are welcome.Group3:S1: What are these?S2: They are books.S1: Thanks.S2: You are welcome.Group4:S1: Are those oranges?S2: No, they arent.S1: What are they?S2: They are apples.S1: Thanks.S2: Thats OK.完成1b,并与同伴练习。 Remark:操练过程中尽量让每个同学都有展示的机会。Stage 5(4mins): Sum

26、marizing and assigning homeworkStepTeacher activity Student activity Designing purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T:Class will be over soon. Lets summarize the key points together now. T: Sounds great! I hope you will remember them. Summarize the key points.Ss: a bo

27、ok two booksa ruler four rulersan eraser three erasersan orange five orangesa bus six busesa box seven boxesWhat are these/those? They are Are these? Yes, they are. No they arent.归纳总结本课的知识点。2 (Class activity)Assign HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to 1. Preview section D.2. Think about what you le

28、arned.3.Write a conversation on your exercise book. You can use the structures in 2.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:强调在做家庭作业时,别忘了口头作业。VI . Blackboard designUnit 1 Making New FriendsTopic 3 How old are you?第四课时 (Section C-1a, 1b, 2)a ruler four rulersan eraser three erasersan orange five orangesa bus six busesa box seven boxes Group1:What are these/those?They are Are these? Yes, they are. No they arent. Group2: Group3: Group4: Group5:

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